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Krishna Kumar  |330 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on May 25, 2024

Krishna Kumar is the founder and CEO of GoMoTech, a company that provides strategic consulting in B2B sales, performance management and digital transformation.
Before branching out on his own, he worked with companies like Microsoft, Rediff, Flipkart and InMobi.
With over 25 years of experience under his belt, KK is a regular speaker at industry events and academic intuitions, both in India as well as abroad.
KK completed his MBA in marketing from the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning in Andhra Pradesh and his management development programme from XLRI, Jamshedpur.
He has also completed his LLB from Nagpur University and diploma in PR from Bhavan’s College of Management, Nagpur, where he was awarded a gold medal.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 17, 2024Hindi

Hello Sir, I am a 31 yr old female, from Mumbai I have been working in a small scale Indian firm as an accounts executive for the past 6 years. There is no growth and learning , I handle basic invoicing, clients ledgers, maintaining ledgers, Accounts reporting etc. I struggle with self confidence and low willingness. and there is added struggle in personal life too. Now at this point I feel stuck and helpless. I feel changing job and carrer would help me gain a bit of confidence. I think i should upskill myself, with data analysis cources such as SQL, Tableau, Python.. What would you suggest ? What would be a better roadmap for me to gain confidence in my career

Ans: Hello Maam

I am sorry to hear about your situation, I can feel your pain.

On the professional side, suggest you ask yourself what all skills you have and how you can enhance them...and then look out for firms through your network which offers better growth opportunities.

It's good to have IT skills, however many a times unless those IT skills are put to use on a daily basis you may lose them.

Suggest you take up some courses around your domain of accounts and finance. Some online courses.

On the personal front I am sure you will be able to sort things.

Fighting battles on both personal and professional front can be very challenging, suggest you take things a bit slowly and most important please be kind to yourself. At the end we are all humans with our own strength and weakness and it's important that we understand that.

I am sure you will come out of your current tough situation soon and your life will be filled with rainbow.

All the best.

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Nitin Sathe  |126 Answers  |Ask -

HR, Recruitment Expert - Answered on Jan 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 25, 2023Hindi
Hello Sir, I am 39 years old, married and have 10 years old daughter. I work in a BPO (Risk and Compliance Department) since I was 23. Since I was not ambitious during my college days and till now I have no goals, no aim, no passion, the current job I find it very boring. I am stucked at an Analyst level since last 17 years. Also, with lot of family issues at my home, my mind does not work openly and have stucked in the comfort zone. I am a hard working person but not smart working. My wife is a housewife and have no other income other than my job. I want to grow, do lots of hard working but due to lack of self confidence, I always have a fear to get at TL or Manager level. Also, I am not sure which industry I have interest in. It is only since 17 years, I am doing this job, I tell everybody that I am from a BPO sector. But I really want to earn more so that I can fulfill my family needs but please help me in which direction I should go and Howww? I know at the age of 40, I cannot start working in a new sector with no prior experience but really is it too late to change the sector? and if no, Please suggest me any industry where I can start from scratch, learn new things and can work with great interest and can grow myself.
Ans: I find your first few sentences very negative. Please get a hold of yourself and regain your lost confidence. To start from scratch at this stage is not advisable but one can branch off into related fields about which you know the best. Change your attitude, think positive and the solutions will come to you! Other than this is really cannot suggest anything specific since the information given is inadequate.

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Anu Krishna  |960 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

I need advice on how to keep my wife and mom from fighting so much. We are currently staying with my mom due to her having so many health issues. It doesnt help that 3 people are living in a small camper with no privacy. I know most of that is the issue but im afraid to leave my mom alone but she doesn't want to move to a bigger place. I work about 50 hours a week and cannot mediate between them. Ive tried both talking to them separately and together. My mom says my wife does things to intentionally annoy her and my wife says my mom is to controlling. Im trapped in the middle because no matter what i do or say im defending someone. Help please..
Ans: Dear Jay,
Two grown-ups must be allowed to deal with their unique relationship their way. The responsibility of how it turns out is theirs and not yours. So, honestly step back. The reason you possibly might want to play the peacemaker is you feel responsible towards your wife and your mother; please don't and stay off of it. The more you play this role, the more you make them dependent on you.
Yes, it's a difficult thing as a son to leave your mother especially with so many health issues, BUT is she physically incapable of caring for herself? Is it possible that she can live with a sibling of yours or any other family member for a few weeks? This gives you some breathing space and some time with your wife where you connect without the external challenges that are creeping into your relationship with her.
Also, this space will allow both the women to appreciate one another and also learn the valuable presence each has on the family. So, no more mediation BUT time to do something different with less talk and more results. Try this...of course, you need to be prepared to move on from this fear of leaving your mother alone which you are not...it's just requesting her to live with another family member (your sibling OR her sibling).
Slowly, you can bring up the topic of shifting to a larger space whereby each of you have some space from one another. First things first is to diffuse the tension between the two before suggesting any big changes. You can give this a shot, yeah?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Aruna Agarwal  |66 Answers  |Ask -

Child and Parenting Counsellor - Answered on Jun 17, 2024


Anu Krishna  |960 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 08, 2024Hindi
I am 43 yr old, working as salesman, accountant other office related job last 13 years in same shop, having salary not more than 20000.00. Now i m suffering from diabetics, and can't do all the job in proper time as accepted by my shop owner. Sometime due to pressure of job, and unable to give suitable times to my family, a times comes when quarrel happen with my wife. Also sometime i feel like i m not satisfy with my job and also feel that i m depress. what to do please advice.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
When it comes to family and managing within an income, it can be difficult but not impossible.
Step 01:
Cut down on unnecessary expenses (You and your wife can make a budget and stick to it)
Step 02:
Find ways to make additional income (You and/or your wife can find ways to make some extra money; online tuitions/cookery classes etc)

Now, if being in the same job has become boring and there is no further scope to grow as a salesman, then maybe it's time to actually do something different? This decision has to be made after considering what savings you have and how much you will need to dip into it till the time you figure out what you can do or till the point you get another job.
No point being frustrated BUT it's maybe a good time to actually think of what more and what different you can do? A lot of people change career paths in their 40s BUT there is a right time for it. Consider this only after you and your wife have had a chance to talk about it and then look at your finances (expenses, loans etc) and then make the right call.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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