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Ulhas Joshi  |266 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Fund Expert - Answered on Mar 14, 2023

With over 16 years of experience in the mutual fund industry, Ulhas Joshi has helped numerous clients choose the right funds and create wealth.
Prior to joining RankMF as CEO, he was vice president (sales) at IDBI Asset Management Ltd.
Joshi holds an MBA in marketing from Barkatullah University, Bhopal.... more
SADANAND Question by SADANAND on Mar 08, 2023Hindi

Hello, This is Anand from Mumbai. I am 50 yrs old working with a Pvt Co. I want to generate an income of Rs 1 Cr by the end of 58 yrs of my age. I expect my income should be around Rs 1 - 1.25 lacs per month from my 59th yr onwards based on the investments which I will make between these 8 years. Kindly advice me with suitable mix of investment portfolios like equities / MF's / other investment plans which will meet my requirement after 8 years.

Ans: Hello Anand and thank you for writing in.

To generate a corpus of Rs.1 Crore in 8 years, you need to start SIP's of around 61,000 every month.

You can begin by investing in:

1-Samco Flexicap-Rs.21,000
2-Edelweiss Nifty 100 Quality 30 TRI Index Fund-Rs.20,000
3-DSP Quant Fund-Rs.20,000

Annually stepping up the SIP's will help you create a larger corpus.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 24, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 23, 2024Hindi
I am looking to see your recommendations. I am 50-year-old. I have a house(where we live here) that has the value of 11 Crores. I have real estate assets that are worth of 20 Crores and I have stock investments 3.5 Cr and retirement funds of 2 Crores. I would like your recommendations to generate 10 lakhs per month and diversify the real estate investments into Mutul funds that can help to generate monthly income from 55 years. My income is around 2.5 Cr per year and would like to retire by 55. Also, i need to take care of my kids education and it would cost around 3 Cr
Ans: Understanding Your Financial Landscape
Your current financial situation is robust, with substantial assets across various classes. You have a significant real estate portfolio worth ?20 crores, a house valued at ?11 crores, stock investments of ?3.5 crores, and retirement funds totaling ?2 crores. Your income is ?2.5 crores per year, and you plan to retire by 55. Additionally, you need to ensure ?3 crores for your children's education.

Goals and Objectives
Generate ?10 Lakhs Per Month Post-Retirement
Diversify Real Estate Assets into Mutual Funds
Ensure ?3 Crores for Children’s Education
Retire Comfortably by Age 55
Diversifying Real Estate Assets
Real estate can provide substantial value appreciation, but it’s illiquid and can be cyclical. Diversifying into mutual funds can offer liquidity, diversification, and potentially higher returns. Here’s a strategic approach:

Evaluate and Liquidate Real Estate Holdings: Identify which real estate assets can be sold without impacting your lifestyle. Aim to liquidate assets worth ?20 crores over the next five years.

Reinvest Proceeds in Mutual Funds: Diversify the proceeds from real estate into a balanced mix of mutual funds. Given your retirement horizon, focus on a combination of equity, hybrid, and debt funds. This mix provides growth, stability, and income potential.

Strategic Investment in Mutual Funds
Equity Mutual Funds
Equity mutual funds offer higher growth potential, which is crucial for long-term wealth accumulation. Consider the following categories:

Large-Cap Funds: Invest in well-established companies with stable returns.
Multi-Cap Funds: Provide a mix of large, mid, and small-cap stocks for balanced growth.
Sectoral/Thematic Funds: Allocate a small portion to sectors with high growth potential.
Hybrid Mutual Funds
Hybrid funds provide a mix of equity and debt, offering growth with reduced volatility. They are suitable for wealth preservation and income generation:

Aggressive Hybrid Funds: Higher equity exposure for growth.
Balanced Advantage Funds: Dynamic asset allocation based on market conditions.
Debt Mutual Funds
Debt funds offer stability and regular income, ideal for generating monthly cash flow:

Short-Term Debt Funds: Provide liquidity and relatively higher returns compared to savings accounts.
Dynamic Bond Funds: Adjust based on interest rate scenarios to maximise returns.
Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
To generate ?10 lakhs per month post-retirement, consider a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP). SWP allows you to withdraw a fixed amount regularly from your mutual fund investments, providing a steady income stream while keeping the corpus invested and growing.

Funding Children’s Education
Allocate ?3 crores from your current investments or the proceeds from liquidated real estate to a dedicated education fund. This fund should be a mix of:

Debt Mutual Funds: For stability and capital preservation.
Equity Mutual Funds: For growth over the investment horizon.
Optimising Retirement Funds
Your current retirement fund of ?2 crores should be optimally invested to ensure growth and income generation:

Review Existing Investments: Ensure they align with your risk tolerance and retirement goals.
Diversify Across Asset Classes: Balance between equity and debt to optimise returns and manage risks.
Generating ?10 Lakhs Per Month
Calculate Required Corpus: To generate ?10 lakhs per month (?1.2 crores per year), you need a well-diversified investment portfolio. Assuming a conservative withdrawal rate of 6%, you will need a corpus of approximately ?20 crores.

Investment Strategy: With ?20 crores invested in a mix of equity, hybrid, and debt funds, you can achieve this income target. The equity portion ensures growth, while the debt portion provides stability and income.

Implementation Plan
Yearly Investment Targets: Gradually liquidate real estate assets worth ?20 crores over the next five years. Invest the proceeds in mutual funds according to the above strategy.

Regular Monitoring: Work with a Certified Financial Planner to regularly review and adjust your portfolio based on market conditions and your financial goals.

Maintain an Emergency Fund: Keep an emergency fund equivalent to 12 months of expenses to cover any unexpected financial needs.

Insurance Coverage: Ensure adequate life and health insurance to protect your family and financial plan from unforeseen events.

By strategically liquidating your real estate assets and reinvesting in mutual funds, you can achieve your goal of generating ?10 lakhs per month post-retirement. A well-diversified portfolio with a mix of equity, hybrid, and debt funds, along with a systematic withdrawal plan, will ensure a steady income and financial security.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 31, 2024Hindi
Dear sir, I am running 43. My current investment portfolio is 27 Lakh in PPF, 3 Lakh in Mutual Funds with investment in 8 mutual fund with 1000 sip every month for each funds. Approx 10 lakh of gold, 5 lakhs in savings and 8 lakhs in stocks. I am yet to start a family and intend to have 2 kids if not atleast 1 as of now. My current salary is approx 80,000 a month. Kindly help me in guidance if my investment portfolio is right and what are other options where I can invest now on. I have my own house and EMI is 8000 every month. I also intend to buy new home worth 1 Cr approx. I have no fix plans to retire at 60 but would like to have monthly interest income of 1 lakh per month in next 18 years. So kindly guide me. Thank you,
Ans: Congratulations on maintaining a well-rounded investment portfolio at 43. Your diverse investments in PPF, mutual funds, gold, savings, and stocks are commendable. Your steady salary, owning a home, and planning for the future show a solid foundation for financial stability. Let’s analyze your current portfolio, identify potential improvements, and suggest strategies to achieve your financial goals.

Assessing Your Current Investment Portfolio
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Your PPF investment of Rs 27 lakhs is a strong, secure component of your portfolio. PPF offers tax-free returns and safety, making it a reliable long-term investment. Continue contributing to maximize the benefits of compound interest and tax advantages.

Mutual Funds
You have Rs 3 lakhs in mutual funds, investing Rs 1,000 per month in each of 8 different funds. Diversification is good, but having too many funds with small SIP amounts may dilute returns. Consider consolidating into fewer, well-performing funds to optimize growth. Actively managed funds can provide better returns compared to index funds.

Actively Managed Funds vs. Index Funds

Actively managed funds are overseen by professional managers aiming to outperform the market. Despite higher fees, they often yield better long-term returns. Index funds, on the other hand, replicate market indices and offer average returns. For your goals, actively managed funds are more suitable.

Regular Funds vs. Direct Funds

Investing through regular funds involves a commission for mutual fund distributors (MFDs). The expertise of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) ensures better fund selection and management. Direct funds save on commission but lack professional oversight. Regular funds offer better-managed investments, making them a wise choice.

Your gold investment of Rs 10 lakhs is a good hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. Gold provides stability and can be a safe store of value. Consider allocating a portion of your investment to sovereign gold bonds or gold ETFs for better returns and safety.

Having Rs 5 lakhs in savings provides liquidity and security. Ensure this fund is easily accessible for emergencies. Consider moving a portion to a high-interest savings account or liquid mutual funds for better returns while maintaining liquidity.

An Rs 8 lakh investment in stocks indicates a willingness to take higher risks for higher returns. Continue monitoring your stock portfolio and consider diversifying across sectors to manage risk better. Avoid excessive concentration in a single stock or sector.

Financial Goals and Future Planning
Monthly Interest Income Goal
You aim to have a monthly interest income of Rs 1 lakh in 18 years. This translates to Rs 12 lakhs annually. To achieve this, you need a well-diversified portfolio generating sufficient returns while preserving capital.

Strategies for Achieving Financial Goals
Increase Mutual Fund SIPs
Increase your SIP contributions in mutual funds. Focus on a mix of equity and debt funds to balance risk and return. Equity funds provide growth potential, while debt funds offer stability.

Review and Consolidate Mutual Funds

Review your current mutual funds and consolidate them into fewer, high-performing funds. This ensures better management and potential for higher returns. Actively managed funds can be a good choice for achieving higher growth.

National Pension System (NPS)
Consider investing in the National Pension System (NPS). It offers tax benefits and a mix of equity, debt, and government securities. NPS can provide a steady income post-retirement, complementing your other investments.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
Set up a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) from mutual funds to generate regular income. SWPs provide flexibility and potential for capital appreciation. This can be an effective way to achieve your monthly income goal in retirement.

Diversification for Stability and Growth
Debt Mutual Funds

Include debt mutual funds in your portfolio. They provide stability and regular income with lower risk compared to equity funds. Debt funds suit medium-term goals and act as a buffer against market volatility.

Equity Mutual Funds

Allocate a significant portion of your portfolio to equity mutual funds. They offer high growth potential, crucial for building a retirement corpus. Focus on funds with a good track record and consistent performance.

Insurance: Protection First
Life Insurance
Ensure you have adequate life insurance coverage to protect your family's financial future. Avoid investment-cum-insurance policies like ULIPs, LIC endowment plans, as they offer lower returns and inadequate insurance cover. Consider surrendering such policies and reinvesting the proceeds in mutual funds.

Health Insurance
Adequate health insurance is crucial. Review your existing health coverage and consider increasing it if necessary. Medical expenses can be substantial, and comprehensive health insurance will protect your savings.

Emergency Fund: The Safety Net
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This fund should be easily accessible and kept in a high-interest savings account or liquid mutual fund. An emergency fund provides financial security against unforeseen expenses.

Saving for a New Home
You plan to buy a new home worth Rs 1 crore. Estimate the down payment and loan amount. Save for the down payment through a mix of fixed deposits, debt funds, and balanced funds. Ensure your EMI is manageable within your monthly budget.

Tax Planning
Efficient tax planning maximizes your disposable income. Utilize available deductions under Section 80C, 80D, and others. Your contributions to PPF, NPS, and mutual funds (ELSS) help in tax savings while building your corpus.

Reviewing and Rebalancing Your Portfolio
Regularly review your portfolio’s performance. Market conditions and personal goals change over time. Rebalance your investments to maintain the desired asset allocation. A CFP can provide valuable insights and adjustments.

Financial Discipline and Continuous Learning
Maintaining financial discipline is key to achieving your goals. Automate your investments to ensure consistency. Stay informed about financial markets and new investment opportunities. Financial literacy empowers better decision-making.

Seeking Professional Guidance
A CFP provides personalized advice aligned with your goals. Their expertise in financial planning ensures optimal investment strategies, tax efficiency, and risk management. Regular consultations help in adapting to changing circumstances and market conditions.

Your current investment portfolio is strong, but there are areas for improvement. Diversify your investments, increase SIP contributions, and focus on achieving your long-term goals. With careful planning and disciplined investing, you can achieve a secure financial future.

Invest wisely, stay disciplined, and enjoy a secure financial future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 06, 2024

Sir I am 56 years old,having agricultural land 80 L, 2BhkFlat 40L with 10 L loan amount left,other open flats worth 1.2 Cr,Small shops with monthly rental income of 15K. PF 10 L & FD of 20 L. I am still in service with 16 Lpa salary income. Eish to start investments to get 1.5 L per month regular income Post retirement after age of 60. Pl suggest for regular income options by investing suitably in MF,EQUITIES FD's etc as my i am having more fixed assets rather than liquid funds . Pl suggedt for good investments for reqular monthly income post retirement.
Ans: Assessing Your Financial Situation
At 56 years old, planning for a regular post-retirement income is wise. Your current financial assets include agricultural land, real estate, provident fund (PF), fixed deposits (FDs), and a rental income from small shops. Let's delve into your assets and how you can strategically invest to achieve a regular income of Rs 1.5 lakhs per month post-retirement.

Current Assets Overview
Agricultural Land: Rs 80 lakhs
2BHK Flat: Rs 40 lakhs (with Rs 10 lakh loan remaining)
Other Flats: Rs 1.2 crore
Rental Income from Shops: Rs 15,000 per month
Provident Fund (PF): Rs 10 lakhs
Fixed Deposits (FDs): Rs 20 lakhs
Salary Income: Rs 16 lakhs per annum
Goal Setting and Financial Planning
Retirement Income Goal
Your goal is to generate Rs 1.5 lakhs per month post-retirement. This translates to Rs 18 lakhs per year. Considering inflation and other factors, you need a well-structured plan.

Liquidating Non-Performing Assets
Your current portfolio is more focused on fixed assets. Liquidating some of these assets can help create a diversified investment portfolio. Consider selling one of your open flats to increase your liquid funds.

Investment Strategy for Regular Income
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Investing in mutual funds through SIPs can provide regular income and potential capital appreciation. You can start investing now to build a substantial corpus by the time you retire.

Balanced Mutual Funds
Balanced mutual funds invest in a mix of equity and debt. They provide a balanced approach to growth and income. These funds can generate regular dividends, adding to your monthly income post-retirement.

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt funds are less volatile and provide steady returns. They are ideal for generating regular income. You can allocate a portion of your investments to debt funds for stability.

Detailed Investment Plan
Step 1: Liquidating Assets
Sell One Flat: Consider selling one of your flats worth Rs 1.2 crore. This will give you substantial liquid funds to invest.
Repay the Loan: Use Rs 10 lakhs from the sale proceeds to repay the outstanding loan on your 2BHK flat.
Step 2: Creating an Investment Portfolio
Emergency Fund: Set aside Rs 10 lakhs in a high-interest savings account or liquid fund. This will cover unforeseen expenses and emergencies.

Equity Mutual Funds: Allocate Rs 50 lakhs to equity mutual funds. These funds can provide high returns over the long term. Choose diversified equity funds for better risk management.

Debt Mutual Funds: Invest Rs 30 lakhs in debt mutual funds. These funds will offer stability and regular income through interest payments.

Balanced Funds: Allocate Rs 20 lakhs to balanced mutual funds. These funds offer a mix of equity and debt, providing growth potential and income.

Fixed Deposits (FDs): Keep your existing Rs 20 lakhs in FDs. These will provide guaranteed returns and add to your regular income.

Calculating Expected Returns
Equity Mutual Funds
Assuming an average annual return of 12%, the Rs 50 lakhs invested in equity mutual funds can grow significantly over time. Using the compound interest formula, you can estimate the corpus at retirement.

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt funds typically offer returns between 6-8%. Investing Rs 30 lakhs in debt funds will provide regular interest income. This can be reinvested or used for monthly expenses.

Balanced Funds
Balanced funds can offer returns between 8-10%. The Rs 20 lakhs invested here will provide a blend of growth and income.

Generating Monthly Income Post-Retirement
Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
An SWP allows you to withdraw a fixed amount from your mutual fund investments regularly. This can be set up to provide monthly income post-retirement.

Dividend Income
Mutual funds and stocks can provide regular dividend income. Investing in funds that pay regular dividends can add to your monthly income.

Importance of Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing
Annual Portfolio Review
Review your portfolio at least once a year. This ensures your investments are performing as expected and are aligned with your goals.

Market conditions can affect your portfolio allocation. Rebalancing helps maintain the desired mix of equity and debt, ensuring optimal returns and risk management.

Tax Implications
Capital Gains Tax
Long-term capital gains (LTCG) from equity funds (held for over a year) are taxed at 10% if they exceed Rs 1 lakh in a financial year. Short-term capital gains (STCG) are taxed at 15%.

Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT)
Dividends from mutual funds are subject to DDT. Understanding tax implications helps in planning withdrawals and investments efficiently.

Building a Robust Financial Plan
Ensure you have adequate health and life insurance coverage. This protects you and your family from financial burdens due to unforeseen events.

Retirement Planning Beyond Investments
Consider other aspects like hobbies, travel, and healthcare needs in your retirement plan. A holistic approach ensures a comfortable and fulfilling retirement.

Consulting with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Professional Guidance
Consulting a Certified Financial Planner provides personalized guidance. A CFP can help tailor your investment strategy to your specific needs and goals.

Benefits of Professional Advice
Professional advice ensures informed decisions, optimal asset allocation, and effective risk management. A CFP helps navigate the complexities of retirement planning.

Planning for a regular income post-retirement involves strategic investment choices. Liquidating some fixed assets to invest in mutual funds, debt funds, and fixed deposits can help achieve your goal of Rs 1.5 lakhs per month. Regular monitoring, rebalancing, and consulting with a Certified Financial Planner will ensure you stay on track. With disciplined investing and a well-structured plan, you can enjoy a financially secure and comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Krishna Kumar  |358 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Jul 26, 2024

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