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Anu Krishna  |880 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 21, 2023

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Aug 19, 2023Hindi

I'm 68 and my wife is 62, I had heart bypass surgery 9 years ago and she underwent Angioplasty 2 years ago, I had a fling with a foreigner around 4 years ago and we went out twice for a few days and I got caught since she has the habit of peeping into my mobile and copied my conversation and pics and she keeps nagging me for that episode, though it was four years ago and since then we haven't met but her nagging and abuses in front of friends and relatives and family hasn't stopped, whenever I want to have sex, I literally have to beg and listen to her taunts and abuses and that puts me off, I have asked for forgiveness and said sorry more than a thousand times but in vain, she still keeps on taunting and abusing me whenever she's in bad mood and forwards me my pics and messages and makes an issue of it. How to solve this is a mystery.

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Hurt is hurt and healing from that hurt is difficult as there has been a break in trust.
A mere 'sorry' will not suffice as your wife's taunts reflect her deep hurt. You seriously have to earn her trust all over again...
- Doing things for her that you have not done before
- Offering to help even if she does not ask for it
AND then the game changer:
- Listening to her express her hurt (taunts) and say: I am sorry! I know that you feel hurt by what I did and I want to make it up to you. What do you feel I can do more for you begin to trust me again? (expressing it this way only tells her that you care enough to want to work towards rebuilding the relationship).

If it doesn't work the first time, then try again...This may feel very silly to do, but well, it works like magic! A lot of patience is necessary when you are attempting to rebuild a relationship and YES, don't leave any stone unturned.

All the best!

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Love Guru

Love Guru   |187 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert - Answered on May 13, 2022

Dear Love Guru, Please keep me anonymous. I am a 45 years old married male. Ours was an arranged marriage. My spouse as well as my in-laws have cynical attitude towards life. They are always abusive towards everyone at their back even. Earlier, I used to take it lightly and also tried to make my wife understand that there are good people also in the world. I also used to think that she may not be having the same attitude at least towards me but I was wrong. I always did my best whenever she was in trouble or otherwise, be it in her social, professional or medical needs but instead of acknowledging she always found some ulterior motive of mine. She acts sweet whenever she wants anything or to get things done from me otherwise she becomes abusive. Moreover, since beginning she discusses everything over phone with her mother and acts as per her guidance. I don't think that anything whatever happens in between us be it good or bad or in our house is not known to her mother. Whenever we have any quarrel she immediately calls her mother and tells her only her side of the things and uses abusive words for me. I have even requested her that even if she feels like calling her mother to lighten up, she may do it, but at least in privacy so that I should not hear the words she uses. But, now after 14 years I am getting fed up and don't feel like being with her. I am continuing because of my daughter as separation may affect the child. We no longer share any emotional or physical intimacy. I am exhausted. Please advise.  Regards, Anonymous

Sounds like you’re tired of the marriage.

I would suggest attending some marital counselling together before you decide to finalise a split, if only for the sake of your daughter.

I understand that the child’s situation is taking precedence over yours, and that’s good parenting, but how long will you carry on like this? It’s been so many years already.

Your wife speaking to her mother about everything is understandable, but within earshot so that you hear it too is not. She obviously has ulterior motives.

Visit a competent counsellor. I’m sure you’ll be able to make headway in this situation.

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Anu Krishna  |880 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 27, 2022

Hi AnuAt the outset, thank you very much for your time to listen to my situation.I am 50 years old, married to my lover (46 years now) and blessed with two daughters. My wife comes from an upper caste with a poor background. She was my subordinate and got married in 2001 after dating her for more than 18 months.Immediately after marriage, I lost my job due to my mismanagement of responsibility with no criminal action. I suffered for six months and relocated to overseas and lived there for the past 19 years.With my hard work and commitment, my financial situation has improved considerably now. However, my wife's attitude has consistently changed in line with my financial growth. She strongly believes that because of her luck and my daughter’s luck only I was able to earn that much and live comfortably. With my severe official commitments, I did not mind her attitude that much. After the lockdown, I got the opportunity to understand the change and realised that she has constantly ill-treated me over the past 10 years. Also, I lost my parents a few years ago and my father gave his self-earned property worth a few crores to my elder brother and left nothing to me. At the same time, my wife got her ancestor property worth a few lakhs. This incident psychologically weakened me as she consistently abuses me saying she got a few lakhs worth of property whereas I got nothing from my parents. Now, for the last two years, she is not allowing me to perform my parents’ annual death ceremony rituals. She consistently uses bad words against my (departed) parents and makes most negative comments for the donations I made so far and terms me as an Idiot and useless person. She also criticises me in front of my friends and relatives.Her harassment gone to the extent of pushing me to commit suicide and for the sake of my daughter’s welfare, I managed to come out of that mindset on my own. Now, I am determined to live…. at the same time unable to absorb my wife’s harassment. I tried to explain to her in many ways and even begged her many times to stop ill-treating me. Instead, she is asking me how I am able to tolerate despite her ill-treatment for the past few years….Our physical relationship got disconnected for the past five years as she lists out silly reasons for avoiding me. She is refusing to come along with me to meet a psychologist. Also, she disconnected her long-term friends and created a new circle of friends in order to erase her past and maintain a high social image.From your expertise, kindly advise me on how to handle this situation which will be of highest support for me as I am having sleepless nights for the past 2 years.Kindly do not publish my name and request you to keep it anonymous.

Dear S,

It’s obvious that there is something that your wife is upset about or missing and you have been blindsided by it.

It could be lack of love, attention or simply family’s worth that she might feel from money situation.

It needs a discussion but from your letter/e-mail, it doesn’t seem like she is interested in it.

What I don’t have information here is in the 19 years that you were out of the country, was she also with you?

This is vital information as things might have gone South while you were away.

Even if she did accompany you, maybe the mismanagement of responsibility situation that you mentioned was something that had thrown her off gear and insecure.

This vital information is missing for me to guide you even more effectively, but I can surely help you navigate with what is.

Yes, it needs a counsellor or a marriage therapist.

Nothing justifies talking ill about family members but when the mind is awry and unsettled, it does not think rationally which is why she is possibly displacing some anger or lack of affection or lack of something that is manifesting itself in different ways.

Ask yourself:

  • Where am I if I continue in the marriage?
  • Where am I if I don’t continue in the marriage?

This reality check will act as a compass to the next steps of action.

As a coach, it’s always nice to see a relationship work but reality might say something else.

So, be true to your thoughts and feelings, set aside any feelings of spite towards your wife and see things for what they are and move forward.

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |880 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 31, 2023

Madam, I'm 52 year old, with 20 years of married life. Have one daughter, 18 and one son, 15. I'm well earning government employee. My wife is also post-graduate. However, after marriage, she put half- hearted efforts to get govt job, but didn't succeed. She was never interested to live at different places for the sake of job and also wanted equal rank job. At that time, I didn't realize that she might be comparing with me. Any way, I was fine with any of her decisions. Later she told thatnshe wants to focus on children only. But, after 4-5 years, she started hating my all family members. While they are staying almost 1000 kms away, and except on few occasions, they never asked any help from me. Since last 10 years, she stopped talking to any of them. She doesn't allow my children to visit my native place and meet my family members, even during any marriages or function. My family members or friends aren't welcome at my home. Even after accepting all these nonsense behaviour, she never remains happy. She keeps passing sarcastic comments. She willn't dress nicely. Remains busy in watching movies/webseries on laptop. Many times, our arguments in the past turned to physical also. How long can I tolerate abuse for my family members? All such situations created toxic environment at home. Both of my children were sharp and intelligent, but now they are showing depressive symptoms. I'm not able to focus on my work and affected my personalty and performances. She wants no frills attached to me. In such case, she should have married to any orphan. She neither wants to meet any one for counselling. Now, I also snapped all relations with her family members. But looks, all the doors are also closed for me. I'm feeling suffocated. I neither leave her nor leave the world, as I love my children and my reputations. Kindly suggest the way out.
Ans: Dear Ramesh,
What it seems like to me from what you have shared is: a case of lost identity!
She has been struggling to find her acceptable place in her own eyes for herself.
In simple terms, she is not happy with the decisions that she has made in life and now chooses to complain about it by pushing people away.
Does this happen to others as well? Oh, YES!
When we have the desire to do something and then we suppress it with an excuse of taking care of the family etc, one fine day in the future, it comes back to haunt us.
In all likelihood, your wife might have done the same thing...I can only assume as from what you have shared, there is nothing else that seems to be the matter.

Now, because it has begun to affect the children, you have woken up but this has been going on with her for a while. Support her thoughts but not the behaviour that impacts everyone around. Give her an assurance that is she chooses to do something professionally, you will be there for her!

The key is not to give her solutions (that will bring down her self-esteem even lower) but to nudge her into thinking about doing something other than care for the family. Point her in a direction without being eager for her to take the bait. These things take time and the state of mind that she has now, if you push her, she will only resist. It's almost like teaching a child to walk or write for the first time. You don't walk for them but nudge them and wait for them to pick up at their own pace and praise them when they take those first baby steps. Get the drift, here? All this 'displeasure' with family members is only her way of complaining about her mind struggles.
Also, your children are old enough to support you through this journey as well. So seek their help on this.

Best wishes and it's nice to know that you still care and want to do something for her.

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Kanchan Rai  |189 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 13, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 13, 2023Hindi
I am a 53 year old male having troubled relationship with my wife off late. I am married for 26 years & was happy for 25 years. Recently due to my friendship & chatting with some female friends my wife grew suspicious & started keeping watch on my phone & location through setting on phone. I didnt mind as I was not having any wrong intention & relationship with any female friend. Problem started when my wife started interfering in my daily work by calling during office hours and asking what I am doing and with whom I am chatting etc. 1-2 times in a week this questioning turns into arguments & she use abusive language to confront. She claims that this issue of my infidelity haunts her all day and she cant sleep properly during night. Is she having some psychotic problem? Do we have to seek counseling together or she needs a Psychologist help? She is happy for 2-3 days in a week & this problem is not a everyday problem as she is pretty normal on other days.I love her unconditionally & cant see her sinking like this. Please help.
Ans: I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties in your relationship. I can offer you some general suggestions that might help in this situation.

Open and honest communication: Sit down with your wife during a calm moment and have an open conversation about your concerns and feelings. It's important to express your love and commitment to her, and also address the impact her actions are having on your relationship.
Seek couples counseling: A professional counselor or therapist can help both of you navigate through these issues. Couples counseling provides a safe space for open communication and can assist in resolving conflicts, rebuilding trust, and improving the overall dynamics of your relationship.
Individual counseling: In addition to couples counseling, your wife may benefit from individual therapy to address her feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and trust issues. A psychologist or therapist can provide her with support and guidance to work through her concerns.
Establish boundaries and trust-building measures: It's important to establish boundaries that both of you are comfortable with regarding friendships and privacy. Rebuilding trust might involve setting guidelines for communication, being transparent about your activities, and reassurance about your commitment to the relationship.
Patience and empathy: Remember that this process may take time, and it's essential to be patient and understanding with each other. Try to empathize with your wife's feelings and reassure her of your love and commitment. Encourage her to express her concerns and fears openly so you can work through them together.

It's important to note that only a qualified mental health professional can provide an accurate assessment. If you believe your wife's behavior is indicative of a larger mental health issue, it would be advisable to seek the guidance of a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Ultimately, seeking professional help can provide you both with the necessary tools and guidance to work through these challenges and strengthen your relationship.

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Kanchan Rai  |189 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 19, 2024Hindi
I am a 41 year old married man with two sons and I make a decent living. Since few months my relationship with my wife has deteriorated significantly with no apparent reason other then finance. She is always trying to find a fault with me and as soon as she does, she just starts scolding me. I tried hard not to give her a reason to scold me, but that's making her even more frustrated as she creates even more drama when she finds a smallest of a fault which may not be necessarily mine but of my kids. She wont allow me to touch. She wont talk to me, she has this strange anger in her tone whenever she says few things to me. I am even taking her to a Foreign trip this march and we did quiet expensive trip last summer. I dont know what to do? I have tried to sit with her and talk. But no success
Ans: I'm sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing in your marriage. It sounds like you're trying hard to make things work, including taking your wife on trips to strengthen your relationship. It's positive that you've tried to sit and talk with her, even though it hasn't been successful so far.Communication is key in any relationship, so it's important to keep trying to have open and honest conversations with your wife. Perhaps you could suggest couples counseling as a way to facilitate these discussions in a more structured setting. A counselor could help both of you understand each other's perspectives and find constructive ways to address your issues. Going on trips is great, but also focus on spending quality time together in everyday life. Find activities you both enjoy and make time for each other. Ultimately, it will take effort from both you and your wife to improve your relationship. It may also be beneficial to explore the underlying reasons for the tension, such as financial stress, and work together to find solutions that address both of your needs and concerns.

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Latest Questions

Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 13, 2024Hindi
I have started investing in mf from last year. I am 33. I have saved 1 lac in mf till now. I want to start sip so that after 20 years I want 2 crores in portfolio. How should I plan
Ans: Charting Your Path to Financial Success: Insights from a Certified Financial Planner
Congratulations on taking the first step towards building wealth through mutual fund investments at the age of 33! Your commitment to long-term financial growth is commendable and sets the stage for achieving your ambitious goal of accumulating 2 crores in your portfolio over the next 20 years. Let's embark on this journey together and explore the strategies to make your vision a reality.

Defining Your Financial Blueprint:
Before delving into specific strategies, it's crucial to establish a clear blueprint for your financial journey. Here's how we can proceed:

Clarity of Purpose: Define your financial goals with utmost clarity and precision. Visualize the life you desire to create through your investments and let that vision guide your actions.

Burning Desire: Cultivate a burning desire to achieve your goals. Let your passion for financial success fuel your determination and commitment to take consistent action towards your objectives.

Mastermind Alliance: Surround yourself with a supportive network of like-minded individuals who share your vision for financial abundance. Collaborate, learn, and grow together as you navigate the path to wealth creation.

Crafting Your Investment Strategy:
With a solid foundation in place, let's craft a tailored investment strategy to realize your goal of accumulating 2 crores in your portfolio over the next 20 years:

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): Start a disciplined SIP regimen to harness the power of compounding and accumulate wealth systematically over time. Consistent monthly investments, combined with the magic of compounding, will work wonders in growing your portfolio.

Diversified Portfolio: Build a well-diversified portfolio by investing in a mix of equity and debt mutual funds. Equities offer the potential for higher returns over the long term, while debt funds provide stability and income generation.

Asset Allocation: Strike the right balance between risk and reward by allocating your investments across different asset classes based on your risk tolerance and investment horizon. Adjust your asset allocation periodically to align with changing market conditions and life stages.

Cultivating a Success Mindset:
As you embark on your journey towards financial success, cultivate a success mindset that empowers you to overcome challenges and stay focused on your goals:

Positive Mental Attitude: Maintain a positive mental attitude in the face of adversity. Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning, and keep moving forward with unwavering determination.

Persistence: Stay committed to your financial goals, even in the face of obstacles. Adopt a never-give-up attitude and persevere until you achieve the results you desire.

Continuous Learning: Invest in your financial education and strive to expand your knowledge and skills. Stay updated on market trends, investment strategies, and personal finance best practices to make informed decisions.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey to Wealth
In conclusion, by following the principles of clarity, desire, and collaboration, coupled with a disciplined investment strategy and a success mindset, you're well-equipped to achieve your goal of accumulating 2 crores in your portfolio over the next 20 years. Embrace the journey with enthusiasm, determination, and unwavering faith in your ability to create the financial future you desire.

Warm Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 10, 2024Hindi
I am looking to invest a lumpsum or STP in a fixed income mutual fund. Can you please suggest me a good fund which can yield me a reasonable returns going long term.( for a min span of 2 years or above)
Ans: Exploring investment opportunities in fixed income mutual funds is a prudent step towards building a diversified portfolio with stable returns. Let's delve into the characteristics of these funds and identify a suitable option for your long-term investment horizon.

Understanding Fixed Income Mutual Funds:
Fixed income mutual funds primarily invest in debt instruments such as government securities, corporate bonds, and money market instruments. These funds aim to generate stable returns while preserving capital, making them suitable for investors seeking steady income and capital preservation.

Evaluating Investment Criteria:
Before selecting a fixed income mutual fund, consider the following criteria:

Investment Horizon: Given your minimum investment horizon of 2 years or above, opt for funds with a track record of consistent performance over the long term.

Risk Appetite: Assess your risk tolerance and opt for funds that align with your comfort level. Fixed income funds typically carry lower risk compared to equity funds, offering stability and income generation.

Identifying Suitable Funds:
Based on your investment criteria, consider the following types of fixed income mutual funds:

Short-Term Debt Funds: These funds invest in debt securities with shorter maturities, offering relatively stable returns over a short to medium-term horizon. They are ideal for investors seeking liquidity and lower interest rate risk.

Corporate Bond Funds: Corporate bond funds primarily invest in bonds issued by corporate entities, offering higher yields compared to government securities. These funds may carry slightly higher risk but can potentially deliver attractive returns over the long term.

Dynamic Bond Funds: Dynamic bond funds have the flexibility to adjust their portfolio duration and allocation based on interest rate movements and market conditions. They offer the potential for higher returns but may be subject to higher volatility.

Selecting the Right Fund:
After evaluating different types of fixed income mutual funds, choose a fund that aligns with your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Consider factors such as fund manager expertise, expense ratio, and historical performance while making your decision.

Commitment to Financial Growth:
As you embark on your investment journey, rest assured that I'm committed to providing ongoing guidance and support. Your proactive approach to wealth creation sets the stage for long-term financial success and security.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Investment Decision
In conclusion, investing in a fixed income mutual fund can provide stability and steady returns over the long term, making it a valuable addition to your investment portfolio. By selecting a fund that matches your investment criteria and risk profile, you pave the way for financial growth and security in the years to come.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

I have a 1 crore corpus. My wife has a stable govt. Job with 1.25 lacs p.m income. Monthly expenses including rmis is 1 lac. Have a 14 year old daughter in 9th. Can I retire right now?
Ans: Assessing Your Path to Early Retirement: Insights for Financial Freedom
Congratulations on building a substantial corpus and fostering financial stability within your family! Your diligent efforts have positioned you well for considering early retirement. Let's evaluate whether now is the opportune moment to embark on this exciting journey.

Principle 1: Financial Independence Metrics
Before making any decisions, let's assess your financial independence metrics:

Savings Rate: With a monthly income of 1.25 lakhs and expenses of 1 lakh, you maintain a healthy savings rate, ensuring surplus funds for investment and wealth accumulation.

Corpus Size: Your 1 crore corpus serves as a solid foundation for supporting your retirement lifestyle and covering ongoing expenses.

Principle 2: Passive Income Streams
Consider your passive income streams, including your wife's stable government job income. This reliable source of income adds to your financial stability and reduces dependency on your retirement corpus.

Principle 3: Future Financial Obligations
Evaluate any future financial obligations, such as your daughter's education expenses. While your daughter is currently in 9th grade, you'll need to plan for her higher education costs, factoring them into your retirement calculations.

Conclusion: The Decision to Retire
Based on these considerations, retiring right now is a feasible option, provided:

Your retirement corpus, passive income streams, and future financial obligations are adequately accounted for.
You've conducted a thorough assessment of your retirement lifestyle and expenses to ensure they align with your financial resources.
Commitment to Financial Freedom
By embracing strategic financial planning and aligning your actions with your long-term goals, you pave the way for a fulfilling retirement filled with opportunities for personal growth and exploration.

Warm Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 10, 2024Hindi
I am 26 and have started earning recently. My salary is 1 lakh per month excluding rent. Where should I invest to gain maximum returns and at what proportions?
Ans: Navigating Your Path to Financial Growth: Insights for a Young Investor
Welcome to the world of financial independence! Your proactive approach to investing at 26 demonstrates foresight and a commitment to securing your financial future. Let's explore strategic investment avenues and allocation proportions to maximize returns and foster long-term wealth creation.

Embracing Strategic Investment Avenues:
Before diving into specific investment options, let's lay the groundwork by understanding the key principles of effective wealth-building:

Principle 1: Diversification:
Diversification is the cornerstone of a robust investment strategy. By spreading your investments across different asset classes, you mitigate risk and optimize returns.

Principle 2: Time Horizon:
As a young investor, you have the advantage of time on your side. Embrace a long-term investment horizon to leverage the power of compounding and ride out market fluctuations.

Principle 3: Risk Tolerance:
Assess your risk tolerance and align your investment decisions accordingly. Balancing risk and reward is essential for achieving optimal returns while preserving capital.

Crafting Your Investment Portfolio:
Based on these principles, consider the following allocation proportions for your investment portfolio:

Equities (60%):

Equities offer the potential for significant long-term growth. Allocate a substantial portion of your portfolio to diversified equity funds or individual stocks, leveraging opportunities in both domestic and international markets.
Debt Instruments (30%):

Debt instruments provide stability and income generation. Invest in fixed-income securities such as bonds, fixed deposits, or debt mutual funds to balance the risk of equity investments.
Alternative Investments (10%):

Explore alternative investment avenues such as real estate investment trusts (REITs), gold, or peer-to-peer lending platforms to further diversify your portfolio and hedge against market volatility.
Commitment to Continuous Learning:
As you embark on your investment journey, remember that learning is a lifelong process. Stay informed about market trends, economic indicators, and investment strategies to make informed decisions and adapt to changing circumstances.

Embracing Financial Freedom:
By embracing strategic investment principles and crafting a well-diversified portfolio, you pave the way for financial freedom and abundance in the years to come. Your proactive approach to wealth-building sets the stage for a future filled with opportunities and possibilities.

Conclusion: Cultivating Wealth with Purpose
In conclusion, by adopting a balanced investment approach and adhering to key principles of diversification, time horizon, and risk tolerance, you position yourself for long-term financial growth and prosperity. Embrace the journey ahead with confidence and a commitment to realizing your financial aspirations.

Warm Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 10, 2024Hindi
I am doing a SIP of 21000 in various mf schemes like ICICI technology direct, bandhan financial, axis small cap, mirae asset multi allocation fund, uti mutual sine 1.5 years. I am 49 years old. How much should I increase my allocation to reach a goal of 2 crores by age 60. And also suggest some schemes which can make to reach this Target. Thank you.
Ans: Your commitment to systematic investing through SIPs in various mutual fund schemes showcases your proactive approach to wealth creation at 49 years old. Let's explore how you can adjust your allocation and identify suitable schemes to reach your goal of accumulating 2 crores by age 60.

Understanding Your Current Investment Strategy:
Before diving into adjustments, it's essential to understand your current investment strategy and its alignment with your financial goals.

Evaluating SIP Contributions:
Your SIP contributions of 21,000 in schemes spanning technology, financial, small cap, and multi-allocation funds demonstrate a diversified approach to investment.

Assessing Goal Alignment:
Your goal of accumulating 2 crores by age 60 presents a clear target, guiding our assessment of your current investment trajectory.

Adjusting Allocation to Reach Goals:
To achieve your target of 2 crores by age 60, consider increasing your SIP allocation based on factors such as investment horizon, risk tolerance, and expected returns.

Recommending Suitable Mutual Fund Schemes:
Selecting the right mutual fund schemes is crucial for maximizing growth potential and mitigating risk. Here are some recommendations aligned with your goal:

Equity Funds: Allocate a significant portion of your SIP contributions to diversified equity funds with a proven track record of delivering consistent returns over the long term.

Sectoral Funds: Consider allocating a smaller portion to sectoral funds, such as technology and financials, to capitalize on specific growth opportunities within these sectors.

Small Cap Funds: Given your investment horizon and risk appetite, small cap funds can offer significant growth potential, albeit with higher volatility.

Multi-allocation Funds: Multi-allocation funds provide diversification across asset classes, offering stability and growth potential, making them suitable for a balanced portfolio approach.

Commitment to Financial Growth:
As we recalibrate your investment strategy to align with your goals, rest assured that I'm committed to providing ongoing support and guidance. Your proactive approach to wealth creation is commendable and serves as a testament to your financial acumen.

Conclusion: Cultivating Financial Abundance with Purpose
In conclusion, by adjusting your SIP allocation and selecting suitable mutual fund schemes, you're well-positioned to achieve your goal of accumulating 2 crores by age 60. By embracing strategic investment decisions and remaining committed to your financial journey, you pave the way for long-term prosperity and abundance.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

I have 2.75 lacs in Growth and Income, The Naked Trader, Dividend Kings Smallcases each and SIP of 20k in each of them. And 45k invested in hdfc defence, axis elss, zerodha largemid, quant multi, invesco india small, icici nifty midcap, Mutual funds and sip of 5k in each of them. I am 38 years old and investing one lakh every month. My current expenses perm month are 50k. My goal is to have 4 crores by next 12 years. Is it going in good direction?
Ans: Your proactive approach to wealth-building at 38 years old, coupled with your disciplined investment regimen, sets a promising foundation for achieving your financial goals. Let's evaluate your current investment portfolio and progress towards your target of accumulating 4 crores in the next 12 years.

Assessing Your Investment Portfolio:
Before assessing the direction of your financial journey, let's review your investment portfolio to understand its composition and alignment with your goals.

Equity Investments: Your diversified portfolio comprising Growth and Income, The Naked Trader, and Dividend Kings Smallcases reflects a strategic focus on equity investments, offering growth potential and income generation.

Mutual Funds: Investments in HDFC Defence, Axis ELSS, Zerodha Largemid, Quant Multi, Invesco India Small, and ICICI Nifty Midcap Mutual Funds exhibit a well-rounded approach, leveraging both active and passive strategies to capitalize on market opportunities.

Evaluating Progress Towards Goals:
Your goal of accumulating 4 crores in the next 12 years is ambitious yet achievable with consistent savings and prudent investment decisions. Let's assess your current trajectory:

Monthly Savings: Investing one lakh every month, coupled with disciplined savings habits, positions you well to meet your long-term wealth accumulation target.

Expense Management: With current monthly expenses of 50k, you demonstrate a balanced approach to managing your finances, ensuring a healthy surplus for investment and wealth creation.

Strategies for Enhancing Growth:
While your current investment approach is commendable, there are strategies you can implement to further enhance growth and accelerate progress towards your financial goals:

Regular Review: Periodic review of your investment portfolio ensures alignment with your evolving goals and market dynamics, enabling timely adjustments as needed.

Asset Allocation: Reassess your asset allocation strategy to optimize risk-adjusted returns, considering factors such as age, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.

Goal-based Investing: Adopt a goal-based investment approach, allocating resources strategically towards specific objectives like retirement, education, and wealth accumulation.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement:
As we navigate your financial journey together, rest assured that I'm committed to providing ongoing guidance and support. Your proactive approach and commitment to financial growth serve as a beacon of inspiration for achieving long-term prosperity.

Conclusion: Cultivating Financial Abundance with Purpose
In conclusion, your journey towards accumulating 4 crores in the next 12 years is well underway, propelled by disciplined savings and diversified investments. By embracing continuous improvement and strategic wealth-building strategies, you're poised to realize your financial aspirations with confidence.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 10, 2024Hindi
Hi sir, I am 33 years old now and earning of 3.5Lper month and can save up to 2L/month. I have 6L in nps and of 2L and no other savings or mutual funds yet. My daughter is 2yr old. I am planning to have own house with 2/3 cr and children education for mbbs cost around 2/3 cr And retirement 2L / month. Can you help me to achieve this goals.
Ans: Your proactive approach to financial planning at 33 years old, coupled with your robust savings potential, lays a solid foundation for achieving your ambitious goals. Let's embark on a journey to design a comprehensive financial plan that encompasses home ownership, education for your daughter, and a comfortable retirement.

Understanding Your Aspirations and Responsibilities:
Before delving into specific strategies, it's crucial to understand your aspirations for the future and the financial responsibilities you'll encounter along the way.

Crafting a Financial Blueprint:
We'll adopt a holistic approach to address your diverse financial objectives, including:

Home Ownership: Achieving your dream of owning a house valued at 2/3 crores requires diligent savings and strategic investment.

Education Planning: Providing for your daughter's education, especially for a professional course like MBBS, necessitates prudent planning and disciplined investment.

Retirement Security: Securing a retirement corpus that can sustain your desired lifestyle, with an income of 2 lakhs per month, calls for careful long-term planning.

Leveraging Investment Vehicles:
To realize your financial goals, we'll explore a combination of investment avenues tailored to your risk tolerance and time horizon.

Equity Investments: Equities offer the potential for long-term growth and wealth accumulation, making them suitable for achieving ambitious goals like home ownership and retirement security.

Debt Instruments: Debt investments provide stability and income generation, serving as a valuable component of your portfolio to fund short-to-medium-term goals like education expenses.

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs): SIPs in mutual funds offer a disciplined approach to investing, allowing you to systematically allocate funds towards your financial objectives.

Mitigating Risks and Maximizing Returns:
While pursuing your financial aspirations, it's essential to remain mindful of potential risks and adopt risk mitigation strategies.

Diversification: Diversifying your investment portfolio across different asset classes and sectors helps mitigate risk and optimize returns.

Regular Review: Periodic review of your financial plan ensures alignment with your evolving goals and market dynamics, enabling timely adjustments as needed.

Commitment to Financial Growth:
As we embark on this journey together, rest assured that I'm committed to guiding you every step of the way. Your proactive approach and dedication to securing your family's future are commendable and will undoubtedly lead to financial success.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Financial Journey
In conclusion, by crafting a comprehensive financial plan tailored to your aspirations and responsibilities, we lay the groundwork for achieving your long-term goals. With prudent investment strategies and disciplined savings habits, your vision of home ownership, education for your daughter, and a secure retirement is well within reach.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 10, 2024Hindi
I have invested in 2 SIPs for 2000 pm each for both HDFC small cap fund and Quant infrastructure fund. Please tell me should I continue with these funds or should I switch it. Are these funds good for long term?
Ans: Your proactive approach to assessing your SIP investments demonstrates your commitment to financial prudence and growth. Let's delve into an evaluation of HDFC small cap fund and Quant infrastructure fund to determine their suitability for long-term investment.

Understanding Your Investment Landscape:
Before making any decisions, it's essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the funds you've invested in and their performance.

Assessing HDFC Small Cap Fund:

Strong Track Record: HDFC small cap fund has a history of delivering favorable returns, leveraging opportunities in the small-cap segment.
Growth Potential: Small-cap funds have the potential for significant growth over the long term, driven by the growth trajectory of small-sized companies.

Higher Risk: Small-cap funds are inherently more volatile than large-cap or multi-cap funds, making them susceptible to market fluctuations.
Market Dependency: Performance may be influenced by market conditions and sectoral trends, requiring a long-term investment horizon to mitigate short-term volatility.
Assessing Quant Infrastructure Fund:

Sectoral Focus: Quant infrastructure fund focuses on the infrastructure sector, which plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and development.
Growth Opportunities: Investments in infrastructure can offer compelling growth opportunities, particularly in emerging markets like India.

Sectoral Risks: Sectoral funds are exposed to specific sectoral risks, such as regulatory changes, government policies, and macroeconomic factors.
Limited Diversification: Concentration in a single sector may lack the diversification benefits offered by broader equity funds, increasing risk exposure.
Considering Long-Term Viability:
While both HDFC small cap fund and Quant infrastructure fund offer growth potential, it's crucial to assess their suitability for long-term investment.

Key Considerations:
Performance History: Evaluate the funds' performance over various market cycles to gauge consistency and resilience.
Fund Manager Expertise: Assess the expertise and track record of the fund managers in navigating market challenges and capitalizing on opportunities.
Making Informed Decisions:
Based on your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and market outlook, consider whether to continue with your current SIP investments or explore alternative options.

Continuation: If the funds align with your long-term financial goals and you're comfortable with the associated risks, continuing with your SIPs may be prudent.

Review and Adjustment: If you're uncertain about the funds' performance or have concerns about risk exposure, consider reviewing your investment strategy and potentially reallocating your investments.

Commitment to Financial Growth:
As a Certified Financial Planner, I'm here to guide you through the decision-making process, providing insights and recommendations tailored to your unique financial circumstances and goals.

Conclusion: Navigating the Path to Financial Success
In conclusion, evaluating your SIP investments requires a thorough analysis of fund performance, risk factors, and long-term viability. By making informed decisions and staying committed to your financial objectives, you pave the way for sustained growth and prosperity.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 14, 2024Hindi
Hi sir, I have a savings pot of 10 lakhs. I would like to know the best split in mutual funds and stocks and respective options also
Ans: Crafting Your Investment Portfolio: Finding the Optimal Balance
Your initiative to seek guidance on optimizing your savings pot of ?10 lakhs reflects your commitment to financial growth and security. Let's embark on a journey to design a well-balanced investment portfolio encompassing both mutual funds and stocks.

Understanding Your Investment Objectives:
Before diving into specific investment options, it's crucial to clarify your objectives and risk tolerance. Understanding your financial aspirations lays the foundation for a tailored investment strategy.

The Principle of Balanced Allocation:
In crafting your investment portfolio, we'll adhere to the timeless principle of balanced allocation advocated by renowned thought leader Stephen Covey.

Mutual Funds:

Diversification: Mutual funds offer exposure to a diversified portfolio of assets, spreading risk and enhancing stability.
Professional Management: Skilled fund managers oversee your investments, making informed decisions to maximize returns.
Management Fees: Mutual funds incur management fees, which can impact overall returns over time.
Market Fluctuations: Despite diversification, mutual fund investments are subject to market volatility.

Potential for High Returns: Investing in individual stocks can offer substantial returns, especially in growth-oriented sectors.
Ownership and Control: Owning stocks provides you with a stake in the company's success and voting rights.
Volatility: Individual stocks can be highly volatile, subject to price fluctuations driven by market sentiment and company performance.
Research Requirement: Investing in stocks requires thorough research and analysis to identify promising opportunities.
Finding the Optimal Split:
Balancing your investment between mutual funds and stocks is key to achieving your financial goals while managing risk effectively.

Mutual Funds Allocation:

Allocate a significant portion of your savings pot to mutual funds to benefit from diversification and professional management.
Consider allocating funds across different categories, such as equity, debt, and balanced funds, to achieve a balanced risk-return profile.
Stocks Allocation:

Allocate a smaller portion of your savings pot to individual stocks, focusing on companies with strong fundamentals and growth potential.
Diversify across sectors and industries to mitigate sector-specific risks and enhance portfolio resilience.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement:
In aligning your investment portfolio with Stephen Covey's principles, we prioritize proactive planning and continuous improvement. Regular monitoring and review of your portfolio will ensure it remains aligned with your evolving financial goals and market dynamics.

Conclusion: Nurturing Financial Growth with Balance and Purpose
In conclusion, by embracing a balanced approach to investing in both mutual funds and stocks, you position yourself for sustainable financial growth and resilience. As a Certified Financial Planner, I'm committed to supporting you on this journey towards financial abundance and security.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2691 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 14, 2024Hindi
Sir my age is 28 i want to my build/ rennovate my house. Which i need sum of 40 lacs. Should i withdraw it from my mutual fund or i should go for HBL.please help
Ans: Balancing Home Renovation with Mutual Funds or Home Loan: A Certified Financial Planner's Perspective
Embarking on a home renovation journey is an exciting endeavor, and I appreciate your foresight in seeking guidance on the best financing option. Let's explore whether withdrawing from your mutual fund or opting for a home loan is the right choice for you.

Understanding Your Financial Situation:
At 28, you have ample time to build your wealth and secure your financial future. It's essential to assess your current financial standing and long-term goals before making a decision.

Withdrawing from Mutual Funds:

Immediate Access to Funds: Withdrawals from mutual funds can provide you with the required ?40 lakhs upfront for your renovation project.
No Debt Obligations: Unlike a home loan, withdrawing from your mutual fund doesn't entail any debt burden or interest payments.

Impact on Long-Term Goals: Withdrawing a significant sum from your mutual fund may hinder the growth potential of your investments, affecting your long-term financial objectives.
Tax Implications: Depending on the type of mutual fund and duration of investment, withdrawals may attract capital gains tax, reducing your net proceeds.
Opting for a Home Loan:

Preserve Investments: By opting for a home loan, you can preserve your mutual fund investments, allowing them to continue growing over time.
Spread Financial Burden: Home loans offer the flexibility of repaying the borrowed amount in manageable installments, easing the financial burden on you.

Interest Payments: Home loans come with interest obligations, which can add to the overall cost of your renovation project.
Long-Term Commitment: Committing to a home loan means shouldering debt for an extended period, impacting your financial flexibility.
Considering Your Options:
Ultimately, the decision between withdrawing from your mutual fund or opting for a home loan depends on your financial priorities and risk tolerance.

If preserving long-term wealth and avoiding debt are paramount, withdrawing from your mutual fund may be preferable.

However, if you're comfortable with managing debt and prefer to maintain your investment portfolio intact, opting for a home loan could be the prudent choice.

Seeking Professional Guidance:
As a Certified Financial Planner, I recommend conducting a comprehensive financial analysis to assess the impact of each option on your overall financial well-being. Consider consulting with a qualified financial advisor to evaluate the pros and cons in greater detail.

Conclusion: Making Informed Financial Decisions
In conclusion, whether to withdraw from your mutual fund or opt for a home loan requires careful consideration of your financial objectives and risk appetite. By weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your long-term goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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