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Anu Krishna  |1003 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi

Hello Anu, I am female 26 years of age. I am working IT working professional, I earn 1 lack 50 k per month. I come from a very good family in my family everyone is educated and I am the youngest one in my family. My mom and brother are actively looking for groom for me. There wanted me to get married to someone who had good career and coming from good family background. But recently I meet with a guy who stays in Sweden and works as bioinformatics scientist. He is very smart and he is a kind hearted guy. Slowly I got to know about him more. He is simple decent guy he earns pretty good but his parents health is really bad. And during the year 2021 his father got 2 heart stroke and one stroke. They almost in the verse of loosing their father which eventually let his father to decide to get him married to a girl. He got married at the age of 25 in the year 2021. He is currently 29 years old. He is just 2 years older to me. He didn't got chance to talk to her before marriage he pleased the girl parents a lot of time but there were very conservative and didn't allow them to talk, so he told his parents multiple occasions that he is not ready for this marriage his parents started emotionally blackmail him. there said their wanted to see his marriage before they leave this world. So he drawn so emotional and got married to her. After 2 months of marriage he got to know both of there mindset doesn't match at all. Still he given time for her to change so that he can proceed this relationship. Currently there are living together in the Sweden there live like two different strangers, he doesn't allow her to touch him there only talk when it something important to talk. He is not at all happy with the relationship, he is seeking for the divorce but the girl's parents keep on manipulating her, even she is not happy with him, she will say at times I will give divorce but after consulting her parents her decisions keep on changing. There live like 2 different strangers under the same roof. He really loves me alot. I really love his personality and want to get married to him but my parents will never agree to idea of getting married to a divorce person. My parents and my brother brought me up from childhood very over protectively. Almost in all my life I was good quoted child who listens to the elder one. I didn't have courage to speak up about all this to my parents. But at the same time I can't move on from him. I have constant pressure from my parents about marriage. Can you please tell me, how can I handle this situation, should I move on or else should I ask him to talk to my parents. Can you please suggest me. I want to genuinely spend my rest of life with him. I don't have problem with his past marriage because he was forced into that marriage. I really like his personality, he is very hardworking talented guy. He does match most of things I look for a ideal partner. Please give me the suggestion briefly because this is the decision of rest of my life.

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You two haven't even met, right? I mean is it a virtual meet?
Even if it's a physical meeting,
- How much do you know of him to be sure that his story is what he says?
- Do you not want to know his wife's version of the entire story especially being a woman, are you not curious?

What people say and what they are might be very different. So, before calling it Love and then taking a decision, ask yourself if you want to go through the divorce with him; I mean you will be part of that journey and then his baggage...do you really want all of that?
What screams RED FLAGS to me is the fact that he keeps changing his decision on whether to leave his wife or not. So, either he has feelings for her OR his story is untrue OR he;s giving his marriage another chance. In none of these cases are you anywhere. Does this not say anything to you? Saying 'I Love You' really doesn't mean a thing when the intention is not a noble or genuine one. Kindly go deeper into his story before doing anything and making any big decisions. Your life. Your decisions...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Kanchan Rai  |268 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 08, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 05, 2023Hindi
Hi Ma'am, I have been in a relationship for almost a decade now i.e. since graduation and now me and my bf are doing good in our respective jobs. Since we come from different religions, we have been trying to convince our family very much for last two years to let us happen and get married and in these scenarios during covid I lost my father too now that it's just me and my mom and my elder sister due to societal pressure also they were not agreeing for us but then I could feel now that his family was some how just dragging us showing fake acceptance for me but still being very orthodox but in this process me and my bf got committed to each other very seriously in terms of physical ways but now his family is completely denying the fact that they don't us to happen and are literally forcing his son to marry in their caste. On this thing, the guy is trying to make me understand with false accusations that it's not his family butine which doesn't want us to proceed since my family wanted a mutual ways of marriage and not just his culture thing or else court marriage was the last opt but my guy is saying no I can never go against my family this and that you better understand and I don't know I'm feeling very cheated that now at this stage after being this close where he should have been standing strong with me he's pushing me to set back I don't know iam so clueless I got no energy to get back to being productive in my life or something whereas this acts of his and his family's forcible nature is somehow triggering me to opt for legal methods....I need guidance it's all dark for me and feeling too used.
Ans: Hello Dear,
I'm truly sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing in your relationship. It's a complex and emotionally charged situation, and it's understandable that you're feeling hurt and confused It's okay to take some time for self-reflection and self-care. Understand and acknowledge your emotions before making any decisions. Give yourself the space to process the situation and its impact on your well-being. Have an open and honest conversation with your boyfriend about your feelings. Share your concerns, fears, and expectations. Encourage him to express his feelings and concerns as well. Effective communication is crucial at this stage. Reflect on your priorities and values in a relationship. Consider whether the current situation aligns with what you envision for your future. Be honest with yourself about what you need and deserve in a partnership. If you're contemplating legal steps, it's advisable to seek legal advice to understand the implications and options available to you. Consult with a lawyer who can provide guidance based on your specific situation and laws. While it's crucial to address the relationship concerns, also focus on your personal growth and well-being. Pursue activities that bring you joy, engage in self-improvement, and consider your long-term goals. Assess whether the relationship is healthy and supportive. Consider whether both partners are willing to work through challenges and make compromises for the well-being of the relationship. Establish clear boundaries for yourself. Determine what you are willing to accept and what you cannot tolerate in the relationship. It's crucial to prioritize your own well-being. If both families are open to it, consider seeking the help of a mediator or counselor who can facilitate discussions and help find common ground. Mediation can be a constructive way to address conflicts and find solutions.
Ultimately, prioritize your own happiness and well-being. If the relationship is causing you significant distress, it's important to evaluate whether it's a healthy and fulfilling partnership for you. it's okay to seek professional help or legal advice if needed. Making decisions about your future can be challenging, but it's crucial to prioritize your own happiness and mental health. If you find it difficult to navigate these issues on your own, seeking guidance from professionals or supportive friends can make a significant difference.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4206 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 03, 2024Hindi
Hi, I'm 28 years old (unmarried) earning around 1.5 lac per month(after taxes). My Investments are- PPF 25 lacs, FDs & RD 17 lacs, Mutual Funds 7 lacs (Monthly SIP 30k in equity funds, 10k in debt fund). Additionally I have some PLIs and LIC policies ongoing. Can you guide me on if i should add / remove something and how to plan for future?
Ans: It's great to see that you have a solid financial foundation. Your diverse investments and consistent savings reflect good financial discipline. Let’s dive into a detailed review of your current portfolio and how you can plan for a prosperous future.

Current Financial Snapshot
Monthly Income and Investments
Monthly Income (after taxes): Rs 1.5 lakh
PPF: Rs 25 lakh
FDs & RDs: Rs 17 lakh
Mutual Funds: Rs 7 lakh
Monthly SIP in Equity Funds: Rs 30k
Monthly SIP in Debt Funds: Rs 10k
Insurance Policies
PLI and LIC Policies: Ongoing
Portfolio Review
Diversification: Your investments are spread across different asset classes, reducing risk.
Consistent Savings: Regular SIPs in equity and debt funds indicate disciplined investing.
Long-term Perspective: Investments in PPF and Mutual Funds show a focus on long-term growth.
Areas for Improvement
Liquidity Management: Ensure enough liquid funds for emergencies.
Portfolio Overlap: Check for overlapping investments in mutual funds.
Insurance Review: Assess if your current policies provide adequate coverage.
Detailed Analysis and Recommendations
Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is crucial. It should cover 6-12 months of expenses. Since you’re earning Rs 1.5 lakh per month, aim to set aside Rs 9-18 lakh in a high-yield savings account or a liquid mutual fund. This ensures you can handle unexpected expenses without disrupting your long-term investments.

Investment Strategy
Equity Funds
Equity funds are essential for long-term growth. They help combat inflation and offer higher returns. Your current SIP of Rs 30k in equity funds is a good start. Consider increasing this amount as your salary grows. Diversify your equity investments across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds to balance risk and return.

Debt Funds
Debt funds provide stability to your portfolio. Your Rs 10k monthly SIP in debt funds ensures a balanced approach. Debt funds are less volatile than equity funds, offering steady returns. They are suitable for short to medium-term goals.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
PPF is a secure investment with tax benefits. Your Rs 25 lakh investment is substantial. Continue investing the maximum allowed amount annually to benefit from compound interest and tax savings.

Fixed Deposits (FDs) and Recurring Deposits (RDs)
FDs and RDs provide safety but offer lower returns compared to equity and some debt funds. Your Rs 17 lakh in FDs and RDs is a good reserve. Ensure the interest rates are competitive. Consider diverting part of this amount to higher-yielding instruments if they align with your risk tolerance.

Insurance Policies
Life Insurance
Your ongoing LIC policies are traditional plans. Review their performance and coverage. Traditional plans often offer lower returns. If they are investment-cum-insurance policies, consider surrendering them if they don’t provide sufficient returns and switching to pure term insurance for adequate coverage at a lower cost.

Health Insurance
Ensure you have a comprehensive health insurance policy. This protects your savings from medical emergencies.

Future Financial Planning
Setting Financial Goals
Short-Term Goals (1-5 years)
Emergency Fund: Fully fund your emergency reserve.
Skill Development: Invest in courses to enhance your career prospects.
Travel and Leisure: Allocate funds for vacations and hobbies.
Medium-Term Goals (5-10 years)
Buy a House: If you plan to purchase property, start a dedicated savings plan.
Car Purchase: Plan for a car purchase if needed.
Long-Term Goals (10+ years)
Retirement Planning: Aim to accumulate a corpus that provides financial independence.
Children’s Education: If you plan to have children, start early for their education.
Investment Vehicles
Mutual Funds
Diversified Equity Funds: Continue with diversified equity funds for long-term growth.
Thematic/Sector Funds: Allocate a small percentage to thematic or sector-specific funds for higher returns.
Debt Funds: Increase your allocation to high-quality debt funds for stability and income generation.
National Pension System (NPS)
NPS is a great tool for retirement planning. It offers tax benefits and a disciplined approach to retirement savings. Consider starting or increasing contributions to NPS.

Regular Portfolio Review
Annual Review: Conduct an annual review of your investments.
Rebalance Portfolio: Rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.
Performance Tracking: Track the performance of your mutual funds and other investments. Replace underperforming funds.
Power of Compounding
How Compounding Works
Compounding is earning returns on your returns. The longer your money stays invested, the more it grows. Starting early and staying invested is crucial.

Investing Rs 30,000 monthly at an annual return of 12% can grow to approximately Rs 3.5 crore in 20 years. This demonstrates the power of regular, disciplined investing.

Benefits of Early Investing
Starting early gives your investments more time to grow. Even small amounts can accumulate significantly over time due to compounding.

Actively Managed Funds vs. Index Funds
Actively Managed Funds
Professional Management: Experts make investment decisions based on research.
Potential for Outperformance: These funds can outperform the market by selecting high-potential stocks.
Disadvantages of Index Funds
Lack of Flexibility: Index funds track a market index, offering no flexibility to capitalize on opportunities.
Average Returns: Index funds provide market-average returns, which may not meet your financial goals.
Why Choose Actively Managed Funds?
Actively managed funds offer potential for higher returns through expert stock selection and market timing. They provide a dynamic approach to investing.

Regular vs. Direct Funds
Regular Funds
Advisor Support: Investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) provides guidance and expertise.
Convenience: Regular funds offer ease of investment, portfolio reviews, and rebalancing.
Disadvantages of Direct Funds
No Advisory Support: Direct funds require you to make investment decisions without professional guidance.
Time-Consuming: Managing direct funds can be time-consuming, requiring regular monitoring and analysis.
Benefits of Investing Through CFP
A CFP helps you create a personalized investment plan, ensuring your portfolio aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. They provide valuable insights and adjustments as needed.

Final Insights
Stay Disciplined
Stick to your investment plan, regardless of market fluctuations. Regular investments and patience are crucial for long-term success.

Educate Yourself
Keep learning about different investment options and market trends. This helps you make informed decisions and optimize your portfolio.

Review Regularly
Regularly review and adjust your portfolio based on performance and changing financial goals. This ensures your investments remain aligned with your objectives.

Seek Professional Advice
Consult a Certified Financial Planner for personalized advice. They provide valuable guidance to optimize your investment strategy and achieve your goals.

By following these steps and staying committed to your financial plan, you’re well on your way to securing a prosperous future. Keep investing, stay informed, and watch your wealth grow!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4206 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Hi, I am 23 years old earning a salary of 108k per month after all deductions. I am doing SIP of 19k per month in these following funds:- 1. Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund:- 4000 2. Quant Flexi Cap Fund:- 4000 3. Nippon India Large Cap Fund :- 3000 4. Motilal Oswal Mid Cap Fund:- 3500 5. Bandhan Small Cap Fund:- 2500 6. Axis Small Cap Fund:- 2000. Other than these combined contribution towards EPF (employee+employer) = 12800 per month. Please give a review of my portfolio. My investment horizon is for long terms. I will step up my investment depending on my salary increment.
Ans: t’s fantastic to see someone as young as you already planning for the future and investing wisely. Your SIPs and contributions towards EPF are commendable. Let's dive into your portfolio and see how it aligns with your long-term goals.

Understanding Your Current Investments
Monthly SIPs
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund: Rs 4,000
Quant Flexi Cap Fund: Rs 4,000
Nippon India Large Cap Fund: Rs 3,000
Motilal Oswal Mid Cap Fund: Rs 3,500
Bandhan Small Cap Fund: Rs 2,500
Axis Small Cap Fund: Rs 2,000
EPF Contributions
Combined contribution (employee + employer): Rs 12,800 per month
Portfolio Review
You have a good mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds, which is great for diversification. This approach balances risk and return, leveraging the growth potential of different market segments.

Flexi Cap Funds
Flexi Cap Funds are versatile, investing across market capitalizations. Your allocation in Parag Parikh and Quant Flexi Cap Funds is a smart move, providing flexibility to capitalize on market opportunities.

Large Cap Funds
Large Cap Funds like Nippon India Large Cap Fund offer stability with moderate returns. These funds invest in well-established companies with a proven track record.

Mid Cap Funds
Mid Cap Funds, such as Motilal Oswal Mid Cap Fund, strike a balance between risk and return. They invest in companies with high growth potential but are relatively riskier than large caps.

Small Cap Funds
Small Cap Funds, including Bandhan and Axis Small Cap Funds, are high-risk, high-reward investments. They invest in smaller companies with significant growth potential but also higher volatility.

EPF Contributions
Your EPF contributions are excellent for long-term savings and tax benefits. EPF offers a stable, risk-free return, complementing your more aggressive mutual fund investments.

Evaluating Your Portfolio
Diversification: Your portfolio is well-diversified across market capitalizations, reducing risk.
Long-Term Horizon: Investing for the long term allows you to ride out market volatility and benefit from compounding.
Regular Investment: SIPs ensure disciplined investing, averaging out market highs and lows.
Areas of Improvement
Overlapping Investments: Flexi Cap Funds may have overlapping stocks with your other funds. Review fund portfolios to avoid redundancy.
Risk Management: High allocation to small and mid-cap funds increases portfolio risk. Ensure it aligns with your risk tolerance.
Certified Financial Planner's Recommendation
Review Fund Performance: Regularly review the performance of your funds. Replace consistently underperforming funds with better options.
Monitor Overlap: Use tools to check for overlapping holdings in your funds. Diversify to reduce concentration risk.
Rebalance Portfolio: Periodically rebalance your portfolio to maintain your desired asset allocation.
Steps to Enhance Your Portfolio
Increase SIPs with Salary Hike
As your salary increases, step up your SIP contributions. This leverages the power of compounding and accelerates wealth creation.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses. This provides financial security during unforeseen circumstances.

Tax Planning
Invest in tax-efficient instruments to maximize your returns. Utilize sections like 80C, 80D for tax deductions.

Health and Life Insurance
Ensure adequate health and life insurance coverage. This protects your family and financial goals in case of emergencies.

Avoid Over-Reliance on One Category
Avoid over-relying on one fund category. Maintain a balanced approach with a mix of equity, debt, and other instruments.

Power of Compounding
How Compounding Works
Compounding is earning returns on your returns. The longer you stay invested, the more your investments grow exponentially.

If you invest Rs 10,000 monthly at an annual return of 12%, in 20 years, it could grow to approximately Rs 1 crore. Starting early and staying invested is key.

Benefits of Early Investing
Starting early gives your investments more time to grow. Even small amounts can accumulate significantly over time.

Actively Managed Funds vs. Index Funds
Actively Managed Funds
Professional Management: Actively managed funds are managed by experts who make investment decisions based on market research.
Potential for Outperformance: These funds can outperform the market by selecting high-potential stocks.
Disadvantages of Index Funds
Lack of Flexibility: Index funds simply track a market index, offering no flexibility to capitalize on market opportunities.
Average Returns: Index funds provide market-average returns, which may not meet your financial goals.
Why Choose Actively Managed Funds?
Actively managed funds offer potential for higher returns through expert stock selection and market timing. They provide a dynamic approach to investing.

Regular vs. Direct Funds
Regular Funds
Advisor Support: Investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) provides guidance and expertise.
Convenience: Regular funds offer ease of investment, portfolio reviews, and rebalancing.
Disadvantages of Direct Funds
No Advisory Support: Direct funds require you to make investment decisions without professional guidance.
Time-Consuming: Managing direct funds can be time-consuming, requiring regular monitoring and analysis.
Benefits of Investing Through CFP
A CFP helps you create a personalized investment plan, ensuring your portfolio aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. They provide valuable insights and adjustments as needed.

Final Insights
Stay Disciplined
Stick to your investment plan, regardless of market fluctuations. Regular investments and patience are crucial for long-term success.

Educate Yourself
Keep learning about different investment options and market trends. This helps you make informed decisions and optimize your portfolio.

Review Regularly
Regularly review and adjust your portfolio based on performance and changing financial goals. This ensures your investments remain aligned with your objectives.

Seek Professional Advice
Consult a Certified Financial Planner for personalized advice. They provide valuable guidance to optimize your investment strategy and achieve your goals.

By following these steps and staying committed to your financial plan, you’re well on your way to securing a prosperous future. Keep investing, stay informed, and watch your wealth grow!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4206 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 03, 2024Hindi
Hello Sir, My Home loan amount is 49L for 15 yrs, 1 year completed. EMI is 48.3K I have additional 2L in my account. I can spare additionally 30k per month towards repayment of Home Loan. I have one dilemma, Should I make Part Prepayment of my loan and reduce number of EMIs Or I invest this amount in equity and MF for my future. What are pros and cons of both.
Ans: It's great that you're thinking about your financial future and making informed decisions about your home loan and investments. Let's dive into your options: making part prepayments on your home loan or investing in equity and mutual funds (MF).

Understanding Your Current Situation
You have a home loan of Rs 49 lakhs with a 15-year tenure. You've completed one year, and your EMI is Rs 48,300. You have Rs 2 lakhs available now and can spare an additional Rs 30,000 per month.

Option 1: Part Prepayment of Home Loan
Pros of Part Prepayment
1. Reducing Interest Burden

Making part prepayments on your home loan can significantly reduce the total interest paid over the loan tenure.

2. Shortening Loan Tenure

Prepayments can also reduce the number of EMIs, helping you become debt-free sooner.

3. Financial Security

Being free from debt provides a sense of financial security and reduces monthly obligations.

4. Improved Credit Score

Paying off your loan faster can improve your credit score, making it easier to secure loans in the future.

Cons of Part Prepayment
1. Opportunity Cost

By using your funds to prepay the loan, you might miss out on potential higher returns from investments.

2. Liquidity Constraints

Using your spare funds for prepayment reduces your liquidity, which could be a concern in emergencies.

3. Tax Benefits Reduction

Home loan interest payments provide tax benefits under Section 24. Prepaying the loan reduces these benefits.

Option 2: Investing in Equity and Mutual Funds
Pros of Investing in Equity and Mutual Funds
1. Potential for Higher Returns

Equity and mutual funds have the potential to provide higher returns compared to the interest saved on home loan prepayment.

2. Power of Compounding

Investing in mutual funds, especially through SIPs, allows you to benefit from the power of compounding over the long term.

3. Diversification

Investing in different asset classes diversifies your portfolio, spreading the risk and potentially increasing returns.

4. Tax Benefits

Investing in Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) can provide tax benefits under Section 80C.

Cons of Investing in Equity and Mutual Funds
1. Market Risk

Investments in equity and mutual funds are subject to market risk, which could lead to potential losses.

2. No Guaranteed Returns

Unlike the interest saved on loan prepayments, returns from equity and mutual funds are not guaranteed.

3. Emotional Factors

Market volatility can cause emotional stress, leading to impulsive decisions.

4. Tax on Gains

Long-term capital gains on equity investments above Rs 1 lakh are taxable at 10%.

Evaluating Your Financial Goals
Your decision should align with your financial goals. Consider these aspects:

Risk Tolerance
If you have a low risk tolerance, prepaying the loan might be a better option.

Investment Horizon
If you can invest for the long term, equity and mutual funds could provide better returns.

Financial Security
If you prioritize financial security and being debt-free, focus on prepaying the loan.

Future Financial Needs
Consider your future financial needs, such as emergencies, education, or retirement planning.

Combining Both Strategies
You don't have to choose one option exclusively. A balanced approach could work well.

Partial Prepayment and Investing
Prepay Part of the Loan
Use a portion of your spare funds for prepayment to reduce the loan burden.

Invest the Rest
Invest the remaining funds in equity and mutual funds for potential higher returns.

Mutual Funds: A Closer Look
1. Equity Mutual Funds

These funds invest in stocks of various companies, offering high returns with moderate to high risk. They are suitable for long-term goals.

2. Debt Mutual Funds

These funds invest in fixed income securities, providing stable returns with lower risk compared to equity funds. They are suitable for short to medium-term goals.

3. Hybrid Mutual Funds

These funds invest in both equity and debt instruments, providing a balanced approach to risk and return. They are suitable for investors seeking moderate returns with balanced risk.

Power of Compounding
The power of compounding works best with mutual funds. The interest earned gets reinvested, leading to exponential growth over time.

Final Insights
Your decision should align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Here's a summary of both options:

Prepayment Pros:

Reduces interest burden.
Shortens loan tenure.
Provides financial security.
Improves credit score.
Prepayment Cons:

Opportunity cost.
Liquidity constraints.
Reduced tax benefits.
Investing Pros:

Potential for higher returns.
Power of compounding.
Tax benefits.
Investing Cons:

Market risk.
No guaranteed returns.
Emotional factors.
Tax on gains.
Balanced Approach:

Part prepayment and investing.
Prepay part of the loan.
Invest the rest in equity and mutual funds.
By evaluating your financial goals and risk tolerance, you can make an informed decision.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4206 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Hello Sir I am 34 with net monthly salary of 86000 in a government job . I am having an agricultural land worth 50 lakhs. I am having approximately 18 lakhs in NPS. Liquid cash of 6 lakhs in FD and Gold jwellery of 8 lakhs. A vehicle loan and personal loan total of Rs. 14 lakhs. I want to retire after 42 with a monthly income of 1.5 lakh and corpus of atleast 3 crore. I love travelling and planning to visit one foreign country once in 3 year, so a substantial amount of money is required for travelling. How and where should I invest money to receive a corpus of 3 crores and monthly income of 1.5 lakh at the age of 42 ??
Ans: It’s wonderful to see you thinking about your future and planning your retirement at 42. With your current financial status, let’s work on a comprehensive plan to help you achieve your goals.

Understanding Your Financial Situation
Income and Expenses
Your net monthly salary is Rs 86,000. You have a vehicle and personal loan totaling Rs 14 lakh.

Current Assets
Agricultural land worth Rs 50 lakh
Rs 18 lakh in NPS
Rs 6 lakh in FD
Gold jewellery worth Rs 8 lakh
Rs 14 lakh in loans
Financial Goals
Retire at 42 with a corpus of Rs 3 crore
Monthly income of Rs 1.5 lakh post-retirement
Travel internationally every three years
Building a Strong Financial Foundation
Creating a Budget
Creating a detailed budget is essential. It helps you understand your cash flow and identify savings opportunities.

Fixed Expenses
Loan EMIs
Household expenses
Essential bills
Variable Expenses
Discretionary spending
Travel fund
Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is crucial. Aim to save at least 6-12 months of your monthly expenses. This fund should be in a liquid, easily accessible account.

Paying Off Debt
Focus on paying off your Rs 14 lakh loan as soon as possible. This will free up more funds for savings and investments.

Extra Payments
If possible, make extra payments towards your loan principal. This reduces the overall interest paid and shortens the loan tenure.

Savings and Investment Strategies
Starting with Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are a great way to start investing. They offer professional management and diversification. Begin with a SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) to invest a fixed amount regularly.

Types of Mutual Funds
Equity Funds: Invest in stocks; higher risk, higher return.
Debt Funds: Invest in bonds; lower risk, stable return.
Hybrid Funds: Mix of equity and debt; balanced risk and return.
Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds can outperform index funds because they are managed by professionals who make investment decisions based on market conditions.

National Pension System (NPS)
NPS is a retirement-focused investment that offers tax benefits. It invests in a mix of equity, corporate bonds, and government securities.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
PPF is a safe, long-term investment with tax benefits. You can invest up to Rs 1.5 lakh per year, and the interest earned is tax-free.

Increasing SIP Contributions
As your income grows, increase your SIP contributions. This leverages the power of compounding, helping your investments grow over time.

Planning for Major Life Goals
Home Purchase
If you plan to buy a home, start saving for a down payment. Consider a combination of savings and investments to build this fund.

Children’s Education
Education costs are rising. Start an education fund for your children early to take advantage of compounding.

Retirement Planning
You have about 8 years until retirement at 42. Start early to build a substantial retirement corpus. Diversify your investments across equity, debt, and other instruments.

Travelling Fund
Since you love traveling, create a separate fund for it. Allocate a portion of your monthly savings specifically for your travel expenses.

Risk Management and Insurance
Health Insurance
Health insurance is vital to protect against medical emergencies. Ensure you have adequate coverage for yourself and your family.

Life Insurance
Life insurance ensures financial security for your family in case of an unforeseen event. Term insurance is a cost-effective option.

Asset Allocation and Diversification
Diversification reduces risk. Allocate your investments across different asset classes to balance risk and return.

Example Portfolio Allocation
Equity: 50-60%
Debt: 30-40%
Others (PPF, NPS): 10-20%
Regular Portfolio Review
Review your investment portfolio regularly. Rebalance it based on your financial goals and market conditions.

Tax Planning
Tax-Efficient Investments
Invest in instruments that provide tax benefits, such as PPF, ELSS (Equity-Linked Savings Scheme), and NPS.

Utilizing Deductions
Maximize tax deductions under Section 80C, 80D, and other relevant sections to reduce your taxable income.

Final Insights
Securing your financial future requires discipline, planning, and regular investments. Here’s a summary of the steps to take:

Create a Budget: Track income and expenses to identify savings potential.
Build an Emergency Fund: Save 6-12 months of expenses for unexpected events.
Pay Off Debt: Prioritize loan repayment to free up more funds.
Start Investing: Begin with SIPs in mutual funds, PPF, and NPS.
Plan for Life Goals: Save for home purchase, children’s education, and retirement.
Manage Risk: Get adequate health and life insurance.
Diversify Investments: Allocate assets across equity, debt, and other instruments.
Regular Review: Monitor and rebalance your portfolio periodically.
Tax Planning: Invest in tax-efficient instruments and utilize deductions.
By following these steps, you can build a secure financial future and achieve your goals. Start today, stay disciplined, and regularly review your progress. Your future self will thank you!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4206 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 26, 2024Hindi
I am NRE working at Gulf. Monthly income is 4 lacks.. I can save monthly 3.2 lacks monthly. My current funds 1.5 crs in Stock market equity all large cap sticks.. Tcs.. Infotech. Ltim.. LT.. Asain paints..tata chemicals.. Ltts,ICICI. Kotak Mahendra. NSC I have 1.5 crs.. FD 37 L. I am planning to quit job after 2 years. I need plan monthly income 1.2 lacks per month. Please advise me better plan...
Ans: It's fantastic to see you planning for early retirement with such clear goals. Your current savings and investments are impressive. Let's create a comprehensive plan to achieve your target monthly income of Rs 1.2 lakhs after you quit your job in 2 years.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
You aim to have a monthly income of Rs 1.2 lakhs after retirement. Currently, you have:

Stock Market Investments: Rs 1.5 crores in large-cap stocks.
NSC: Rs 1.5 crores.
Fixed Deposit: Rs 37 lakhs.
Monthly Savings: Rs 3.2 lakhs.
Evaluating Your Current Financial Situation
Stock Market Investments:

Large-cap stocks such as TCS, Infosys, L&T, Asian Paints, Tata Chemicals, LTTS, ICICI, and Kotak Mahindra.
Total value: Rs 1.5 crores.
Fixed Deposits:

Current value: Rs 37 lakhs.

Current value: Rs 1.5 crores.
Increasing Your Monthly Income
1. Diversify Your Investments
While large-cap stocks are stable, diversification can help in achieving higher returns. Let's explore various investment options.

A. Mutual Funds

Mutual funds provide professional management and potential for higher returns. Consider the following types:

Equity Mutual Funds: Invest in stocks of various companies, offering high returns with moderate to high risk.
Large Cap Funds: Invest in well-established companies.
Mid Cap Funds: Invest in medium-sized companies with growth potential.
Small Cap Funds: Invest in smaller companies with high growth potential.
Hybrid Funds: Invest in both equity and debt instruments.
Balanced Advantage Funds: Dynamic allocation between equity and debt.
Aggressive Hybrid Funds: Higher allocation to equities.
B. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly in mutual funds. This helps in rupee cost averaging and compounding returns over time.

C. Debt Funds

Debt funds invest in fixed income securities, providing stable returns with lower risk compared to equity funds.

Short-Term Debt Funds: Suitable for an investment horizon of 1-3 years.
Long-Term Debt Funds: Suitable for an investment horizon of 3-5 years.
D. Public Provident Fund (PPF)

PPF is a government-backed scheme offering attractive interest rates and tax benefits. It has a lock-in period of 15 years, making it suitable for long-term investments.

Invest up to Rs 1.5 lakhs per year: Maximize your investment to avail tax benefits under Section 80C.
E. Fixed Deposits and Debt Funds

While fixed deposits offer security, they have lower returns. Diversify by investing in debt funds for better returns with moderate risk.

Debt Mutual Funds: Suitable for short to medium-term goals. They offer better returns compared to fixed deposits.
Generating Passive Income
To reach your goal of Rs 1.2 lakhs per month, focus on generating passive income through various channels.

A. Dividend Income

Invest in dividend-paying stocks and mutual funds. Dividends provide regular income in addition to capital appreciation.

B. Interest Income

Invest in fixed income securities like bonds and debentures to generate regular interest income.

Risk Management
Diversifying your investments helps in managing risks. Here’s how you can balance your portfolio:

Equity Investments: 50% allocation in mutual funds and direct stocks.
Debt Investments: 30% allocation in debt mutual funds and fixed income securities.
Fixed Deposits and NSC: 20% allocation in fixed deposits and NSC.
Regular Review and Adjustment
Financial planning is dynamic. Regularly review and adjust your investments based on market conditions and your financial goals.

Annual Review: Review your financial plan at least once a year.
Adjust Investments: Adjust your investments based on changes in your financial goals, market conditions, and risk tolerance.
Tax Planning
Maximize tax-saving investments to reduce your tax liability and boost your savings.

Section 80C: Invest in PPF, EPF, ELSS, and other tax-saving instruments to avail tax benefits under Section 80C.
Section 80D: Avail tax benefits on health insurance premiums under Section 80D.
Insurance Planning
Adequate insurance coverage is essential to protect your family’s financial future.

Term Insurance: Provides financial security to your family in case of your untimely demise. Ensure your coverage is sufficient to cover your family’s needs.
Health Insurance: Covers medical expenses and protects your savings. Consider a family floater plan to cover yourself and your dependents.
Power of Compounding
The power of compounding works best when you start early and stay invested for a long time. The interest earned on your investments gets reinvested, which in turn earns more interest. This cycle continues, leading to exponential growth of your investment over time.

Final Insights
Achieving your retirement goals requires disciplined saving and investing. Here are some final insights to help you stay on track:

Start Early: The earlier you start investing, the more time your money has to grow.
Be Disciplined: Stick to your investment plan and avoid unnecessary expenditures.
Diversify: Diversify your investments to manage risk and ensure steady returns.
Seek Professional Advice: Consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for personalized financial advice.
By following this comprehensive financial plan, you can ensure a secure and comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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