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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4073 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Abhi Question by Abhi on May 14, 2024Hindi

Hello i am a homeopathic doctor aged 27 still doing my MD( final year) I have a evening clinic started newly i earn about 45-50k per month and as get stipend i nearly get 40k per month i have a 6 months old daughter and i have 14 lakhs savings of own 10 lakhs in equity 60k gold bonds ,1.2lakhs in US equity and 50k in corporate bonds and 2.5lakhs in savings account apart from this i have 24 lakhs in hybrid mutual fund ( this i got after my fathers death)may be in couple of months i will be getting another 90 lakhs by selling a property my future biggest expense will be my daughters education as i have a desire to send her to abroad for her UG itself my biggest question how to manage 90 lakhs for my secured future

Ans: Strategic Financial Planning for a Secure Future
Congratulations on your career progress and the new addition to your family! At 27, with a good income and a mix of investments, you're in a strong position to plan for a secure financial future and your daughter's education. Let’s delve into how to manage the upcoming Rs. 90 lakhs from the property sale effectively.

Assessing Your Current Financial Position
Existing Investments and Savings
Equity Investments: Rs. 10 lakhs
Gold Bonds: Rs. 60,000
US Equity: Rs. 1.2 lakhs
Corporate Bonds: Rs. 50,000
Savings Account: Rs. 2.5 lakhs
Hybrid Mutual Fund: Rs. 24 lakhs
Monthly Income
Evening Clinic: Rs. 45-50k
Stipend: Rs. 40k
You have a diversified portfolio, which is a good start. Your biggest future expense is your daughter’s education, especially if she studies abroad.

Managing the Rs. 90 Lakhs Property Sale
Prioritizing Financial Goals
Daughter’s Education Fund
Emergency Fund
Retirement Planning
Wealth Growth and Diversification
Detailed Financial Strategy
1. Establish an Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is crucial for unforeseen circumstances. Aim to save 6-12 months of your living expenses in a liquid and safe account.

2. Education Fund for Your Daughter
Given your desire to send your daughter abroad for her UG, start a dedicated investment plan.

Child Education Mutual Funds: These funds are tailored for long-term educational goals. They offer potential for significant growth over time.
SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans): Invest monthly in mutual funds. This will average out market volatility and provide disciplined savings.
Debt Funds: For the portion of funds needed in the short term (next 5-8 years), consider debt funds for lower risk and stable returns.
3. Retirement Planning
It’s never too early to plan for retirement. Diversify your investments to ensure a comfortable retirement.

Equity Mutual Funds: Continue investing in equity mutual funds for long-term growth. Choose funds that suit your risk profile.
PPF (Public Provident Fund): PPF is a safe, tax-saving investment option with a decent interest rate.
NPS (National Pension System): Consider NPS for additional retirement savings with tax benefits.
4. Wealth Growth and Diversification
Diversified Portfolio: Maintain a diversified portfolio across different asset classes – equity, debt, gold, and international funds.
Avoid Over-reliance on One Asset: Avoid putting all your money into one type of investment. Diversification reduces risk.
Monitoring and Adjusting Your Investments
Regular Reviews
Annual Reviews: Review your portfolio annually to ensure it aligns with your goals.
Adjust Allocations: Rebalance your portfolio based on performance and changing goals.
Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP): A CFP can provide personalized advice and help you stay on track with your financial goals.
Regular Consultations: Meet with your CFP regularly to adjust your strategy as needed.
Avoid Common Pitfalls
Over-Reliance on High-Risk Investments
Avoid putting too much money into high-risk investments like stocks or volatile mutual funds. Balance risk with stable options.

Ignoring Inflation
Ensure your investments outpace inflation, especially for long-term goals like education and retirement.

Not Having a Clear Plan
Having a clear, well-structured financial plan is crucial. Stick to your plan and make adjustments as needed.

With a clear financial strategy and disciplined approach, you can secure a prosperous future for yourself and your daughter. Start by setting up an emergency fund, then focus on dedicated investments for education and retirement. Regularly review and adjust your portfolio with the help of a Certified Financial Planner to stay on track.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4073 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 19, 2024Hindi
I am 53 with 1 cr corpus , invested in MF( lump sum - equity and SIP of 85 k month for last 2 years) PPF, NSC, stocks, FD . I have 2 children one is working and the daughter is in 12 would like to pursue medicine . I want to know the following A. How do I plan my finances ahead ? B. My daughters education ? My pension ? C. A medical policy is there for 26 lakhs for a family of 4 . Is that enough or I need to take another policy ? D. What amount should I have to lead a decent and comfortable life . Without depending on kids .( have a house of my own ) Kindly help / advice .
Ans: Hello Mr. Kumar Shashi Raj,

It's great that you're actively planning for your financial future and your children's education. Let's address your concerns step by step:

A. Planning your finances ahead:

With a corpus of 1 crore and diversified investments like MFs, PPF, NSC, stocks, and FDs, you're on the right track.
Consider reviewing your investment portfolio periodically to ensure alignment with your financial goals and risk tolerance.
Continue your SIPs and monitor the performance of your equity investments.
Explore options for retirement planning to secure a steady income post-retirement. You can consider instruments like NPS or annuities for this purpose.
B. Your daughter's education:

Since your daughter aims to pursue medicine, it's crucial to plan for the substantial expenses associated with her education.
Estimate the cost of her medical education and explore education loans, scholarships, or other funding options to supplement your savings.
Consider investing in instruments like mutual funds or fixed deposits specifically earmarked for her education expenses.
C. Medical insurance:

Your existing medical policy covering 26 lakhs for a family of four is a good start.
However, considering rising healthcare costs and the possibility of unforeseen medical emergencies, it's advisable to assess if this coverage is adequate.
Evaluate the premium versus coverage benefits and consider topping up your existing policy or purchasing an additional policy for enhanced coverage.
D. Retirement planning and leading a comfortable life:

Determine your desired post-retirement lifestyle and estimate your retirement expenses, including healthcare, travel, and other essentials.
Calculate the corpus required to generate a steady income stream post-retirement, considering factors like inflation and life expectancy.
Aim to build a retirement corpus that can sustain your lifestyle without relying on your children's financial support.
Maximize contributions to retirement-oriented schemes like NPS or voluntary provident fund to boost your retirement corpus.
Regularly reassess your financial plan and make adjustments as needed to stay on track towards your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Moneywize   |122 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Apr 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 18, 2024Hindi
I have Rs 1.2 crore in my bank account. My wife earns Rs 80,000 per month and I earn Rs 2 lakh per month. We have three children – two daughters and one son – who will need approximately 10 to 15 lakh each for their higher studies 7 to 12 years from now. How shall I go about meeting my children’s education goal and also plan for my retirement. My wife and I have about 15 and 7 years for our retirement.
Ans: It's great that you're thinking ahead for your children's education and your retirement! Here's a suggested plan to meet your goals:

1. Children's Education Fund:

• Since you have 7 to 12 years for your children's higher education, you can invest in relatively aggressive investment options like mutual funds or diversified equity funds. These have the potential to offer higher returns over the long term.
• Allocate a portion of your savings every month towards this goal. Considering inflation and assuming an average annual return of 10%, you would need to invest roughly Rs 20,000 to Rs 25,000 per month to accumulate the desired amount for each child's education.

2. Retirement Planning:

• Since you and your wife have 15 and 7 years left for retirement respectively, you'll want to focus on building a retirement corpus.
• Consider investing in a mix of equity and debt instruments to balance risk and returns. You can invest in mutual funds, provident funds, and Public Provident Fund (PPF) for a balanced portfolio.
• Aim to save at least 15-20% of your combined monthly income for retirement. Considering your current earnings, you can aim to save around Rs 50,000 to Rs 60,000 per month for retirement.

3. Asset Allocation:

Since you have a relatively long investment horizon for both goals, you can afford to have a higher allocation towards equities for potentially higher returns. As you approach your retirement age, gradually shift towards more conservative investment options to preserve capital.

4. Emergency Fund:

Make sure to maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 3-6 months of your combined living expenses. This fund should be readily accessible in case of unexpected expenses or emergencies.

5. Regular Review:

Regularly review your investment portfolio and make adjustments as needed based on changes in your financial situation, market conditions, and investment goals.

6. Professional Advice:

Consider consulting with a financial advisor to tailor a plan specific to your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment preferences.

By following this plan diligently and investing consistently over the years, you should be well-prepared to meet your children's education expenses and enjoy a comfortable retirement.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4073 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 14, 2024Hindi
Me nd my wife are working couple having monthly income of 1.5 lacs combined. Age 30s, Liabilities of around 85 k per month. Investment 12.5k ppf, emergency fund created, please guide financial management for child education target doctor course fees after 20 years Buy own house in 4 to 5 years approx60 to 70 lacs with loan. Current liabilites include 15k car emi (6 lakh loan plannjng to end in 2 years) and 15k rent
Ans: Financial planning is crucial for achieving long-term goals, especially when you aim to fund your child's education and purchase a home. With a combined monthly income of Rs. 1.5 lakhs and liabilities of Rs. 85,000, it’s essential to strategically manage your finances. In this comprehensive guide, I will help you plan for your child's future education expenses, buying your own house, and managing current liabilities.

Assessing Your Current Financial Situation
Income and Expenses
Your combined monthly income is Rs. 1.5 lakhs. Current liabilities are Rs. 85,000, including Rs. 15,000 for car EMI and Rs. 15,000 for rent. This leaves you with Rs. 65,000 for savings and other expenses.

Investments and Savings
You are already investing Rs. 12,500 in PPF and have an emergency fund created. These are excellent financial habits that provide a strong foundation for future planning.

Prioritizing Financial Goals
Child's Education Fund
You aim to fund your child's education, particularly a doctor’s course, in 20 years. Medical education costs can be substantial, so starting early is beneficial.

Purchasing a Home
You plan to buy a house worth Rs. 60-70 lakhs in the next 4-5 years, with the help of a loan. This goal requires a significant amount of savings and careful financial planning.

Budgeting and Expense Management
Creating a Detailed Budget
Develop a comprehensive budget that includes all income sources, fixed expenses (like EMIs and rent), and variable expenses (like groceries and utilities). This helps in tracking your spending and identifying areas where you can cut costs.

Prioritizing Expenses
Prioritize essential expenses and identify discretionary spending that can be reduced. This might include dining out, entertainment, and other non-essential expenditures.

Tracking Expenses
Use expense-tracking tools or apps to monitor your spending. Regular tracking ensures that you stay within your budget and can make adjustments as necessary.

Managing Current Liabilities
Car Loan
You have a Rs. 6 lakh car loan with a monthly EMI of Rs. 15,000, planning to repay it in 2 years. Focus on repaying this loan quickly to free up funds for other financial goals.

Your monthly rent is Rs. 15,000. As you plan to buy a house in 4-5 years, continue to manage this expense while you save for a down payment.

Savings and Investments
Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)
Consider starting SIPs in mutual funds. SIPs allow regular, disciplined investments that can grow over time. Choose funds that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Diversified Investment Portfolio
Create a diversified investment portfolio, including mutual funds, fixed deposits, and other safe instruments. Diversification helps in managing risks and optimizing returns.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds have professional fund managers who make investment decisions to outperform the market. These funds can provide higher returns compared to index funds, despite higher fees.

Avoiding Direct Funds
Direct funds require investors to manage their investments, which can be challenging without expertise. Investing through a Certified Financial Planner ensures professional management and better financial planning.

Planning for Child’s Education
Education Fund
Start a dedicated education fund for your child. Regular contributions to this fund will ensure you are financially prepared for their higher education.

Education Savings Plans
Consider education savings plans that offer tax benefits and long-term growth. Consult with a Certified Financial Planner to choose the right plan for your needs.

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) for Education
Utilize SIPs to build the education fund over time. SIPs offer the advantage of rupee cost averaging and the power of compounding, making them ideal for long-term goals.

Planning for Home Purchase
Saving for Down Payment
To buy a house worth Rs. 60-70 lakhs, save for the down payment, typically 20% of the property value. This requires disciplined saving over the next 4-5 years.

Home Loan Planning
Research home loan options and choose one with favorable terms. Look for low-interest rates, flexible repayment options, and minimal processing fees.

Loan Eligibility and Repayment
Ensure your credit score is good to qualify for a home loan. Plan your EMI payments so that they are manageable and do not strain your finances.

Long-term Financial Planning
Retirement Planning
Start planning for retirement early. The earlier you start, the more time your investments have to grow, ensuring a comfortable retirement.

Retirement Funds
Invest in retirement-specific funds like the Public Provident Fund (PPF) or Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). These funds offer long-term growth with tax benefits.

Health and Life Insurance
Ensure adequate health and life insurance coverage. These protections are crucial for safeguarding your family’s financial future in case of unforeseen events.

Your commitment to saving and planning for your family’s future is admirable. Balancing current liabilities while planning for significant future expenses shows great financial discipline.

Managing finances while supporting a family and planning for the future can be challenging. Your proactive approach to financial planning is commendable and will benefit you in the long run.

Practical Steps for Implementation
Regular Financial Reviews
Conduct regular reviews of your financial plan. Adjust your budget and investments based on changes in income, expenses, and financial goals.

Professional Guidance
Engage a Certified Financial Planner to help you create and manage your financial plan. A CFP provides expert advice, ensuring your financial decisions align with your goals.

Family Involvement
Involve your spouse in financial planning. A collaborative approach ensures that both partners are on the same page and can work together towards common goals.

Final Insights
Balancing current liabilities with long-term financial goals requires careful planning and disciplined execution. By creating a detailed budget, prioritizing expenses, and making strategic investments, you can manage your finances effectively. Start early with your child’s education fund and retirement planning to ensure you meet these goals comfortably.

Engaging a Certified Financial Planner ensures you receive professional guidance tailored to your unique situation. Your dedication to your family’s future and financial well-being is commendable. With the right strategies and support, you can achieve your financial goals and secure a prosperous future for your family.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Asked by Anonymous - Nov 10, 2023Hindi
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