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Sanjeev Govila  |458 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Dec 06, 2023

Colonel Sanjeev Govila (retd) is the founder of Hum Fauji Initiatives, a financial planning company dedicated to the armed forces personnel and their families.
He has over 12 years of experience in financial planning and is a SEBI certified registered investment advisor; he is also accredited with AMFI and IRDA.... more
Pradeep Question by Pradeep on Nov 24, 2023Hindi

In view of upwards revision of interest rate what option i should give to bank for EMI payment of home loan. option given by bank is as under: i) Pay lumpsum amt to continue with present EMI ii) Increase in loan tenor with increase in EMI iii) Increase the EMI to pay the loan within the existing tenor

Ans: You should consider the following factors to cope with finance in the revised hiked interest rate regime:

• If you have money lying idle in your bank account or have some random investments earning low yields, put it to good use. Make lump sum amount and also consider loan prepayment, which will substantially reduce your overall interest payment and helps to save interest on the loan.

• If you could afford to increase the EMI to pay the loan to maintain the loan tenure, you should go for that.

As a thumb rule, don’t opt for a loan tenure beyond 15 years. Beyond that, interest liabilities shoot up without offering commensurate benefits in the form of lower EMI. The decision to go for lump sum payment or increasing EMI depend on your upcoming requirement, goal priority and commitment’s as well. Thus, ideal situation is due cashflow analysis.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 30, 2023Hindi
Hi, Earlier, i had asked a question regarding a home loan i have. following is my question. "Hello Sir/Madam, I bought an apartment from a standard builder in Hyderabad. the possession of house supposed to happen after an year. So, i have taken house loan from a Bank for this house. Now, i have started the regular EMI for this with interest rate of 9%. so, my question is, monthly i have some surplus amount after the EMI and expenses, is it good idea to use that for repaying my home loan or do i need to wait till possession. My wife suggests to wait till the possession, then start repaying. Please suggest what do you think is better?" the answer i got was : yes, repay the house loan as the interest rate is high. However, as the possession of the apartment happens only after an year, is it good idea to repay the loan or not. the builder is a standard builder from Hyderabad. If we don't repay the amount any risk from builder is borne by the Bank, not me, hence i am asking this question. So, please answer. thank you Nagaraju
Ans: Unfortunately, I don't have access to your previous queries.Best Regards,

But generally, for a home loan with a high interest rate of 9%, it's usually recommended to start repaying the loan as early as possible to minimize the total interest paid over the loan term. Even though you haven't received possession of the property yet, repaying the loan can bring you benefits like:

Reduced interest burden: The sooner you start repaying, the less interest you will accrue over the loan term.
Improved credit score: Regular EMI payments can improve your credit score, making it easier to secure loans in the future and potentially at better interest rates.
However, there are also some factors to consider before making a decision:

Prepayment penalty: Some banks might have prepayment penalties for paying off the loan before the end of the term. Check your loan agreement for any such clauses.
Need for emergency funds: It's important to maintain an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. Ensure you have sufficient funds set aside before using your surplus for loan repayments.
If you're unsure about whether to start repaying the loan now or wait until possession, it's advisable to consult with a financial advisor. They can consider your specific financial situation and recommend the best course of action.
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 27, 2024

Hello Sir, I have taken a home loan from HDFC. Now only 27 EMI are to be paid. My current rate of interest is 8.55%. Yesterday, I received an email from HDFC saying that I can opt for a fixed rate of interest for the remaining tenure. They have not given that fixed rate of interest in the email. My question is that should I opt for the offer? Can you please suggest if it would be beneficial for me or not? Thanks in advance for your advice. - Satish
Ans: Satish, it's great that you're considering your options carefully when it comes to your home loan. Opting for a fixed interest rate can offer stability and predictability in your monthly payments, which can be comforting, especially as you near the end of your loan tenure.

However, before making a decision, it's important to weigh the pros and cons. Consider factors such as the current interest rate environment, your financial situation, and any potential future changes in interest rates. While a fixed rate can shield you from fluctuations in interest rates, it may also mean missing out on potential savings if interest rates decrease in the future.

As a Certified Financial Planner would advise, evaluate the terms of the fixed interest rate offer from HDFC, including the rate itself and any associated fees or conditions. Compare it with your current variable interest rate to determine if the switch would be beneficial for you in the long run. Remember, every financial decision is unique, so take your time to make an informed choice that aligns with your goals and circumstances.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 29, 2024

Hello sir my housing loan account is with bank of india where my emi starting was 7.25 percent before 3 yrs now it is been increased to 9.75 percent I regularly ask bank official about the increased rate of interest but they tell it is becos of increasing rapo rate And replies since I am a gold costumer of bank my EMI is reduced to 9.25 percent I feel this is also very high Expert please advise
Ans: Thank you for sharing details about your housing loan situation. It is indeed challenging when interest rates increase, impacting your financial planning. Let’s evaluate your current scenario and explore potential solutions to manage your housing loan more effectively.

Understanding Interest Rate Fluctuations
Interest rates on housing loans are influenced by various factors, including the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) repo rate. When the repo rate increases, banks generally raise their lending rates. Over the past three years, your interest rate has increased from 7.25% to 9.75%, reflecting this trend.

Evaluating Your Current Rate
Although you mentioned you are considered a gold customer with a slightly reduced rate of 9.25%, this rate still appears high. Considering market trends and available rates from other financial institutions, it is crucial to assess if you can secure a better deal.

Steps to Consider for Managing Your Housing Loan
1. Refinancing Your Loan
Refinancing or transferring your loan to another bank offering lower interest rates could be beneficial. Here’s how you can proceed:

Research: Compare interest rates offered by various banks and financial institutions. Look for promotional offers and rates for balance transfer loans.

Calculate Savings: Evaluate the potential savings by considering the new interest rate, processing fees, and any other charges. Online calculators can help estimate these savings.

Application Process: If the savings are significant, initiate the loan transfer process. The new lender will pay off your existing loan, and you will continue with the new lender at the reduced rate.

2. Negotiating with Your Current Bank
Before deciding on a loan transfer, negotiate with your current bank. Here are steps to strengthen your negotiation:

Present Market Rates: Gather information on current market rates and offers from other banks. Present this data to your bank.

Highlight Your Profile: Emphasize your status as a gold customer, consistent repayment history, and any long-standing relationship with the bank.

Request Rate Reduction: Formally request a reduction in your interest rate. Banks may offer a reduced rate to retain valued customers.

3. Switching to a Different Loan Product
Some banks offer different loan products with varying interest rates and benefits. Explore if your bank has alternative loan schemes with better rates and terms. Switching to a more favorable product could reduce your financial burden.

Evaluating the Financial Impact
1. Cost-Benefit Analysis
Conduct a detailed cost-benefit analysis before making any changes. Consider the following:

Processing Fees: Check the processing fees for transferring the loan or switching products.
Prepayment Charges: Some loans have prepayment penalties. Ensure you are aware of these charges if applicable.
New EMI and Tenure: Calculate the new EMI and loan tenure. Ensure it fits your budget and long-term financial plans.
2. Impact on Monthly Budget
Assess the impact of the new EMI on your monthly budget. Ensure the revised EMI is affordable and does not strain your finances. Maintain a balance between meeting EMI obligations and saving for future goals.

Exploring Additional Strategies
1. Prepayment Options
If you have surplus funds, consider prepaying a part of your loan. Prepayment reduces the principal amount, thereby lowering the interest burden over the loan tenure. Most banks allow partial prepayments without any penalties.

2. Increasing EMI Payments
If feasible, increase your EMI payments. Higher EMIs reduce the loan tenure and overall interest outgo. Ensure the increased EMI is sustainable within your financial plan.

Consulting a Certified Financial Planner
A Certified Financial Planner can provide tailored advice on managing your housing loan. They can help you evaluate options, negotiate with banks, and make informed decisions. Their expertise ensures your financial strategy aligns with your long-term goals.

Your concern about the high-interest rate is valid. By exploring refinancing options, negotiating with your current bank, and evaluating different loan products, you can potentially reduce your interest burden. Additionally, prepayment and increasing EMI payments can further manage your loan effectively. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner for personalized advice is also recommended.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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