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Sushil Sukhwani  |417 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Jun 15, 2024

Sushil Sukhwani is the founding director of the overseas education consultant firm, Edwise International. He has 31 years of experience in counselling students who have opted to study abroad in various countries, including the UK, USA, Canada and Australia. He is part of the board of directors at the American International Recruitment Council and an honorary committee member of the Australian Alumni Association. Sukhwani is an MBA graduate from Bond University, Australia. ... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 08, 2024Hindi

My nephew is bachelor in arts with physical education having 50 % marks and is also a good gym trainer. He has special interest in body building also. He want to go to Australia or any other country for bright future. What should he do or for which couse/ country should apply. Pl guide

Ans: Hello,
First and foremost, thank you for contacting us. Given your nephew’s background in physical education and his interest in bodybuilding and gym training, he would have a solid foundation for further education and career opportunities abroad.
Going further, let me tell you that he can choose to pursue an additional bachelor’s or go further with a master’s degree in exercise science or sports management. Australia is known for its robust sports programs and high-quality education. He can consider institutions like the Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE), Deakin University and the University of Queensland. He can also consider pursuing a degree in countries like the UK or Canada.
Start by researching the program, making sure to meet the admission requirements, preparing application materials accordingly, and also considering scholarships. By pursuing further education abroad, your nephew can significantly enhance his expertise and career prospects in the field. Countries like Australia, the UK, and Canada offer exceptional growth and personal development in these areas.

For any further queries, please get in touch with us. We have a team of expert counsellors who can guide you through any concerns or questions you may have.

Website- https://www.edwiseinternational.com/

You can follow us on our Instagram page- @edwiseint

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Sushil Sukhwani  |417 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Aug 09, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 08, 2023Hindi
Hello....my son wants to go abroad either US, Canada or UK for undergrad BBA education. Mostly we are keen to send bcos he is average student and getting admission in India in any good college is difficult. Is it the right thought process, we are confused. Pls guide.
Ans: Hello,

First and foremost, thank you for contacting us. The fact that you are exploring choices for your son's education is excellent. Studying abroad can be a great experience, and it’s crucial to thoroughly consider the benefits and drawbacks of the same.
When determining whether your son should pursue an undergraduate BBA program overseas, keep the following aspects in mind:

1. Educational Excellence: Universities in the USA, Canada, and the UK offer excellent instruction and cutting-edge learning. Your son could have access to world-class instructors, resources, and opportunities that are not available in many Indian educational institutions.

2. Diversification and Exposure: Studying abroad exposes your son to new cultures, viewpoints, and ways of thinking, extending his horizons and boosting personal and professional development.

3. Networking Possibilities: Universities overseas frequently offer great networking chances with other students, faculty, and business people. His future professional life may benefit from these ties.

4. Employment Possibilities: International students are permitted to work after completing their education in some nations, such as Canada. This could be a good opportunity for your son to obtain international work experience and possibly settle in that country.

5. Challenges: It might be difficult to relocate to a new nation, especially for an average student. He'll need to acclimatize to a new educational system, culture, and perhaps a new language. It's crucial to think about how he'll respond to these difficulties.

6. Expense: Tuition, living costs, and travel expenditures can all add up to make studying abroad prohibitively expensive. Consider the financial factors and look into scholarship and financial aid assistance alternatives.

7. Admission Prerequisites: Getting into prestigious colleges abroad can be tough, just as admission may be competitive in India. Examine your son's eligibility by looking up the entrance standards for the colleges he is considering.

8. Various Alternatives: Investigate further alternatives in India. There are respected institutions in India that provide BBA programs, and some colleges collaborate with foreign institutions to offer exchange programs that could give students a worldwide experience.

9. Future Plans: Your son's long-term career aspirations should be discussed, as well as how studying abroad fits into those ambitions. It's critical to take a career that supports his goals.

The choice should ultimately be based on your son's preferences, skills, and long-term objectives. Include him in the decision-making process and urge him to look into and get in touch with current or former students or alumni of the school he's thinking about.

Consult educational professionals, attend informational workshops, and look into the universities and nations he prefers before making a decision. This guarantees a well-informed decision for your son's requirements and goals.

For more information, you can visit our website.

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Sushil Sukhwani  |417 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Jan 11, 2024

My son is doing 2nd year mbbs in tamil nadu government medical college, he wants to do his pg in Australia or dubai suggest me what are the steps needed for that ? We are below middle class .
Ans: Hello Southa,

To begin with, thank you for contacting us. I am glad to hear that your son is currently pursuing the 2nd year of his MBBS degree and thereafter wishes to pursue his post-graduation (PG) in Australia or Dubai. As an answer to your query, I would like to tell you that the following procedures and considerations need to be taken into account in order for your son to pursue his postgraduate studies. Your son will first need to shortlist universities that provide the PG programs he’s interested in pursuing. I would recommend that he looks into the particular prerequisites as well as eligibility requirements for postgraduate courses in these preferred countries. This entails academic credentials, examinations viz., the PLAB or AMC exams in Australia, hands-on (job) experience, as well as appearing for language competency tests viz., OET or the IELTS. Fill out and submit applications, and be sure to include all the necessary documentation. Your son will also need to consider other aspects. He will need to take into account the prerequisites for health insurance for overseas students in the country he decides to study in. I would also suggest that your son investigates the lodging options and arranges for the same well in advance. In addition, considering you belong to the middle-class category, it’s essential that your son plans his finances. He should investigate the grants, scholarships, and other forms of monetary assistance offered to overseas students studying in Australia or Dubai. Moreover, to reduce the costs of living, your son should engage in part-time jobs available for students in these nations. He should comprehend the visa prerequisites associated with studying in these two countries and finish the visa application procedure. Remember that acquiring assistance from experts or academic advisors with expertise in foreign admissions can prove beneficial. They will be in a better position to offer guidance throughout the application procedure, provide assistance with all the required paperwork, as well as provide information on the courses that would best resonate with your son's future goals and monetary circumstances. Finally, to enhance your son’s application to pursue postgraduate courses abroad, I would recommend that you support him in achieving academic excellence and acquiring pertinent work experience.

For more information, you can visit our website.

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R P Yadav  |304 Answers  |Ask -

HR, Workspace Expert - Answered on Jan 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 30, 2024Hindi
My son is 21 year old having Learning Deficiency and also ADHD. he failed in last year BA and not likely to clear this year also. He is passionate for fitness & bodybuilding and not keen to pursue anything else. What should be his career path?
Ans: I understand that your son is passionate about fitness and bodybuilding. It’s great to hear that he has a clear interest in a particular field. There are many career paths that he can pursue that align with his interests and strengths. Here are some potential career paths that may be suitable for your son:

Fitness Trainer: This career path would allow your son to work with clients to help them achieve their fitness goals. It requires a certification, which can be obtained through a variety of programs.
Athletic Coach: Your son could consider becoming a coach for a sports team or individual athletes. This would allow him to share his knowledge and passion for fitness with others.
Physical Therapist: Physical therapy is a field that focuses on helping people recover from injuries and illnesses. It requires a degree in physical therapy, but it could be a great fit for someone who is passionate about fitness and helping others.
Sports Nutritionist: A sports nutritionist works with athletes to help them optimize their diets and achieve their fitness goals. This career path requires a degree in nutrition and a certification1.
Personal Trainer: Personal trainers work with clients to help them achieve their fitness goals. They create customized workout plans and provide guidance on nutrition and exercise. Certification is required.
It’s important to note that there are many other career paths that your son could pursue. I recommend that he researches these options and speaks with professionals in the field to determine which path is right for him. It’s also important to keep in mind that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to find a career that aligns with those strengths. I wish your son the best of luck in his career search!

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Sushil Sukhwani  |417 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Apr 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 18, 2024Hindi
My son is 24 years ,bcom and acca affiliate working for 18 months, wants to higher studies ,which country and course will be good for him
Ans: Hello,

First and foremost, thank you for getting in touch with us. I am happy to hear that your son has completed his BCom with ACCA and now wishes to pursue higher studies. To answer your question first, I would like to tell you that a number of variables viz., your son’s interests, the location of his choosing, his economic condition, as well as his professional objectives, play a key role in selecting the ideal country and course for his higher education. I would recommend that you take into account the following:

As an answer to your query pertaining to country, I would like to let you know that the UK, well-known for the robust accounting and finance programs it offers, provides a broad range of possibilities for further education, including prominent colleges and universities. Coming to Canada, the country is renowned for its top-tier educational system and friendly atmosphere for overseas students. It is home to a number of universities offering reputed business and accounting programs. Numerous elite universities offering outstanding business and finance programs are located in the USA, providing a myriad of opportunities for international students. For overseas students looking to pursue degrees in accounting and finance, Australia is another sought-after study abroad destination. The country has a robust economy as well as an outstanding educational system.

Concerning your query as to which course will be good for your son, I would like to let you know that he can choose among the courses mentioned below: He can choose to pursue a Master of Science (MSc) in Accounting and Finance: Concentrating on accounting and finance, a specialized master's degree can offer comprehensive knowledge and abilities that are pertinent to your son's professional objectives. Next, based on your son’s professional aspirations, he might choose to pursue professional qualifications viz., CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), CPA (Certified Public Accountant), or ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). Your son can also opt for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. For students looking to further their financial and business professions, this is a preferred option. Specialized MBA programs in finance and accounting are offered by a number of universities.

I would suggest that your son conducts an extensive study on and takes into account variables viz., the program’s standing, accreditation, living expenses, post-graduation employment prospects, as well as the possibility of acquiring a work visa or immigration upon graduating. Moreover, in order to gain meaningful information and acquire guidance when making this crucial choice, I would recommend that your son gets in touch with educational counselors, employment consultants, as well as experts in the subject.

For more information, you can visit our website.

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Nayagam P P  |596 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 21, 2024

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