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Anu Krishna  |1186 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 16, 2023

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Nov 22, 2023Hindi

Respected Ma'am/sir I know it may sound biased . But I am asking what I am seeing around me. I am having a clear feeling that women nowadays are , not only gen z but previous one too, not trustable any more. Even on this website I can see more questions about wife/gf infidelity than men . most of my friends around 90% have been cheated by their gf and it has made them and of course me hating women. And it is not only happening in metropolitan but also in small towns and villages . I am overthinking about this issue and it taking heavy toll in my mind . my brother is going to marry next year but I am even doubting his to be wife , maybe she is talking to some other guy. That is why my relationship with her is not good and confined only to formal . The main concern is that I am very stressful about thinking the future of me and my brother that it may happens with us anytime . It has also grown to such extent that I have even started hating my first and only love. Every time I see a woman or girl my mind suggest me the word cheater or potential cheater. I don't know how to tackle this situation or move foreward. Please help !

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You are right from your point of view as that is what you are seeing around you...and what we see is what we believe...
But also remember, there are other points of view which you have started to ignore as your belief has grown stronger by the day!

Are all women cheaters?
Are all the women that are connected to you, cheaters?
Can a few women actually be loyal?

Universal statements like the one you make: "Every time I see a woman or girl my mind suggest me the word cheater or potential cheater." - This will only limit your view of the world and hence limit your experiences and joys of the world.

Let me give you an example for further understanding...
Your friend gets bitten by a stray dog. Your friend will declare: All dogs are bad. They all bite...If you are someone who loves dogs, will you believe this statement? No, right?
Another example:
While boiling milk one day, it curdles...will you declare that Milk is always bad...Is it true?

Kindly open your mind and understand that what you feed your mind with magnifies and makes it true...So, if you want a different view on women, you also need to know that there are two sides to a coin...People are different from one another...Women are all different from one another and there's goodness in each of them that I wish to see...
Doesn't this change your view of the world? If it still doesn't, then you will continue to worry about what's going to happen to your brother or you...Time to change your mindset?

All the best!

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Ravi Mittal  |331 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Feb 23, 2023

My name is Rajesh, I am 50 year old 4years back I got to know that my wife is in relationship with someone and after inqiuring in detail I found that, that was her second relationship. Earlier relationship was broken 1 year before. and she told me all herself when I ask on condition that if she didnt tell me I may take dicision of breaking. so sho told me everything without hiding. she is telling me that she still loves me. Arter that she stoped all contacts but after a year she strated developing contacts with facebook messenger and developed one more relationship with one FB friend. again when I got to know she stoped contacting him. this time ther was no physical relationship, but she admitted that he once kissed her. the boy tried to contact her in all ways but she somehow stopped this matter. I love my wife very much. I forgive her every time. three year passed now all this year she was not going outside alone without me. but in these days I also insisted her to go out, and she started going to yoga class where she used to go early and she is very happy now days. I dont know whether I am doing correct or not, some time I still have dought in my mind whether she will start again doing affairs. I am some times afread, dont know what to do. whether I should still continue trusting and loving my wife or what. we have one son age 16 now. I am confuesd sometimes but till date happiness is maintained in the family. But I am feeling lonely somtimes. what to do?
Ans: Dear Rajesh,

I can understand it is an impossible situation for you but this too shall pass. First things first, are you happy in a relationship that involves cheating, not once, but twice and who's to say there won't be a third? Ask yourself that. If the answer is no, it is quite understandable, but if it's yes, then why? Why would anyone be happy with a partner who cheats over and over again? Why do you think you deserve such a life? Granted, relationships are not all rainbows and butterflies all the time, but they should not look this grim either. You alone have kept it going for this long, and maintained harmony by accepting your partner's infidelity time and again; ask yourself what would happen if you allowed yourself to stop. You can stop tolerating it, you know?

The question isn't how you should deal with your partner who is evidently a repeat cheater. The question is how you should deal with the situation and why are you reacting in a way that almost makes me think that you believe you deserve such a relationship. As for your kid, divorce or separation has much less effect on a child than a broken marriage with two unhappy parents.

If you still want to continue, that is also okay. To each their own, but don't forget to ask yourself what are you staying in this marriage for; your kid, societal pressure, or is it unconditional love for your wife, who, by the way, does not reciprocate the same for you.

Best Wishes!

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Anu Krishna  |1186 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 26, 2024

I have been married from last 20 years. It's arrange marriage and before marriage told me let she had an affair with a har college friend dena hai asked that if any relation physical relation has been done she said no I trusted her and married her but after 4 years of marriage I am notice that she didn't paid any attention or don't love me I always thought that there are some mistakes from my side that's why she behave like this . From last 16 years I was suffering from the situation. Recently I come to know when I saw her mobile accidentally and I come to know that she has the same affair from last 16 years with the same guy when I ask about this she told me that it was by mistake I am sorry I won't do this again after some pressureise she also told me that she did a physical relation with him before marriage and after marriage too. I was shocked cause physically I am fit and capable to satisfy her with all the way still she cheated me. Now she confess me all the things and told me promise me that she won't do any mistake henceforth. But no problem is whenever I am trying to get physical or emotional with her some thoughts in my mind game that she did all the things with another guy and cheating me so I can't make any relation ship with her. How can I trust her again we have to kids 10 year each. Please tell me what to do I am frustrated
Ans: Dear Trade,
You need to decide if you wish to trust her or not. It is difficult obviously with what you have discovered. But if you have chosen to carry on within the marriage, the only way that the mind can be managed is to accept what has happened and work with how things are today.
Give your marriage another chance and only then you can work your work through otherwise you will spend time only thinking about her cheating and what she did with the other person which anyone is not working well for you.
So, are you ready to forgive and move on OR hold onto the past? No decision is right or wrong; it's just what you want and then when you make that decision, make everything else work in favor of that decision.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1186 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 30, 2024Hindi
hi anuji. I have been married for last 12 years with 2 kids of 10 years. in March I came to know that my wife is repeatedly on call with one person. after checking call logs came to know that she was in touch with the person from last 8 months. initially she denied and informed that she is talking with her female friend but on Truecaller male name was displayed. when I confronted 2-3 times she agreed she was speaking with male person but he is outside town for training purpose. when I checked the persons records I came to know that dates provided by my wife were incorrect. I went to marriage counseling and after repeated confortation she agreed she has committed mistake and asked for forgivenes and requested one chance. after 2 months I came to know that she has lent money without my knowledge to 2 people whom we had agreed that she would not speak 7-8 years back but now came to know she was in contact and has lent money and jewellery without my knowledge. people are refusing to return. these incidents have happened 4-5 months back and wife has moved on but it's difficult for me to trust her even after 5-6 sessions of marriage counseling. currently we are enjoying healthy married life but back of mind it's very difficult to trust my wife and I face anxiety and depression issue whenever such thoughts crop in my mind. I am been in marriage for children well-being and overall family well-being. I have already informed her parents and given ultimatum that if such things repeats then there wouldn't be any chance of recourse. last six months have been worse due to this issue. I want to know how to decrease anxiety and fear of such issue cropping in my life as it's getting difficult to trust.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You learn to live with the fact that your wife is going to do stuff like this or you are going to be faced with constant anxiety...
Give an ultimatum and then go to someone highly recommended for a couples therapy. You both need therapy more than just counseling...
When all trust is list, working at rebuilding it, can be a huge task BUT do take the help of a professional. He/She will dig deeper to find out what goes on in your wife's mind when she lends money or is in random conversations with people. It looks like a people-pleasing thing but without knowing all the facts and going deeper, this is all I can suggest. Try going to a professional who can handle this well and if after that thing still don't work out, the ultimatum is the only thing that might work.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1186 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 05, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 02, 2024Hindi
Hi Madam. I am married from last one and half years now, there has been numerous fights in between small and big ones both. In between this time I have become a mother, and, my baby is 7 months old now. My husband does nothing, did nothing in past one and half years. He is only occupied with his work all the time, he goes to office everyday mostly. Right now my baby is 7 months old and from last 7 months me and my parents are taking care of the baby. And, he absolutely shows no understanding when it comes to looking after the baby. Am also a working person. Moreover I pay all the bills when it comes to getting household stuff, paying rent, all the expenses related to baby. He is so shameless that he just doesn’t care too, when I pick these topics or raise concerns about handling the baby he gets abusive. I am not sure what to do now! How insensible can a person get if no one sees my husband would never feel that person like him exist in this world. I feel like filing a divorce petition now. He was the one who wanted to have baby so soon. I was never ready. Now when I have the baby I am the only person along with my parents and sister looking after the baby.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Your husband wants a family without responsibilities and that's why neither is he interested in the baby nor in paying the bills...This is not just insensitivity but lack of emotional immaturity and the unwillingness to take on responsibilities head on...Approach a senior male member within the family who is someone that has been a role model to others in terms executing family responsibilities and is also caring and affectionate. This person can appeal to your husband and talk some sense into him.

If there's no one that fits the bill, the only option is to go to a professional for Couples Therapy. There's a reason why your husband avoids his duties as a husband and father and that needs to be uncovered and sorted out. It will also help the two of bond and connect better. Make this attempt before jumping into divorce; separating is a whole different world that comes with its own set of challenges and with the baby now in the picture, work at the marriage and putting things together.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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