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Sanjeev Govila  |458 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Dec 06, 2023

Colonel Sanjeev Govila (retd) is the founder of Hum Fauji Initiatives, a financial planning company dedicated to the armed forces personnel and their families.
He has over 12 years of experience in financial planning and is a SEBI certified registered investment advisor; he is also accredited with AMFI and IRDA.... more
Vipul Question by Vipul on Nov 29, 2023Hindi

I have sip in Motilal midcap, Axis Small Cap, HDFC retirement fund, Tata Digital fund, tata business cycle, icici nasdaq 100, Nippon consumption fund, I want to build corpus for future. Each scheme having sip of 5k. I am 29yr now.

Ans: Considering your current well diversified SIP portfolio of Rs 35,000/- at the young of 29 years, I would suggest you to continue your investment in a systematic manner with increase of 5-10% per annum for accumulation of good capital at the time of retirement.

I would like to suggest you to gradually reduce your allocation in sector specific funds like TATA digital, TATA business cycle fund and Nippon consumption fund as these funds invest in particular sector of economy and there is a concentration risk in these funds. You can divert the SIPs from these funds to well diversified funds in Large Cap, Flexi Cap and other long-term equity and hybrid funds.
Consulting a financial planner to prepare a holistic investment plan with details of your existing investments and financial obligations in near future will be most advisable actions for you.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5408 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 23, 2024

I am 42 years old, my annual income is 10Lakhs and i want to make corpus of 3cr within 18 years. Presently my investments in SIP's are: HDFC mid cap opportunities fund Rs. 3000; ABSL Equity advantage fund Rs. 3000; UTI Nifty 50 Index fund Rs.5000; Nippon Small Cap Fund Rs.2000; Parag Parikh flexi cap fund Rs. 2000; Quant multi asset fund Rs.2000; Kotak emerging equity fund Rs.1500; Tata Digital India Fund Rs. 1500. Requesting your recommendations on these and advice on furher investment if any....Thank You
Ans: You've built a diversified portfolio with a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, flexi-cap, and sectoral funds, which is a good start towards your ambitious goal. Here are some considerations and recommendations:

Asset Allocation: Given your goal and age, you might want to tilt your portfolio towards more equity-oriented funds. While equities carry higher risk, they also offer potential for higher returns over the long term.
Review & Rebalance: Periodically review your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. Rebalance if necessary to maintain your desired asset allocation.
Increase SIP Amounts: With a target corpus of 3 crores in 18 years, you might need to consider increasing your SIP amounts annually to account for inflation and potentially higher returns.
Diversification: Ensure you're not overly concentrated in a single asset class or sector. Diversification across asset classes and market caps can help spread the risk.
Consult a Financial Advisor: Given the complexity of financial planning, it might be beneficial to consult a financial advisor who can provide personalized advice based on your financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance.
Remember, investing is a journey, not a destination. Consistency, discipline, and periodic reviews are key to achieving your financial goals.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5408 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 14, 2024Hindi
Hi Sir Sangayya hear from Karnataka my age is 43 from last 3 years I started my SIP details r as below 1 ELSS - 5 sips each 1k 2. Large & mid cap fund - 3 sips 1k each 3. Thematic fund - Franklin India opp - 5k 4. Multi asset allocator - Tata 5k 5.Flexi cap fund - 2 Sips 1k each 6. Dynamic Asset - Edelweiss balanced Adv fund 1k 7. Small cap - Nippon India 1k Total monthly 22k is my investment kindly suggest I want to build my corpus 1cr in another 10 year
Ans: You've made a good start with your SIP investments across various categories. To achieve a corpus of 1 crore in 10 years, you'll need an average annual return of around 12%, considering your current investment of 22k per month.

Here are some suggestions to optimize your portfolio:

ELSS: Great for tax-saving, but remember the lock-in period. Ensure you're comfortable with the fund's performance and risk profile.

Large & Mid-cap: These funds offer a balanced approach. Monitor the performance and consider consolidating into a top-performing fund if necessary.

Thematic Fund: These are more focused and can be riskier. Ensure it aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Multi-Asset Allocator: Offers diversification across asset classes. A good choice for balanced growth. Ensure the fund's strategy aligns with your goals.

Flexi Cap & Dynamic Asset Allocation: These provide flexibility to invest across market caps and adjust to market conditions. Ensure they complement each other and don't overlap too much.

Small Cap: High growth potential but higher risk. Ensure it fits your risk profile and consider monitoring closely due to higher volatility.

General Recommendations:

Review & Rebalance: Regularly review your portfolio's performance and adjust if necessary. Consider shifting funds to top performers or reallocating based on market conditions.

Risk Assessment: Ensure your portfolio aligns with your risk tolerance and investment horizon.

Costs: Opt for direct plans to reduce costs and improve returns.

Diversification: Ensure your portfolio is well-diversified across asset classes and not overly concentrated in one sector or fund.

Professional Advice: Consider consulting a financial advisor for personalized guidance based on your financial goals and risk profile.

In summary, continue your disciplined approach with SIPs, regularly review and adjust your portfolio, and stay invested for the long term to achieve your goal of 1 crore in 10 years.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5408 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 14, 2024

I am 47 yrs old & have currently 3 SIP's of 10K each. 1) Parag Parekh Flexicap- ?5K 2) Kotak Emerging Equity Fund-?2500 3) Axis Small Cap Fund- ?2500 I wanted to have a Corpus of atleast 3-5 Crore in next 13 yrs till my age of 60 yrs. Should I continue with d above 3 schemes & how much SIP amt do I need to invest inorder to acheive the Corpus.
Ans: That's great you're already investing through SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans)! It shows you're on the right track to building your retirement corpus. Let's analyze your current portfolio and discuss how to reach your goals:

1. Good Start with SIPs!

Three SIPs Running! Your current SIPs of Rs. 10,000 each in a Flexi Cap, Emerging Equity, and Small Cap Fund provide some diversification across market capitalizations. This is a good starting point.

Goal in Mind! You aim for a corpus of Rs. 3-5 crore in 13 years. This requires careful planning and potentially increasing your investment amount.

2. Reaching Your Target:

Planning is Key! Accurately calculating the exact SIP amount needed is difficult without considering factors like your current corpus, expected return rate, and inflation. However, we can discuss strategies.

Review and Increase? A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can analyze your situation and suggest if you need to increase your SIP amounts to reach your target corpus. They can also consider adding other asset classes for a more balanced approach.

3. Review and Rebalance:

Market Changes! The market keeps changing, and what looks good today might not be suitable tomorrow. It's important to periodically review your portfolio with a CFP.

Stay on Track! Regularly rebalancing your portfolio helps you maintain your target asset allocation and manage risk. A CFP can guide you on how often to review and rebalance.

4. Actively Managed Funds:

Pick Winners! Your chosen funds are actively managed, meaning fund managers try to outperform the market by picking stocks they believe will grow. Actively managed funds can outperform the market, but there's no guarantee.

Consider Your Risk: Actively managed funds tend to have higher fees than passively managed Index Funds. A CFP can help you assess your risk tolerance and choose funds that align with your goals.

Remember, reaching your target corpus requires a disciplined approach, potentially increasing your SIP amounts, and regular review with a CFP. Consulting a CFP can help you create a personalized plan and increase your chances of success.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5408 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Hello Sir, I am 33 year old and have started investing in SIPs since last 2 years. I have invested in Mirae Asset Tax saver, Mirae asset Mid Cap, Tata Multicap funds only as of now. Money invested is 80k. Can you please suggest me an approach to build a corpus of 50Lakhs in next 8-10 years. I am currently earning around 1.7 lakhs/month with around 80K expenses/month.
Ans: It's great to hear that you've already taken significant steps towards your financial future by investing in SIPs. Starting early and being consistent are key elements in building a substantial corpus. You’re earning Rs 1.7 lakhs a month and spending around Rs 80,000, which gives you a solid Rs 90,000 potential for savings and investments. With a goal to build a corpus of Rs 50 lakhs in the next 8-10 years, you’re on the right path. Let’s outline a strategy to help you achieve this.

Current Investment Overview
You’ve started well with investments in three mutual funds:

Mirae Asset Tax Saver: This is an Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS), which is tax-efficient.
Mirae Asset Mid Cap: Focuses on medium-sized companies with growth potential.
Tata Multicap Fund: Invests across large, mid, and small-cap stocks.
You’ve invested Rs 80,000 in these funds so far. Each of these funds has its unique benefits, but there’s room to optimize your portfolio to meet your Rs 50 lakh goal.

Setting a Target for Your Goal
To build a corpus of Rs 50 lakhs in 8-10 years, you need a strategic approach. Let’s break down the steps you should consider:

Assess Your Financial Goals:

Define your goals clearly.
How soon do you need the money?
What is your risk tolerance?
Current Savings and Investments:

You’ve started with Rs 80,000.
Let’s build on this base.
Maximize your monthly savings for investment.
Building a Strong Investment Plan
Given your income and expenses, you have a good monthly surplus. Here’s how you can allocate and optimize it:

Increase Your SIP Contributions
Monthly Investment Capacity:

You can invest more since your monthly surplus is Rs 90,000.
Let’s consider gradually increasing your SIP contributions.
Balanced Portfolio:

Diversify into different types of funds (e.g., large-cap, mid-cap, and multi-cap).
This diversification can help manage risks better and optimize returns.
Increase SIPs in High-Performing Funds:

Continue with your current funds but increase the monthly SIP amounts.
Consider adding Rs 10,000 to each of your existing funds and reviewing their performance annually.
Add New Funds:

Introduce a small-cap fund to capture growth in emerging companies.
Allocate Rs 10,000 per month to a new small-cap fund.
Exploring Other Investment Options
While mutual funds are a strong component of your portfolio, consider these additional investments for further growth:

Direct Equity Investments:

Allocate a small portion, say Rs 10,000 per month, to invest directly in the stock market.
Choose stocks from stable sectors with good growth potential.
Debt Funds:

Invest Rs 5,000 per month in debt funds for stability and to balance equity risk.
This provides a safety net and ensures liquidity.
NPS for Retirement Planning:

Contribute Rs 5,000 monthly to the National Pension System (NPS).
This can provide additional tax benefits and long-term growth for retirement.
Optimizing Your Portfolio Performance
Regularly monitoring and adjusting your investments is crucial to stay on track for your goal:

Annual Review:

Review your fund performance annually.
Make adjustments if any fund is consistently underperforming.

Rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.
This involves selling some assets and buying others to keep your portfolio aligned with your risk tolerance and goals.
Staying Informed:

Keep up with market trends and financial news.
This helps in making informed decisions and timely adjustments to your investments.
Managing Risk and Diversification
To achieve your Rs 50 lakh goal with minimized risk, consider these strategies:

Risk Tolerance:

Understand your risk appetite.
Since you have 8-10 years, you can afford to take moderate risks for higher returns.

Diversify across asset classes, sectors, and geographies.
This reduces risk and maximizes returns by not putting all eggs in one basket.
Systematic Investment:

Continue with SIPs to benefit from rupee cost averaging.
This helps in buying more units when prices are low and fewer when prices are high.
Emergency Fund and Insurance Coverage
Before focusing solely on investments, ensure you have these foundational elements in place:

Emergency Fund:

Maintain a fund that covers 6-12 months of your living expenses.
This should be in a savings account or a liquid mutual fund for easy access.
Health and Life Insurance:

Have adequate health insurance for you and your family.
Ensure you have a term insurance policy that provides sufficient coverage.
Tax Planning and Efficiency
Optimizing your investments for tax efficiency is crucial:

Tax-Saving Investments:

Continue with your ELSS investments for tax benefits under Section 80C.
Explore other tax-saving options like NPS and PPF.
Efficient Fund Selection:

Choose funds that provide good post-tax returns.
Equity funds held for more than a year are subject to lower capital gains tax.
Adjusting to Life Changes
Life circumstances can change, and your investment plan should be flexible enough to adapt:

Career Growth:

With potential salary increases, consider increasing your investment contributions.
Aim to save and invest a higher percentage of your income over time.
Family Expenses:

Plan for future family expenses like children’s education and other big-ticket items.
Adjust your savings and investment goals accordingly.
Market Fluctuations:

Stay calm during market volatility.
Stick to your investment plan and avoid making hasty decisions based on market noise.
Long-Term Planning Beyond Rs 50 Lakhs
While your immediate goal is Rs 50 lakhs, consider these aspects for long-term financial health:

Retirement Planning:

Beyond your immediate goal, start planning for retirement.
Consider how much you’ll need to maintain your lifestyle post-retirement.
Wealth Accumulation:

Continue investing beyond reaching your Rs 50 lakh goal.
Building wealth is a continuous process, and longer-term investments can yield substantial growth.
Legacy Planning:

Think about wealth transfer and legacy planning.
Ensure you have a will and estate plan in place to manage and transfer your wealth smoothly.
Final Insights
Your disciplined approach to saving and investing is commendable. By increasing your SIP contributions, diversifying your portfolio, and regularly monitoring your investments, you are well-positioned to achieve your Rs 50 lakh corpus in the next 8-10 years. Stay focused on your goals, adapt to life changes, and continue educating yourself about investments. Your financial journey is a marathon, not a sprint, and your dedication will surely lead to financial success.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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