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Anu Krishna  |1220 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
POOJA Question by POOJA on Jun 27, 2024Hindi

Mam I'm 27 and my partner is 30 , yes he is in good financial position, his family becakground is like us normal middle class jatt family and we are from teaching background brahman family, I have talked to them again last week they are saying he is low caste then us that's why they can't do that and also my sister think he is not good choice for me because his family live in village kind off area but they live in Agra normal area not like proper villages and he is not even forcing me to live there he is saying we will going to live in city because I have to work also and he is working he is saving up for buying flat for both of us , he is very understanding, suddenly today I know my sister say so many bad things about he used to do in college, she is married and they know each other from college but they were not close at all . My sister think they are not wealthy enough and my parents don't know that, now my mother knows I don't know what to do now , im going to talk to my mom about this situation. Please suggest how to talk to them to change there mind about casteism

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
It is not easy to change anyone's mind about a firm belief like caste, religion etc.
As I have mentioned earlier, you both have a huge task ahead of addressing your parents' concerns. Obviously, your parents are worried about their financial status and living conditions...
Address these concerns/worries first rather than trying to convince them. The roots cause must be in focus...just do that first...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Love Guru

Love Guru   | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert - Answered on Apr 16, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 15, 2024Hindi
Hi..I just saw your page and found this is the right page where I can get answer.. I am so confused and so my thoughts coming in my mind and noone in my life which I can tell. However, I found you hopefully you'll get my answer I want to marry with my partner but he is not earning as much and I'm also earning but we both started our career in 2023. And my parents wants I should get Marry with someone and he is searching. But I told my parents that I love someone but the issue is he is not from my caste that is not the big issue main issue is that my partner belongs from very nuclear family like his mother and sister is there and noone is there in his family and my parents also saying the boy is not earning a good salary and noone is there in his family how will you be happy and I don't think so he is good for you.. but my partner loves me so much he loves me till 6 years and he waited for me also. My question is that for getting a married is all this stuff matters ? My parents is arising so many questions somehow she denied..should I convince to my parents or they are saying right ??
Ans: The salary is not a problem, if he doesn’t have misplaced ego about his wife earning more than him; some men are broad-minded enough to even be proud of their wives earning more. Nor is caste; love has no fixed faith. But this nuclear family business is a red flag; I would strictly advice not living under the same roof with his mother and sister. There is bound to be friction. Then relations sour and your marriage gets strained. If he is willing to step out from under their shadow and live separately with you, and the money-making is not an issue for him, you’re making the right choice of partner. If either of the above is not realistic, I would suggest you stop trying to convince your parents and listen to what they have to say.

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Anu Krishna  |1220 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 20, 2024Hindi
Madam i am 21 years old having a good post at central government as at erly age i got job and i joint it now i am 22 and having a boyfriend he is also central government officer and he is age 29 bu despite of the age gap the love bloomed and we are so in love with each other i told my family early tge condition and said that i want to marry him but my parents said after 25 we will ger u married but by sharing this at hone they are not having trust on mr and are being insecure and wants me to leave a government job and to come home because he is not from same caste and it will also be interstate marriage my family is having the fear of relatives and my mother us against of it they are saying intercaste marriage we will not support or accept continuously emotional blackmail to me trying to manipulate, brainwash me and abusing me emotionally verbally and physically. what should i do?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Inter-faith marriages are still a big NO NO in many homes and yours is not an exception. Like in many other cases, my suggestion has been that both sides must want to get to know the other person. Like your parents need to see a different side of your boyfriend to be willing to accept him.
What is it that he can bring in their daughter's life that will ease their concerns about his faith/religion?
So, your boyfriend must be willing to be patient and make efforts on his part to integrate into your family. It takes time, so be patient.
Now, for your job...do not confuse emotions and your job. Your parents feels that you might take drastic steps with your boyfriend and hence want you closer to home so that they can keep an eye on you. Address this concern by being mature and immersing yourself more into work that gives them the confidence that you are not about to do anything behind their back.
Addressing what bothers them is a better way out rather than trying to convince them...as the same issues will keep coming back if you force them to accept something. So, be patient and responsible for things to sort themselves out...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Kanchan Rai  |368 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 24, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi
Hi mam, I am in relationship with a guy who is from different caste. It's been three years but his family is not agreeing due to family status and intercaste. My family is ready as I am the eldest daughter of my family and unturned 30 this year. I have no time but he can't marry me without his parents concent. My family is searching a boy for my marriage. I can't marry with another guy. what shall I do to marry him to convince his family or what should he do his monther is so rigid. Please ???? support us what should we do? Two lives will be spoiled bcz of this. The only problem is upper and lower caste.
Ans: Navigating a relationship where cultural norms and family expectations conflict is challenging, but it's crucial to approach it with empathy and patience.
You're deeply committed to your partner despite the pressure from his family due to caste differences. While your family supports your marriage, his family, especially his mother, is firm in their opposition. You're also facing time constraints and societal pressure, making the situation urgent and stressful.
Your partner needs to have ongoing, respectful conversations with his parents, emphasizing your love and commitment. He should explain why you are the right person for him and how you positively impact his life. Understanding and addressing their specific concerns, whether they are about societal judgment or family honor, is crucial.
Sharing personal stories and demonstrating the depth of your bond can help his parents see beyond the caste issue. Highlighting your shared values and how you both support each other can make your relationship more relatable to them.
Seek help from a trusted family member or friend who can mediate and help his parents see the relationship from a new perspective. A respected family elder who has navigated similar challenges can also be influential.
Changing deep-seated beliefs takes time. Your partner should continue to gently and persistently show his parents that his happiness lies with you. Patience will be key as they may need time to adjust to the idea
Engage with support groups or counselors experienced in intercaste relationships. They can provide valuable advice and emotional support.
Discuss potential scenarios if his parents don’t approve. Consider whether options like elopement or giving them time to come around could work for both of you. These conversations should be open and honest to ensure mutual understanding.

Throughout this process, maintain strong communication and support each other emotionally. Navigating these challenges together will strengthen your bond and help you both find a path forward that honors your relationship and family ties.

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Anu Krishna  |1220 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 22, 2024Hindi
Hi Ma'am, I got married few years back to my boyfriend. It was an intercaste marriage to which my parents opposed very strongly. They tried doing everything from verbal abuse, emotional abuse, guilt tripping, calling names, blaming my education to even asking me to leave my job. But with my elder brothers support I was able to still go ahead and got married to him. Today my parents love my partner a lot and are very happy with the very same person and his family which they were earlier opposing to due to fear of what others will say to this intercaste marriage. But today there is a similar situation built up at home with my brother's wedding. He is in his 30s and parents are concerned of getting him married asap. He told them about his girlfriend from other caste which was okay with the parents but they didnt like the girl purely from looks. They are concerned now that people will question them why you bought such a bride for your son and that they had so many beautiful prospects to which they said NO and now will be making this girl a bride of the house which will open them to mockery of others. They have not even met the girl but only after seeing photos they are so negative and again hurting us as well as themselves by saying lot of negative toxic things and guilt tripping for everything they have done for us. I feel they will become happy in few years but at this point they are not even agreeing to meet the family due to which the girl's family is getting apprehensive of marrying their daughter to our family. I have been trying to convince my parents but they start saying things like you also did the same so you will obviously support and we don't want to be a part of anything. If you want to get married go ahead and do it but don't expect us to be a part of it. What should I be doing?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Your parents like giving their children a challenging time by exerting authority and then afterwards giving in to prove that they yielded and are such good people. It may sound pretty mean, but a lot many people play this power struggle games simply to win favors. This happens in the relationship sphere in homes and work spaces.
Now, in this case, your parents may or may not come around BUT seeing the way they accepted your marriage, give your brother's situation a bit of a pause. This will help your parents know that no one is going to beg and plead them and then let them have the pleasure of saying YES.
It will also enable you and your brother to work in the background as to how to make the girls' side of the family and your parents to meet. So, take a bit of a backseat that will also aid in letting your parents breathe. Wait it out a bit and then work with your parents gently to address their concerns and then eventually make the parents meet. A bit of patience...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Latest Questions

Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6690 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

I am 23yo Male, I have started monthly SIP in Parag parikh flexi cap fund -Rs. 2000, HDFC Index fund BSE Sensex plan - Rs. 2000 and Tata small cap fund - Rs. 2000. How much corpus can I achieve with this investment after 15 years. And if I increase my investment in each of the funds upto Rs. 5000 then how much corpus can I achieve in next 15 years?
Ans: At 23, you're taking a positive step towards wealth creation with your SIPs. Long-term investing in mutual funds can provide you with compounding benefits and generate substantial returns over time. Let's evaluate how your current SIPs and future increases could shape your financial journey over the next 15 years.

Expected Corpus with Current Investment
Right now, you're investing Rs 6,000 per month across three funds. Over 15 years, this consistent approach can generate a substantial corpus, but it's important to manage expectations. Mutual funds, especially in equity, can be volatile, but historically they have offered returns ranging from 10% to 12% over the long term. Here’s what you can expect:

Assuming an annual return of around 10%, your investment of Rs 6,000 per month could grow significantly. While it's hard to predict exact numbers due to market fluctuations, you may end up with an impressive corpus after 15 years.

Your current SIP could help you reach anywhere between Rs 22-24 lakhs, depending on market conditions. This growth is mainly due to compounding and consistent investments. But do remember, this is an estimate, and actual results can vary.

Corpus with Increased Investment
If you increase your SIP to Rs 15,000 per month (Rs 5,000 in each fund), your potential corpus will rise significantly. Assuming the same annual return of around 10%, this approach would result in much higher wealth creation:

Your new SIP of Rs 15,000 per month could help you accumulate a corpus of approximately Rs 55-60 lakhs after 15 years, depending on the market. The increased investment will take advantage of compounding to a greater extent, amplifying your returns.

Analytical Insight on Different Funds
Actively Managed Flexi-cap Fund
A flexi-cap fund gives you the flexibility to invest across large, mid, and small-cap companies. Since these funds are actively managed, the fund manager can adjust the portfolio as market conditions change. This flexibility could help in generating higher returns over the long term compared to index funds, which are passive.

Actively managed funds provide room for better returns due to expert fund management. The fund manager's discretion allows for navigating volatile markets and taking advantage of emerging opportunities, which can potentially outperform index funds.

Flexi-cap funds, being diversified across market caps, reduce the risk of over-exposure to any one sector. This balanced approach can help you achieve consistent growth in the long term.

Small-cap Funds
Small-cap funds focus on smaller companies with high growth potential. These companies may be volatile in the short term, but they can offer substantial returns over the long term. Your choice to invest in small-cap funds reflects a more aggressive risk-taking approach, which can work in your favor given your young age.

While small-cap funds can deliver higher returns, they are also more prone to volatility. Therefore, it’s important to have a long-term horizon, as you do. Over 15 years, this investment may reward you with considerable gains, especially if the small-cap companies grow rapidly.

Index Funds: Some Drawbacks
Index funds, while offering diversification, have certain limitations. Since these funds are passively managed, they cannot beat the market but simply follow it. They may provide decent returns, but they often miss out on opportunities to outperform, especially during volatile market conditions.

Lack of Flexibility: Index funds strictly follow the market index. Even during a downturn, they continue holding the same stocks, which may not be ideal for an investor looking for growth in a changing market.

Missed Opportunities: Active funds, on the other hand, can adjust their portfolio to benefit from undervalued stocks, thus offering higher returns compared to index funds.

Lower Performance Potential: Index funds have a cap on potential returns, as they are not actively seeking out high-growth opportunities. While they are low-cost, this passive approach might not suit investors seeking substantial growth.

In contrast, regular funds through a certified financial planner can offer personalized advice and flexibility in selecting better opportunities. The expertise of a professional can result in better portfolio management and timely adjustments based on market dynamics.

Benefits of Regular Funds with Certified Financial Planner
While direct funds might seem cost-efficient, investing through regular funds and leveraging the expertise of a certified financial planner offers several advantages:

Professional Management: Certified financial planners provide a structured approach to investments. Their advice can help balance risk and ensure the selection of suitable funds for your financial goals.

Customized Financial Planning: Instead of following a one-size-fits-all approach, a financial planner tailors investment strategies to your personal goals, risk appetite, and time horizon. This ensures better-aligned returns with your life goals.

Active Monitoring: Regular funds through a certified financial planner offer better portfolio management. They consistently monitor your investments and rebalance your portfolio when necessary, optimizing your returns.

Long-term Strategy: Certified financial planners create a roadmap for your financial goals, ensuring you're on track to reach your desired corpus. They can adjust the strategy based on changes in your life or market conditions.

Tax Implications
It's important to keep in mind the tax implications on your investments:

Equity Mutual Funds: For long-term capital gains (LTCG) over Rs 1.25 lakh, the tax rate is 12.5%. Short-term capital gains (STCG) are taxed at 20%.

Rebalancing and Taxes: When you work with a certified financial planner, they can ensure that any rebalancing is done in a tax-efficient manner, reducing your overall tax liability.

SIP as a Wealth-building Tool
SIPs are a powerful tool for wealth building because they instill financial discipline and take advantage of rupee cost averaging. Here’s why your SIP strategy works well:

Consistent Investments: Regular contributions to SIPs help you stay invested through market ups and downs, reducing the impact of market volatility.

Rupee Cost Averaging: This strategy lowers the average cost of your investments over time, which is particularly useful in volatile markets. You buy more units when the market is low and fewer when it's high, leading to better long-term returns.

Compounding Growth: The power of compounding ensures that even small amounts invested consistently can grow significantly over time. As your SIP grows, so does your investment, thanks to the reinvestment of returns.

Increase Your Contributions
You’re already on the right path, but increasing your SIP amounts will amplify your wealth creation potential. As your income grows, make it a point to increase your SIP contributions proportionally. This will help you reach your financial goals faster.

By consistently increasing your SIPs as your financial situation improves, you’ll be able to achieve greater compounding benefits, ensuring a stronger financial future.

Diversification Across Fund Types
Your portfolio has a healthy mix of fund types, which helps manage risk while taking advantage of growth opportunities. But remember:

Balanced Approach: While small-cap funds offer high growth potential, they can be risky. Balancing them with more stable, large-cap or flexi-cap funds helps ensure steady growth with a cushion during market downturns.

Risk Management: Diversifying your SIPs across different types of funds ensures you aren't overexposed to a particular sector or market cap. This can protect your investments from excessive volatility.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Portfolio
Your SIP investments should not be a “set it and forget it” approach. It’s important to review your portfolio regularly, at least once a year. Markets change, your financial situation might change, and it’s crucial that your portfolio evolves to keep pace with these changes.

Annual Review: With the help of a certified financial planner, you can assess your portfolio’s performance annually. This ensures that your investments are aligned with your financial goals and market conditions.

Rebalancing: As market conditions shift, it may be necessary to rebalance your portfolio. A certified financial planner can help you make these adjustments to optimize returns without incurring unnecessary tax liabilities.

Final Insights
Your commitment to SIPs at such a young age is commendable. This disciplined approach will help you build a strong financial future. Increasing your contributions will amplify your wealth creation and ensure that you achieve your financial goals sooner.

Remember, while mutual funds can offer substantial returns, it’s important to stay invested for the long term and not be swayed by short-term market volatility. Work with a certified financial planner to make the most of your investments and stay on track toward your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Radheshyam Zanwar  |1000 Answers  |Ask -

MHT-CET, IIT-JEE, NEET-UG Expert - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 17, 2024Hindi
I got 1000+ rank in nimcet this year but i didn't get any nit..so I decided to take drop and again preparing for it.. but couldn't focus as I have given my 100% this year but still couldn't clear should I learn technical skills parallely because if I prepare solely for nimcet I'm going to burn out... and get frustrated
Ans: Hello.
Sad to hear about the frustration that developed in you. But you are not the alone among lacs of students who are not admitted to NIT's/IIT's or some reputed institutions even after giving 100%. Every student, who is appearing for the exam will do the same thing and give his 100%. Yet few of them only get admission. The rest of them either try to repeat or choose another path. There is nothing wrong with taking a drop. If you check the history, many repeaters have succeeded in cracking the examination and come out of frustration.
Keep faith in yourself, your studies, and your burning desire to crack the examination.
Please keep other aspects i.e. learning technical skills parallelly away for few months, till your exam is over. Engaging yourself in parallel skills will again create frustration in your mind. First, you take admission to a demanding course in a reputed college and then shape your career how you want.
As you have well prepared for the 1st attempt, you know your drawbacks where you went wrong, and what missed, It is my confidence that you will crack the examination this year by overcoming the drawbacks.
Best of luck to your upcoming bright future which is just a few months away! Wakeup and start with new hopes!

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Sushil Sukhwani  |553 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 18, 2024Hindi
My daughter wants to do her media communication for her PG course. She is particular about UK. Can you suggest any good college/University? Presently she is in St.Josephs college of commerce, Bangalore. Doing her final year UG. Please advise
Ans: Hello,

To begin with, thank you for contacting us. I am happy to hear that your daughter is presently studying in the final year of her undergraduate degree at St. Josephs College of Commerce after which she intends pursuing a postgraduate course in Media Communication particularly in the UK. You would be glad to know that there are several prominent universities in the UK that offer postgraduate courses in Media Communication. Your daughter can consider applying to University of Leeds, which provides a vast array of media-related courses, and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) which is renowned for the Media and Communications program it offers. She can also think about applying to Goldsmiths, University of London, which is well-known for creative and cultural studies. Besides the ones mentioned above, your daughter can also consider applying to Cardiff University which is renowned for journalism and media studies, and University of Westminster which offers robust media programs. Bear in mind that each of these universities are internationally acclaimed, have outstanding linkages with industry, and offer a dynamic global student body.

For more information, you can visit our website: www.edwiseinternational.com

You can also follow us on our Instagram page: edwiseint

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T S Khurana

T S Khurana   |150 Answers  |Ask -

Tax Expert - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

After a period of hospitalization, a Pensioner with taxable salary expired before filing the ITR. As per a regd Will, the heir took initiatives and as a preliminary act, the death certificate was submitted in the bank and the pension was stopped. Now to clear the formalities, the bank is asking for legal heir certificate(LHC) from the revenue dept. The revenue department is asking for the original registered Will in order to issue the LHC. The Will is in the above bank locker and the Bank will not allow to open and take out the original Will unless the LHC is produced. The Bank has also declined to provide the Form16 and Form 16A which would have helped in filing the already belated ITR for FY23-24. In short, the apparent heir is trapped in a "Chakravyuh". Is there any way out? Please advise.
Ans: 01. Please find your father's tax details from Income Tax site (AIS, TIS & Form 26AS). Add the details which you have from his bank accounts & other relevent documents available with the family.
Compute his Income Tax liability & pay tax on his behalf.
This will clear your tax liability.
You also need to file his ITR, as a representative assessee. However, this may require certain formalities, if you can complete. Otherwise, wait for the registered will & then proceed.
02. You can get a copy of Registered WILL of your father, from the Registrar's Office, where it was Registered. You can then proceed further to process/settle your other issues.
Most welcome for any further clarifications. Thanks.

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Janak Patel  |7 Answers  |Ask -

MF, PF Expert - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Please advice on my portfolio. I'm 50 years old married freelancer with no children so end up doing investments through STP's. Right now I have 1 crore in ICICI Agressive Hybrid, 1 crore in HDFC Balanced Advantage, 50 lakh PMS with ICICI Contra, 50 Lakh PMS with Abbakus. 30 Lakhs HDFC Mid Cap. 30 Lakhs Oswal Business Cycle. Apart from that I have 20 lakhs in PPF. Please advice
Ans: Hi Saket,

Your portfolio is a mix of investments across MFs, PMS and PPF.
Assuming PMS is all equity, the asset allocation reflects approximately an 80:20 ratio in Equity:Debt respectively, which seems fine.
As your objectives or goals are not available, it would be difficult to indicate if they suit your profile.

Most of the MF schemes mentioned are fine with a good track record. The exception is the Business Cycle scheme - this is a new scheme and being sectoral it will attract very high risk, its approximately 10% of your portfolio value so continue if you understand the risk.
Alternately you can consider a Flexi-cap or Multi-cap MF scheme that are well diversified and for a 7+ years of time horizon.

PMS services - if your experience with the PMS services are good and they meet your expectations for returns, then do continue.

PPF - plan to utilize it as a tax efficient instrument to withdraw funds at the time of retirement. Continue to contribute max possible and complete lock-in period of 15 years and keep extending the account with contributions. Over the next 10-15 years you can accumulate a good corpus which will be completely tax free for withdrawal.

An observation/suggestion as its not indicated - As you are freelancer, suggest emergency funds - please plan to have at least 6-9 months expenses in an investment which has high liquidity and safety e.g. FDs. In extreme eventualities like the pandemic or a personal crisis, this fund can support the immediate needs.

As you are going to be moving towards your retirement in a decade or so, I recommend you contact a Certified Financial Planner who can add value to your portfolio and provide a personalized evaluation and guidance taking into consideration your family profile, goals and requirement of the future while assessing risk and tax efficiency.

Janak Patel
Certified Financial Planner.

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