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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6240 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 19, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 10, 2024Hindi

Hi, My age is 43yrs and current investments are PF and PPF: 1.5cr, Mutual funds: 90Lakhs, Direct Stocks: 25lakhs, Fixed deposits: 40 lakh, SGB: 5 lakhs, Cash:40 Lakhs. Liabilities: Home EMI: 49,000 per month, kids education: 45,000 per month and other expense:45,000. Surplus of 1 lakh. I like to retire in 10 years. How much corpus do I need at the time of retirement. Liabilities: 2 Kids will complete 12the class in 6 years And then their marriage.

Ans: You are 43 years old with diverse investments. You aim to retire in 10 years. Your financial details are as follows:

Provident Fund (PF) and Public Provident Fund (PPF): Rs. 1.5 crore
Mutual Funds: Rs. 90 lakh
Direct Stocks: Rs. 25 lakh
Fixed Deposits (FDs): Rs. 40 lakh
Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB): Rs. 5 lakh
Cash: Rs. 40 lakh
Liabilities and Expenses
Home EMI: Rs. 49,000 per month
Kids’ Education: Rs. 45,000 per month
Other Expenses: Rs. 45,000 per month
Total Monthly Expenses: Rs. 1,39,000
Surplus Income: Rs. 1 lakh per month
Your children will complete their 12th grade in 6 years and then have expenses for higher education and marriage.

Assessing Retirement Corpus Needs
1. Estimate Monthly Expenses Post-Retirement:

Assuming you maintain a similar lifestyle post-retirement.
Inflation-adjusted monthly expenses might increase.
Consider an inflation rate of 6% per year.
2. Calculate Retirement Corpus:

Calculate the amount needed to generate the required monthly income.
Factor in inflation and life expectancy (e.g., up to age 85).
Investment Strategy
1. Pay Off Liabilities:

Prioritize paying off the home loan before retirement.
This will reduce your monthly expenses significantly.
2. Build a Diversified Portfolio:

Continue with diversified investments in mutual funds, stocks, and bonds.
Consider increasing investments in mutual funds for growth.
Allocate a portion of your surplus to equity and debt funds.
3. Set Up Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs):

Use your monthly surplus of Rs. 1 lakh to set up SIPs.
Focus on equity mutual funds for higher long-term returns.
Consider balanced funds for a mix of growth and stability.
4. Emergency Fund:

Maintain an emergency fund to cover 6-12 months of expenses.
Keep this in a liquid and safe investment like a savings account or short-term FD.
5. Child Education and Marriage Fund:

Start a dedicated fund for your children’s education and marriage.
Use a mix of equity and debt mutual funds for this goal.
Adjust the allocation as you get closer to the need.
6. Review and Adjust Investments:

Review your portfolio every six months.
Adjust based on performance and changing needs.
Ensure you are on track to meet your retirement and other financial goals.
Retirement Corpus Calculation
1. Estimate Future Monthly Expenses:

Current monthly expenses: Rs. 1,39,000
Adjusted for inflation over 10 years (at 6% per year).
2. Calculate Required Corpus:

Use a retirement calculator to estimate the corpus.
Factor in life expectancy, inflation, and expected returns on investments.
Additional Tips
1. Tax Efficiency:

Choose investments that offer tax benefits.
Consider tax-efficient mutual funds and debt instruments.
2. Adequate Insurance:

Ensure you have sufficient health and life insurance.
Review your policies to ensure they meet your needs.
3. Regular Monitoring:

Stay disciplined with your investments.
Regularly monitor and rebalance your portfolio.
Final Insights
To retire comfortably in 10 years, you need a substantial corpus. Continue your diversified investment strategy, focus on growth, and pay off your liabilities. Use your monthly surplus wisely to build a robust retirement fund. Regularly review and adjust your investments to stay on track.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6240 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 30, 2024

Sir, Myself Rajesh, salaried person, 37 years old. having MF SIP Rs. 36500 per month, current invested amount is about Rs. 14,00,000/- + in Equity stocks- Rs.3,00,000/- have about Rs. 5,00,000/- in hand to invest either in stocks or MF . Have family of 3 people and Monthly expenses are around Rs.25k. Planning to take retirement in another 10 years, looking at the current investment can you help me identify approx. corpus required to invest and take retirement. Thank you.
Ans: Hello Rajesh! It's great to see your commitment to investing for your future, especially with retirement on the horizon. Let's dive into planning for your retirement corpus.

Given your current investments in MF SIPs and equity stocks, you're already on a solid path. However, to estimate the corpus needed for retirement, we need to consider factors such as your desired post-retirement lifestyle, inflation, and expected expenses.

With your monthly expenses at Rs. 25,000 and a family of three, projecting your future expenses accounting for inflation is essential. Additionally, factoring in potential healthcare costs and other unforeseen expenses is prudent.

As a Certified Financial Planner, I recommend conducting a comprehensive financial review to determine your retirement goals and risk tolerance. This will help in estimating the corpus required to sustain your lifestyle post-retirement comfortably.

With your additional Rs. 5,00,000 in hand, you have an opportunity to further diversify your investments. Whether you choose to invest in stocks or MFs, consider your risk appetite and the need for diversification to mitigate risks.

I suggest consulting with a financial advisor who can create a personalized retirement plan tailored to your specific circumstances and goals. By taking proactive steps now, you're setting yourself up for a financially secure retirement in 10 years. Keep up the good work, and remember, investing is a journey, so stay focused on your long-term objectives.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6240 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 24, 2024

I am 43 + by age and currently into private sector service. I have no obligation towards any loan or EMI. At present I have around 10 Lac corpus into different MFs (with current market value of 14L) through monthly SIP of around 20,000. In terms of financial back up I have FDs (10 Lac.), EPF (5L), PPF (Both Self & Spouse 14L) and NPS (5L). In terms of obligation, my son is in 9th standard and his education costs is secured through LIC policies. Apart from that I have Health Insurance (15L) and Term Insurance (1 Cr.) I am planning to retire after 10 years and wanted to know what will be the ideal amount of corpus fund for a happy retirement and how to achieve that in next 10 years.
Ans: Navigating the path to a secure and fulfilling retirement is much like embarking on a journey to a distant land. Your current financial landscape, with its diverse mix of investments and savings, is akin to the sturdy ship that will carry you towards that horizon. You've already charted a commendable course, laying down a foundation with your prudent savings and investments.

The Horizon of Retirement

Let's contemplate the horizon of your retirement. The ideal destination, often framed as 80% of your pre-retirement income, serves as a lighthouse guiding your financial vessel. This beacon suggests that you'll need to set aside a corpus that can sustain your post-retirement lifestyle, allowing you to navigate the serene waters of retirement with peace and dignity.

Adjusting to the Winds of Change

To reach this horizon within a decade, consider the winds of change and the currents of time. The winds, symbolizing the forces of inflation and market fluctuations, are unpredictable. Thus, it's wise to adjust your sails by incrementally increasing your monthly contributions. Let this gradual adjustment act as your compass, guiding you towards your financial North Star.

Navigating the Currents of Investments

The currents represent the various investment avenues available to you. Like a seasoned sailor choosing the right route, diversify your investments wisely across these currents. Each stream offers its unique rhythm and potential. By harnessing their combined strength, you can propel your financial ship forward with confidence and vigor.

Anchors of Stability and Security

Your existing investments, the anchors that ground your ship, have served you well. The tax-advantaged instruments and stable returns they offer act as protective harbors, providing security amidst the stormy seas of market volatility. While they provide stability, remember to weigh their liquidity constraints against the flexibility needed to adapt to changing tides.

Guidance from a Certified Financial Planner

Engaging with a Certified Financial Planner is akin to hiring an experienced navigator for your journey. They can help you plot the optimal course, taking into account the changing winds and currents. Their expertise and guidance can provide you with a clearer perspective, ensuring that your ship remains on course towards your retirement horizon.

In this voyage towards retirement, philosophical reflections offer valuable insights. Each financial decision, much like life's choices, shapes the journey ahead. Embrace the journey with gratitude for the opportunities it presents and appreciation for the lessons learned along the way. The voyage itself, filled with its challenges and triumphs, enriches the soul and adds depth to the narrative of your life.


In conclusion, as you navigate the waters of retirement planning, remember to stay true to your course while adapting to the changing winds and currents. With prudent planning, wise investments, and the guidance of a Certified Financial Planner, you can sail towards a fulfilling retirement with confidence and grace. Cherish the journey, embrace the lessons, and let the horizon of retirement inspire you to navigate the financial seas with purpose and resilience.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6240 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Aug 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 30, 2024Hindi
I am 29 year old working in PSU. My current Basic+ DA is 104400. My monthly in hand salary after tax is around 1 lakh. Yearly bonus is around 1 lakh post tax and all deductions (incl. PD, NPS, Insurance etc.). Yearly increment is around 10% (incl. periodic DA increment). Me and my corporation contribute 24% of basic+ DA in EPF on monthly basis. Additionaly, company contribute 9% in NPS and I contribute 2% in NPS. I have around 11 lakh in EPF, 10 lakh in NPS, 5.5 lakh current value in ULIP, house at my home town. My future spouse is also working in prestigious govt. org. and has same salary as I have. I am residing in my company quarter on Navi Mumbai. I want to retire at the age of 40. Please suggest how much corpus will be required at that time and for achieving this corpus, how to invest from nowonwards. For children education, my wife willl take care all expenses. My current monthly expenses are around 20000 and around 1 lakh yearly for travelling in holidays.
Ans: Your financial position at 29 is strong and well-structured. You're employed in a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU), which offers stability and benefits like EPF, NPS, and insurance. Your monthly in-hand salary of Rs 1 lakh and a yearly bonus of Rs 1 lakh, along with a yearly increment of around 10%, provides a solid income base.

Your investments so far include:

Rs 11 lakhs in EPF
Rs 10 lakhs in NPS
Rs 5.5 lakhs in ULIP
A house in your hometown
You also have a company quarter in Navi Mumbai, reducing your housing expenses significantly. This scenario, combined with your spouse's income, sets a good foundation for your financial future.

Your goal is to retire at 40, which is an ambitious but achievable target with disciplined financial planning. Your current monthly expenses are Rs 20,000, and yearly holiday expenses are Rs 1 lakh. Given that your spouse will handle your children's education expenses, this reduces your financial burden significantly.

Estimating the Retirement Corpus
Retiring at 40 requires a well-planned strategy, as you would need to sustain yourself without active income for a long period. To estimate the retirement corpus, consider the following:

Post-retirement monthly expenses: Assuming your current expenses of Rs 20,000 increase to Rs 40,000 (due to inflation) by the time you retire.
Life expectancy: Planning for a life expectancy of 85 years, you need to fund 45 years post-retirement.
To maintain a comfortable lifestyle, your retirement corpus should cover your expenses, healthcare, emergencies, and leisure activities like travel. Considering inflation, a corpus of around Rs 10-12 crores may be required to retire comfortably at 40.

Investment Strategy to Achieve Retirement Corpus
Achieving this corpus in the next 11 years requires an aggressive but calculated investment approach. Here's a step-by-step investment strategy:

1. Maximize EPF and NPS Contributions
Your EPF and NPS contributions are already on the right track. Since your corporation contributes a significant 24% to EPF and 9% to NPS, these should be maximized.

EPF: Continue to maximize this contribution, as it offers safety and tax benefits. The power of compounding will work in your favor over the long term.

NPS: With a 10% contribution (company + self), consider increasing your personal contribution slightly. This will help build a more substantial retirement corpus with an additional tax benefit under Section 80CCD(1B).

2. Diversify Your Portfolio
Given your age and the aggressive timeline, diversification across various asset classes is crucial.

Equity Mutual Funds: Equity mutual funds are essential for growth. Allocate a significant portion of your investments (around 60-70%) to equity mutual funds. Opt for a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and multi-cap funds to balance risk and returns. These funds are actively managed and have the potential to outperform index funds, which is crucial in your case.

Debt Funds: Allocate around 20-30% to debt funds to stabilize your portfolio. Debt funds provide regular returns with lower risk, which is important as you approach retirement.

ULIP: You currently have Rs 5.5 lakh in ULIP. Assess the performance of this investment. ULIPs often have higher costs and lower returns compared to mutual funds. Consider surrendering the ULIP and reinvesting the proceeds into a more efficient mutual fund portfolio.

3. Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to at least 6-12 months of your expenses. Since your expenses are low, around Rs 2.5-3 lakhs should be sufficient. This fund should be kept in a liquid fund or a savings account for easy access.

4. Gold Investment
While gold can be a hedge against inflation, it's not a high-return investment. Limit gold investment to 10-15% of your portfolio. You can invest through Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs) or gold ETFs for better liquidity and returns.

5. Insurance Planning
Given that you already have insurance through your PSU, ensure it covers critical illnesses and has adequate life cover. Consider term insurance with a sum assured that is at least 15-20 times your current annual income. This will protect your family in case of any unfortunate event.

6. Regular Fund vs. Direct Fund
Investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can be beneficial, especially if you're not well-versed with market dynamics. Regular funds come with an advisor’s expertise, which helps in selecting the right funds, portfolio rebalancing, and monitoring your investments regularly. This personalized guidance often outweighs the slightly higher expense ratio compared to direct funds.

Tax Planning
Maximize tax savings under various sections:

Section 80C: Your EPF, PPF, and insurance premiums can be claimed under this section, reducing your taxable income.

Section 80CCD(1B): Additional deduction of Rs 50,000 for NPS contributions.

Section 80D: Premiums paid for health insurance are deductible, providing further tax relief.

Monitoring and Reviewing Investments
Regularly monitor your investments and rebalance your portfolio annually. A Certified Financial Planner can assist in this, ensuring your investments align with your retirement goals.

Achieving Financial Independence at 40
Retiring at 40 is possible, but it requires discipline and commitment to your investment strategy.

Start SIPs: Begin Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) in the selected mutual funds. SIPs inculcate a disciplined investment habit and take advantage of market volatility through rupee cost averaging.

Increase Contributions: As your salary increases by 10% annually, consider increasing your SIP contributions by the same percentage. This ensures that your investments grow in line with your income.

Avoid Unnecessary Debt: Stay away from loans or credit that can derail your financial plan. If you plan to buy luxury items or take vacations, ensure they fit within your budget without compromising your savings goals.

Lifestyle Management: Control lifestyle inflation. While it’s tempting to upgrade your lifestyle with increasing income, keep a check on unnecessary expenses. This will ensure more funds are available for investments.

Health and Wellness: Invest in your health. Good health translates to lower medical expenses in the long run. Consider wellness programs, regular check-ups, and a healthy lifestyle to mitigate healthcare costs post-retirement.

Final Insights
Your ambition to retire at 40 is commendable and achievable. By following this detailed financial plan, you can build the required corpus to enjoy a stress-free retirement. Remember, financial planning is dynamic, and regular reviews with a Certified Financial Planner will keep you on track.

Focus on disciplined investing, regular monitoring, and tax-efficient strategies to maximize your wealth. Stay committed to your goals, and you'll be well on your way to financial independence.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6240 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Aug 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 31, 2024Hindi
Hi sir, I have net salary of 2.5L per month and am 48 year old with 2 children aged 16 and 14. I have a EPF corpus of 60 lakhs , NPS 20 lakhs, 10L in stocks,MF portfolio of 15L,invest 50k monthly in MF SIPs. I own a house(loan free), have other outstanding loans of 8 lakhs. I have family floater medical insurance with 30L coverage and life cover for 1.5Cr. I wish to retire by age of 50 - pls advise how much corpus do I need at hand to retire.consider my monthly expense as 60-70k
Ans: Current Financial Situation

Your current financial position is strong. You have a good salary and a solid investment portfolio. Owning a loan-free house adds security. Your EPF, NPS, and SIP investments are well-planned. The life and health insurance coverage is also comprehensive. However, retiring at 50 requires careful planning, especially considering your children’s future needs.

Assessing Your Retirement Needs

To determine your required retirement corpus, several factors must be considered:

Monthly Expenses Post-Retirement: Currently, your expenses are Rs. 60k-70k monthly. This will likely increase with inflation. At an estimated 6% inflation rate, your monthly expenses might double in 12 years.

Retirement Age: You plan to retire in two years at 50. This is an early retirement, so your corpus needs to last longer, possibly 35-40 years.

Children’s Education: Your children are 16 and 14. Higher education costs can be significant in the next few years. Allocating funds for their education is crucial.

Lifestyle Post-Retirement: Consider how your lifestyle might change. Will you travel more? Will healthcare needs increase? These factors affect your corpus requirement.

Estimating the Retirement Corpus

Based on your current expenses and future needs, your retirement corpus should be substantial. Here’s a simplified approach to calculating it:

Inflation-Adjusted Expenses: Your current expenses of Rs. 60k-70k monthly could rise to around Rs. 1.2 lakh monthly by the time you retire. Over a 35-40 year retirement period, this requires a significant corpus.

Healthcare Costs: As you age, healthcare costs will likely increase. While your insurance covers a significant amount, out-of-pocket expenses can still be high.

Children’s Future: Your children’s higher education and potential marriage costs must be factored in. This could be an additional Rs. 50-60 lakhs or more.

Lifestyle and Emergencies: Maintaining your current lifestyle and being prepared for emergencies is essential. This could add another Rs. 50 lakhs to your corpus requirement.

Considering these factors, a retirement corpus of approximately Rs. 10-12 crores might be necessary. This should be enough to cover your monthly expenses, healthcare, and any unforeseen costs. This estimate ensures a comfortable and secure retirement, even if you live longer than expected.

Optimizing Your Investments

To reach this corpus in two years, maximizing your investments is critical:

Increase SIP Contributions: Currently, you invest Rs. 50k monthly in SIPs. Increasing this amount, if possible, will help grow your corpus faster.

Focus on Growth-Oriented Funds: With a two-year horizon, investing in funds with higher growth potential can be beneficial. While these are riskier, they offer better returns.

Review Your Portfolio: Regularly review your mutual fund portfolio. Ensure it’s aligned with your retirement goals and risk tolerance.

Debt Reduction: Paying off the remaining Rs. 8 lakh loan should be a priority. Reducing debt will lower your financial burden in retirement.

NPS and EPF Utilization: Your EPF and NPS together amount to Rs. 80 lakhs. These are crucial components of your retirement corpus. However, they may not be enough alone, so continue to build on them.

Healthcare and Insurance Planning

Adequate Coverage: Your current health coverage of Rs. 30 lakhs is good. But, it might not be enough in later years due to rising medical costs. Consider enhancing your coverage or adding a super top-up plan.

Life Insurance: Your Rs. 1.5 crore life cover is substantial. Ensure it’s sufficient to cover your family’s needs if something happens to you before or after retirement.

Retirement Lifestyle and Goals

Post-Retirement Activities: Think about how you want to spend your retirement. If you plan to pursue hobbies or travel, these will need additional funds.

Part-Time Work: If full retirement seems challenging, consider part-time work or consulting. This can supplement your income and keep you engaged.

Final Insights

Retiring at 50 is ambitious, but achievable with careful planning. You should aim for a retirement corpus of Rs. 10-12 crores to cover all your future needs. Maximizing your investments, reducing debt, and planning for healthcare are key steps. Regular reviews with a Certified Financial Planner will help ensure your financial plan stays on track.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Sep 08, 2024

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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