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Busy CA Daughter-in-Law: Feeling Overwhelmed by Household Chores and Tense MIL


Kanchan Rai  |383 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 08, 2024

Kanchan Rai has 10 years of experience in therapy, nurturing soft skills and leadership coaching. She is the founder of the Let Us Talk Foundation, which offers mindfulness workshops to help people stay emotionally and mentally healthy.
Rai has a degree in leadership development and customer centricity from Harvard Business School, Boston. She is an internationally certified coach from the International Coaching Federation, a global organisation in professional coaching.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Aug 08, 2024Hindi

I am a CA, and I dont have much time or I dont somewhere like doing household chores but still my mother in law wants me to manage all household chores with office and studies. She only has to cook other household chores are done by me, still she is upset all the time, she never seems happy, the aura around her is very negative all the time. I try to be normal she never. What to do? Should I hire a cook and maid so that we both can relax.

Ans: It sounds like you're dealing with a lot of stress trying to balance your professional responsibilities with household chores, especially with the added pressure from your mother-in-law. It's important to address this situation in a way that maintains harmony at home while also ensuring you don't burn out.

First, have a calm and honest conversation with your mother-in-law. Explain how your work and studies demand a lot of your time and energy, and that you're finding it difficult to manage everything. Emphasize that it's not about shirking responsibilities but about finding a balance that works for everyone.

Suggest hiring a cook and a maid. This solution can help alleviate the workload for both of you, allowing your mother-in-law to relax and potentially improve her mood and overall atmosphere at home. Present it as a way to create a more peaceful and supportive environment, which can benefit both of you.

If she’s resistant, try to understand her concerns. She might feel that hiring help undermines her role or that it’s an unnecessary expense. Reassure her that the goal is to reduce stress and create a happier home, not to replace her or diminish her contributions.

In the meantime, take care of your well-being. Stress from work, studies, and household chores can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Ensure you have time for rest and relaxation, even if it means taking small breaks throughout the day.

Ultimately, finding a compromise that acknowledges both your needs and your mother-in-law’s feelings is key. This approach can help foster a more positive and supportive environment for everyone.

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Dr Ashish

Dr Ashish Sehgal  | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 18, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 17, 2023Hindi
I am from Middle class family. Our parents, 2 brothers, my sister and Me.My Father is no more and my mom lives alone. She does not want to stay with any of us. We all live out of country and my mother lives in India. My mother is not dependent on us financially and she can manage on her own and does not expect money from any of us. She is getting old and we need to take care of her, but I feel I am only one who checks on her and arranges for any small things she needs. My sibling don't even talk about it, I feel they think if they talk about it then they have do something. Like every other old person my mother and me have a lot of differences on everything like managing finances, or renewing something or going to hospital etc and I become the bad person because of these matters. My siblings don't get involved they just call her once a while and talk for while and manage to stay in her good books. I know that it is my duty to take care of her but I feel not appreciated or rejected when she ignores all the things I do for her when others don't. She is also old school and favors boys over girls and reject me saying that I am from a different family and always guilt traps me saying that she educated me but i earn and spent on my husband family. She hates my in-laws, but they are nice people and my husband is very supportive. Since it is my mother I don't tell these issues to anyone even my husband and it is destroying my Peace.
Ans: I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you're facing in your relationship with your mother. It can be challenging when there are differences in opinions and expectations, especially when it comes to caregiving and managing family dynamics. Here are a few suggestions that might help you navigate this situation:

Communication: It's important to have open and honest communication with your mother. Try to express your feelings calmly and respectfully, and listen to her perspective as well. Sharing your concerns and thoughts can help create a better understanding between both of you.

Seek support: While you may not want to burden your husband with these issues, it's still essential to have someone to talk to and seek support from. Consider confiding in a close friend or a counselor who can provide an objective viewpoint and offer guidance on how to cope with the emotional stress.

Boundaries: Establishing boundaries is crucial in any relationship. Make it clear to your mother what you can and cannot do, taking into account your own personal and family commitments. It's important to find a balance between caring for her and taking care of yourself and your own family.

Sibling involvement: If you feel overwhelmed and alone in taking care of your mother, you can try to involve your siblings more actively in the process. Have an open conversation with them, express your concerns, and see if they can contribute in any way, whether it's by providing emotional support or assisting with certain responsibilities.

Patience and empathy: Understand that your mother's behavior and expectations may be influenced by her upbringing, cultural beliefs, and personal experiences. Try to approach situations with empathy, even if it's challenging. Remember that she may be experiencing her own struggles and fears as she grows older.

Self-care: Taking care of your own well-being is essential. Ensure that you make time for yourself, engage in activities that bring you joy, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to handle the challenges that arise in your relationship with your mother.

Remember, it's normal to feel frustrated and emotionally drained in such situations. However, with patience, understanding, and effective communication, you may be able to improve your relationship with your mother and find a balance that works for both of you.

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Kanchan Rai  |383 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 30, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 30, 2023Hindi
I have been married for one year. My mother in law has no respect in her talking towards me. She expects me to do all the household things and she doesn't want her daughter to do any kitchen works. Most of the time I feel like she made her son marry me just to do household things. I don't need any appreciation but I can't bear her disrespectful words. And her cunning character and lies. What can I do in such situations
Ans: Dealing with a challenging mother-in-law can be a delicate situation, but it's important to address these concerns to maintain a healthy relationship with your spouse and in-lawsStart by discussing your feelings with your spouse. Share your concerns about your mother-in-law's behavior and how it's affecting you. Ensure that you both are on the same page before addressing the issue with her. When you decide to talk to your mother-in-law, pick a calm and private setting. Avoid confrontations in the heat of the moment, and try to have a rational conversation. Clearly and calmly communicate how her words and actions make you feel. Use "I" statements to express your emotions without blaming her Make it clear what behavior is unacceptable and establish boundaries. Politely but firmly communicate what you are willing and unwilling to tolerate in terms of comments and expectations. If direct communication doesn't yield positive results, consider involving a neutral third party, a trusted family member, to mediate the conversation. Strengthen your relationship with your spouse and build a support system with friends and other family members. Having a strong network can provide emotional support during challenging times. Remember, it may take time to see changes, and it's essential to approach the situation with patience and understanding. Every family dynamic is unique, and finding the right balance may require ongoing effort and communication.

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Anu Krishna  |1237 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 13, 2024


Kanchan Rai  |383 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 18, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am a 29 year old married women with a 1yr old baby girl. I am married to a lovable family. I live with my husband, MIL, FIL & SIL(youngwr to me and she is unmarried). I dont have any major issues with my inlaws. Mine is a arrange marriage. But Gods grace i got a good loving husband and inlaw fly. I was born in a middle class family buy highly pampered by parents but waa made grown to adjust, love, and respect everyone. I was very independent before marriage. I used to do what all i want But i an very sensitive. After marriage everything was going good. I was working and all household chores was done by MIL and she never asks or expects me to do even if i ask. Btw i dont know cooking except basic items. I was comitted to work later resigned my job after conceving. And baby born...etc everything was good. My mil was working initially when i got married and now she took vrs and is at home. Me also looking after baby and at home. Till now she doesnt allow me to do any work. If i ask also she says me to take rest and look after baby.whole day i have to look baby and ther is no work for me to do. She herself cooks, cleans vessels put laundry even our laundry. I feel like i want to cook do work she will immediately come and she will do it. That too she will say very sweetly. The thing is she doesnt want to hurt me as she sufferen a lot with her MIL. But this also make me worse without doing any work. It tiring to ask her everytine shall i cook today shall i do this that but she says i will do you take rest which make to think oh we dont have right itseems. Its her kitchen. I feel like sometimes i want to prepare anything for my husband or myself but can. Whenever i step inside kitchen my mil comes and looks and asks what i am doing. Like i feel that i am not independant. Also my FIL only buys groceries even that also she will only arrange. Very rarely i will say i wanted to do. But each and everytimr i cant keep asking. Its very tough only to look after my kid and not to have any work at home. Like this made me to long for having my own kitchen my own way of bying arranging this doing my household wok etc... also privacyyy plays. Even thou we had no issues directly....there is some gap within in laws ans me .. where they dont treat me as one of their fly. My mil keeps a distance. She doesnt want to dependant on me. Whenever i ask something to her like to help her she says she wants no help but later asks her daughter which make me sad. But i treat her like my mom but she keeps a distance which eventually made me to make distance with her. I could not be myself with her. We talk communicate be in safe roof no issues so far but i feel insecured. Like being in a cage. Now i feel like moving out ans starting ny owb fly. But this was not my intention. But stituation making me to think. Everything mil wants to take control. I could not even cook anything for my husband. Rather that this nothing hurts me. My mil is not bad she is overprotecting me. How to let know that i also need some me time from looking after baby so that i can do what i like like cooking, cleaning, vessel washing etc.
Ans: The key here is communication, but in a gentle and understanding way. You can express your gratitude for all the care and support your mother-in-law has provided while also sharing how important it is for you to feel more involved. Let her know that you want to be an active part of the household, whether it's cooking, cleaning, or managing some of the family responsibilities. You can explain that having that involvement helps you feel fulfilled and independent, and it's also part of what makes you happy as a wife and mother.

Rather than framing it as something she's doing wrong, approach the conversation from a place of mutual respect. It's clear that she wants what's best for you, so if you express how this would benefit you emotionally, she might be more open to giving you the space to do what you enjoy. Be patient, as it may take time for her to adjust, but creating a balance where you have some ownership over your daily life will likely help you feel more secure and at ease.

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Anu Krishna  |1237 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 24, 2024Hindi
will soon be 25 yrs old but havent got a job yet and my partner is 29 yrs old. We know each other for the past 7-8 years and we are in a very healthy relationship so much happy with each other. We hv told about us in our families. They are willing to let their son marry the girl of his choice and in my family except my father everyone is happy for us. My mom likes him so much. He met my mom few times even came to home but havent met my father yet. I hv told my mom about us since march & my father in july. Since then me and my father are having heated arguments whenever i am trying to explain why i cant marry anyone by his choice. And i wish to marry this person. His issues are- Patriarchal thinking that how can a girl choose a guy for her marriage, its their parents job. Who told me to find a guy on her own. Secondly, Him being a maharashtrian. We belong to UP but living in mumbai for more than 25 years and my father has plans to shift back in UP after his retirement which is after 4 years. So he doesnt want me to leave here all alone by myself. Also he doesnt like maharashtrians, not even a bit. Thirdly, he is doing a private job but he is earning 70-80k monthly since my father is a govt employee. Hence he has got issues. What issues i am facing- he is giving all kinds of threats he can to stop me fir even dreaming about to get marry this person. He says even if the earth ends tomorrow i will not let you marry the person of your choice. It is our job to find a groom not yours. My elder brother who is 4 years older than me and my sister who is one year younger than me both are studying in delhi. It is just me and my mom and my younger brother who is in 8th std living here. And none of our relatives lives here. So he is verbally and physically abusing us. Even threatened me to put my partner and his family behind bars if they forces us to get marry. Since our (my and my mom) convincing and explaining to him is falling on deaf ears , we (my & my partner) are willing to take drastic step and get married in court. We are hoping that now only police intervention can help us to be with each other. But we are not taking this step right now cz many things are holding me back but we are willing to take if things goes even more worse later. Since we are not finding it worth to wait for his approval. Nor he wants to listen why i want to marry this person and what are my reasons to refuse any guy my father chooses for me. Neither willing to see or meet my partner. My mother is on my side. She even asked my partner to meet some of our relatives and family friends everyone liked him and us. Its just my father who is having and creating so many issues. Everyone wants to hlp us but jst because of my father's nature (him being a true narcissist perdon) all are hesitating about how to even start a conversation with him unless he doesnt talks abt this with them. My father is also avoiding to talk about this situation with anyone since it will bring down his reputation, what will the society and relatives think about us. Noone will marry my siblings if they get to know about this that their sister has forcefully left the house to marry the guy of her own choice. Please suggest me something what else i can do to make him understand and should i stop making efforts and do whatever i want to not now but after sometime. Take drastic step and leave the house. I also know what will be the consequences of my actions but can i do if he doesnt want me to see me happy or believing in my decisions. Atleast he should listen and see him personally that what i saw in this person. But he doesnt want. Please guide me.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
What can you do if your father has a rigid thinking like this? Like you yourself have mentioned: that your father must see what you saw in this person.
So, how much effort has gone into that? It seems that all of you are quick to judge that your father is strict and that he does not like people from certain states etc...Okay, he is who he is, right? So, now tune your efforts from complaining about him to what you can do to make him see the good in your partner.
Also, I hope that your partner is in a reasonably good financial state for his age else this will become an issue with your father.
Address your father's concerns and that will help you and your partner actually move things further. You becoming financially independent also will give your father confidence that you are old enough to make certain decisions of your life.

Also, your mother supporting you is of little use; if your father has always been in charge, she will have little say in the matter, so do not depend on anyone right now. Take it upon yourselves now to address what your father finds worrisome and take each point and build something useful to counter that.
It will not be possible or wise to force him to agree as that may not happen, so work on actually making him see what you see in your partner.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Kanchan Rai  |383 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 07, 2024Hindi
Hi, my wife always fights and swears at me on every small discussion, she ran away from our house 3 times after arguing. She also likes to talk to other guys after starting a fight with me and always compares me with them as she think those boys can take Good care of her while they just wanna use her, I've tried talking to her mother but the mother always supports and listens to my wife. We have 2 daughters aged 7 and 3. Please advice me on way forward because i am seriously fed up with her behaviour
Ans: Start by setting aside a calm moment to have a serious discussion with your wife about how her behavior affects you and the children. Use "I" statements to express your feelings, like "I feel hurt when you compare me to other men" or "I feel stressed when our discussions turn into arguments." This approach can help her see your perspective without feeling attacked.

Next, it might be helpful to set some boundaries. Explain that while you're committed to your marriage, you can't tolerate behavior that is disrespectful or harmful to the family. Clearly define what is acceptable and what is not, and let her know that continuous conflicts will have consequences for your relationship.

Consider seeking professional help through couples therapy or counseling. A neutral third party can help facilitate conversations, address underlying issues, and improve communication between you two. If your wife is resistant, you might still consider going alone to seek support and strategies for yourself.

When discussing her conversations with other men, emphasize your concerns for her safety and emotional well-being. Let her know that these interactions can create more significant issues in your relationship, especially with children involved. Encourage her to focus on building a strong family foundation rather than seeking validation from others.

Lastly, prioritize your daughters' well-being. Make sure they feel secure and loved, regardless of the challenges you're facing. If necessary, seek support from trusted friends or family members to help you navigate this situation.

Remember that you deserve respect and support in your relationship. If things do not improve despite your efforts, you may need to consider your options moving forward for your happiness and the well-being of your children.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6810 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Oct 26, 2024

Hi I have sell my house at 48 lakh. I have purched it 18 lakh. where shuld i have to invest these money for another 5-6 yers. I am 52 yers old.
Ans: 1. Evaluating Capital Gains Tax on the Property Sale
Capital Gains Details: You sold your property for Rs 48 lakh, having initially purchased it for Rs 18 lakh. Since you held the property for more than two years, the profit qualifies as a long-term capital gain (LTCG).

Taxation on LTCG: The LTCG on property sales is taxed at 20% with indexation benefits. Another option is to pay 12.5% tax straight away without indexation. This tax may reduce if you opt for reinvestment options under Section 54 or Section 54EC of the Income Tax Act.

Section 54: If you reinvest in a new residential property within two years or construct one within three years, you could claim a tax exemption on the gains.

Section 54EC: If you don’t wish to reinvest in property, you can invest up to Rs 50 lakh in bonds issued by NHAI or REC, specifically designed for capital gains tax exemption. These bonds have a 5-year lock-in, and the interest is taxable.

2. Balanced Portfolio for Growth and Stability
Since you have a 5-6 year investment horizon, a balanced portfolio would be ideal to both grow and safeguard your funds. Consider a mix of the following investment categories:

Debt Mutual Funds for Stability and Safety
Stable Returns: Debt funds are less volatile than equity and offer relatively stable returns. They are suitable if you seek low-risk returns over a medium horizon.

Tax Efficiency: If held for more than three years, debt funds offer indexation benefits on LTCG, making them tax-efficient for medium-term goals.

Recommended Funds: Invest in short-to-medium duration debt funds to match your 5-6 year timeframe. Actively managed debt funds offer regular guidance from financial professionals, making them a better choice than direct investments.

Hybrid Funds for Balanced Growth
Hybrid Allocation: Hybrid funds blend equity and debt to provide moderate growth with stability, perfect for investors looking for balanced returns.

Risk Cushion: These funds protect you from market volatility with a mix of assets, ideal for 5-6 years of steady growth.

Tax Consideration: If held for over one year, equity-oriented hybrid funds benefit from LTCG tax treatment, which can be tax-efficient for your capital growth.

Actively Managed Equity Mutual Funds
Growth Potential: Even with a shorter timeframe, a limited allocation in equity mutual funds can provide enhanced returns. Actively managed funds, handled by expert fund managers, often outperform index funds, especially during market fluctuations.

Avoiding Direct Funds: Direct funds lack the insights a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) offers. Regular plans offer guidance that can better align with your financial goals, helping you navigate market changes effectively.

Tax Structure: For equity funds, LTCG over Rs 1.25 lakh annually is taxed at 12.5%, which is lower than other asset classes, making it beneficial for growth.

3. Enhancing Liquidity with Debt Instruments
Having a portion of funds in fixed-return debt instruments ensures liquidity and regular income if needed. Here are a few options:

Fixed Deposits with Laddering: Spread deposits over multiple tenures, ensuring liquidity and minimising reinvestment risk due to fluctuating interest rates.

Corporate Bonds or NCDs: Consider bonds from reputed companies for fixed income, but focus on high-rated bonds for security. Although taxable, bonds provide consistent returns and can be an option for funds needed in a shorter span.

4. Emergency Fund Allocation
An emergency fund is vital at every age and is even more essential as retirement approaches. Secure at least 6-12 months of expenses in a liquid or ultra-short-term fund.

Liquid Funds: These provide quick access to cash if needed, with relatively lower risk and tax efficiency.

Bank Savings or Short FDs: For part of your emergency fund, keep funds in a high-yielding savings account or short-term fixed deposits.

5. Health and Retirement Provisions
As you are approaching retirement, securing adequate health and retirement funds is essential for a stable future.

Health Insurance: Ensure you have sufficient health insurance coverage, keeping in mind the rising medical expenses. You may also consider critical illness coverage to avoid out-of-pocket expenses.

Retirement Planning: Allocate a portion of your corpus in conservative, low-risk investments to provide consistent income post-retirement. Monthly Income Plans (MIPs) in mutual funds can supplement regular income if required, providing a balanced approach.

6. Potential Tax Liabilities and Strategic Planning
Here’s how to structure your investments while optimising tax efficiency:

Section 54 and 54EC: If you decide to reinvest under these sections, it can lower your capital gains tax liability. These are specific exemptions aimed at property sellers to reinvest gains in bonds or another house.

Indexation for Debt Funds: Holding debt funds for over three years qualifies for indexation, reducing your tax burden on long-term gains.

Regular Monitoring: A Certified Financial Planner can review your portfolio to adjust for tax efficiency, especially as new tax laws or changes affect mutual fund gains.

Final Insights
This is a solid time to capitalise on your property gains. With a mix of debt, equity, and hybrid mutual funds, you can achieve both stability and growth over the next 5-6 years.

Balanced Investment Strategy: A well-structured portfolio combining debt, hybrid, and limited equity mutual funds gives a balanced approach to growth and safety.

Tax Management: Maximising capital gains exemptions and using indexation benefits can help in optimising taxes on your gains.

Emergency and Health Planning: Set aside funds for medical and emergency needs, which is essential for financial peace.

By diversifying into the right instruments and with regular guidance, your Rs 48 lakh corpus can grow, while preserving your financial security over time.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6810 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Oct 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 25, 2024Hindi
my age is 68 years i have purchased a house jointly with family (4) members in june-2023 under construction which will be completed in dec-2026 for amounting to Rs.2.20 crore , Registration(Aggrement) is already made in August-23 against that 1.10 crore is already paid till september-24 by the way of loan. my old house is suppose to be sold in june/july-24 but somehow it is not sold. if it is sold by December-2024 or January 2025 should i have to pay tax further 2 to 3 installment are still to pay till possession please let me know
Ans: Current Situation and Potential Tax Implications
Joint House Purchase: You purchased a new property in June 2023 jointly with four family members. It will be completed by December 2026, with a total cost of Rs 2.2 crore.

Loan and Payments: A home loan has funded Rs 1.1 crore, and payments continue towards the installments.

Old House Sale Delayed: Your plan to sell an old house by June/July 2024 has been delayed, but you expect it could be sold by December 2024 or January 2025.

The sale timing is critical, as it affects tax calculations and investment strategy.

Understanding Capital Gains Tax on the Old Property Sale
If you sell the old house in the next few months, consider these points:

Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG): If you held the old property for more than two years, the gain qualifies for long-term capital gains tax. The LTCG rate is 20% with indexation benefits, helping reduce the taxable amount.

Section 54 Exemption: If you invest the capital gains from selling the old house into a new property (your under-construction home), you may be eligible for a Section 54 exemption. This reduces or eliminates the tax burden.

Time Limits for Exemption: Under Section 54, the new property must be purchased one year before or two years after the old property’s sale date. For under-construction properties, the new home must be completed within three years of the sale. Since your home is scheduled for completion by December 2026, it may fall within this time frame for exemption.

Steps for Managing Installment Payments and Tax Considerations
To efficiently manage your installment payments and minimise tax liabilities, here are some key strategies:

Use Sale Proceeds for Installments: Once you sell the old house, allocate the proceeds to pay off the remaining installments of your new home. This method supports your Section 54 exemption, as the capital gains directly fund the new property.

Utilise Capital Gains Account Scheme: If the old house sale happens before the new home’s completion in December 2026, consider a Capital Gains Account Scheme. This scheme holds your gains until you’re ready to pay the final installments, allowing you to maintain the tax exemption.

Avoid Tax Penalties: By reinvesting the capital gains directly or through a Capital Gains Account, you stay aligned with the tax-exempt limits. This approach prevents tax penalties on unutilised gains.

Loan Repayment Strategies and Their Benefits
With an existing home loan, you have options for managing debt effectively:

Partial Loan Prepayment: If selling the old house frees up significant funds, consider partially repaying the home loan. Reducing the loan principal lowers interest obligations and eases financial pressure.

Maintain Liquidity: If your income sources post-retirement are limited, focus on balancing loan repayment with cash reserves. Avoid exhausting all funds on prepayments, as liquidity will support unforeseen expenses.

Interest Deduction Benefits: Home loan interest qualifies for tax deductions up to Rs 2 lakh per annum. So, if tax-saving on other income is beneficial, maintaining the loan could serve dual purposes.

Planning for Additional Financial Needs
You may have specific financial goals or family obligations. These plans ensure financial security alongside the property investment.

Consider Your Age and Income Needs: At 68, it’s essential to preserve funds for retirement. Make sure your reserves meet monthly expenses comfortably.

Health and Emergency Reserves: Reserve a portion of the proceeds or capital for health and emergency funds. These ensure stability, especially if unforeseen expenses arise.

Future Property Maintenance: Anticipate expenses related to the new property after completion, including maintenance and repairs.

Investment Strategy Post-Sale
If the old property sale yields surplus funds beyond the installment payments, strategically investing this surplus can optimise your finances:

Allocate to Mutual Funds for Growth: Investing some amount in mutual funds, with guidance from a Certified Financial Planner, can grow your wealth with tax-efficient returns. Actively managed funds offer the potential for better gains than traditional deposits.

Explore Debt Funds for Stability: Debt funds provide relatively stable returns, which are also tax-efficient. These funds suit conservative investors who prefer less market volatility.

Avoid High-Risk Products: Given your age, high-risk investments (like equities) may not align with your risk tolerance. Focusing on balanced or debt-oriented funds can offer stability with some growth potential.

Ensuring Compliance with Taxation Rules
To maximise tax savings while remaining compliant, consider these best practices:

Work with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP): A CFP can help navigate the specific tax exemptions, handle instalment planning, and advise on re-investing sale proceeds effectively.

Documentation and Filing: Maintain detailed records of the new property payments, loan interest, and any transactions related to the sale proceeds. Accurate records support tax filing and Section 54 claims.

Plan Ahead for Final Payments: Since you still have 2-3 instalments due, ensure funds from the old property sale remain accessible. This keeps the payment process smooth and helps you avoid penalty charges or tax complications.

Final Insights
Selling the old property offers a structured approach to fund your new home. It also offers potential tax benefits when done with thoughtful planning.

Utilise Capital Gains Exemptions: Applying Section 54 can save significant taxes, especially as the new property aligns with your long-term plans.

Balance Loan Repayment with Liquidity: Repay loan portions wisely without sacrificing cash reserves. This balance supports both current needs and future obligations.

Explore Moderate Investments for Surplus Funds: Any surplus should be invested in tax-efficient, moderate-risk avenues that align with retirement security.

Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6810 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Oct 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 25, 2024Hindi
Sir, I'm 43 years old and have 10k sip in parag flexi cap, canara large cap, quant active and axis mid cap.5k sip in motilal midcap, ICICI mid and large cap. Current mutual fund corpus 16 lakhs and have another corpus of 1.5 lakh which is mostly in debt instruments like FD. I have a 14 year old son and a passive income of 30k which I expect to continue for next 10 years. My monthly expenses is around 70k. I would like to understand the corpus required for my retirement if I want to retire now and also corpus for my son's education. Expecting your valuable suggestion and advice. I don't expect expenses to grow higher and have a decent medical insurance. I had asked this question but haven't got any response
Ans: You are 43 years old with an SIP allocation in both large-cap and mid-cap funds. You have a total mutual fund corpus of Rs 16 lakhs and an additional Rs 1.5 lakh in debt instruments. Your passive income is Rs 30k per month and expenses are Rs 70k per month.

Passive Income and Expenses
Your passive income covers part of your monthly expenses. This is good but not sufficient for your monthly needs. You might need to draw from your investments to cover the gap.

Retirement Corpus Calculation
Retiring now requires careful planning. To sustain your lifestyle, you need to account for 70k monthly expenses.

Let's assume:

Your retirement age is 60

Life expectancy is 85

Monthly expenses remain the same

You will need a significant corpus to cover 25 years of expenses post-retirement.

Educational Corpus for Your Son
Your son is 14 years old, and college expenses will kick in within the next 4-5 years. Assuming a conservative approach:

Consider the cost of education, including tuition and other expenses

Account for inflation

Investment Strategy
Continuing Current SIPs
Parag Flexi Cap

Canara Large Cap

Quant Active

Axis Mid Cap

Motilal Midcap

ICICI Mid and Large Cap

Potential Changes
Evaluate the performance of your current funds. If they are consistently underperforming, consider switching to better-performing funds. However, ensure these align with your risk profile.

Balance your portfolio with a mix of large, mid, and small caps

Consider international exposure for broader diversification

Debt Instruments
With Rs 1.5 lakh in debt instruments, ensure they align with your risk tolerance. Debt instruments provide stability but lower returns.

Tax Efficiency
Be mindful of the new mutual fund capital gains tax rules:

LTCG above Rs 1.25 lakh is taxed at 12.5%

STCG is taxed at 20%

Regular Reviews
Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio. This keeps your investments aligned with your goals and market conditions.

Ensure you have adequate health and life insurance. This protects your family's financial future.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This covers unforeseen situations.

Best Regards
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP
Chief Financial Planner

...Read more

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