Hi, I am 36 years old, married & have 1 child (3 year old). Me & wife have combined income from salary of 3.75 lakh post taxes. We are investing in following funds & have investment horizon of more than 15 years. Aditya BSL Pure Value - 2k DSP Value Fund - 4k HDFC Small Cap - 2K Kotak business cycle - 5k Kotak Emerging Equity fund - 2K Motilal Oswal large and Midcap - 10k Bandhan Core Equity - 2k Baroda BNP India Consumption - 3k Franklin India Prima - 4k HDFC Mid Cap Opportunity - 2k HSBC Small Cap - 5k Nippon India Flexi Cap - 7.5 SBI small cap - 4k White Oak capital Large and Mid - 7.5k ICICI prudential India opportunity -10k NPS - 15K Equity Market - 25K SGB - 15K LIC -10K. I'm looking for the same investment till next 15 years. Definitely will increase the MF amount every year. I'm looking for at least 20+ Cr corpus at the age of 55. Please guide me with the existing investment. Total Liability like Home Loan and Top up loan EMI is 42K. I want to make same EMI for Loan and future surplus amount to be invest in equity market with low risk as I'm moving towards early 40s.
Ans: Based on your investment portfolio and financial goals, let's evaluate your current strategy. You've made a commendable effort in diversifying your investments across various mutual funds and other instruments, aiming for a substantial corpus in the next 15 years. Your commitment to increasing your mutual fund investments annually is a wise move, considering the potential for wealth accumulation over time.
However, let's delve into a few considerations. While your investment horizon is long-term, it's prudent to periodically review your portfolio's performance and adjust it according to changing market conditions and your evolving financial situation. With increasing age and responsibilities, it's natural to prioritize stability and lower risk in your investments.
You've mentioned a desire to maintain your current loan EMIs while directing surplus funds towards equity markets with lower risk. This approach aligns with a conservative yet growth-oriented investment strategy, balancing the need for stability with wealth creation potential. As you move towards your early 40s, this cautious approach can provide a cushion against market volatility while still capturing growth opportunities.
While your current portfolio includes a diverse mix of actively managed mutual funds, it's important to acknowledge the disadvantages of solely relying on actively managed funds. These can include higher expense ratios and the possibility of underperformance compared to benchmark indices. However, the benefits of active management, such as the potential for outperformance and flexibility in portfolio construction, justify their inclusion in your investment strategy.
In conclusion, your commitment to long-term wealth creation is admirable. By maintaining a disciplined approach to investing, periodically reviewing your portfolio, and balancing risk and growth opportunities, you're on track to achieve your financial goals.
Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,