I am 35 years old woman. I am shy and introvert. I don't know if I earlier was the same. I have done my masters in English literature with just 47 percent marks. That led me to do another masters in public administration where I secured 55 percent marks. After several attempts I was able to qualify for UGC NET exam. Earlier also I have given multiple govt. exams, cleared prelims round but was unable to go to the final cut. I have done my graduation in Journalism in 2010.I joined as a content writer for a company but a coworker dominated me and I left the jib in just one week. I feel that I have no skills. I am afraid to talk ti anyone. I have fear of interviews. How to deal with that? How to get a job, how can I be financially independent? I feel so left out, all ny friends have reached superior positions and here I am stuck.
Ans: Madam, Apologize for late reply. You have NOT mentioned, since 2010 till date, what you had been doing & about family background? Did you work any where or were doing any part-time jobs? Anyway, please note, (1) 'Office Politics' is everywhere, even in Top-Corporate-MNC Companies also. How to handle 'Office Politics' depends upon (a) how you perceive others and others perceive you (b) your skills and knowledge (c) your self-confidence (d) office hierarchy / organizational flow (d) your relationship with peers / superiors, related to your job profile (2) Have self-confidence / self-esteem over you and avoid comparing yourself with your friends (3) Now think over which all fields you are interested in. (4) As age is a major factor & keeping in view your educational qualifications / attempts in Govt Exams, you can opt for 'Teaching' at home for the school-children around your home for the subjects you are confident such as English, Social Science & Language. (5) Try this to keep yourself engaged with school children and to get a mental relief from your (some assumed) psychological problems. (6) There is always a demand for Home Tutors. Charge reasonable fees and have patience to become popular in your locality (7) You have to come out of your 'Introvert' personality and talk to your reliable and affectionate friends / relatives. This will further reduce your psychological problem (8) You can even apply to schools for 'Teaching Positions' even if the salary is low initially for the subjects like English, Social Science, depending upon the Grade. If you have any other question(s) related to your career / options, please ask me here in RediffGURU. All The BEST Madam. God Bless You.
Asked on - Aug 10, 2024 | Not Answered yet
I tried for teaching jobs but was not selected.I have a six year old child to take care of.I live in a nuclear family. I have made my profile on LinkedIn but seeing my classmates in an upper position demotivates me.