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Sunil Lala  |193 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Feb 11, 2024

Sunil Lala founded SL Wealth, a company that offers life and non-life insurance, mutual fund and asset allocation advice, in 2005. A certified financial planner, he has three decades of domain experience. His expertise includes designing goal-specific financial plans and creating investment awareness. He has been a registered member of the Financial Planning Standards Board since 2009.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jan 25, 2024Hindi

Dear Guide I am pensioner with major investments in real estate and earning 50 % of my pension equivalent from rentals. I could save 20 k from that and my concern is , will real estate investments would decrease by years to come and is wise to invest in market after retirement?

Ans: Yes
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 23, 2024

Good day sir. I am 45 years old earning a take home salary of 1.5Lakhs/ month. I also get a rent of Rs. 25K/ month. I have EPF of about 16 Lakhs, NPS of 4 Lakhs, PPF of 3 Lakhs, Have FD of 70 Lakhs, Mutual fund and stocks of 20 Lakhs. Also invested in Gold and the current value is 60 Lakhs. I have some retirement plans with current value of around 20 Lakhs. I have my own house and no need to pay rent. My current expenses of my family is around 60K/ month. I have few plots available which values to around Rs. 1.5 Crore. Can I sell the plot and invest the money as part of my retirement plan. Also I am Planning to retire after 8 years. What investments I need to make to have a peaceful retirement. Waiting for your advice.
Ans: Crafting Your Retirement Plan: A Comprehensive Approach

Hello! Thank you for entrusting me with the task of charting out your retirement journey. Let's delve into your current financial landscape and outline a strategy to ensure a peaceful retirement for you.

Assessment of Current Financial Status

Before we dive into the specifics of your retirement plan, let's take stock of your existing assets and liabilities. You're 45 years old, with a monthly take-home salary of ?1.5 lakhs and an additional rental income of ?25,000 per month. Your investments include:

EPF: ?16 lakhs
NPS: ?4 lakhs
PPF: ?3 lakhs
FDs: ?70 lakhs
Mutual Funds and Stocks: ?20 lakhs
Gold: ?60 lakhs
Retirement Plans: ?20 lakhs
Property Holdings (Plots): Valued at ?1.5 crores
Own House (No Rent Expense)
Monthly Family Expenses: ?60,000
Analyzing the Proposal to Sell the Plot

Considering your upcoming retirement in 8 years and your desire for a peaceful post-retirement life, let's evaluate the proposal to sell the plot and reinvest the proceeds into your retirement plan.

Pros of Selling the Plot:

Liquidity: Selling the plot would provide you with a significant influx of liquidity, which can be channeled into investment avenues with potential for growth and income generation.
Diversification: By diversifying your portfolio away from real estate, you can reduce concentration risk and enhance the overall stability of your investment portfolio.
Simplified Management: Real estate holdings often require active management and incur maintenance costs. Liquidating the plot would eliminate these hassles and streamline your financial affairs.
Cons of Selling the Plot:

Opportunity Cost: The decision to sell the plot involves foregoing potential future appreciation in property value. It's essential to weigh this opportunity cost against the benefits of diversification and liquidity.
Transaction Costs: Selling real estate typically entails transaction costs such as brokerage fees, stamp duty, and capital gains tax, which can impact your net proceeds from the sale.
Emotional Attachment: Real estate holdings often carry emotional significance, and parting with a property may evoke sentimental considerations that should be carefully weighed against financial objectives.
Retirement Planning Strategy

Now, let's outline a retirement planning strategy tailored to your unique circumstances and aspirations.

1. Goal Setting:

Define your retirement goals in terms of lifestyle aspirations, travel plans, healthcare needs, and any other post-retirement objectives you wish to accomplish.

2. Asset Allocation:

Allocate your investable assets across various asset classes such as equity, debt, and alternative investments, considering your risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial goals.

3. Investment Diversification:

Diversify your investment portfolio across multiple asset classes and investment vehicles to mitigate risk and enhance long-term returns.

4. Tax Planning:

Optimize your tax liabilities by leveraging tax-efficient investment avenues and retirement savings instruments such as NPS, PPF, and tax-saving mutual funds.

5. Regular Review and Rebalancing:

Periodically review your investment portfolio to ensure alignment with your retirement goals and risk appetite. Rebalance your portfolio as necessary to maintain the desired asset allocation.


In conclusion, while selling the plot may offer short-term liquidity and diversification benefits, it's essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. With a comprehensive retirement planning strategy encompassing goal setting, asset allocation, investment diversification, tax planning, and regular review, you can pave the way for a peaceful and financially secure retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 23, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 22, 2024Hindi
Hi m 48 yrs old n going to retire at 60.With a monthly income of 1lak.M unmarried n would like to seek ur advice relating to my retirement plans. I hav an fd of 25 lakhs, a mutual fund of 5lak, monthly SIP of 10k,few stocks, a land worth 60lak n an nps of 35lak. I need ur financial expertise with the question relating to my wish for building rentals on my land without loan but the cost of construction is to costly n it will require for using up all my accumulated money which I started to doubt about the credibility of creating retirement plans from rentals. Is it financially wise to go ahead or should I just concentrate on increasing my investment with sip n fd. Thank you in advance.????????????
Ans: Comprehensive Retirement Planning for a Secure Future
Understanding Your Financial Situation
You are 48 years old and plan to retire at 60. You earn ?1 lakh per month. Your current investments include:

?25 lakhs in fixed deposits (FDs)
?5 lakhs in mutual funds
?10,000 monthly SIP
Few stocks
Land worth ?60 lakhs
?35 lakhs in the National Pension System (NPS)
You are considering building rentals on your land but are concerned about the high construction costs and its impact on your retirement funds.

Your dedication to securing your financial future is commendable. Balancing investments and planning for retirement is a complex task, and your thoughtful approach reflects your commitment.

Evaluating Rental Income from Property
High Construction Costs
Building rentals on your land without taking a loan is challenging due to high construction costs. It would require utilizing all your accumulated funds, leaving you with little to no liquidity for other needs.

Financial Risks
Investing all your money in construction poses significant financial risks. If the rental market declines, you may not achieve the expected returns. Additionally, maintenance and vacancy costs can impact your income.

Alternative Investment Strategies
Increasing SIP Contributions
Focusing on increasing your SIP contributions can yield better long-term returns. SIPs in diversified mutual funds help spread risk and generate steady growth. Consider gradually increasing your SIP amount as your income allows.

Fixed Deposits and Debt Instruments
Continue investing in fixed deposits and explore other debt instruments like corporate bonds and government securities. These provide stable returns with low risk, suitable for preserving your capital.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Higher Potential Returns
Actively managed funds can outperform the market due to professional management and strategic asset allocation. Fund managers adjust portfolios based on market conditions to maximize returns.

Risk Management
Active fund managers implement risk management strategies to protect your investments. They can shift assets to safer options during market downturns, ensuring better stability.

Disadvantages of Index Funds and Direct Funds
Index Funds
Index funds, while low-cost, mirror market performance and do not provide above-average returns. They lack the flexibility of actively managed funds to adapt to market changes.

Direct Funds
Direct funds save on commission fees but lack professional guidance. Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) provides expert advice, helping you make informed decisions.

Retirement Planning with a Diversified Portfolio
Equity Mutual Funds
Allocate a portion of your investments to equity mutual funds for higher returns. Diversify across large-cap, mid-cap, and multi-cap funds to balance risk and reward.

Debt Mutual Funds
Invest in debt mutual funds for stable returns. These funds are less volatile and provide regular income, making them suitable for your retirement portfolio.

NPS Contributions
Continue contributing to your NPS account. The NPS offers tax benefits and a steady retirement income. Consider increasing your contributions for better compounding benefits.

Creating a Balanced Investment Plan
Asset Allocation
Maintain a balanced asset allocation strategy. Diversify your investments across equities, debt, and fixed deposits to mitigate risks and ensure steady growth.

Regular Review and Adjustment
Regularly review your investment portfolio. Market conditions and personal circumstances change over time, and adjusting your investments ensures they align with your goals.

Planning for Medical and Emergency Funds
Medical Insurance
Ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage. Medical emergencies can deplete your savings quickly. A comprehensive health insurance plan protects your financial stability.

Emergency Fund
Maintain a separate emergency fund equivalent to six months of expenses. This fund provides a safety net for unforeseen expenses without disrupting your long-term investments.

Creating a Legacy for Future Generations
Estate Planning
Develop a detailed estate plan to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Consult with a legal advisor to draft a will and set up trusts if necessary.

Financial Gifts
Consider making financial gifts to your family during your lifetime. This reduces potential estate taxes and allows you to see the benefits of your generosity.

Importance of Professional Guidance
Role of a Certified Financial Planner
Working with a CFP ensures you receive tailored advice. A CFP helps you create a strategic investment plan, select appropriate funds, and make necessary adjustments to achieve your goals.

Building rentals on your land might not be the best option due to high construction costs and associated risks. Instead, focus on increasing your SIP contributions, maintaining your fixed deposits, and diversifying your portfolio. Regularly review and adjust your investments with the help of a Certified Financial Planner. Your commitment to securing your financial future is admirable, and with a well-structured plan, you can achieve a comfortable and worry-free retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 16, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 06, 2024Hindi
Hi sir, I am aging 37 years. I have built house in my native and its present value is Rs 45 lakh. With housing loan of Rs 9 lakh and getting only 6k rent. As I am working in corporate company in Blore. And no plans to go back to my native for next 10 years. So plz guide me shall i sell this house and invest elsewhere. If yes. Plz guide me which is the best option for long term means for next 10 years investment. Thank u .
Ans: Current Situation Analysis

Your house in your native place is valued at Rs 45 lakh, with a housing loan of Rs 9 lakh. The rental income of Rs 6,000 per month may not be sufficient to justify holding the property if you are not planning to return in the next 10 years.

Evaluating the Options

Selling the House: Pros and Cons


You can clear the housing loan of Rs 9 lakh.

You can invest the proceeds in higher-return assets.

Eliminates the hassle of managing a rental property.


You may lose potential appreciation in property value.

Emotional attachment to the property.

Investment Options for Long Term

1. Mutual Funds:

Equity Mutual Funds: Suitable for long-term growth. Diversify across sectors and companies.

Hybrid Mutual Funds: Mix of equity and debt. Provides balanced growth with some stability.

2. Public Provident Fund (PPF):

Safe and tax-efficient.

Offers decent returns over the long term.

3. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs):

Regular, disciplined investment in mutual funds.

Beneficial for averaging out market volatility.

4. Debt Mutual Funds:

For stability and regular income.

Less risky compared to equity mutual funds.

Final Insights

Selling the house and clearing the loan can free up capital for more productive investments. Diversifying into mutual funds, PPF, and SIPs can provide balanced growth and stability over the next 10 years.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 13, 2024Hindi
Greetings I am retiring in April 2027. I may get a retirement corpus of around 2Cr. I have FDs of around 60 L Mutual Funds 40L. I have two flats and the home loan of one flat will be repaid before my retirement. For the other flat there is no loan. Myself and my wife have ancestors property (land)valued at around 6 Cr. I may need a monthly income of 75 K.Kindly suggest investment options for me
Ans: First, congratulations on your upcoming retirement. You've done a great job building a solid financial foundation. You have a diverse portfolio with fixed deposits, mutual funds, real estate, and ancestral property. This diversification provides stability and potential growth.

Your expected retirement corpus of Rs. 2 crore is substantial. With this, along with your current assets and minimal loan commitments, you are well-positioned for a comfortable retirement. Let's evaluate your options to generate a monthly income of Rs. 75,000 while ensuring your capital grows and remains secure.

Creating a Retirement Income Plan
Fixed Deposits (FDs)
You have Rs. 60 lakhs in fixed deposits. FDs offer security and guaranteed returns. However, their interest rates may not keep pace with inflation. It's wise to keep a portion of your retirement corpus in FDs for liquidity and safety. Allocate around 20-25% of your corpus here.

Mutual Funds
You already have Rs. 40 lakhs in mutual funds. Mutual funds are excellent for growth and can be tailored to match your risk tolerance. Consider the following types of funds:

Balanced Funds

Balanced funds provide a mix of equity and debt. They offer growth potential while minimizing risk. Given your age and risk tolerance, a balanced fund can help maintain stability.

Equity Funds

Equity funds are suitable for long-term growth. They can be volatile, but with a horizon of 10-15 years, they can significantly enhance your returns. Diversify across large-cap, mid-cap, and multi-cap funds to spread risk.

Debt Funds

Debt funds are less risky and provide regular income. They are good for short-term needs. Invest in high-quality debt funds to ensure safety and reasonable returns.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
Use an SWP from your mutual fund investments to generate a regular income. It allows you to withdraw a fixed amount monthly, providing you with Rs. 75,000. This method ensures that your capital continues to grow while providing you with the needed income.

Additional Investment Options
Senior Citizens' Saving Scheme (SCSS)
SCSS is a government-backed scheme offering attractive interest rates and regular income. It's safe and suitable for retirees. You can invest up to Rs. 15 lakhs individually or Rs. 30 lakhs jointly. The interest is paid quarterly, providing a steady income.

Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)
POMIS is another secure option. It offers a fixed monthly income and is backed by the government. You can invest up to Rs. 4.5 lakhs individually or Rs. 9 lakhs jointly. The interest rate is competitive, and the monthly payout can supplement your income.

Corporate Bonds and Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs)
Investing in high-rated corporate bonds and NCDs can provide higher returns than traditional FDs. They come with a fixed tenure and interest rate, offering a predictable income stream. Ensure to choose high-rated instruments to minimize risk.

Dividend-Paying Stocks
Investing in blue-chip companies that pay regular dividends can provide a steady income. Dividends are usually paid quarterly and can supplement your monthly income. Choose companies with a strong track record of consistent dividends.

Monthly Income Plans (MIPs)
MIPs offered by mutual funds invest predominantly in debt instruments with a small portion in equity. They aim to provide regular income and capital appreciation. MIPs can be a good option for generating monthly income with moderate risk.

Assessing Risks and Diversification
Risk Assessment
Retirement planning requires balancing risk and returns. While you need growth to beat inflation, capital preservation is equally crucial. Assess your risk tolerance and align your investments accordingly. A mix of safe and growth-oriented investments will ensure stability and growth.

Diversification reduces risk and enhances returns. Spread your investments across different asset classes like FDs, mutual funds

, government schemes, and stocks. This strategy ensures that poor performance in one area does not significantly impact your overall portfolio.

Tax Efficiency and Planning
Tax-Saving Instruments
Maximize your tax benefits by investing in tax-saving instruments under Section 80C, such as Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) and SCSS. These instruments help reduce your taxable income while offering growth and regular income.

Tax on Returns
Understand the tax implications of your investments. For instance, interest from FDs and SCSS is taxable, while long-term capital gains from equity mutual funds enjoy favorable tax treatment. Plan your withdrawals and investments to minimize tax liabilities.

Health Insurance
Ensure you and your wife have adequate health insurance coverage. Medical expenses can erode your retirement corpus quickly. A comprehensive health insurance plan will provide peace of mind and financial security.

Estate Planning
Wills and Trusts
Estate planning is essential to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Draft a will to specify how your properties and investments should be allocated. Consider setting up a trust for efficient estate management and to minimize disputes among heirs.

Nomination and Succession
Ensure all your financial instruments have updated nominations. This simplifies the process for your heirs and ensures that your assets are transferred smoothly. Discuss your plans with your family to avoid confusion and misunderstandings later.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of your monthly expenses. This fund should be easily accessible and kept in a liquid instrument like a savings account or a liquid mutual fund. It provides a financial cushion for unexpected expenses.

Reviewing and Adjusting Your Plan
Regular Reviews
Regularly review your investment portfolio to ensure it aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. Financial markets and personal circumstances change, so adjust your plan accordingly. Seek advice from a Certified Financial Planner to stay on track.

Rebalancing your portfolio periodically is crucial to maintain your desired asset allocation. If your equity investments perform well, they might constitute a larger portion of your portfolio, increasing risk. Rebalance by selling a portion of equity and investing in debt to restore balance.

Stay Informed
Keep yourself informed about financial markets and new investment opportunities. Continuous learning helps make informed decisions and adapt to changing market conditions. Subscribing to financial newsletters and attending seminars can enhance your knowledge.

Long-Term Growth Strategies
Equity Investments
For long-term growth, maintain a portion of your portfolio in equity investments. Equities have historically outperformed other asset classes over the long term. However, they come with higher risk, so balance your equity exposure based on your risk tolerance.

Real Assets
While you've asked not to consider real estate, it's worth mentioning that your ancestral property is a significant asset. Ensure it is well-maintained and consider potential income streams from it, such as renting or leasing, to supplement your retirement income.

Genuine Compliments and Appreciation
You have done an admirable job of planning and saving for your retirement. Your diverse portfolio, debt-free lifestyle, and significant assets reflect careful planning and financial discipline. It’s evident that you have a clear vision for a comfortable and secure retirement.

Your meticulous approach towards ensuring a regular income and safeguarding your assets for the future is commendable. You’ve laid a strong foundation for your golden years, and with a few strategic adjustments, you can enjoy a financially worry-free retirement.

Final Insights
Retirement planning is a continuous process that requires regular monitoring and adjustments. Your primary goal should be to ensure a stable and sufficient income while preserving your capital. Diversify your investments, assess risks carefully, and make informed decisions.

Utilize safe investment options like SCSS, POMIS, and high-rated corporate bonds for regular income. Consider mutual funds for growth, and always keep an emergency fund. Regular reviews and rebalancing will keep your portfolio aligned with your goals.

Stay informed, and don’t hesitate to seek advice from a Certified Financial Planner to optimize your strategy. Your proactive approach and diversified portfolio set you up for a successful and enjoyable retirement. Keep up the good work and continue to make prudent financial decisions.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Krishna Kumar  |358 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Jul 26, 2024

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