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Maxim Emmanuel  |242 Answers  |Ask -

Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on May 22, 2024

Maxim Emmanuel is the marketing director of Maxwill Zeus Expositions.
An alumnus of the Xavier Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, Maxim has over 30 years of experience in training young professionals and corporate organisations on how to improve soft skills and build interpersonal relationships through effective communication.
He also works with students and job aspirants offering career guidance, preparing them for job interviews and group discussions and teaching them how to make effective presentations.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Apr 24, 2024Hindi

I am commerce graduate students and i have work with different type of job field but now i have to choose career in hostilities or garment fabric field so can you advice me to help me in career

Ans: Sorry can you please explain.. Hostilities.. couldn't quite get it!?

I believe this query was answered earlier, but you tend to come back with..a Gaffe ?

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Shekhar Kumar  |145 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on Apr 21, 2024

I have just completed my 12 th and now l don't understand where to proceed which career is best for me. Without going out in lndia.. Thoght of doing graduation and do competition but who knows will l be successful or not.. My financial conditions is not good
Ans: Thank you for reaching out. Managing your career choices can be quite daunting, especially when considering factors like financial constraints and uncertainties about the future. Given your financial constraints, consider the cost of education and living expenses associated with your chosen career path. Explore scholarship opportunities, financial aid programs, or part-time work options to help offset the costs of education and living expenses. If pursuing a traditional college education isn't feasible due to financial constraints, consider vocational training or skill-based programs that offer practical, hands-on training in specific trades or industries. Vocational training programs can provide valuable skills and certifications for in-demand jobs without the need for a traditional degree. Keep in mind that career paths are rarely linear, and it's okay to explore different options and make adjustments along the way. Stay open-minded to new opportunities, be willing to adapt to changing circumstances, and remain resilient in the face of challenges. Remember that finding the right career path takes time, exploration, and self-discovery. Be patient with yourself, stay focused on your goals, and trust that, with determination and perseverance, you'll find a path that's fulfilling and rewarding for you.

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