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Dr Deepa

Dr Deepa Suvarna  | Answer  |Ask -

Paediatrician - Answered on Feb 22, 2023

Dr Deepa Suvarna is a practising paediatrician with 25 years of experience. She completed her MD in paediatrics from the TN Medical College and BYL Nair Hospital, MBBS from the King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College and diploma in child health from the College of Physicians and Surgeons.... more
Aslam Question by Aslam on Jan 13, 2023Hindi

My son is 10 years old and he is restless and is not able to sleep at night and frequently visits the washroom most of the times in the night, how can I help him so he gets better and he sleeps peacefully?

Ans: By 10, the child should sleep through the night without having to pass urine. See that he drinks no fluids from 1 hour before bedtime. For example, if he sleeps by 10, last fluid intake should be before 9 pm. This means no milk either. He need to pass urine at 9 pm and then again at 10 pm, i.e.1 hour before and at bedtime.
Also, no screen time for 2 hours before bedtime.
If , in spite of these measures, he still needs to pass urine after sleeping, then he needs a urine test and a check up.
DISCLAIMER: The answer provided by rediffGURUS is for informational and general awareness purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

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Anu Krishna  | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jan 27, 2022

Hello Anu Madam!I have two kids (daughter 13 and son 10 years old).My son has a habit to go to sleep at 10 pm but he always requires me to be besides him.Whenever, I tell him that I will come after some time, then he asks me at what time, if I say 10.30 or 11 pm then he keeps on watching the clock for the time. And he comes to me that the time is up and come to sleep.If sometimes, I scold him and put to sleep and I go out in the hall, he is still awake after two hours also.If I sleep with my son then he has a sound sleep and is not disturbed.I am worried about his behaviour of sleeping with me as he is growing up and I want him to sleep on his own.Please help, how can I do it naturally without harming his feelings.Thanking youRegards,M

Dear M,

Is there a reason why he insists on you being with him?

When did this exactly start, or has it been like this right from when he was a baby? Wanting to still cling on could also be a sign of some underlying stress within the family.

Whatever the reason is, it is certainly useful to wean him off from the emotional security he seeks from you which is satisfied by your physical presence.

What if this emotional security can be fulfilled in other ways?

Like for example: Stories. Stories are a way by which you can bring real life situations without really suggesting anything but driving the point home through a character.

Now, will this work? You can surely give this a fair chance. Start by introducing a character that is around your son’s age and height but with a different name and build a story of his triumph over insecurity and fear and into confidence and happiness.

Also, you can wean off the time you are with him during his bedtime; like if you need to be with him for an hour before he sleeps, bring it down to 30 mins, 15 mins, 10 mins.

Keep a warm, soft light on till he sleeps.

Reassure him that no matter what; you love him and will always do.

Hug him a lot during the day (if he is a child that likes the sensory touch and feel).

Watch movies that show care and love in the family system.

And love, love and love him a lot and show him just that.

All the best!

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