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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4277 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 24, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 23, 2024Hindi

Sir, I am 58 years old and will be retiring from service after two years. I will be having PF contributions of 1 crore at the time of retirement. I have an investment of 50 lakh in MF, stocks and FDs as of now and 10 lakh in PPF and NPS. I am expected to receive a PF pension of Rs. 60000 per month after my retirement and retirement benefits of totalling 30 to 40 lakhs including gratuity. I have a housing loan balance of 15 lakh.My wife and I entitled to get medical benefits from my company. My two sons are employed however second may need a sum of 50 lakh after two years if he prefer to go to abroad for higher studies. I have constructed a house for living after retirement and a flat in my name where I am currently staying. I need a retirement plan for a monthly income of 1.25 lakh per month after retirement. Thank you.

Ans: Retirement Planning for a Secure Future
Your diligent approach towards retirement planning is commendable. Let's formulate a comprehensive retirement plan to ensure a comfortable lifestyle and financial security post-retirement.

Assessing Your Current Financial Status
You have substantial assets, including PF contributions, investments in MFs, stocks, FDs, and PPF/NPS.

The expected PF pension and retirement benefits, coupled with medical benefits, add to your financial stability.

Understanding Retirement Goals and Obligations
Retirement Income
Your goal of achieving a monthly income of Rs. 1.25 lakh post-retirement is well-defined.

This income should cover your living expenses and support your lifestyle comfortably.

Financial Obligations
Consideration of financial obligations like housing loan balance and potential expenses for your son's higher education is crucial.

Crafting a Retirement Plan
Retirement Corpus
Calculate the required retirement corpus based on your desired monthly income, life expectancy, and inflation.

Ensure the corpus is sufficient to generate a steady income stream post-retirement.

Debt Management
Prioritize paying off the housing loan balance before retirement to reduce financial burden.

Utilize part of the retirement benefits towards debt repayment to achieve debt-free status.

Income Sources Post-Retirement
Utilize PF contributions, investments, PF pension, and retirement benefits as income sources post-retirement.

Explore options like systematic withdrawal plans (SWPs) from MFs and FDs to generate regular income.

Addressing Education Expenses
Higher Education Fund
Plan for your son's higher education expenses by allocating a portion of your existing investments.

Consider starting an education fund to accumulate the required sum within two years.

Investment Allocation
Allocate a suitable portion of your portfolio towards low-risk, liquid investments to meet short-term goals like education expenses.

Optimizing Investment Portfolio
Diversify your investment portfolio across asset classes to mitigate risk and optimize returns.

Consider investing in a mix of equity, debt, and balanced funds to achieve long-term growth and stability.

Regular Funds Investing through MFD with CFP Credential
Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct funds require active management and market knowledge.

Investors may lack expertise in fund selection and portfolio management.

Benefits of Regular Funds Investing through MFD with CFP Credential
Working with a Certified Financial Planner ensures personalized guidance and expert advice.

MFDs provide tailored investment strategies aligned with your financial goals and risk profile.

Retirement Income Projection
Retirement Corpus Growth
Estimate the growth of your retirement corpus based on expected returns from investments.

Adjust investment strategies to achieve the desired corpus growth within the stipulated time frame.

Retirement Income Estimation
Estimate the monthly income generated from your retirement corpus, PF pension, and other income sources.

Ensure the projected income meets your desired monthly income of Rs. 1.25 lakh.

With careful planning and strategic allocation of resources, you can achieve your retirement goals and secure a comfortable lifestyle post-retirement.

Prioritize debt repayment, optimize investment portfolio, and plan for future expenses like higher education.

Consult a Certified Financial Planner for personalized guidance and expert advice on retirement planning.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4277 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 30, 2024

hello sir, Prem here. I am 60yrs. need the financial planning. Going to retire. I have NPS of 55 lakh, FD of 1.2 Cr, PPF 15lakh, MF 35lakh. Now need the pension 1.5lakh/month. Own house. no loan. all children settled. What to do and how to plan ahead. Please guide step by step. regards
Ans: Dear Prem,

Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone in your life. Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor and ensure financial stability. You have a substantial portfolio, and with careful planning, you can achieve your goal of a Rs. 1.5 lakh monthly pension. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you plan ahead.

Assessing Your Current Financial Position
You have a well-diversified portfolio:

NPS: Rs. 55 lakh
Fixed Deposit: Rs. 1.2 crore
PPF: Rs. 15 lakh
Mutual Funds: Rs. 35 lakh
This gives you a total corpus of Rs. 2.25 crore.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Monthly Expenses and Goals
Before we plan the investment, it’s crucial to understand your monthly expenses and financial goals.

Monthly Pension Requirement: Rs. 1.5 lakh
Other Goals: Healthcare, travel, and emergencies
Step 2: Creating an Income Stream
Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
SWP from mutual funds can provide a regular income while keeping your investment growing. Here’s how it works:

Select the Mutual Funds: Choose funds that have a good track record and match your risk profile.
Set the Withdrawal Amount: Decide on a fixed amount to withdraw monthly.
Benefit: This method allows you to get regular income while the remaining funds continue to grow.
Annuity from NPS
NPS offers an annuity option, which can provide a steady income. You can allocate a portion of your NPS corpus to an annuity plan. Here’s how:

Use 40% of NPS Corpus: Use at least 40% of your NPS corpus to buy an annuity.
Choose the Right Annuity Plan: Select an annuity plan that offers a lifetime payout.
Benefits: An annuity ensures a guaranteed monthly income for life.
Fixed Deposit and PPF Interest
Fixed Deposit Interest: The interest from your FD can provide a regular income. Reinvest the principal amount at maturity to continue receiving interest.
PPF Withdrawals: After retirement, you can start withdrawing from your PPF account as needed.
Step 3: Allocating Your Corpus
Diversify Your Investments
Debt Instruments: Allocate a portion of your corpus to debt instruments for stable and secure returns. This includes fixed deposits, PPF, and debt mutual funds.
Equity Instruments: To keep up with inflation, maintain a portion in equity mutual funds. This helps in growing your corpus over time.
Example Allocation
Equity Mutual Funds: Rs. 35 lakh (for growth and SWP)
Debt Mutual Funds: Rs. 20 lakh (for stability and SWP)
Fixed Deposits: Rs. 1 crore (for regular interest income)
PPF: Rs. 15 lakh (for secure returns)
NPS Annuity: Rs. 22 lakh (for guaranteed monthly income)
Step 4: Planning for Healthcare and Emergencies
Health Insurance
Ensure you have adequate health insurance to cover medical expenses. This will protect your savings from being depleted due to healthcare costs.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund of at least 6-12 months of your expenses. This should be easily accessible and invested in liquid funds or a savings account.

Step 5: Regularly Review and Adjust Your Plan
Your financial needs and market conditions will change over time. Regularly review your investment plan and adjust it as needed. Here’s how:

Annual Reviews: Conduct annual reviews to assess the performance of your investments.
Rebalance Portfolio: Rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.
Consult a Certified Financial Planner: A CFP can provide personalized advice and help you create a customized roadmap with specific analysis and calculations.
Benefits of Consulting a Certified Financial Planner
A CFP can help you:

Analyze Your Financial Situation: Assess your current financial status and future needs.
Create a Customized Plan: Develop a tailored plan that aligns with your goals.
Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor your investments and make adjustments as needed.
Provide Peace of Mind: Ensure that your financial future is secure and well-planned.
By following these steps, you can create a solid financial plan for your retirement. Diversify your investments, utilize SWP and annuities, and regularly review your plan. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner can provide additional guidance and peace of mind.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4277 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 22, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 06, 2024Hindi
Hi sir. I am Bahuleyan, 58years old, need your advice on retirement planning. Since I am working in a private concern even after 60 years I can able continue in the job. My concern is i don't have any huge savings with me. Approximately 5lakhs in SIP, 5 lakhs in one time deposit, 2.5 lakhs in NPS and no savings in PF. As my son's marriage is fixed in next month, for which I have to utilize near about 9 lakhs from above savings.Please advice me what type of financial plan I can do to secure my feature. Both of son's are working. My current salary is 45000. Hoping your valuable advice.
Ans: Hello Bahuleyan,

Thank you for reaching out for advice on your retirement planning. Given your current financial situation and upcoming expenses, let's outline a plan to help you secure your future.

1. Immediate Financial Needs
Since your son's marriage will require around 9 lakhs from your savings, you will need to prioritize which investments to liquidate:

Liquidate SIPs: Use the SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) amounting to 5 lakhs.
Utilize One-time Deposit: Use 4 lakhs from your one-time deposit.
This will cover the 9 lakhs required for the wedding.

2. Assess Remaining Savings
Post your son's marriage, you will have the following remaining:

One-time deposit: 1 lakh
NPS (National Pension System): 2.5 lakhs
3. Regular Income and Expenses
Your current salary is ?45,000 per month. Since you have no PF (Provident Fund) savings and minimal other savings, it's crucial to start focusing on building your retirement corpus immediately.

4. Steps to Secure Your Financial Future
A. Continue Working
Since you have the option to continue working beyond 60 years, this will be a key component in your financial planning. Your salary will help cover your living expenses and also contribute towards savings.

B. Create a Monthly Budget
Essential Expenses: Track your monthly essential expenses and ensure they are well within your salary.
Savings and Investments: Allocate a portion of your salary towards savings and investments. Ideally, aim to save at least 20-30% of your income.
C. Rebuild Emergency Fund
Once the wedding expenses are covered, start rebuilding an emergency fund to cover at least 6 months of your living expenses.

D. Increase Retirement Savings
NPS Contributions: Continue contributing to the NPS to take advantage of the tax benefits and the compounding effect.
Recurring Deposits (RD) or Fixed Deposits (FD): Consider opening an RD or FD with a part of your salary for a secure return.
Mutual Funds: After rebuilding your emergency fund, start SIPs in diversified equity mutual funds for long-term growth.
PPF (Public Provident Fund): Open a PPF account for long-term savings with tax benefits.
5. Medical Insurance
Ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage. As you age, medical expenses can be a significant burden, and having insurance can protect your savings.

6. Long-Term Planning
Retirement Corpus Goal: Determine how much you will need per month post-retirement and calculate the corpus required. Given inflation, consider an annual increase in expenses.
Investment Portfolio: Diversify your investments to balance between risk and return. A mix of equity, debt, and fixed income investments can provide stability and growth.
7. Engage in Financial Planning Services
Given the complexity and importance of retirement planning, it might be beneficial to consult with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who can provide a personalized and detailed financial plan.

Post-marriage, reassess your remaining savings and rebuild an emergency fund.
Continue working and save a portion of your income.
Invest in a mix of NPS, mutual funds, PPF, and FDs.
Ensure adequate health insurance coverage.
Consider professional financial advice for detailed planning.
By following these steps, you can work towards securing your financial future despite the immediate expense of your son's marriage. Wishing you all the best in your financial journey and your son's wedding.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |1381 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 05, 2024

Hi, I m a CA & 49 years old now, have been in a PSB since 2008. I have been workaholic since inception & I thought why not I should quit & start my practice, which is my dream since I qualified as a CA. Due to economic conditions, I took employment & have been in Bank till now. I know for sure it will take at least 1 to 2 years to achieve break even. With this 15 years of PF & other retirement benefits would back me & my family till my income gets stabilised. Please suggest me.
Ans: You have mentioned you have been with PSB since 2008 i.e. for the last 16-years (from your age of 33-years. This is your 1st job or you used to work before 33-years of age? Secondly, you have not mentioned about your children, how many children you have? what they are studying now & what about their future education goals? In near future, what all financial obligations you have for your children's studies? You have additional qualifications / certifications related to CA after you joined PSB? Before starting your practice, you should decide what all specailized services you can provide? How to get clients? Through Bank's Networks, will you be able to get clients? Where to set up your office? Finance Required to register your Firm & to meet other expenses? Life & Medical Insurance Coverage for you & for your family members? Please take time & think over all these factors. Once you are confident & have planned well, after taking into consideration these factors, you can go ahead. It is suggested, NOT to resign your current job from PSB, UNTIL you fully set up your CA Firm. All the BEST Sir.

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |1381 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 05, 2024

Sir, My son is getting in Honour Maths in University of Waterloo, Electrical Engg in NUS Singapore. Here, In india he ia getting Civil in IIT Ghandhi nagar. Any suggestions?
Ans: Ronak Sir, (1) It is advisable to pursue Graduation in India and work for 2-3 years. (2) Or on the basis of his Academic Performance, His Interest, Co & Extra-curricular Activities, His Personality Traits & Soft Skills Development (during his BTech), you can decide for his Masters Abroad, after his Graduation. (3) Or he can work for 2-3 years and then think about Abroad Education. (4) Just to study abroad, some students / parents choose wrong Streams and spend a lot of money without knowing the job prospects there and / or blindly accept the admission, recommended by the Abroad Education Consultants / Firms (5) Before approaching any Abroad Education Consultant, it is always ideal to make a thorough Research (at least basic research) about the Abroad Universities / its QS Ranking / Job Prosects / Work Permit Rules etc. at the same time, keeping in view the Children's Interest / Personality Traits. (6) Regarding his Civil in IIT-Gandhi Nagar, I suggest not to accept the seat, only because he is getting confirmed admission UNLESS he is very much interested in Civil. (7) Please wait for some more rounds in JOSAA Counselling for any other Streams, he is interested in or prefers. (8) Or alternately, you can try to get admission through Management Quota (MQ ) with any one of the reputed / top-ranked College either in your State or anywhere in India you prefer. Donation / Yearly fees depends upon the College / Stream your son prefers / chooses. (9) If still abroad education is preferred by you / by your Son, you can go ahead with any one of the 2-options based on your preferences of Country / Location / University / Fees Structure / Stream. Ronak Sir, I have clarified your doubts. All the BEST for your Son's Bright Future.

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