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M.Tech Graduate Struggles To Re-Enter Workforce After Career Break: How Can I Build Confidence and Experience?


Krishna Kumar  |366 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Aug 08, 2024

Krishna Kumar is the founder and CEO of GoMoTech, a company that provides strategic consulting in B2B sales, performance management and digital transformation.
Before branching out on his own, he worked with companies like Microsoft, Rediff, Flipkart and InMobi.
With over 25 years of experience under his belt, KK is a regular speaker at industry events and academic intuitions, both in India as well as abroad.
KK completed his MBA in marketing from the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning in Andhra Pradesh and his management development programme from XLRI, Jamshedpur.
He has also completed his LLB from Nagpur University and diploma in PR from Bhavan’s College of Management, Nagpur, where he was awarded a gold medal.... more
Gayathri Question by Gayathri on Jun 01, 2024Hindi

Hi sir, I had completed my m.tech in transportation engineering in 2012. After working for 6 month as assistant professor I had to quit my job due to complications in my pregnancy and couldn't join after that. After 6 years I was able to get back. So I decided to try my luck in govt job. I passed exam but couldn't crack interview well. My lack of confidence and lack in experience was the reason. Again took a gap as I was carrying and now my girl started her schooling. I truly want to build a career for myself. Can you please help me.

Ans: Hello Maam

At the outset my big cheers to your indomitable spirit.

Few things

Firstly, take pride in the fact that you have prioritised family over career,

it's a great thing, never feel regret. When you meet people and when they ask why career break, with pride tell them you value your family much more than anything else.

Now coming to career, yes you can start, you will face challenges but let them be stepping stones for success and not slipping stones.

Suggest you first decide whether you want to get back to academic or want to join corporate world.

Then upskill yourself by taking few online courses in domain of your choice..

Given your degree in transportation SCM would be a good choice and it's also a booming industry. Ecom, quick commerce, b2b logistics.

Wishing you the very best.


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Shekhar Kumar  |149 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on Apr 16, 2024

I completed my m. Tech in design engineering from mnit jaipur in 2015. After that i worked as asst. Professor in mechanical engg. for 6yrs after that preparing for government exams because in teaching no growth for mechanical & till date not selected. Now gap in my career is of more than 2 yrs what should I proceed in my career now?
Ans: Thank you for contacting me. It's good that you are seeking guidance on your career path after facing challenges with government exams and experiencing a gap in your career. When addressing the resume gap, focus on highlighting the skills, experiences, and accomplishments gained during your tenure as an assistant professor and your preparation for government exams. Emphasize any relevant projects, publications, or contributions that demonstrate your expertise and commitment to your field. You should also consider exploring alternative career paths beyond teaching and government exams now. Your background in design engineering and mechanical engineering opens up various opportunities in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, consulting, research, and development. Develop a targeted job search strategy tailored to your career goals and preferences. Utilize jobsites, company websites, recruitment agencies, and professional networks to explore job opportunities that match your skills and interests. Trust in your abilities, stay resilient, and remain open to new opportunities as you continue to pursue your career goals in design engineering and mechanical engineering. Best of luck! Feel free to contact me on Rediff Gurus if you need further assistance or help.

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Maxim Emmanuel  |380 Answers  |Ask -

Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on Jul 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 23, 2024Hindi
Hello sir my name is Santu Chakraborty.I am 34 year old now unmarried. My qualification is Bsc botany honours with 2nd class +diploma in mechanical engineering with distinction +btech in mechanical engineering from government engineering college west Bengal with 7.5 dgpa.I have 6 years of teaching experience in private diploma engineering college and now I working as a vocational teacher in automobile engineering department in gov high school.In my early phase of life I am going through lots of Misguide,seveare Anxiety issue. Nobody can help me on that phase.I recover mostly by my own after various dillema.I want to work in mechanical r and d company, Mechanical design basis company and also upgrade my teaching carrier. How can I start my journey at this age ?what is the risk factor also? Please tell me. I am very enthusiastic dedicated person. I have no guide in my home. My father is vegetable seller.
Ans: Hi Santu Chakraborty,

This is a really exhaustive query.

The journey thru' your acquisition of qualifications has been vast!

In the course of your life you are now suffering from SNIOP (SUSCEPTIBLE NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OTHER PEOPLE) this happens when you let others control your life.

I have this poem.. Especially for one's like you!

The Guy in the Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf,
And the world makes you King for a day,
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.
For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife,
Who judgement upon you must pass.
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass.
He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you clear up to the end,
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the guy in the glass is your friend.
You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum,
And think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.
You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the guy in the glass.

Dale Wimbrow (c) 1934

Get the enthusiasm going, don't get embroiled in what life has been before!

Take a stranglehold of your life and make it BIG!

The opportunities are.. Miracles waiting to happen, what are you waiting for.. You are the catalyst!?
Maxim Emmanuel.

Pick up yourself don't be a victim of self pity.

If you do need further professional advice happy to assist

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |3714 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on May 31, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 16, 2024Hindi
Sir ,I have been preparing for government exams since 2018 June firstly I prepare for gate in 2019 with college semester in 2019 gate result I.e, 2019 March I qualify with 46 marks that's somehow good score that time for me because I prepare with self study due to over confidence and lack of family income I didn't join coaching and started preparing for UPSC engineering services with full dedication at the age of 20.5 in 2019 eligible for ese 2020 with 21 yr age somehow I got 150 around marks and didn't qualify prelims that time cut off around 240 due to railway has taken his seats so UR cut off increase by 60 which is 188 last in 2019 ese so I got in depression that I prepare with full dedication and even I have a gap of 100 marks in prelims so somehow I came to home in june 2020 after a huge gap of depression in 4,5 months in delhi and started for gate and ese again same condition I couldn't even qualify prelims and got covid in 2021 and from that 2021 I joined UNACADEMY work 1.5 yrs and again I started preparation due to less salary now I have a gap of 5 years no masters degree no industrial skillls and family income less than 20k per month what should I do go and search for civil engineering related job or build a confidence and again prepare one more attempt
Ans: I have gone through the details of your Efforts, Failures, Depression & Your family’s Economic condition.

Based on the above factors, here are the suggestions for you:

1) Till your age bars, try to attempt other comparatively easier (than UPSC) Competitive Exams for Government Jobs & prepare daily for 2-3 hours before & after you come back from work.

2) But AVOID attempting those Competitive Exams which you have already done a number of times and failed. Lack of change in preparation strategies / change in Govt. Policy are the reasons for your subsequent failures.

3) Keeping in view your family’s economic condition & your AGE now, it is suggested to DEFINITELY go for any work, related to your domain, to support your family.

4) Try to upgrade your skills by joining short-term courses with any Institute, related to your domain (or) any other domain you are passionate over. However, make sure that the Institute you join provides JOB GUARANTEE after you complete the Course. Or you can join any ONLINE Courses which are much in demand in job-market.

5) If time does not permit for you to prepare for Competitive Exams & if you feel you are highly demotivated for Govt. Exams, it is advisable for you to fully FOCUS on your Career, related to Civil Engineering & gain good experience.

Hope I have clarified your doubts.

If you need any other clarifications or have questions for anyone, post your questions (in detail) to me and/or follow me here in RediffGURU for more useful information on ‘Careers / Education / Jobs’.

All The BEST for your Bright Future from RediffGURU.

Nayagam PP
CERTIFIED Career Coach | Career Guru

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6335 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 19, 2024

Hello sir, With your earlier suggestion to achieve 5Cr for retirement and my 3yr old son's education, I'm planning the following monthly investment ( apart from current Parag, Nippon and Mirae investment of 10L+ 10L in PPF): Son's Parag: 8 My Parag:10 Mirae nifty ev & new age:30 Quant Infra:15 Nifty500 Manufacturing:10 Small cap:10 Mid cap:10 NPS vatsalaya:5(giving 25L) Term plan of 3Cr:8K Monthly in-hand savings:15k Plz suggest if I'm over diversifying & suggestion for small and mid cap fund
Ans: You have a good balance between long-term goals, such as retirement and your son's education, with monthly investments across multiple funds.

Investing Rs 15,000 of monthly savings alongside current investments and having Rs 10 lakh each in Parag and PPF is commendable. This shows discipline in securing your financial future.

Portfolio Overview
Let’s assess the diversification of your portfolio:

Son's Parag: Rs 8,000/month
This could be a good long-term investment for your child's future.

Your Parag: Rs 10,000/month
This adds value to your retirement goal.

Mirae Nifty EV & New Age: Rs 30,000/month
Investing Rs 30,000 in a thematic fund is a bold move. However, ensure this is for the long-term, as sector-specific funds can be volatile.

Quant Infra: Rs 15,000/month
Infrastructure is a good bet for growth in India. However, similar to thematic funds, it can be cyclical.

Nifty500 Manufacturing: Rs 10,000/month
Manufacturing is an essential part of India’s growth story. Still, its performance can depend on broader economic factors.

Small Cap: Rs 10,000/month
Small caps provide high growth potential but come with higher volatility. Keep a horizon of at least 7-10 years.

Mid Cap: Rs 10,000/month
Mid-cap investments are good for growth, but they too require a longer horizon.

NPS Vatsalaya: Rs 5,000/month
A good addition for retirement, as it provides long-term benefits and pension security.

Term Plan of Rs 3 crore: Rs 8,000 premium
This is a necessary expense to ensure your family’s financial security in your absence.

Assessing Over-Diversification
While diversification reduces risk, too much of it can dilute returns. Your portfolio seems slightly over-diversified.

Consider reducing thematic exposure (Mirae Nifty EV & Quant Infra) as they make up a large portion of your investments.

It might be more beneficial to concentrate on core funds like small caps, mid caps, large caps, and a flexi-cap fund for diversification across market caps without the risks of being overly thematic.

Small Cap and Mid Cap Suggestions
For small cap funds, consider selecting ones with a consistent performance history and a good track record in handling market volatility.

For mid cap funds, those that have shown steady growth across different market conditions will be a safer bet for building long-term wealth.

Instead of focusing on individual scheme names, select funds with a solid investment team, strong processes, and consistent performance.

Direct vs Regular Funds
Switching to Direct Funds might seem like a good idea due to the lower expense ratio. However, this shift means losing the valuable guidance of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who can help you optimize your investments over time.

By sticking with Regular Funds through a professional MFD (Mutual Fund Distributor), you get personalized advice, monitoring of your investments, and support with tax-saving strategies. Regular funds also provide better handholding, which is crucial in volatile times.

Disadvantages of DIY Platforms
Platforms like MF Central or Zerodha may look attractive for their lower fees, but they have their drawbacks:

Complexity: Managing your portfolio without professional help can be complicated, especially when it comes to tracking performance, rebalancing, or adjusting investments based on changing goals.

Lack of Tax Optimization: Without professional guidance, you may not optimize for taxes, potentially losing out on gains.

No Personalized Advice: Unlike a Certified Financial Planner, DIY platforms will not provide you with tailored advice for your financial goals, leaving you to manage everything yourself.

Long-Term Return Expectations
Your current mutual funds are performing well, but you must be prepared for market volatility. While returns can be 20% in short-term spurts, a more realistic long-term average would be around 12-15%. This will help in planning more effectively for your goals like your son’s education and your retirement corpus of Rs 5 crore.

Final Insights
Your disciplined approach and allocation to mutual funds and NPS are excellent for long-term wealth building. However, fine-tuning your portfolio for better efficiency and consolidation will enhance your returns.

Review the Thematic Funds: Consider reducing your exposure to thematic funds like EV, infrastructure, and manufacturing. These sectors can be volatile and may require active monitoring.

Stick with Regular Funds through an MFD: While direct funds may seem appealing, sticking with regular funds and leveraging the expertise of a Certified Financial Planner ensures you won’t miss out on personalized advice and tax optimization.

Focus on Core Funds: Keep a balanced allocation towards small-cap, mid-cap, and large-cap funds to ensure you cover different market cycles and benefit from market growth.

Adjusting for Volatility: Remember that 20% returns might not be sustainable over the long term. It's safe to plan for 12-15% average returns for your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6335 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 19, 2024

I have ~40L in my portfolio and all my MF`s are Regular funds since I have been investing thru ICICIDirect. Now I want to start investing into Direct funds since I realize that Direct funds have lower Expense ratio. So I want to invest thru MFcentral or Zeroda. Now, my quesiton is: Is it a good idea to cancel my existing MF`s (not redeeming) in ICICIDirect and start new direct SIP`s ? Will I be loosing compounding effect of my existing regular MF`s? I dont want to redeem the SIP`s since it will incurr large LTCG taxes
Ans: It may seem tempting to switch to Direct Funds for the lower expense ratio, but there are key factors to consider before making the switch.

Here are a few points in favor of continuing with Regular Funds through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or a professional Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD):

Value of Professional Advice
A professional MFD or CFP adds value by offering timely advice, portfolio reviews, and strategic changes based on market conditions and your financial goals. They help you stay focused on long-term plans and avoid emotional decisions.

Platforms like MF Central or Zerodha do not offer personalized advice. You’re left managing the complexities of your portfolio alone, which can be overwhelming and risky, especially during volatile markets.

Disadvantages of Direct Platforms
MF Central and Zerodha are DIY (Do-It-Yourself) platforms. While the lower expense ratio seems appealing, managing the portfolio on your own requires time, expertise, and market insight. Any wrong move could cost you more than you save in expense ratio.

MF Central is not user-friendly and does not offer real-time support for managing SIPs, rebalancing, or tracking your overall portfolio’s health.

Zerodha is a trading platform, but it doesn’t come with personalized advice. It lacks the long-term relationship benefits that an MFD or CFP provides, including goal-based planning and tax-efficient strategies.

Compounding Effect & Tax Implications
Cancelling your existing SIPs and switching to direct funds will not directly affect the compounding of your current investments. However, starting new SIPs in Direct Plans could lead to a disjointed investment strategy. You may also lose out on expert guidance that helps optimize the compounding effect through proper fund selection and market timing.

Switching to direct funds might seem cost-effective in the short run but could result in higher LTCG (Long Term Capital Gains) taxes if you later decide to rebalance your portfolio on your own without professional help.

Avoid Disruption
Switching platforms might disrupt your current portfolio management process like consolidated reports and capital gains tracking, which helps during tax filings. On DIY platforms, you will have to manage all of this yourself.

If you are not satisfied with ICICIDirect's services, you can always switch to another professional MFD or Certified Financial Planner (CFP). A good MFD will still provide the benefits of seamless portfolio management, including consolidated reports, capital gains tracking, and regular reviews, which are critical during tax filings and for keeping your investments aligned with your goals.

Final Thought
Instead of switching to direct plans, continue with Regular Plans through a professional MFD or CFP. The personalized advice you receive will often outweigh the slight difference in expense ratio. Regular reviews, goal setting, and rebalancing help ensure your portfolio remains aligned with your long-term objectives.

Making hasty decisions based on expense ratio alone can lead to missed opportunities and higher risks in the long run.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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