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Samkit Maniar  |118 Answers  |Ask -

Tax Expert - Answered on May 26, 2024

CA Samkit Maniar has eight years of experience in income tax, mergers and acquisitions and estate planning.
He has graduated from Mumbai’s N M College of Commerce and Economics and has completed his CA from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India."... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 15, 2024Hindi

Hi,currenty I am living on rent of 21 k and now I have bought 2 bhk flat worth of 88 lakh in Bangalore which is under construction Planning to take loan of 30 lakh only. I am not sure if buying flat is good decision or not

Ans: This depends upon the type of job, your income level and family dynamics. Kindly take an informed decision.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4138 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 12, 2024

i had purchased 1 bhk flat for 41 lakh and its 40years old building in bhayander and we are paying 18k emi and we stay in rented flat and its rent is 20k . what should i do should i sell my flat and try to buy another low cost flat
Ans: Here's a breakdown of your situation to help you decide whether to sell your flat and buy a lower-cost one:

Financial Analysis:

Selling Costs: Consider agent fees, taxes, and other selling costs that might reduce your profit from selling.
New Flat Costs: Factor in the cost of a new flat, registration charges, and potential renovation expenses. Will the new flat's EMI be lower than the rent you're currently paying?
Market Conditions: Is the Bhayander market currently good for selling flats? Are there affordable options available for buying?
Benefits of Selling:

Lower housing cost: If you can buy a lower-cost flat with a lower EMI, you'll free up some cash flow.
Consolidated Investment: Selling your current flat can free up capital that you can invest elsewhere, potentially for better returns.
Benefits of Keeping:

Equity Building: You continue to build equity in your current flat, which appreciates in value over time (although this depends on market conditions).
Familiar surroundings: You avoid the hassle of moving and can stay in a familiar location.
Here's what you can do next:

Research Market Rates: Find out the current market value of your flat and the cost of similar flats you'd like to buy.
Calculate Net Proceeds: Estimate the net amount you'll get after selling your flat (deducting selling costs).
Compare EMI vs. Rent: See if the EMI on a new flat (including potential renovation costs) would be lower than your current rent.
Consider Long-Term Goals: Think about your long-term plans. Do you plan to stay in Bhayander for a long time, or might you move in the future?
Consulting a Real Estate Agent: A local real estate agent can provide valuable insights into the current market conditions and help you navigate the selling and buying process.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your financial situation, risk tolerance, and future plans. By carefully considering the factors mentioned above, you can make an informed choice.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4138 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 27, 2024Hindi
Hi Sir, I am 48 yrs old and living in rented flat having 16k rent per month. Now I am buying same flat of 50 lakhs. I am earning 2L per month. Please suggest should I go for buying or remain in rent.
Ans: It's great that you're considering your options regarding your living situation. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to buy or continue renting:
1. Financial Stability: Assess your financial stability and ability to afford the down payment, monthly mortgage payments, property taxes, maintenance costs, and other homeownership expenses. Ensure that buying a flat won't strain your finances or impact your ability to meet other financial goals.
2. Long-Term Plans: Consider your long-term plans and whether buying a flat aligns with your lifestyle and future goals. If you plan to stay in the same location for the foreseeable future and prefer the stability of homeownership, buying may be a good option.
3. Rent vs. Buy Analysis: Conduct a rent vs. buy analysis to compare the costs of renting versus buying over the long term. Consider factors such as appreciation potential, tax benefits of homeownership, and the opportunity cost of tying up your capital in a property.
4. Market Conditions: Evaluate the current real estate market conditions, including property prices, interest rates, and housing market trends. If property prices are high or interest rates are unfavorable, it may be more cost-effective to continue renting for now.
5. Lifestyle Preferences: Consider your lifestyle preferences and whether homeownership aligns with your needs and preferences. Owning a home offers autonomy and the opportunity to customize your living space, but it also comes with responsibilities such as maintenance and repairs.
6. Consult with a Certified Financial Planner: Consider consulting with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to assess your financial situation, evaluate your options, and make an informed decision. A CFP can provide personalized advice tailored to your unique circumstances and help you weigh the pros and cons of buying versus renting.
Ultimately, the decision to buy or continue renting depends on your individual circumstances, financial goals, and lifestyle preferences. Take the time to carefully evaluate your options, consider the factors mentioned above, and make a decision that aligns with your long-term financial well-being.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4138 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 12, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 40 years old. Is it advisable to buy a flat worth 2cr with 80% bank loan and give it for rent. Expected rent is 60k per month. Or should I build a corpus of 2cr. For my retirement life.
Ans: At 40 years old, you have an important decision to make regarding your financial future. Let's explore the advantages of setting up a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) in mutual funds compared to buying a flat for rental income.

Setting up an SWP in Mutual Funds
Flexible Withdrawals:

With an SWP, you have the flexibility to withdraw a fixed amount at regular intervals, providing a steady stream of income to support your financial needs, including retirement planning.
Diversification Benefits:

Mutual funds offer diversification across various asset classes, reducing concentration risk and potentially enhancing long-term returns compared to investing solely in real estate.
Professional Management:

Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers who actively monitor and adjust the portfolio based on market conditions, aiming to optimize returns while managing risk.
Tax Efficiency:

SWP withdrawals from mutual funds may enjoy tax benefits, especially if held for the long term, with certain equity funds qualifying for capital gains tax exemption after a holding period of one year.
Buying a Flat for Rental Income
Stable Rental Income:

Renting out a flat can provide a stable source of income, which may be attractive for covering ongoing expenses or supplementing other sources of income.
Tangible Asset:

Owning real estate provides tangible asset ownership, offering potential capital appreciation over time and serving as a hedge against inflation.
Portfolio Diversification:

Real estate investments add diversification to your overall portfolio, reducing risk by spreading investments across different asset classes.
Liquidity Constraints:

Real estate investments are relatively illiquid, making it challenging to access funds quickly if needed, especially during emergencies or market downturns.
High Initial Investment:

Buying a flat requires a significant upfront investment, typically financed through a substantial bank loan, which may strain your finances and limit investment diversification.
Maintenance Costs:

As a landlord, you'll be responsible for ongoing maintenance, repairs, and other associated costs, which can erode rental income and impact overall returns.
Given the advantages of SWP in mutual funds, such as flexibility, diversification, professional management, and potential tax benefits, it may be a more suitable option for generating regular income and building a retirement corpus. However, it's essential to assess your risk tolerance, investment goals, and financial situation carefully before making a decision. Consider consulting with a Certified Financial Planner to develop a personalized financial plan aligned with your objectives and aspirations.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4138 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 14, 2024Hindi
Sir m a 36 year old woman. Planning to buy flat of 34 lakhs. Currently m working for pvt company. But not financially stable background. Will you suggest me to buy flat and take this risk alone.
Ans: Firstly, I commend you for considering such a significant decision and seeking advice. Buying a flat involves a substantial financial commitment, and it's essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully before proceeding, especially considering your current financial situation.

Financial Stability Assessment
Income Stability:

Evaluate the stability and consistency of your current income from your job in the private sector.
Consider factors such as job security, potential for career growth, and any foreseeable changes in employment circumstances.
Financial Preparedness:

Assess your overall financial health, including savings, emergency funds, and existing liabilities.
Ensure that you have sufficient funds for the down payment, as well as provisions for additional expenses such as registration fees, taxes, and maintenance costs.
Risk Analysis
Budgetary Constraints:

Review your monthly budget to determine if you can comfortably afford the EMI payments for the home loan, along with your other financial obligations.
Consider the impact of potential fluctuations in interest rates or unexpected expenses on your ability to meet loan repayments.
Long-Term Financial Goals:

Align the decision to purchase a flat with your long-term financial goals and aspirations.
Evaluate whether investing in a property aligns with your overall financial plan and whether it complements your objectives for wealth accumulation and asset diversification.
Seeking Professional Advice
Financial Consultation:

Consider consulting with a certified financial planner to assess your current financial situation objectively and explore various scenarios.
A financial planner can provide personalized advice tailored to your specific circumstances and help you make informed decisions about property ownership.
Real Estate Market Analysis:

Conduct thorough research on the real estate market trends, property values, and growth prospects in the locality where you intend to purchase the flat.
Seek guidance from real estate professionals or property consultants to gain insights into the market dynamics and investment potential.
Consider Alternatives
Investing in Mutual Funds:
Given your current financial situation, consider investing in mutual funds as an alternative to purchasing a flat immediately.
Mutual funds offer diversification, flexibility, and potentially higher returns over the long term, which may align better with your financial goals.
Postpone the decision to buy a flat for 5-7 years and focus on accumulating wealth through mutual fund investments during this period.
Purchasing a flat involves both financial and emotional considerations, and it's crucial to evaluate the risks and benefits comprehensively. While owning a property can provide stability and long-term asset appreciation, it's essential to ensure that it aligns with your current financial capacity and long-term goals. Considering alternative investment options such as mutual funds and seeking professional advice will empower you to make an informed decision that suits your individual circumstances.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4138 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 29, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi
Me and my wife’s monthly salary is 2.8 lacs. We already have one 3 BHK flat with 40 lac loan ongoing. We want to buy 4 bhk which cost around 2.5 crores. And we only have 20 lac with us now. Considering all future things shall we go ahead with purchasing this as real estate market is continuously growing and may be in future we won’t be able to afford 4 bhk later. Please suggest.
Ans: Hello Debabrata,

It's great to see your interest in upgrading your living space. Buying a new home is a big decision, and it's wise to consider all factors. Here, I’ll help you evaluate your situation and offer some insights.

Current Financial Position
You and your wife have a combined monthly salary of Rs 2.8 lakhs, which is substantial. You already have a 3 BHK flat with an ongoing loan of Rs 40 lakhs. You also have Rs 20 lakhs in savings. Your current financial commitments and aspirations to buy a 4 BHK costing Rs 2.5 crores require careful consideration.

Real Estate Market Trends
The real estate market is growing, and prices might continue to rise. This could make a 4 BHK less affordable in the future. However, buying property also involves significant costs beyond the purchase price, such as maintenance, taxes, and interest on loans.

Assessing Affordability
To determine if you should proceed with buying the 4 BHK, let's look at a few critical factors:

Monthly Income and Expenses
Your current income is Rs 2.8 lakhs per month. From this, you need to cover living expenses, your current home loan EMI, and any other financial obligations. Ensure you have a clear picture of your monthly budget, including all expenses and savings.

Loan Eligibility and EMI
For a 4 BHK costing Rs 2.5 crores, you will need a significant loan. Assuming you put down your Rs 20 lakh savings, you will need to borrow Rs 2.3 crores. The EMI for such a loan will be substantial.

Calculate the potential EMI and ensure it fits within your budget without straining your finances. Consider using a home loan EMI calculator to get an idea of what your monthly outgo will be.

Future Financial Goals
Consider your long-term financial goals. Do you plan to invest in your children's education, their marriages, or your retirement? Make sure that taking on a larger home loan won't jeopardize these goals.

Risk Management
Job Security and Income Stability
Consider the stability of your income. Both you and your wife should have stable jobs to ensure you can consistently make EMI payments. Consider what would happen if one of you faced a job loss or a significant reduction in income.

Emergency Fund
Ensure you have an emergency fund covering at least six months of expenses, including the new EMI. This fund is crucial to cover unexpected expenses without disrupting your financial stability.

Real Estate as an Investment
While the real estate market is growing, it should not be viewed solely as an investment. Real estate can be illiquid and may not always yield high returns. Focus on buying a home that meets your needs rather than expecting it to be a primary investment vehicle.

Evaluating Alternatives
Upgrading vs. Investing
Consider if upgrading to a 4 BHK is necessary right now. Evaluate if investing in other assets could help you achieve your financial goals. For example, investing in mutual funds or other financial instruments can offer better liquidity and potentially higher returns.

Rent vs. Buy
Another option is to rent a 4 BHK while you continue to live in your current flat. This way, you can experience the larger space without the immediate financial burden of a huge loan.

Steps to Take If You Decide to Buy
If you decide to go ahead with purchasing the 4 BHK, here are some steps to follow:

Save More for Down Payment
Try to save more for the down payment to reduce the loan amount. This will lower your EMI and the total interest paid over the loan tenure.

Loan Tenure and Interest Rates
Choose a loan tenure that balances the EMI amount and total interest outgo. Also, compare interest rates from different banks to get the best deal.

Financial Planning
Work with a Certified Financial Planner to create a detailed financial plan. This plan should include budgeting for the new EMI, saving for future goals, and managing risk.

Genuine Compliments
It’s commendable that you are thinking ahead and planning for your family's future. Your foresight and proactive approach will serve you well in achieving your financial goals.

I understand that the decision to upgrade your home comes with emotional and practical considerations. Balancing your dreams with financial prudence is challenging but essential.

Final Insights
Buying a new home is a significant financial commitment. While the real estate market is growing, ensure that purchasing a 4 BHK does not strain your finances or hinder your other financial goals. Assess your affordability, consider all risks, and explore alternatives before making a decision. Work with a Certified Financial Planner to create a comprehensive plan that aligns with your long-term objectives.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Dr Karthiyayini Mahadevan  |833 Answers  |Ask -

General Physician - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

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