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Anu Krishna  |1057 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 15, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 09, 2024Hindi

me and my partner enjoy role plays. But we are afraid if it can affect our thoughts and emotions negatively in long term. Kindly advise, if we can continue or should restrict our minds

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
If the two of you enjoy, who is to comment on this? Have your fun...it adds some much needed spice into a routine sex life.
But yeah, fantasy can become a reality for that moment but don't spend so much time in that fantasy that you forget what it is to live the real world. Unrealistic expectations from your partner and disappointments can cause the same to become stressful.
So enjoy what you have and also remind yourself that you are simply recreating a fantasy and living it just for that moment and it ends with that.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1057 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 07, 2022

Dear Anu,I would like to stay anonymous. I read your columns regularly and am located in USA. My question is regarding me and my wife. We are very happy with each other and have a very healthy sex life (Almost 4-5 times a week). We both are fond of sex and we like role playing and imaging various things. Recently we jokingly talked about me having sex with 2 ladies at the same time or she having sex with two men. This curiosity led us to discover the world of swingers. After lot of discussions, we decided to visit a swingers’ club with some hesitation. But when we entered we were surprised to see a lot of people hanging out there. We found a cute couple who we interacted with and had our first swingers experience. We both trust each other and enjoyed a lot seeing each other having fun with someone else. I believe this is basically due to the trust we have on each other. We never had any experience after that as we cannot travel much due to our kids. We think this experience has rejuvenated our sex life and kept us longing for more. We are more attached to each other than before. What are your views on this?

Dear MP,

It depends on what the couple agrees to.

Any experiment like yours with the mutual consent of both of you, I guess is fine. But make sure that you constantly communicate with each other.

Experiments such as these can spill out insecurities, doubts, jealousies, mistrust and more.

So keep communicating with each other allowing the other person space to voice out their concerns and fears.

Everything is fine till one of you build fears and that’s when things start to go downhill. So, check in with each other regularly.

These experiments may spice up your sex life but relying on anything external can only be helpful to some extent.

Also, try spicing up your marriage between yourselves. There’s always room for more imagination and role playing and there is a load of material written on this as boredom in sex life is anyone’s challenge.

So, do give yourselves a fair chance to reinvent the game your way. Who knows, it might work!

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |1057 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 27, 2023

Hi Anu, I am happily marrried for 11 years with no kids. This doesnt hamper our relationship and I wish to continue my life happily. Issue is i feel urge to chat with female friends, get into sexting and in a couple of instances got physical as well. In this process i have lost a few friends also as they did get intimate during the chat but later on felt guilty. I do not feel guilty. Me and my wife indulge in roleplays during foreplay and i am also open to be a cuckold during that. Sometimes she enjoys the talk of someone else but sometimes she gets turned off by it. I truely love her and would never leave her. But this habit of mine has cost me a few friends and i am afraid if she would come to know about this, it will destroy her emotionally which i do not want.
Ans: Dear Suraj,
Well, if both of you consent to this experimentation in the bedroom, alright...be happy! But, if she is not comfortable with something, then better to talk about it rather than push it any further. It's fun as long as both the partners enjoy it.
But, what seems to bother you is losing your friends due to intimate chats. Why are you indulging in it? Is it another form of experimentation? Is it an experience that serves you in a way that you can be closer to your wife?
Human beings do things that ultimately results in some form of gain to themselves. But if this is impacting your social circle, then it's time to understand that you must STOP!
Maybe what started off as harmless, turned into something more serious in your female friends and they feel guilty.
You might feel open and quiet fine with these intimate chats, but for them it doesn't end well and they have begun to move away from you. So, seriously turn this off and if you feel that this will hurt your wife, why then?
Making sense?

All the best! Do the wise thing!

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Dr Ashish

Dr Ashish Sehgal  |106 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 01, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - May 24, 2023Hindi
Dear Sir. We have a 9 year old daughter and we have enrolled her in spiritual learning class (1 hour every week), singing Carnatic music (1 hours every week), Bharat Natyam Dance class (2 hours every week). We are both working and we make it a point to spent quality time with her during weekends. My daughter is actively interested in these extra curricular activities. We have a society compound where children play and mainly they are boys. My daughter is not comfortable playing with them as they are much elder to her and at times dominate her. She has only 1 friend (girl) in her age group and mostly plays with her indoor. We discourage our daughter from playing alone outside as nowadays we hear a lot about girl child rapes, girl child molestation in the social media/news etc. This has led my daughter to spend more time with mobiles/laptops watching videos as she does not have many options to play. We shout at her often to spend less screen time but we then feel guilty as she has less options to play. She does have indoor games but gets bored very easily playing with them. We are worried that this may lead to lower self esteem as she spends more time indoors rather than outdoor. Please advise.
Ans: I understand your concerns about your daughter's limited options for outdoor play and her increased screen time. It's important to find a balance between keeping her safe and allowing her to engage in physical activities and social interactions. Here are a few suggestions that may help:

Encourage supervised playdates: Try organizing playdates with her friend or other children in her age group, either at your home or in a safe environment. This will give her an opportunity to interact with peers and engage in outdoor activities.

Explore extracurricular activities: Apart from her current classes, consider enrolling her in other activities that align with her interests. This could include sports, art classes, or any other activities available in your area that would allow her to interact with children of her age.

Get involved in community events: Look for community events or programs that involve children, such as sports tournaments, cultural festivals, or workshops. These events often provide a safe environment for children to interact and engage in various activities.

Discuss her concerns and teach self-defense: Have an open conversation with your daughter about her discomfort in playing with older boys. Teach her about personal boundaries and self-defense techniques so that she feels more empowered and confident while playing outside.

Consider joining parent-child groups: Look for parent-child groups or organizations in your community where you can participate together. These groups often organize outdoor activities for children and provide an opportunity for parents to connect and plan playdates.

Monitor screen time and suggest alternatives: While it's understandable that she may enjoy using mobiles and laptops, it's important to limit her screen time. Set specific time limits for screen usage and encourage her to engage in alternative activities, such as reading books, solving puzzles, drawing, or playing board games.

Create a safe outdoor space: If possible, create a safe outdoor space within your compound where she can play under your supervision. You could set up a play area with age-appropriate equipment and encourage her to spend time there.

Remember, it's essential to strike a balance between safety and allowing your daughter to explore and engage in outdoor activities. By providing her with options, encouraging social interactions, and monitoring screen time, you can help her develop self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle.

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Krishna Kumar  |358 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Jul 26, 2024

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