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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4329 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 14, 2024Hindi

Hi, I am 37 yrs old, single and earning 1lac per month. I invest 21K in 4 types of MF - Flexi cap, multicap, small cap, large cap equally distributed, 5,000 in NPS tier 1 & 2,500 in NPS tier 2, 5,000 in PPF, 6,500 SIP in smallcase stocks, I'm also trying to manage trading and having housing Loan EMI of 37,500 every month. How can I generate substantial corpus for my retirement. I'm planning to have around 10Cr. Please guide

Ans: I appreciate your dedication to securing your financial future. You're already making commendable strides towards building a substantial corpus for your retirement. Let's explore how to optimize your current investments and plan strategically to achieve your retirement goal of Rs. 10 crore.

Understanding Your Current Financial Situation
Monthly Income and Investment Allocation
You have a monthly income of Rs. 1 lakh. Your current investments are:

Rs. 21,000 in various mutual funds (Flexi cap, multicap, small cap, large cap).
Rs. 5,000 in NPS Tier 1.
Rs. 2,500 in NPS Tier 2.
Rs. 5,000 in PPF.
Rs. 6,500 SIP in smallcase stocks.
Rs. 37,500 in housing loan EMI.
This is a well-diversified portfolio, but let's delve deeper into each component to see if there are opportunities for optimization.

Evaluating Your Mutual Fund Portfolio
Distribution Across Funds
Investing Rs. 21,000 equally in four types of mutual funds is a good start. Here’s an analysis of each category:

Flexi Cap Funds
Flexi cap funds provide flexibility by investing in companies across market capitalizations. This can offer a balanced risk-return profile.

Multicap Funds
Multicap funds invest in large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap companies. This diversification can help mitigate risks associated with a particular segment.

Small Cap Funds
Small cap funds can provide high growth potential but come with higher risk. Ensure these investments align with your risk tolerance.

Large Cap Funds
Large cap funds are generally more stable and less volatile. They can provide steady returns with lower risk compared to small cap funds.

Recommendations for Mutual Funds
Consider reviewing the performance of each fund. Actively managed funds often outperform index funds, offering better returns. Working with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can help you select the best-performing funds in each category.

National Pension System (NPS) Investment
Tier 1 and Tier 2 Accounts
NPS Tier 1 is a retirement account with tax benefits. Tier 2 is a voluntary account with more flexibility.

NPS Tier 1
Your Rs. 5,000 monthly contribution in NPS Tier 1 is good for long-term retirement savings. The tax benefits under Section 80CCD(1B) are an added advantage.

NPS Tier 2
NPS Tier 2 doesn't offer tax benefits but provides liquidity. If you're not using this fund frequently, consider whether the returns meet your expectations.

Maximizing NPS Benefits
Ensure your NPS portfolio is appropriately allocated between equity, corporate bonds, and government securities to balance risk and returns. Discuss with a CFP to optimize your asset allocation within NPS.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Long-Term Security
PPF is a safe investment with tax-free returns, ideal for long-term goals. Your Rs. 5,000 monthly contribution will grow steadily over time.

Continue contributing to PPF for its tax-free returns and stability. It provides a solid foundation for your retirement corpus.

Smallcase Stocks and Trading
SIP in Smallcase Stocks
Investing Rs. 6,500 monthly in smallcase stocks is a strategic move. Smallcases offer a curated basket of stocks, making stock investing simpler.

Trading Activities
Active trading can be risky and may lead to losses if not managed carefully. Given your past experience, consider limiting trading activities.

Focus on long-term investments over active trading. Use smallcases for diversified exposure to stocks, and avoid speculative trading.

Housing Loan EMI
Managing Debt
Your housing loan EMI of Rs. 37,500 is a significant monthly expense. Ensure that this loan doesn't hinder your investment capabilities.

Consider prepaying the housing loan if you have surplus funds. This can reduce interest outgo and free up cash flow for investments.

Strategies to Reach Rs. 10 Crore Retirement Corpus
Goal Setting and Time Horizon
You have around 23 years until a typical retirement age of 60. Here’s a strategic plan to achieve your goal:

Increase SIP Amount Gradually
As your income grows, increase your SIP amounts. Aim to invest at least 30-40% of your monthly income.

Diversify Across Asset Classes
Ensure a good mix of equity, debt, and alternative investments. This can help balance risk and returns.

Regular Review and Rebalancing
Monitor Portfolio Performance
Regularly review your portfolio’s performance. Rebalance your investments to maintain the desired asset allocation.

Seek Professional Advice
A CFP can help you navigate complex financial decisions and optimize your investment strategy.

Tax Efficiency
Utilize Tax Benefits
Maximize contributions to tax-saving instruments like PPF, NPS, and ELSS funds. This can reduce your taxable income and increase investable surplus.

Long-Term Capital Gains
Invest in equity instruments with a long-term perspective to benefit from lower capital gains tax.

Detailed Investment Plan
Equity Investments
Equities offer high growth potential. Allocate a significant portion of your portfolio to equity mutual funds and smallcases.

High Growth Funds
Focus on funds with a track record of high returns. Avoid index funds, as actively managed funds tend to perform better in the Indian market.

Regular Monitoring
Monitor the performance of equity funds regularly. Switch to better-performing funds if necessary.

Debt Investments
Debt instruments provide stability and regular income.

Balanced Portfolio
Include debt mutual funds, PPF, and NPS in your portfolio. This provides a safety net during market volatility.

Alternative Investments
Gold and Commodities
Consider investing in gold ETFs or commodities for diversification. Gold can act as a hedge against inflation.

International Funds
Invest in international funds for global exposure. This can diversify risk and provide opportunities in different markets.

Financial Discipline and Planning
Regular Savings and Investments
Consistently save and invest a portion of your income. Automate your investments to ensure regular contributions.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This can provide financial security during unforeseen events.

Insurance Coverage
Ensure adequate life and health insurance coverage. This protects your family and preserves your investments in case of emergencies.

Final Insights
Achieving a Rs. 10 crore retirement corpus is a commendable goal. Your current investment strategy is on the right track. However, optimizing your portfolio and increasing investments can accelerate your progress.

Work with a Certified Financial Planner to refine your investment strategy and ensure you are on the path to financial success. Regularly review your portfolio, stay disciplined with your investments, and make informed decisions to achieve your retirement goals.

Best regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4329 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 30, 2024

Dear Sir , I'm now at 53 years ; self employed person . So far managed to make a corpus of 50 L via MF ( 95% equity , 5% debt ) , holding a property of worth 40 L after repaying the loan at Kolkata . I do require a corpus of 2.5 cr after 8 years to maintain my retire life . Presently , I am able to invest much because of my income gone down and dont have spare fund to invest . Only , I am carrying 5000/- pm SIP in Mirae asset Large & mid cap & Axis small cap . I want to understand , how can reach the goal ? Please advice .
Ans: It's admirable how you've diligently built your financial foundation despite the challenges. Your proactive approach to planning is commendable. Considering your current situation, it's essential to reassess your strategy. Have you explored options to optimize your expenses and potentially increase your savings? Additionally, have you considered the impact of inflation on your target corpus?

A Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized guidance tailored to your aspirations and limitations. They can help you recalibrate your investment portfolio, ensuring a balanced approach that aligns with your risk tolerance and long-term goals. While your current SIPs are a step in the right direction, diversifying your investments further could enhance your potential returns.

Remember, financial planning is a journey, not a destination. Stay focused on your objectives, and with careful planning and guidance, you'll navigate through any challenges towards a secure and fulfilling retirement.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4329 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 27, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 26, 2024Hindi
Hi, we are a couple with monthly income of 7.5L per month (after tax & PF, NPS savings). Have around 50L in FDs, 1Cr in PF, 22L in NPS and 20L in stocks/Mutual Funds. Our expenses are around 2L pm and have a Home loan of 50L. We own 2 flats & land having value of around 11.5 Cr. Need to create a corpus of 10 Cr within next 10 year to retire. Can invest around 3L every month & can increase it by 8~10% every year. Our age is 45 & 42 years. Please advise how we can we achieve this.
Ans: Evaluating Your Financial Situation
You and your spouse have a combined monthly income of Rs 7.5 lakhs after tax and savings in PF and NPS. You have an existing portfolio consisting of:

Fixed Deposits (FDs): Rs 50 lakhs
Provident Fund (PF): Rs 1 crore
National Pension System (NPS): Rs 22 lakhs
Stocks/Mutual Funds: Rs 20 lakhs
Home loan outstanding: Rs 50 lakhs
Real estate assets (2 flats and land): Rs 11.5 crores
Your monthly expenses are around Rs 2 lakhs, and you aim to create a corpus of Rs 10 crores within the next 10 years. You can invest Rs 3 lakhs per month, increasing this by 8-10% annually. Let's explore a strategy to achieve this goal.

Setting a Retirement Corpus Target
To reach your goal of Rs 10 crores in 10 years, a systematic and disciplined investment approach is necessary. Considering your high monthly savings potential, diversification and growth-oriented investments will be key.

Monthly Investment Strategy
Start with Equity Mutual Funds
Equity Mutual Funds: Allocate a significant portion to equity mutual funds. These funds typically offer higher returns compared to other asset classes over the long term.

Balanced Advantage Funds: Consider these for a balance between equity and debt, reducing risk while still offering growth.

Debt Instruments for Stability
Debt Mutual Funds: These provide stability and lower risk compared to equity funds, suitable for part of your portfolio.

Public Provident Fund (PPF): PPF offers tax benefits and assured returns, providing a stable component to your portfolio.

Increasing SIP Contributions
Given your ability to increase investments by 8-10% annually, start with an SIP of Rs 3 lakhs per month. Increase your SIPs annually to keep pace with your income growth and inflation.

Portfolio Diversification
Diversify Across Asset Classes
Large Cap Funds: These funds are less volatile and provide stable returns over the long term.

Mid Cap and Small Cap Funds: Allocate a portion to these funds for higher growth potential, though they carry more risk.

Sector-Specific Funds: Consider investing in specific sectors like technology or healthcare, which have high growth potential.

Review and Adjust Regularly
Monitor Performance
Regular Reviews: Review your portfolio every six months to ensure it aligns with your goals.

Rebalance Portfolio: Adjust your investments based on performance and market conditions to stay on track.

Avoid Index Funds
Disadvantages of Index Funds
Limited Returns: Index funds only match market returns and do not aim to outperform.

Lack of Flexibility: They cannot react quickly to market changes, potentially missing out on higher returns.

Actively Managed Funds Advantage
Professional Management: These funds benefit from the expertise of fund managers who make informed decisions.

Higher Returns: Actively managed funds aim to outperform the market, providing better growth potential.

Direct Funds vs Regular Funds
Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Lack of Guidance: Direct funds do not offer professional guidance, which can be crucial for optimal investment decisions.

Time-Consuming: Managing direct investments can be time-consuming and complex without expert help.

Benefits of Regular Funds via MFD with CFP Credential
Expert Advice: Regular funds provide access to certified financial planners who can offer tailored advice.

Comprehensive Planning: Investing through a CFP ensures a holistic approach to financial planning.

Better Performance: Professional management often results in better performance compared to self-managed direct funds.

Education Planning for Children
Education Savings Plans
Dedicated Education Funds: Invest in plans specifically designed for education to build a sufficient corpus for your children’s higher education.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana: If you have daughters, this scheme offers attractive interest rates and tax benefits.

Balancing Current and Future Needs
Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund equal to 6-12 months of expenses for unforeseen events.

Debt Management: Continue servicing your home loan, ensuring it doesn’t burden your future finances.

Achieving Your Corpus Goal
Target Corpus Calculation
Assuming an average annual return of 12%, your monthly investments need to grow consistently. Start with Rs 3 lakhs per month and increase it by 8-10% yearly. This disciplined approach will help you reach your goal of Rs 10 crores.

Importance of Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner: Regular consultations with a CFP will ensure you stay on track and make necessary adjustments.

Tailored Advice: A CFP can provide tailored advice based on your specific financial situation and goals.

Final Thoughts
Your current financial health is strong, and your disciplined savings approach will help you achieve your retirement goal. Regular investments, portfolio diversification, and professional guidance are key to your success.

Staying on Course
Regular Reviews: Stay informed about your investments and review them periodically.

Flexibility: Be ready to adjust your strategy based on market conditions and personal circumstances.

Discipline: Maintain a disciplined approach to savings and investments.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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