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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4208 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 14, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Sara Question by Sara on May 05, 2024Hindi

Sir I am fifty years 10 years to retire.i have a htl of 29 lakhs my salary is 1.2 avg per month .68000 I am paying my emi.no savings as of now.need 5 cr corpus .my daughter higher education and her marriage is there.kindly advice .I am new to this subject.

Ans: It's commendable that you're taking steps towards financial planning, especially with your retirement on the horizon and important milestones like your daughter's education and marriage to consider. Let's create a roadmap to help you achieve your financial goals effectively.

Prioritizing Financial Goals
Retirement Corpus: With 10 years until retirement and a target of 5 crores, it's essential to start saving and investing diligently to build a substantial corpus. We'll outline a strategy to allocate your income towards retirement savings.

Daughter's Education and Marriage: Planning for your daughter's higher education and marriage requires setting aside funds separately. We'll devise a plan to address these goals alongside your retirement planning.

Retirement Planning Strategy
Monthly Savings: Given your monthly salary of 1.2 lakhs and existing EMI commitments, identify a portion of your income that you can allocate towards savings. Aim to save and invest consistently each month to build your retirement corpus.

Emergency Fund: Start by building an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. Aim for 6-12 months' worth of living expenses saved in a high-yield savings account or liquid fund.

Investment Portfolio: Once you've established your emergency fund, allocate a portion of your savings towards investments that offer growth potential, such as mutual funds (equity and debt), PPF, or NPS. Diversify your portfolio to manage risk effectively.

Funding Education and Marriage Expenses
Education Fund: Estimate the cost of your daughter's higher education and start setting aside funds in a separate account or investment vehicle. Consider options like education-focused mutual funds or recurring deposits to accumulate the required amount.

Marriage Fund: Similarly, estimate the expenses for your daughter's marriage and allocate savings towards this goal. You can explore investment options with moderate risk to ensure capital preservation while aiming for growth.

Seeking Professional Advice
Given your relatively late start to financial planning, consider consulting with a Certified Financial Planner who can provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific circumstances. They can help you develop a comprehensive financial plan, optimize your investments, and prioritize your goals effectively.

Taking the first step towards financial planning is crucial, and you're on the right path. By setting clear goals, creating a budget, and starting to save and invest systematically, you can work towards achieving financial security for your retirement and fulfilling your daughter's aspirations. Stay committed, stay disciplined, and keep moving forward towards your goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4208 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 27, 2024

I am 40 years old. I have monthly income of 2 lakhs. I have one daughter. She is 9 years old. I have savings of 42 lakhs in mutual fund. 65 lakhs in provident fund at intrest rate of 8.15 percentage. 15 lakhs in ppf and sukanya samridhi yojana. Monthly contribution in provident fund is 36000 and in mutual fund I am having total sip of 93500 out of which 65000 in axis small cap, 25000 in sbi small cap, 2500 in mirrae large and mid cap, 1000 in sbi midcap. I don't have any loan. I want to retire at 55. And want to save for my daughter's future. Kindly guide me.
Ans: You have a sound financial base, and you are working diligently towards your goals. This is commendable. Your savings and investments reflect careful planning. Now, let us refine your strategy to align with your retirement and your daughter’s future needs.

Evaluating Your Current Financial Position
Your current monthly income is Rs 2 lakhs. This provides a stable base for your family's needs and future investments.

You have a diversified portfolio with Rs 42 lakhs in mutual funds, Rs 65 lakhs in provident fund (PF), and Rs 15 lakhs in PPF and Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY).

Your regular contributions include Rs 36,000 monthly to the PF and Rs 93,500 in SIPs. This disciplined saving habit is a significant advantage.

Planning for Retirement at 55
You aim to retire at 55, giving you 15 years to build your retirement corpus.

Considering the rising inflation, it is crucial to ensure your investments grow at a rate higher than inflation. You have Rs 42 lakhs in mutual funds. Small-cap funds, while high-risk, can offer significant growth. However, too much exposure to small-cap funds can be risky, especially as you near retirement.

Balancing Your Mutual Fund Portfolio
Your current SIPs include Rs 65,000 in Axis Small Cap, Rs 25,000 in SBI Small Cap, Rs 2,500 in Mirae Large and Mid Cap, and Rs 1,000 in SBI Midcap.

While small-cap funds can offer high returns, they are also volatile. As you approach retirement, consider balancing your portfolio with more stable, diversified funds. Actively managed funds could be a good option here. They are managed by professionals who can make strategic decisions to navigate market volatility, potentially offering better risk-adjusted returns.

Assessing Direct Funds vs Regular Funds
Investing through direct funds means you handle all transactions and decisions. This can be cost-effective but may lack professional guidance.

Regular funds, managed by a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), offer expert advice and strategic planning. This can be particularly beneficial as you near retirement and need to manage risk carefully.

Provident Fund and PPF Contributions
Your provident fund contributions and its interest rate of 8.15% are solid. The PPF and Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana also offer good returns with tax benefits. These instruments provide stability and security, which are essential as you approach retirement.

Saving for Your Daughter's Future
Your daughter is nine years old. Planning for her education and future expenses is a priority. The Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is a good start, offering a secure and high-interest savings avenue.

Consider dedicated investments for her higher education, such as child education plans or a diversified mutual fund portfolio. These should be aligned with her education timeline to ensure funds are available when needed.

Diversification and Risk Management
Diversification is crucial to managing risk. While your mutual funds are heavily invested in small-cap funds, consider adding more large-cap or multi-cap funds to your portfolio. These funds are less volatile and can provide stability.

Actively managed funds can offer strategic adjustments based on market conditions, helping mitigate risks associated with market volatility.

Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is essential for financial security. Ensure you have 6-12 months' worth of expenses in a liquid, easily accessible account. This provides a safety net in case of unexpected events.

Monitoring and Reviewing Investments
Regularly reviewing your investments is crucial. Monitor their performance and rebalance your portfolio as needed. This ensures your investments remain aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.

Your disciplined saving and diversified investments are commendable. To optimize your strategy:

Balance your mutual fund portfolio with less volatile, actively managed funds.
Consider the benefits of regular funds managed by a CFP.
Ensure you have an adequate emergency fund.
Regularly review and adjust your investments.
Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4208 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 09, 2024Hindi
I am 52 years having pf 90 lacs, nps 20 lacs, mutal fund and equity 1 cr. I want to take retirememt now. I have two daughter for which i want 2.5 cr for marriage in 2030. Pl suggest
Ans: It's commendable that you have built a substantial corpus and are planning your retirement. Your goal to ensure your daughters' future and manage your retirement is crucial. Let’s dive into a detailed plan to help you achieve your goals effectively.

Assessing Your Current Financial Situation
1. Provident Fund (PF):

You have Rs 90 lakhs in your Provident Fund. This is a stable and secure investment.

2. National Pension System (NPS):

You have Rs 20 lakhs in NPS, which will provide a pension after retirement.

3. Mutual Funds and Equities:

Your investment in mutual funds and equities totals Rs 1 crore. This is a significant amount with growth potential.

Financial Goals and Requirements
1. Daughter’s Marriage:

You need Rs 2.5 crores for your daughters’ marriages by 2030. Planning early ensures you meet this goal comfortably.

2. Retirement Corpus:

You aim to retire now, so you need a corpus to sustain your lifestyle and healthcare needs.

Steps to Achieve Financial Goals
1. Secure the Marriage Fund

a. Allocate Existing Funds:

Allocate a portion of your mutual funds and equities towards this goal. Considering the time frame, invest in balanced or hybrid mutual funds for moderate risk and returns.

b. Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP):

Set up an SWP from your mutual funds to ensure a steady flow of income for your daughters’ marriage expenses.

2. Retirement Planning

a. Monthly Expenses and Inflation:

Estimate your monthly expenses, factoring in inflation. Healthcare costs may rise, so plan accordingly.

b. Annuity Plans:

Consider allocating a portion of your PF and NPS into annuity plans to ensure a steady monthly income.

c. Diversify Investments:

Diversify your remaining investments into a mix of debt and equity mutual funds. This balance ensures growth and stability.

Detailed Financial Strategy
1. Securing the Marriage Fund

a. Investment Allocation:

Allocate Rs 1 crore from mutual funds and equities to achieve Rs 2.5 crores by 2030.
Invest in balanced or hybrid funds to manage risk and ensure growth.
b. Regular Monitoring:

Monitor the investments regularly and adjust based on market conditions.
Ensure the fund is on track to meet the target.
c. Systematic Withdrawal Plan:

Set up an SWP closer to the marriage dates.
Ensure a steady flow of income for the marriage expenses.
Managing Retirement Corpus
1. Calculate Retirement Needs

a. Monthly Expenses:

List all monthly expenses, including utilities, groceries, healthcare, and leisure.
Factor in inflation to estimate future expenses.
b. Emergency Fund:

Set aside 6-12 months of expenses as an emergency fund in a liquid investment.
2. Income Generation

a. Annuity Plans:

Use a portion of PF and NPS for annuity plans.
Ensure a steady and guaranteed income post-retirement.
b. Investment Strategy:

Balance investments between debt and equity mutual funds.
Ensure growth while maintaining liquidity and security.
Regular Financial Review
1. Consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

Regularly consult with a CFP to review and adjust your financial plan.
Ensure your investments are aligned with your goals and market conditions.
2. Health Insurance:

Ensure comprehensive health insurance for you and your spouse.
Consider a top-up plan to cover unexpected medical expenses.
Long-Term Investment Strategies
1. Diversification

a. Equity and Debt Balance:

Maintain a balance between equity and debt investments.
Ensure steady growth and mitigate risks.
b. Mutual Funds:

Regularly invest in mutual funds through SIPs.
Ensure long-term growth and compounding benefits.
Detailed Analysis of Investment Options
1. Disadvantages of Index Funds

a. Market Risks:

Index funds track market indices and are subject to market risks.
Actively managed funds can outperform during market fluctuations.
b. Lack of Flexibility:

Index funds lack the flexibility of active management.
Fund managers in actively managed funds can adapt to market changes.
2. Benefits of Actively Managed Funds

a. Professional Management:

Actively managed funds have professional fund managers.
They analyze market trends and adjust the portfolio for optimal returns.
b. Higher Potential Returns:

Active management can result in higher potential returns.
Fund managers can take advantage of market opportunities.
Specific Recommendations
1. Mutual Fund Strategy

a. Balanced Funds:

Invest in balanced or hybrid funds for moderate risk and growth.
Ensure a mix of equity and debt for stability.
b. Regular SIPs:

Continue SIPs in mutual funds to benefit from rupee cost averaging.
Ensure consistent investment and compounding growth.
2. Rebalancing Portfolio

a. Regular Review:

Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio.
Ensure alignment with your financial goals and market conditions.
b. Diversification:

Diversify across different asset classes.
Mitigate risks and ensure stable returns.
Achieving Financial Independence
1. Comprehensive Plan

a. Detailed Budget:

Create a detailed budget covering all expenses.
Ensure you live within your means and save consistently.
b. Investment Goals:

Set clear investment goals and timelines.
Ensure your investments are aligned with these goals.
Managing Risks
1. Insurance

a. Health Insurance:

Ensure comprehensive health insurance coverage.
Consider a top-up plan for additional coverage.
b. Life Insurance:

Review and update life insurance policies.
Ensure adequate coverage for your family’s financial security.
2. Contingency Planning

a. Emergency Fund:

Maintain an emergency fund for unforeseen expenses.
Keep it in a liquid and accessible investment.
Final Insights
Retiring now and securing your daughters’ futures are achievable with a well-planned strategy. Prioritize your financial goals and diversify your investments. Regularly consult with a Certified Financial Planner to ensure your plans are on track. By following this detailed plan, you can enjoy a comfortable retirement while ensuring your daughters’ futures are secure.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4208 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 03, 2024Hindi
Hi i am 39 year old my in hand salary after tax is 51 lpm I have fixed deposit worth 80 lac ppf of 34 lac, I have own flat fully paid, mutual fund around 13 lac,10 lac emergency fund, my wife housewife and son is 3 year old, what can I do to plan my retirement my current yearly expense is around 9 lacs and I don't have any loan
Ans: Planning for retirement is crucial, and it's wonderful that you're thinking ahead. Let's create a comprehensive plan to ensure a comfortable and secure retirement for you and your family. I'll guide you through the steps and strategies needed, addressing various aspects of your financial situation.

Understanding Your Current Financial Situation
You have a strong financial foundation, which is great. Your current financial assets include:

Fixed Deposit: Rs. 80 lakh
PPF: Rs. 34 lakh
Mutual Funds: Rs. 13 lakh
Emergency Fund: Rs. 10 lakh
Fully Paid Flat
Your annual expenses are Rs. 9 lakh, and you have no loans. With these details in mind, we can create a solid retirement plan.

Setting Retirement Goals
First, let's set clear retirement goals. This includes determining the age you wish to retire, estimating your post-retirement expenses, and accounting for inflation.

Retirement Age: Let's assume you plan to retire at 60.
Post-Retirement Expenses: Estimating your expenses to increase with inflation, let's assume Rs. 12 lakh annually.
Your current expenses of Rs. 9 lakh will likely increase over time due to inflation. Planning for increased expenses ensures you won't fall short of funds during retirement.

Building a Retirement Corpus
To ensure a comfortable retirement, you need to build a substantial retirement corpus. Given your current financial assets and future goals, let's discuss how to achieve this.

Mutual Funds: A Key Investment
Mutual funds are a crucial part of your investment strategy. They offer diversification, professional management, and the potential for higher returns. Let's explore the categories of mutual funds and their benefits:

1. Equity Mutual Funds
Equity mutual funds invest in stocks. They have the potential for high returns but come with higher risk.

2. Debt Mutual Funds
Debt mutual funds invest in bonds and fixed income securities. They are safer but offer lower returns compared to equity funds.

3. Balanced or Hybrid Funds
These funds invest in both equity and debt, providing a balance of risk and return.

Advantages of Mutual Funds
Diversification: Mutual funds spread investments across various assets, reducing risk.
Professional Management: Experts manage your investments, aiming for the best returns.
Liquidity: You can easily buy or sell mutual fund units.
Compounding: Reinvesting returns can lead to significant growth over time.
Risk and Power of Compounding
Mutual funds come with market risks. However, long-term investments usually balance out short-term market fluctuations. The power of compounding significantly boosts your corpus over time. By reinvesting your returns, your money grows faster.

Disadvantages of Index Funds and Direct Funds
While index funds track market indices and come with lower fees, they lack the active management that can potentially outperform the market. Direct funds may save on commissions, but investing through a certified financial planner (CFP) provides valuable guidance and better fund selection.

Investing in Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds, chosen by an experienced CFP, often outperform index funds. A CFP’s expertise helps in selecting funds tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Structuring Your Investments
Now, let's structure your investments to build a robust retirement corpus.

Emergency Fund
You already have a Rs. 10 lakh emergency fund. Keep this in a liquid or ultra-short-term debt fund to ensure quick access.

Fixed Deposits and PPF
Your fixed deposit and PPF are safe investments. However, their returns may not outpace inflation in the long term. Consider moving a portion into higher-yielding investments like mutual funds.

Diversifying Your Mutual Fund Portfolio
Diversification is key. Spread your investments across various mutual funds:

Equity Funds: Allocate a significant portion to equity funds for higher returns.
Debt Funds: Invest in debt funds for stability and income.
Balanced Funds: Include balanced funds to mitigate risk while aiming for growth.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Investing through SIPs ensures disciplined investing and rupee cost averaging. This strategy reduces the impact of market volatility.

Reviewing and Rebalancing Your Portfolio
Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio. This ensures your investments stay aligned with your goals and risk tolerance. A CFP can provide ongoing guidance and adjustments.

Tax Planning
Effective tax planning maximizes your returns. Utilize tax-saving instruments and plan withdrawals to minimize tax liabilities.

Insurance Coverage
Ensure you have adequate insurance coverage:

Life Insurance: Protect your family’s future with sufficient life insurance.
Health Insurance: Adequate health insurance covers medical emergencies without draining your savings.
Retirement Income Streams
Plan for multiple income streams during retirement:

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP): Use SWPs from mutual funds for regular income.
Dividends: Invest in dividend-paying funds or stocks.
Part-Time Work: Consider part-time work or consultancy for additional income.
Estate Planning
Estate planning ensures your assets are distributed as per your wishes. Prepare a will and consider trusts for efficient transfer of wealth.

Final Insights
Planning for retirement involves a multi-faceted approach. By diversifying your investments, utilizing mutual funds, and planning for tax efficiency, you can build a substantial retirement corpus. Regular reviews and adjustments with a CFP ensure you stay on track to achieve your retirement goals.

Planning your retirement requires careful consideration of various factors. By following the outlined strategies, you can ensure a comfortable and secure retirement for you and your family. Regularly consulting with a CFP will help you stay on track and make informed decisions.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ravi Mittal  |241 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 02, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 26 years old. Doing job in an Mnc, earning decent enough for me and my family. I had a breakup in my early 20s with my long term girlfriend from my school days, since then I am single. Last year I met a girl at the office gym, she works in a different department. We both speak the same language so she approached me and my friend and gave her number. Then we became good friends, used to hangout everything. Even though she had a boyfriend she used to get jealous seeing me with other female friends. 3 months back, her bf married to some other girl of his cast and dumped her. She had physical relationship with her bf as she told but i never had physical with anyone. She used to come and cry in front of me and asked me once as well whether i loved her or not. I ignored as i knew she is just seeing me as an option. Nowadays she is avoiding me a lot giving excuses like she is busy and all and I feel she went into a relationship and just breadcrumbing me because of attention. I also stopped giving her free attention and barely call. But my heart still miss her. I know I don't love her and don't wanna be with her in future as she is very manipulative but being very lonely myself with no friends she used to fill a void in my life. I want her presence, attention, and maybe want to do physical with her casually as she is that type of girl who can get laid easily with someone she likes. What shall I do? I am unable to move on from this and it is affecting my career. Also I want a stable relationship with whom I can have a good future.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

The answer to your question is right there in the question. You do not want her; you want her attention which will feed your ego. It's not love and you know it. If you pursue a casual or serious relationship, chances are one or both of you will get hurt. Now, you mentioned that you want a stable relationship. You should start by focusing on that.

One more thing- it is not up to us to judge someone and call them names like "that type of girl." Wanting to hook up with her casually because you think she'll let you should then make you "that type of boy." These are baseless labels and it's best not to hurl these insults at people. Focus on yourself. Find a date- you can ask your friends to set you up, or family, or you can try out a dating app. Mention that you want a serious relationship; it can increase your chances of finding the right match.

Best Wishes.

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Ravi Mittal  |241 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 02, 2024Hindi
Before coming into our relationship I knew that my girlfriend had a past relationship of 3 years. I asked about it just to clarify if anything was there which will harm our upcoming relationship we gona Start. She mentioned that she did not liked her past relationship and other stuff and she mentioned she had not any physical relationship of any kind with her ex . But now after we came into relationship after 2 years. I found out that she had a physical relationship with her ex . But no intercourse but other stuff. I could not believe her words when she told all this and she been laying all the things I asked if it was your first time and other things. I had no such relationship as of myself and told her that I hate such types where u already experienced stuffs with others . What should I do . I like her too she too loves me . But the thing I found out haunts me and make me fill miserable
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry that you are hurting but her past truly should not matter to you in the present. Ideally, I am not in favor of pushing people to disclose their past experiences, especially if they are not comfortable with it. But I agree that she was wrong to get into a relationship with you when you specifically showed dislike towards the things you mentioned. I suppose she liked you too much and did not want to ruin her chances. I should also mention that judging a person by their past or because they had certain kinds of relations with their ex is not fair; you were not in the picture. Regardless of it, your pain is valid. It isn't easy to come to terms with new information about your partner's past.

Now hear me out, past is in the past. It can only hurt you if you let it. Think about it properly- did she do anything in the present to hurt you? NO. Can you or she change the past? NO. Should she apologize for having a past? NO. Should you move past this and work towards a better future? That's the only thing in your control. Chose wisely. If you think you will hold her accountable for this forever, then you both should reconsider this relationship. If you think this fight is meaningless, and want to move forward with your relationship, then great.

Best Wishes.

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