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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4182 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 29, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Dec 27, 2023Hindi

I am 46 years old and plan to invest 65,000 PM in sip for my daughters' future education, marriage, and my retirement. For her education, I need 45 lakhs (current cost) in 8 years, and for her marriage, I need 40 lakhs (current cost) in 12 years. I need 2 crores in 12 years for my retirement. My profile is that of a moderately aggressive risk-taker. I currently have 40 lakhs in my mutual fund portfolio. The current mutual fund portfolio is a mix of midcap, flexicap, and small cap funds. I am currently doing a SIP of 20000 in Canara Robeco Emerging Equities-Direct-Growth, a Rs 5000 sip in DSP Small Cap Fund-Direct-Growth, a Rs 5000 SIP in Invesco India Infrastructure Fund-Direct Plan Growth, and a sip of 10000 in Kotak Emerging Equity Fund-Direct Plan-Growth. I have employee insurance and additional term insurance on my own. I have employee medical insurance and additional family medical insurance of Rs 5 lakh on my own. I have paid off my home loans. I want to increase my current sip of Rs 40000 to 65000 pm. Please suggest if my financial goals are achievable. Plese suggest mutual funds to meet my goals for my daughter's education, marriage, and retirement. Can I maintain one portfolio to achieve all the goals or different portfolio with different funds for each goal?

Ans: Creating a Financial Plan to Achieve Your Financial Goals
Given your comprehensive financial profile, let's create a structured plan to achieve your goals for your daughter's education, marriage, and your retirement. You have done a commendable job in managing your finances so far. Let's build on that to ensure your future financial needs are met.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Daughter’s Education: Rs. 45 lakhs needed in 8 years.
Daughter’s Marriage: Rs. 40 lakhs needed in 12 years.
Retirement: Rs. 2 crores needed in 12 years.
Current Financial Position
Monthly Income: Rs. 65,000 saved through SIP.
Current Mutual Fund Portfolio: Rs. 40 lakhs.
Current SIPs:
Rs. 20,000 in Canara Robeco Emerging Equities-Direct-Growth.
Rs. 5,000 in DSP Small Cap Fund-Direct-Growth.
Rs. 5,000 in Invesco India Infrastructure Fund-Direct Plan Growth.
Rs. 10,000 in Kotak Emerging Equity Fund-Direct Plan-Growth.
Risk Profile and Insurance
Moderately Aggressive Risk-Taker: This allows for a significant portion in equity.
Insurance: Sufficient life and health insurance coverage, reducing financial risk.
Investment Strategy
To meet your goals, we need a balanced approach focusing on high-growth potential while managing risks. Here is a detailed plan:

Consolidated Portfolio vs. Separate Portfolios
Consolidated Portfolio:

Easier to manage.
Allows flexibility in reallocating funds as goals approach.
Separate Portfolios:

Clarity in tracking progress towards individual goals.
Specific asset allocation based on the time horizon of each goal.
Given the clear demarcation of your financial goals, it may be practical to maintain separate portfolios with specific funds tailored to each goal.

Goal-Based Investment Portfolios
1. Daughter’s Education (8 Years)
Objective: Accumulate Rs. 45 lakhs.

Recommended Funds:

Equity-Oriented Hybrid Funds: Suitable for medium-term goals with a balanced risk-return profile.
Large-Cap Funds: Relatively stable with consistent returns.
Suggested Allocation:

60% in Equity-Oriented Hybrid Funds.
40% in Large-Cap Funds.
2. Daughter’s Marriage (12 Years)
Objective: Accumulate Rs. 40 lakhs.

Recommended Funds:

Flexi-Cap Funds: Provides diversification across market capitalizations.
Multi-Cap Funds: Allows dynamic asset allocation based on market conditions.
Suggested Allocation:

50% in Flexi-Cap Funds.
50% in Multi-Cap Funds.
3. Retirement (12 Years)
Objective: Accumulate Rs. 2 crores.

Recommended Funds:

Mid-Cap Funds: Suitable for long-term growth with higher returns.
Small-Cap Funds: Higher risk but potential for significant returns.
Balanced Advantage Funds: For a dynamic mix of equity and debt.
Suggested Allocation:

40% in Mid-Cap Funds.
30% in Small-Cap Funds.
30% in Balanced Advantage Funds.
Current SIPs Review and Adjustment
Your current SIPs are heavily invested in mid-cap and small-cap funds. While these have high growth potential, diversifying into large-cap and hybrid funds will balance the risk.

Review of Current SIPs:
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities-Direct-Growth: Continue but consider reducing allocation.
DSP Small Cap Fund-Direct-Growth: Continue with current allocation.
Invesco India Infrastructure Fund-Direct Plan Growth: Consider reallocating to more diversified funds.
Kotak Emerging Equity Fund-Direct Plan-Growth: Continue but monitor performance.
Adjusted SIPs:
Increase SIPs to Rs. 65,000:
Rs. 10,000 in a new Large-Cap Fund.
Rs. 10,000 in a new Equity-Oriented Hybrid Fund.
Rs. 5,000 in a new Flexi-Cap Fund.
Rs. 5,000 in a new Multi-Cap Fund.
Continue existing SIPs with adjusted amounts if necessary.
Achieving Financial Goals
To achieve Rs. 45 lakhs in 8 years for your daughter's education, you need a disciplined investment strategy with moderate risk. For the marriage goal, a slightly higher risk can be taken given the longer horizon. For retirement, balancing between growth and stability will be crucial.

Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing
Annual Review: Assess portfolio performance and adjust allocations as needed.
Rebalancing: Rebalance portfolios to maintain desired asset allocation.
Adjust Contributions: Increase SIP amounts as your income grows.
Tax Efficiency
Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS): Consider for tax benefits under Section 80C.
Long-Term Capital Gains Tax: Plan withdrawals considering tax implications.
Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund with 6-12 months of living expenses. This fund ensures financial security in case of unexpected expenses.

With a well-structured investment strategy and disciplined approach, your financial goals are achievable. Diversifying investments across different mutual funds tailored to each goal will help in managing risks and maximizing returns.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4182 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 29, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 26, 2023Hindi
i am 46 years old and plan to invest 65000 PM on sip for my Dougher education , Marriage and retirement. For Daughter education I need 45 Lakhs (current cost) in 8 years and for her marriage 40 Lakh (current cost) in 12 years. I need 2 crores in 12 years for my retirement. My profile is moderately aggressive risk taker. i have currently have 40Lakhs in mutual fund portfolio. current mutual fund portfolio is a mix of midcap , Flexicap and small cap funds. i am currently doing a SIP of 20000 in Canara Robeco Emerging Equities-Direct-Growth,Rs 5000 sip in DSP Small Cap Fund-Direct-Growth , Rs 5000 SIP in Invesco India Infrastructure Fund - Direct Plan Growth and sip of 10000 in Kotak Emerging Equity Fund - Direct Plan - Growth . I have employee insurance and additional term insurance on own. i have employee medical insurance and additional family medical insurance of 5 lakh on my own. i have paid off my home loans. i want to increase my current sip of Rs 40000 to 65000 pm please suggest mutual funds to meet my goals for Daughter education , Marriage and retirement.
Ans: Given your financial goals for your daughter's education and marriage, as well as your retirement, let's devise a strategic plan to achieve them through SIP investments.

Assessing Your Financial Goals
You aim to accumulate Rs 45 lakhs in 8 years for your daughter's education, Rs 40 lakhs in 12 years for her marriage, and Rs 2 crores in 12 years for your retirement. These are ambitious yet achievable goals with the right investment approach.

Understanding Your Risk Profile
As a moderately aggressive investor, you are willing to accept higher risks in exchange for potentially higher returns. This risk appetite aligns well with your long-term investment horizon and financial goals.

Evaluating Your Current Mutual Fund Portfolio
Your existing portfolio consists of midcap, flexicap, and small-cap funds, reflecting a diversified approach to equity investments. These funds have the potential to generate high returns over time, suitable for your risk profile and long-term goals.

Increasing Your SIP Investments
To increase your SIP from Rs 40,000 to Rs 65,000 per month, we need to identify suitable mutual funds aligned with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Choosing Mutual Funds for Education and Marriage Goals
Education Goal (Rs 45 lakhs in 8 years): Given the relatively short time horizon, focus on equity funds with a blend of midcap and flexicap funds. These offer growth potential while managing volatility.

Marriage Goal (Rs 40 lakhs in 12 years): With a slightly longer horizon, maintain exposure to midcap and flexicap funds but consider adding large-cap funds for stability and consistent returns.

Retirement Planning (Rs 2 crores in 12 years)
Balanced Approach: Given the importance of this goal, adopt a balanced approach with exposure to equity and debt funds. Allocate a significant portion to equity for growth potential while diversifying into debt for stability.

Systematic Asset Allocation: Implement a systematic asset allocation strategy, gradually shifting towards debt as you approach retirement to safeguard accumulated wealth.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds Over Index Funds
Actively managed funds offer several advantages over index funds:

Expert Management: Actively managed funds are overseen by professional fund managers who actively research and select investments, aiming to outperform the market.

Flexibility: Fund managers have the flexibility to adjust portfolios based on market conditions and opportunities, potentially enhancing returns.

Increasing your SIP investments to Rs 65,000 per month is a prudent step towards achieving your financial goals. By diversifying your portfolio with a mix of equity and debt funds, and focusing on actively managed funds, you can potentially maximize returns while managing risks effectively.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4182 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 30, 2024

I am 46 years old and plan to invest 65,000 PM in sip for my daughters' education, marriage, and my retirement. For her education, I need 45 lakhs (current cost) in 8 years, and for her marriage, I need 40 lakhs (current cost) in 12 years. I need 2 crores in 12 years for my retirement. My profile is that of a moderately aggressive risk-taker. I currently have 45 lakhs in my mutual fund portfolio. The current mutual fund portfolio is a mix of midcap, flexicap, and small cap funds. I am currently doing a SIP of 20000 in Canara Robeco Emerging Equities-Direct-Growth, a Rs 5000 sip in DSP Small Cap Fund-Direct-Growth, a Rs 5000 SIP in Invesco India Infrastructure Fund-Direct Plan Growth, and a sip of 10000 in Kotak Emerging Equity Fund-Direct Plan-Growth. I have employee insurance and additional term insurance on my own. I have employee medical insurance and top up family medical insurance of Rs 5 lakh on my own. I have paid off my home loans. I want to increase my current sip of Rs 40000 to 65000 pm. Please suggest if my financial goals are achievable. Plese suggest SIP mutual funds to meet my goals for my daughter's education, marriage, and retirement. Can I maintain one portfolio to achieve all the goals or different portfolio with different funds for each goal with different Mutal funds in each portfolio?
Ans: It's inspiring to see your commitment to securing your family's future! With a moderately aggressive risk appetite, aligning your SIPs with your financial goals is crucial. To ensure success, consider diversifying your SIPs across equity mutual funds targeting different goals. For your daughter's education and marriage, opt for funds with a higher equity allocation for growth potential. For your retirement, balance risk with diversified funds focusing on wealth preservation. Regularly review your portfolio's performance and make adjustments as needed. Remember, financial planning is a journey, and with prudent decisions and disciplined investing, achieving your goals is indeed achievable.

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Sunil Lala  |193 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Jan 05, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 02, 2024Hindi
I am 46 years old and plan to invest 65,000 PM in sip for my daughters' education, marriage, and my retirement. For her education, I need 45 lakhs (current cost) in 8 years, and for her marriage, I need 40 lakhs (current cost) in 12 years. I need 2 crores in 12 years for my retirement. My profile is that of a moderately aggressive risk-taker. I currently have 45 lakhs in my mutual fund portfolio. The current mutual fund portfolio is a mix of midcap, flexicap, and small cap funds. I am currently doing a SIP of 20000 in Canara Robeco Emerging Equities-Direct-Growth, a Rs 5000 sip in DSP Small Cap Fund-Direct-Growth, a Rs 5000 SIP in Invesco India Infrastructure Fund-Direct Plan Growth, and a sip of 10000 in Kotak Emerging Equity Fund-Direct Plan-Growth. I have employee insurance and additional term insurance on my own. I have employee medical insurance and top up family medical insurance of Rs 5 lakh on my own. I have paid off my home loans. I want to increase my current sip of Rs 40000 to 65000 pm. Please suggest if my financial goals are achievable. Plese suggest mutual funds for SIP to meet my goals for my daughter's education, marriage, and retirement. Can I maintain one portfolio to achieve all the goals or different portfolio with different funds for each goal with different Mutal funds in each portfolio?
Ans: Your current Funds are good you can add in same funds and also add some amount of SIP in Large & Midcap fund of some good fund house. Your corpus of 45 Lakh can grow to 1.75 crores in next 12 years. With the SIP of 65K you can achieve the education and marriage cost of your daughter too. Also no need to specify funds for different goals, just maintain one portfolio. Your employees medical insurance will lapse once you are retired so increase your medical insurance

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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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