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Kanchan Rai  |295 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 28, 2024

Kanchan Rai has 10 years of experience in therapy, nurturing soft skills and leadership coaching. She is the founder of the Let Us Talk Foundation, which offers mindfulness workshops to help people stay emotionally and mentally healthy.
Rai has a degree in leadership development and customer centricity from Harvard Business School, Boston. She is an internationally certified coach from the International Coaching Federation, a global organisation in professional coaching.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Feb 19, 2024Hindi

Hello Gurus, I am in trouble. I was living in Canada from last 10 years till last year when I had to come back to India - my father was not well. My father passed away in November last year - but my mother is alone and is not in best health. My wife feels that I have cheated her by getting her back from Canada and she wants to go back immediately. She feels that my elder brother (who is in Australia) should take care of my mother. Our relationship has soured over last few months as she is always using brutal language for my mother and for my brother - in fact, it has always been the case - but so far I was just ignoring her. But now every time she says something nasty, I strongly retaliate back. On top of it, my wife is pregnant too. I am in trouble - I don't know what to do - whether to go back to US and leave my mother alone or with my brother - or to stay back and fight with pregnant wife :(

Ans: I'm truly sorry to hear about the difficult situation you're facing. It's a challenging time with the loss of your father and the health concerns of your mother, compounded by tensions in your relationship with your wife. It's essential to have open and honest communication with your wife about your concerns, fears, and the challenges you're facing as a family. Express your feelings calmly and listen to her perspective as well. Consider seeking the help of a couples therapist who can assist you both in navigating the difficulties in your relationship. A therapist can provide a neutral space for you to address conflicts, improve communication, and find constructive solutions together.Reach out to other family members, such as siblings or extended family, for support with caring for your mother. Discuss the situation with them and explore potential options for providing care and assistance to your mother while also considering your wife's needs and concerns.Take some time to carefully evaluate your options and consider the potential consequences of each decision. Reflect on what is most important to you in terms of family, relationships, and your own well-being.Ensure that the health and safety of both your mother and your wife, especially given her pregnancy, are prioritized in any decision you make. Seek medical advice if necessary to address any health concerns.Remember to take care of yourself emotionally and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed. It's essential to prioritize your own well-being as you navigate these challenging circumstances.
Ultimately, there may not be an easy solution to your current dilemma, but by approaching the situation with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to communicate and seek support, you can work towards finding a resolution that is best for you, your wife, your mother, and your growing family.

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Anu Krishna  |1057 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Apr 12, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 06, 2023Hindi
Dear Anu I am a 46 year old man .. married for last 16 years... My wife is well educated but a house wife by choice.. I lost my father when i was 18 and had struggled a lot to gain a great life in terms of money, name in my field and satisfaction at work. At home front we live a nuclear family... me, my wife and my 12 year daughter. But after my marriage in 2006 for next 6/7 years we were in joint family. my daughter was born in 2010.. In joint family me, my younger brother his wife and my mother were members... during these years, my wife never got along with my mother, brother and his wife... and also had fights [severe kind] where she accused them for petty reason...she demanded separate house within 3 month of marriage.. but since I was not financially settled so I promised her we will buy own home in course of time... but over these 6&7 years her behavior started really erratic.. she stopped talking to everyone, and keep fighting with all my family. also the house with joint family owned my me and younger brother... she demanded i should sell the house and get my share to buy own house. which i refused as my brother and his family with my mother were also staying there... and while buying it my mother had helped us financially, without having her name as owner. over the period things became really bitter... we also had fights where out of anger I happened to slap her.. but as promised I bought another house [with lot of efforts since i m self employee] within 5/6 years and we shifted to another city around our previous house. but after shifting she had the same temperament. She never got along with me.. Over an argument she would stop talking to me, and when confronted she would mention about my share in old house which i left... she was not happy seeing my brother living in that house with his family and my mother... i told her as promised we bought this house and I haven't withdrew my share in that house.. may be over the year i will take my share as per market value.. but at this point we don't need to do it.. since it will involve a lot of turbulence for my brother, his family and my mother as they were settled there. so I strongly told her she should not think about as she have her house and focus on it. Over these time, we had a very cute daughter... growing.. her schooling started.. i got busy with my work... and my wife by choice chose to be house wife... taking care of house... but she was hell bent on the house issue over selling it and taking my share.. and due to that we had several fights... which became my life miserable. her point was why pay EMI when you can get share and pay off the loans for new house. in these 8/9 years she became bitter person... no ties with my relatives /cousins, no friends, never got along with neighbors... and opposite to that i have very cordial relation with her family, cousins, my family and have great social circle. when my daughter was 10 year old, i was already settled with good career and financial status... i had cleared all the home loan for our new home... i did everything all out to make her happier but her wish to sell that house where my brother with his wife and my mother i didn't take share or sell it.. and she keeps nagging me with that and her temperament getting worst... now she started accusing me for having an affair and threatening me that she will complain police if i argue with her. unfortunately my daughter had to see this... but my daughter is very sorted, focused and a good kid. In last 2 years i managed to buy another house, which is bigger, where we shifted 1.5 years back, she wanted to do a puja and refused to invite anyone from my family.. also bought one more house as investment.. and a farm too as second home... Im very happy and satisfied with my career and other aspects of life... but the bitterness of wife kept on increasing... sometimes i felt she wanted me to fail and she could just take the pleasure of making me feel how she was right.. which never happened.. Now she is completely out of touch with my family... her anger triggers when i speak to my brother , my mom, Now over these years my brother also managed to earn some money and he paid me an amount as part of my share for the house he is living.. which we mutually agreed among us... and i withdrew my name from that property... i informed this to my wife.. first she didnt believe.. and then she was not interested in it.. so basically over these years i managed to fulfil everything what i promised also took my share from the joint house even i was not very happy with that situation. but all these incidences.. my wife became a difficult person to deal with... be it talking a simple conversation or smallest issue.. we don't have any physical relation .... we sleep in different bedrooms.. my wife also became too possessive and control freak with my daughter.. my daughter is 12 now and she retaliate with it.. so even they keep fighting now... me and my daughter have a great bonding... over these period i started feeling that i married a wrong person.. sometimes i think of divorce but i m worried about my daughter.. and also lot other things as im 45 already.. i wont say that i have never done any mistake while these 16 years but i never chose to disconnect with my wife... i worked really hard to earn money to build a good fortune for my wife and daughter... but looks like she doesn't care... and she takes me completely for granted... she thinks i wont leave her and will be stuck around.. i also advised to visit a therapist or counselor... or join a meditation or do anything she likes to do... be it creative or extra curricular.. but she just ignores it... i am into creative field and this domestic chaos sometimes really bothers me. it never effected my work yet but i m worried it might just. Let me know your opinion... if there is something i can do more to help this mess with my wife.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Clearly your wife has a streak of wanting people to want her, literally where it comes off as her being possessive of them (I gather this from what you have shared). I only have a one-sided view and don't know fully well why your wife chooses to be possessive.
She does not want to share you or what you earn with your family; it only suggests that she is worried about losing both. It may seem like they are unfounded fears but they exist in real for her.
Obviously your pleas to see a counselor will better her life and it is easier to stay where she is as nothing needs to change. It seems relatively clear that she fears LOSING!
How this got there or did it become even more evident because of the tussles between your family and her; no one knows. You would not completely know what transpired between your wife and your family; but something has triggered within her to hold on to her beliefs.
Anyway, it is difficult to be where you are; but the only way out is to have a person that is neutral to handle this. It could be a mutual friend, a senior member of her side of the family, a person that she idolizes...anyone who can in a very unbiased manner approach the situation and bring out the fears.
In the meantime, you can spend more time with your daughter and give her a sense of protection and care and at the same time ensuring that she empathizes with her mother. Matters like these can go sour overnight and YES, you have held on so long, give it some more time but do facilitate the neutral person to do an Intervention ASAP.

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |295 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 31, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 29, 2023Hindi
Hi Ma'am, I am 36 years old and got married in the year 2014. I wanted to be in a joint family but my wife does not like it from the starting days itself. My parents used to stay with me periodically but not continuously. We have 2 boy children now. During my 1st boy child naming ceremony, my wife's family created issues and threatened me and my mother with bad words and forced for a separate family which i never agreed. After that issue, my wife never returned to my matrimonial home. After lot of efforts from my relatives, we joined back again. But the personal vengeance of my wife on my parents still continued. She used to misbehave with them some times like not listening to my mother's words and she never used to help my mother on all the house hold activities. My mother used to take care of all the household works. In the mean time we are blessed with 2nd boy. She stayed in my house during her second pregnancy, her preganancy well assisted by my mother and me both financially and emotionally. But i used to tell my wife to do very small houshold activities to make her physically well fit for her normal delivery but she took that suggession in a wring way and considered it as a torcher. During her ninth month of her pregnancy she went to her parents house to write a competitive exam but never returned back instead she continued to stay there and returning back to my home. So it has been more than two years now that she left me. During this time, i visited for her birthday, her father died, me and my parents visited his funeral, i visited my sons birthday. So i almost did all my efforts to bring back her to my home but she refused all my chances. So I filed a divorce case since i dont have any hope in my marriage life anymore. But i wanted to live with her since we have two children. Any suggestions/advices please.
Ans: I understand the complex and challenging situation you're facing in your marriage. It's clear that there have been significant conflicts and misunderstandings between you and your wife, and you've made attempts to resolve them. Here are some thoughts and advice from a counseling perspective:

Open Communication: Effective and empathetic communication is crucial. Encourage both you and your wife to express your feelings and concerns in a safe and non-confrontational manner. A counselor can help facilitate these discussions and ensure that both parties have a chance to be heard.
Professional Counseling: Seeking the help of a qualified marriage counselor or therapist is highly recommended. A counselor can provide a neutral perspective, offer strategies for conflict resolution, and help you both explore the underlying issues in your relationship.
Child-Centered Approach: As you have children, it's vital to prioritize their well-being. Regardless of the outcome, work together on a co-parenting plan that focuses on their emotional and psychological needs. A counselor can assist in creating a plan that ensures your children's stability and happiness.
Understanding and Empathy: Try to understand each other's perspectives, feelings, and needs. There seems to be a lack of understanding between you and your wife, and it's important to build empathy and find common ground.
Legal Matters: Consult with a family lawyer to fully understand your rights, responsibilities, and potential outcomes regarding divorce, child custody, and financial matters. It's crucial to be well-informed about the legal implications of your decisions.
Reconciliation Efforts: If both you and your wife are open to the possibility of reconciliation, be prepared for a long and challenging process. It will require time, patience, and a willingness to address the root causes of your issues.
Understanding: Try to understand your wife's perspective and feelings, and encourage her to understand yours. Misunderstandings can often lead to conflicts, and gaining insight into each other's point of view can be a first step toward resolution.
Co-parenting: Regardless of the outcome of your marriage, your focus should be on the well-being of your children. It's essential to develop a co-parenting plan that prioritizes their needs and stability. Self-Care: Take care of your own well-being. Navigating these difficult circumstances can be emotionally and mentally taxing, so ensure you maintain your own emotional and mental health.
Reflect on Your Expectations: Take time to reflect on your expectations regarding family arrangements and what you're willing to compromise on. It may be necessary to find a middle ground between your desire for a joint family and your wife's preference for a separate one.

Remember that the decision to reconcile or proceed with the divorce should be made with the well-being of both you and your wife, as well as your children, in mind. Professional counseling and mediation can provide the support and tools you need to navigate this challenging situation. Whether the ultimate goal is reconciliation or an amicable separation, the involvement of a qualified therapist can be instrumental in moving forward in a healthy and constructive way.

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Dr Ashish

Dr Ashish Sehgal  |106 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 21, 2023Hindi
Hi there, I have been married for 15 years now and have a child who has Autism. Me and my wife live in USA and my mother had been living with us for an extended stay since 2020 until 2022 due to COVID 19 travel restrictions. Although my mother and my wife would get along ok, there would be a period in between when she would suddenly be angry at her and me for any random reason. Like we did not name our son in the way her friend did. This used to happen every few weeks and then become ok. In the meanwhile we were busy with therapies and treatments for my son. However, two years back she asked that my Mum (Over 75) leave immediately as she does not want her anymore. She took it to extreme by manipulating me to go against my mother, verbally abusing and shouting at her, accusing her of voo doo and saying that she wants her (my wife dead) and also not sparing my brother who lives in a different country. She refused counselling and asked for a divorce. There would be days when I would lock the door and sleep in a separate room. Eventually during a medical checkup she got diagnosed for cancer just after my mother went back to India. After a harrowing year and a half she is now cancer free but still her some side effects. I was thinking that this change of beaviour may have been due to the cancer but now that she is cured there is not much change except that the outbursts seem to have reduced. We are now back in India for a holiday since the past 2 months but live separately. She initially did not want to return to USA but now wants to go back. I am afraid the same issues as earlier would again start. She has clearly stated that she has no love or respect for me. I have been caring for my son and he is living with me while in India. I wonder what is the path forward
Ans: I understand that you're in a very difficult and confusing situation. Your wife's behavior, the separation, and the recent developments have undoubtedly created emotional strain and uncertainty. While I cannot offer personal advice or diagnose psychological issues, I can provide some insights and suggestions to help you navigate your path forward:

Understanding the Situation:

Your wife's behavior: It's impossible to definitively say what caused your wife's behavior without detailed information and professional expertise. However, her outbursts, accusations, and lack of love/respect could indicate various factors like stress, mental health issues, or unresolved personal conflicts.
Impact of cancer: While cancer and its treatment can affect mood and behavior, it's crucial to consider additional factors beyond the diagnosis.
Communication Breakdown: The lack of communication and refusal of counseling suggest deeper issues that need open and honest dialogue.
Moving Forward:

Prioritize your son's well-being: Ensure his needs are met in a stable and healthy environment. Seek professional guidance if needed.
Focus on your own well-being: Seek individual counseling or therapy to process your emotions, understand your options, and build resilience.
Open communication: If both of you are willing, consider couples therapy with a qualified professional to address communication issues, understand root causes of conflict, and work towards a future, whether together or separate.
Clear boundaries: If you choose to continue the relationship, set clear boundaries regarding acceptable behavior and communication.
Legal advice: Consult a lawyer to understand your legal rights and options regarding child custody, property division, and other legal matters.

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Anu Krishna  |1057 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Apr 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 19, 2024Hindi
Hello Gurus, I am in trouble. I was living in Canada from last 10 years till last year when I had to come back to India - my father was not well. My father passed away in November last year - but my mother is alone and is not in best health. My wife feels that I have cheated her by getting her back from Canada and she wants to go back immediately. She feels that my elder brother (who is in Australia) should take care of my mother. Our relationship has soured over last few months as she is always using brutal language for my mother and for my brother - in fact, it has always been the case - but so far I was just ignoring her. But now every time she says something nasty, I strongly retaliate back. On top of it, my wife is pregnant too. I am in trouble - I don't know what to do - whether to go back to US and leave my mother alone or with my brother - or to stay back and fight with pregnant wife :(
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Well, your wife has not been able to adapt to the new situation that has out her in the midst of a lot of responsibilities. Very few of us can just jump and take charge and certainly your wife is not pleased with the relocation and the having to care for your mother...that is why she suggests that your brother care for her instead.
She is obviously not ready for this new phase of life and to be fair to her, relocations are not easy especially if has been working in Canada and also had a good social network...leaving all this behind can cause a lot of anguish...Kindly sort this issue before it blows up and lands on your marriage and creates more havoc.
Also, I do see a lot of people actually staying abroad and being able to care for their aged parents; you and your brother can iron out these details where the two of you can share this responsibility so that it does not just land on you. You can always work in Canada and have your mother over for a few months...
A lot of options that will need a lot of deliberation...rather than let the situation consume you, try to be in charge of it...start by mending the communication with your wife for starters...you both need to function as one unit whenever there is a challenge...isn't marriage all about this?

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |295 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 26, 2024

Hi I am 40 yrs with wife and kid of 7 yrs. My problem is family oriented. I have three sister, elder two sisters are well married and settled. My younger sister had an arrange marriage in 2004 and she had a divorce in 2011. With that marriage she has a boy child who is almost 18 now and too lazy, she as per her will did an intercaste love marriage in court in 2015 without informing anyone. I used to stay away in delhi and my parents and eldest sister(at her in laws place) in kolkata and d youngest married d guy 2 km from parents house. In 2017 i shifted back to kolkata as my wife was pregnant, so we took a decision dat now it would be better to stay in joint family as d kid will get grand parents and we will also serve my parents, but my youngest sister had a very bad habit of calling my mom every day almost 5-7 times and coming to parental house every alternate days which i rrsisted and i faced backlash from my parents and her too. Then suddenly things changed her husband became a very rowdy person and started beating her as she narrated and she came back to parental house with two kids one was from previous husband and one was from d court love marriage, now she stays in same flat where my parents stays. In 2017 aug my kid was born in 2019 she came back and den i again decided to leave house with my wife and kid as it was 2 bhk flat and all people flocked there as if ut was a zoo so i decided to leave with my family and we moved to ujjain and started living peacefully. Reason for leaving was my younger sis her eldest son and my dad has a very bad habit of shouting arguing nd fighting means domestic violence which i have seen in my childhood days even wen my dad used to do violence with my mom. Now i say her to take divorce and stay with parents or go back to her husbamd or where ever she wants. My dad is retired with a fixed income of around 20k per month. My sis and her son stays at home uses all facilities of home whereas when i shifted to ujjain i did all hardships and built my rented flat. Used to sleep on floor slowly we both husband wife worked hard and bought bed, kitchen utensils fridge and tv. Now my concern is she is not taking divorce and fully dependent on my father. She and her son both earn almost 35k together but their contribution towards house is big Zero towards ration is ZEro yes for basic dey dont pay anythng but like she pays for her small child school fees almost 3000 and whatever dey feel like eating extra den normal homely food she brings for her kids. As she is not taking divorce what can be main reason and future consequences to my kid and my life and my mom and dad have just become a free maid for her kids, my sis does all masti and roams freely till 9 pm without any concern for her kids as my mom is behind as maid to take care. Means my mom and dad have no saving cz of her and no personal life nor any social life cz dey have to take d youngest kid along with dem. My dad is 70 diabetic mom is 65 undergone bypass. Wen i say cz of yoi came back i have to leave dat house she says did i hold ur hand and say to go out. Where as i needed peace but i also need my parents as i want to take care of dem cz she treats dem like servants only. And my parentz dont understand dis dey hav soft cornor for her. She is like deemak but dey dont understand. Kindly guide me.
Ans: Your situation is complex, involving familial responsibilities and personal peace. To address it, start by understanding your sister's reasons for not seeking a divorce. Consider engaging a professional family counselor to mediate and provide support for everyone involved. Legally, explore the options available for ensuring she contributes financially to the household.

Your priority should be to protect your parents' well-being and your own family's stability. If your sister continues to burden your parents without contributing, it might be necessary to seek legal advice on how to manage this dependency. You may also need to discuss with your parents the importance of setting boundaries to ensure their health and financial security. Balancing compassion with firm boundaries is key to resolving these issues while maintaining family harmony.

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Latest Questions

Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5408 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

i want to invest mutual fund for 5-6 years
Ans: Investing in mutual funds with a 5-6 year horizon is a good strategy. It allows you to balance risk and returns effectively.

Choosing the Right Mutual Funds
1. Hybrid Funds

Combine equity and debt.
Offer growth potential with lower risk.
2. Balanced Advantage Funds

Adjust equity and debt allocation based on market conditions.
Provide a balance between risk and return.
3. Equity Funds

Focus on growth through stocks.
Suitable if you can tolerate higher risk.
4. Debt Funds

Invest in fixed-income securities.
Lower risk compared to equity.
Diversification Strategy
1. Hybrid and Balanced Funds

Ideal for medium-term investments.
They provide stability and growth.
2. Diversify Across Sectors

Spread your investment across different sectors.
Helps in reducing risk.
3. Mix of Equity and Debt

Equity for growth, debt for stability.
Adjust based on market conditions and risk tolerance.
Key Considerations
1. Risk Tolerance

Assess how much risk you are willing to take.
Higher risk can lead to higher returns but also potential losses.
2. Investment Goals

Define what you want to achieve with your investment.
Align your mutual fund choice with these goals.
3. Fund Performance

Review the past performance of mutual funds.
Consider funds with a consistent track record.
4. Regular Monitoring

Keep an eye on your investments periodically.
Rebalance your portfolio if necessary.
Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
1. Professional Management

Fund managers make investment decisions based on research.
Potential for better returns compared to passive funds.
2. Flexibility

Actively managed funds can adjust holdings based on market conditions.
Offers a chance to capitalize on market opportunities.
3. Research and Expertise

Fund managers have access to extensive research and resources.
Can help in achieving better returns.
Avoiding Common Pitfalls
1. Avoid Direct Investments

Direct funds can have higher expenses and lack the benefit of professional management.
Regular funds managed through an MFD with CFP credentials can provide better service.
2. Steer Clear of Index Funds

Index funds track market indices and may not offer significant outperformance.
Actively managed funds have the potential to outperform market indices.
Final Insights
For a 5-6 year investment horizon, hybrid and balanced advantage funds offer a balanced approach. They combine growth with stability, making them suitable for medium-term investments. Diversify your investments and choose funds with a strong track record. Actively managed funds can provide better returns and more flexibility.

Regularly review your investments to ensure they align with your goals. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner can help in making informed decisions and achieving your financial objectives.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5408 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 12, 2024Hindi
Hi, I'm 34yrs old. I've been investing in Sbilife smart privilege policy. 6lakh per year. Four premium paid. Only one more remaining next month. I was actually unaware of how to do mutual fund investments when I started investing in this. Recently through Ipru touch uce started investing in a multiasset fund. I also have a life insurance coverage of 15lakh and health insurance of 15lakh. Now, when I ve checked the fund value of my sbilife policy(I've paid 18lakh already, ) it's showing 19.1 lakh only. I'm worried now. The said policy is being invested in bond fund and bond optimiser fund. Is it too early to look at the fund value. Am I being fooled by the policy. There is a holding period of 15 yrs and it was told it would become 1Cr (by an investment of 6lakh*5=30L payment). Should I do anything about this now.
Ans: Evaluating Your Current Investment
Overview of Your Investments
You have invested in an SBILife Smart Privilege policy for Rs 6 lakh per year for four years.

Premiums Paid: Rs 24 lakh
Current Fund Value: Rs 19.1 lakh
Concerns with Insurance-Based Investments
Insurance policies with investment components often have high charges.

Fund Value: You see a low growth compared to the premiums paid.
Holding Period: 15 years may be too long for underperforming investments.
Advantages of Mutual Funds Over Insurance Policies
Mutual funds generally offer better returns with more flexibility.

Lower Costs: Mutual funds have lower charges.
Transparency: You can track performance easily.
Flexibility: You can switch funds as needed.
Assessing Your SBILife Policy
You have paid four out of five premiums.

Projected Returns: The policy promises Rs 1 crore for Rs 30 lakh invested.
Current Performance: Your fund value shows only slight growth.
Steps to Take Now
1. Complete the Premium Payment
Since you are one premium away from completing the payment, consider paying it.

Reason: You have already invested significantly.
2. Review Policy Terms
Check the terms and conditions of the policy.

Charges: Look for surrender charges and other fees.
Fund Options: See if you can switch to better-performing funds.
3. Consult with a Certified Financial Planner
A CFP can give you tailored advice.

Evaluation: They can assess if continuing the policy is beneficial.
Alternatives: They may suggest better investment strategies.
Investment Strategy Going Forward
Start Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)
SIPs are a disciplined way to build wealth over time.

Diversify Across Mutual Funds
Equity Funds: For long-term growth.
Hybrid Funds: For balanced risk and return.
Debt Funds: For stability and lower risk.
Life Insurance and Health Insurance
Ensure adequate coverage for your family.

Life Insurance: Consider a higher term insurance cover.
Health Insurance: Ensure your health cover is sufficient.
Building Wealth for Long-Term Goals
Child’s Education and Home Purchase
Plan for future expenses with specific investments.

Child’s Education: Start a dedicated SIP for this goal.
Home Purchase: Consider investing in debt funds for stability.
Avoid Insurance-Based Investments
Focus on pure investment products for wealth creation.

Transparency: Mutual funds offer clear performance tracking.
Lower Costs: Avoid high charges associated with insurance-based investments.
Final Insights
Investing wisely now can secure your financial future.

Review Investments: Regularly review and adjust your portfolio.
Consult Professionals: Seek advice from a Certified Financial Planner.
Focus on Goals: Align your investments with your long-term goals.
Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5408 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

Hello sir I am Adwaith M , i have completed my 12th grade and i really want to kniw how to start investing for long term , for my retirement and all. I would like to invest in mutual funds . So sir can u pls help me to find out and tell which mutual funds would be better for great return and would be best to invest in .
Ans: Adwaith, you are at a great stage to start investing. Planning early for retirement and long-term goals can set you up for a secure future.

Why Mutual Funds?
Mutual funds are a great way to start investing. They provide diversification, professional management, and potential for higher returns compared to traditional savings.

Choosing the Right Mutual Funds
1. Large-Cap Funds

Invest in stable, large companies.
Suitable for beginners due to lower risk.
2. Mid-Cap Funds

Invest in medium-sized companies.
Offer a balance between risk and return.
3. Small-Cap Funds

Invest in smaller companies.
Higher risk but higher potential returns.
4. Balanced or Hybrid Funds

Invest in both equity and debt.
Provide stability and growth.
5. Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS)

Offer tax benefits under Section 80C.
Have a lock-in period of 3 years.
Starting with SIPs
Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)

Invest a fixed amount monthly.
Reduce risk through rupee cost averaging.
Start with as low as Rs. 500-1000 per month.
Diversifying Your Portfolio
Equity Funds

Large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.
Debt Funds

For stability and lower risk.
Hybrid Funds

Combine equity and debt.
Steps to Start Investing
Know Your Risk Tolerance

Understand your risk capacity.
Higher risk can yield higher returns.
Set Clear Goals

Define your investment goals.
Short-term (3-5 years) and long-term (15-20 years).
Research and Select Funds

Choose funds based on past performance.
Consult a certified financial planner for personalized advice.
Start with SIPs

Begin with a manageable amount.
Increase as your income grows.
Monitoring and Adjusting
Regular Reviews

Check your investments annually.
Rebalance your portfolio as needed.
Stay Updated

Keep up with market trends.
Adjust your investments accordingly.
Final Insights
Starting early gives you an advantage. With regular investments, you can build a substantial corpus over time. Mutual funds offer a good mix of risk and return, especially for young investors.

Remember to diversify your investments to spread risk. Regular monitoring and adjustments will ensure you stay on track to meet your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5408 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

My salary is 67k in hand my age is 29 and unmarried and i have no investment now i want to start investment with a motive to get retire in age 60 and also build wealth for my child and home how can i achieve all this through which Mutual funds so that i can easily fund my child education in future and for home
Ans: Setting Financial Goals
Your primary financial goals are:

Retirement at age 60
Wealth creation for future child's education
Purchasing a home
Let's devise a plan to achieve these goals through mutual fund investments.

Monthly Budget Allocation
Your salary is Rs. 67,000. Here's a suggested allocation:

Emergency Fund: Save 6 months' expenses in a savings account or liquid fund.
SIP Investment: Allocate 20-25% of your salary for SIPs (Rs. 13,400 - Rs. 16,750).
Short-term Goals: Save for immediate needs (10% of salary).
Lifestyle Expenses: Allocate the rest for living expenses and discretionary spending.
Suggested Investment Strategy
Diversified Portfolio
Equity Mutual Funds:

Invest in large-cap and multi-cap funds for stable growth.
Allocate a portion to mid-cap and small-cap funds for higher returns.
Debt Mutual Funds:

Invest in debt funds for stability and lower risk.
Allocate a portion to balanced or hybrid funds for a mix of equity and debt.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP):

Start SIPs in chosen funds.
Regular investments ensure disciplined savings and cost averaging.
Example Allocation
Large-Cap Fund:

Stability and steady growth.
Allocate Rs. 5,000 per month.
Multi-Cap Fund:

Diversified equity exposure.
Allocate Rs. 4,000 per month.
Mid-Cap Fund:

Higher growth potential.
Allocate Rs. 3,000 per month.
Small-Cap Fund:

High risk, high reward.
Allocate Rs. 2,000 per month.
Balanced Fund:

Mix of equity and debt.
Allocate Rs. 2,000 per month.
Retirement Planning
Calculate Future Needs
Retirement Corpus:

Estimate future expenses.
Use a retirement calculator for precise planning.
Regular Reviews:

Adjust investments as needed.
Increase SIPs with salary hikes.
Investment Horizon
Long-Term Focus:
Equity funds for long-term growth.
Debt funds for stability as retirement approaches.
Child's Education
Education Fund
Dedicated SIPs:

Start a separate SIP for education.
Choose child education-specific funds.
Goal-Based Planning:

Estimate education costs.
Adjust SIPs to meet target amount.
Home Purchase
Down Payment and Loan
Savings Plan:

Save for a down payment in a short-term debt fund or FD.
Consider a home loan for the balance amount.
EMI Affordability:

Ensure EMIs are within your budget.
Keep debt-to-income ratio manageable.
Final Insights

Ensure portfolio is diversified.
Minimize risk by spreading investments.
Regular Monitoring:

Review investments periodically.
Rebalance portfolio as needed.
Professional Advice:

Consult a Certified Financial Planner for personalized guidance.
Ensure alignment with financial goals.
Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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