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52-Year-Old Woman Feeling Guilty and Unfulfilled: How Do I Find Joy and Move On?


Anu Krishna  | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 05, 2025

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jan 26, 2025Hindi

Hello. I am a 52 year old woman who is neither divorced not single. I am independent financially. My husband is 14 yrs my senior, has become a social worker volunteer. He lives separately, visits me from time to time. My son lives outside the state, visits from time to time. Despite being independent, something is holding me back to enjoy my life to the fullest. I feel guilty, sometimes rejected and unloved. I never seem to do things that are in my bucket list. How do I manage accept things and move on? I am an introvert.

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Go, travel, see the world! You have that luxury with no one back home to stop you...explore the world and you will find yourself...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 06, 2020

Dear Anu,I am 41 years old doing my own business since 14 years. I live with my parents and i am married. Blessed with two children. I am the sole bread winner. They all luv me very much. These days (year 2020) I feel stressed and lonely, bcos of financial problem in running my house and fulfilling my EMI and other loan commitments. My family knows my financial adjustments and commitments. I feel myself like a machine working non-stop to keep my family happy and fullfil their desires. I don’t feel happy going home after my work for the day. I feel like I don’t understand them or they don't understand me. I know they luv me so much and me too. I feel let down but actually they support me in all the way they can. What should I do?
Ans: Dear AK, sadly, most of our lives are lived doing things for others.

Initially seeing the happiness on the faces of our loved ones makes us believe that what we are doing is the right thing.

But if you work or so anything in life without taking into consideration your feelings or your what you value for yourself, it will slowly start to seep into your core and you either end up feeling stressed or anxious.

I do understand that your situation is one of financial challenges, you mist work and why not work and at least set sometime for yourself over the weekend to rejuvenate yourself?

This time is non-negotiable and it is to refresh yourself so you can go back on Monday with a newness.

Also, instead of working like a machine, why not think that you are working efficiently to slowly pay off EMIs and to be free of them.

Bring some harmony between work and life which is what I can offer as a suggestion to you.

Be happy and work not out of compulsion but passion!

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Anu Krishna  | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 17, 2022

 Hi Anu, I am a 38 YO woman. Personal issues - None. A loving and doting husband and a 4 yo lovely daughter comprises my immediate family. Relations with parents and in-laws are also smooth.Professional issues - Too many. I never imagined myself to be where I currently am. I have never had a stable career nor a very good salary. I have had a good education but have not been able to make a professional mark for myself. I was ambitious and confident but now feel that everything is too overwhelming for me to achieve. I had dreams but probably never the conviction. For a long time I kept blaming the family for ruining my career but somewhere deep within I know that I responsible for whatever has happened in my life. Today when I decide to do only what I wish to do or pursue, I find myself at a loss on account of lack of confidence to achieve it. Others around me seem to be more confident of my abilities and intelligence than me. I also feel that it is too late now and instead of myself, I should focus on making my daughter's life but somewhere I am still unsettled. I want to have a good, stable and a well earning career, even if it is for the next 10 or 15 years of my life. I have no personal complaints but professionally, I do not want to die without having the satisfaction of having lived a good professional life as well. It matters a lot to me, not for anyone's sake but my own.I am working right now but that is not my future. I have been able to manage jobs at different points of time in different industries but never a career. I haven't lost hope but I simply know that my life isn't right.

Dear SS,

Firstly, ask yourself:

1. What will a job/career bring to me?

2. What is it that I feel a lack of when I am devoted into my personal life?

3. Am I trying to search for an identity through a career?

These questions will give you a clear picture of what is going on in your mind.

Most often, we crave something and declare the path but don’t realize that we are actually embarking on the wrong journey; it’s also possible what we are searching for already exists with us, but we are not able to see it or feel it.

For example: If you are searching for your identity that already is with you and you have told yourself that only a job/career could give that to you, it may so happen that every job that you are in will stress you to create an identity which you already have. You are on the cusp of changes as your children are growing…

Sit down with a pen and paper and clearly outline what you want to create in your life and WHY!

When this is clear, you will be able to take the first confident step and you will do it for yourself and not prove anything to anyone. It becomes only about your space and how you can make it beautiful.

2022 brings in a lot of hope for everyone and you as well. Chin up and plunge into a confident self and get ahead. All the best!

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |4324 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 17, 2024Hindi
I am 35 years old woman. I am shy and introvert. I don't know if I earlier was the same. I have done my masters in English literature with just 47 percent marks. That led me to do another masters in public administration where I secured 55 percent marks. After several attempts I was able to qualify for UGC NET exam. Earlier also I have given multiple govt. exams, cleared prelims round but was unable to go to the final cut. I have done my graduation in Journalism in 2010.I joined as a content writer for a company but a coworker dominated me and I left the jib in just one week. I feel that I have no skills. I am afraid to talk ti anyone. I have fear of interviews. How to deal with that? How to get a job, how can I be financially independent? I feel so left out, all ny friends have reached superior positions and here I am stuck.
Ans: Madam, Apologize for late reply. You have NOT mentioned, since 2010 till date, what you had been doing & about family background? Did you work any where or were doing any part-time jobs? Anyway, please note, (1) 'Office Politics' is everywhere, even in Top-Corporate-MNC Companies also. How to handle 'Office Politics' depends upon (a) how you perceive others and others perceive you (b) your skills and knowledge (c) your self-confidence (d) office hierarchy / organizational flow (d) your relationship with peers / superiors, related to your job profile (2) Have self-confidence / self-esteem over you and avoid comparing yourself with your friends (3) Now think over which all fields you are interested in. (4) As age is a major factor & keeping in view your educational qualifications / attempts in Govt Exams, you can opt for 'Teaching' at home for the school-children around your home for the subjects you are confident such as English, Social Science & Language. (5) Try this to keep yourself engaged with school children and to get a mental relief from your (some assumed) psychological problems. (6) There is always a demand for Home Tutors. Charge reasonable fees and have patience to become popular in your locality (7) You have to come out of your 'Introvert' personality and talk to your reliable and affectionate friends / relatives. This will further reduce your psychological problem (8) You can even apply to schools for 'Teaching Positions' even if the salary is low initially for the subjects like English, Social Science, depending upon the Grade. If you have any other question(s) related to your career / options, please ask me here in RediffGURU. All The BEST Madam. God Bless You.

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