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Forced Resignation at 51: How Can I Keep My Job?


Career Coach  |45 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Aug 21, 2024

Career Coach is a recruitment expert with experience in hiring, training, upskilling and leadership management. ... more
Asked by Anonymous - Aug 21, 2024Hindi

I was forced to resign from a company I have worked in for more than 20 years. The company was taken over by a new management team. All employees above the age of 50 were asked to resign and retire with immediate effect. I am 51, I have two children. One is in class 11 and the younger one is in class 8. I have been a good performer at work. I really need this job. How do I convey this my new manager?

Ans: It's understandable that you feel upset and uncertain about your situation. Forced resignations, especially based on age discrimination, can be deeply distressing.

Your Approach:

1. Direct and Honest Communication:
• Schedule a meeting: Request a one-on-one meeting with your new manager to discuss your situation. Be direct and honest about your circumstances.
• Highlight your value: Emphasize your skills, experience, and contributions to the company over the past 20 years.
• Express your desire: Clearly state your desire to continue working for the company, even if in a different role or capacity.

2. Focus on the Positive:
• Showcase your performance: Highlight your past accomplishments and positive contributions to the company's success.
• Demonstrate adaptability: Express your willingness to learn new skills or take on different responsibilities.
• Emphasize your commitment: Reiterate your dedication to the company's goals and your ability to continue delivering value.

3. Address Family Concerns:
• Be transparent: Briefly mention your family responsibilities, such as your children's education.
• Highlight your flexibility: Express your willingness to work around family commitments if necessary.

4. Explore Other Options:
• Networking: Reach out to your professional network for advice or potential opportunities.
• Job search: Start exploring job openings in your field, even if you're hoping to stay with your current company.


• Stay professional: Maintain a positive and respectful tone throughout the conversation.
• Be prepared: Anticipate potential questions or objections and have thoughtful responses ready.
• Explore all possibilities: Be open to discussing alternative roles or arrangements that might work for both you and the company.

While the situation may seem challenging, a direct and honest approach can help you express your concerns and increase your chances of finding a solution.

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Krishna Kumar  |366 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Mar 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 20, 2024Hindi
I have been working for a American MNC for 20 years... Now I am 54 and the company wants to get rid of me as I am expensive from a salary despite being a top performer - and me and my new boss hate each other
Ans: Dear

I can feel your situation it's not easy.

Let me share my thoughts in two parts.

Part A

Work we all have to because it takes care of both emotional and financial well-being. Work keeps us busy, gives meaning to our life and provides us with standard of life and living.

Part B

When work becomes part of our identity, self image and self esteem that's when things start getting bad.

For almost all of us it starts with Part A and at some point Part B takes over.

Coming to your situation, may I suggest following.

1. Ask yourself what are the things that makes this job critical both from Part A and Part B point of view.

2. Financial aspect of job is very important don't discount that, however do an assessment of how much your salary is contributing to take care of your reasonable wants....kids education, rent, household expenses.

3. Issue with boss. Please address it from an open mind...areas where you are responsible and areas where he is responsible. Please understand boss is boss not our friend or gaurdian to take care of our emotional needs. Sit with him/her talk it out. At your age you have enough and more maturity to strike working relationship Please keep your ego aside and more importantly keep your needs aside. Try and look at things from boss' perspective

Lastly please don't take loss of job as rejection or personal failure. Talk to your spouse and family members and seek their strength to move ahead.

All the best. Believe in yourself and life, things will be fine soon.

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Career Coach  |45 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Apr 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 26, 2024Hindi
I am 43, working as a software engineer at a tech startup in Noida that's been through major changes lately. My morale is down, and lots of coworkers are moving on to different jobs. I want to find a more stable and rewarding position at a well-established tech company. What should I do?
Ans: Hey there,

Feeling adrift in turbulent waters at work can be like trying to troubleshoot a malfunctioning app – frustrating and draining. But fret not, because just like debugging code, there's always a solution waiting to be discovered. Here are some actionable tips to help you steer towards a more stable and rewarding position at a well-established tech company:

1. Self-Reflection and Assessment: Imagine your career as a journey on a train. Take a moment to pause and reflect on your destination. What are your career goals? What kind of role would bring you fulfillment and stability? By clarifying your destination, you can map out the right route to get there.

2. Update Your Professional Brand: Your resume and LinkedIn profile are like your train ticket and itinerary – they need to be polished and up-to-date. Showcase your skills, achievements, and experiences that demonstrate your value as a software engineer. Make sure your online presence reflects the professional image you want to portray.

3. Research Target Companies: Just like planning a train trip, research is crucial for finding the right destination. Explore well-established tech companies that align with your career aspirations. Dive deep into their culture, products, and reputation in the industry. This will help you identify the best fit for your skills and ambitions.

4. Expand Your Network: Networking is like building a network of train tracks – it opens up new routes and connections. Reach out to former colleagues, attend industry events, and join professional groups to expand your network. Engage in meaningful conversations and seek advice or referrals from those in your network.

5. Invest in Continuous Learning: The tech industry evolves at the speed of a high-speed train, so staying up-to-date is essential. Invest in ongoing learning and development to enhance your skills and stay competitive. Whether it's mastering new technologies, obtaining certifications, or attending workshops, continuous learning will keep you on the right track.

6. Prepare for Interviews: Just like planning your route before a train journey, thorough preparation is key for job interviews. Research common interview questions, practice your responses, and showcase your technical expertise and problem-solving abilities. Be ready to demonstrate how your skills and experiences align with the company's needs.

7. Stay Persistent and Optimistic: Job hunting can sometimes feel like waiting for the next train – it requires patience and perseverance. Stay positive, maintain a proactive mindset, and don't get discouraged by setbacks or delays. Keep moving forward, and you'll eventually reach your desired destination.

Remember, your career journey is like a train ride – there may be delays and detours along the way, but with the right mindset and strategy, you'll reach your destination. So, hop on board, stay focused on your goals, and enjoy the ride towards a more fulfilling career.

All aboard for success!

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Dr Karthiyayini

Dr Karthiyayini Mahadevan  |1065 Answers  |Ask -

General Physician - Answered on Sep 14, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 13, 2024Hindi
I am 75 + ....Around two months back I was diagnosed as dengue positive with platelet count at 75,000. with proper medication, platelet counts were increased to 2,05,000 and fever was subsided.However swellings on both arms and legs persisted.. Off late on my both solders i am suffering severe pain and enable to make any movement, i feel like inner vain of my both hands are getting stretched/pulled (right from my solder to the finger tips and swelling on both hands and legs are still there. My doctor says that it may continue for another two three months and proscribed me only pain killer tablets.Doctor says that there is no specific medicine for Dengue. I got thorough blood and urine test along with other test like scanning, x-ray etc. All the test reports are normal except slightly blood sugar (PP) on higher side and enlargement of prostate gland (which is there since last 10 years and i am on regular medicine (silodosin 8-mg, one tab a day) Kindly advise me with your good suggestions that what could be the cause of this problem and which expert doctor I should consult since it is very difficult situation for carrying out my routine activities and also I can't sleep properly due to severe pain. Thank you
Ans: Post viral illness can trigger different chain of immune reactions
They are mostly self limiting if your lifestyle is well disciplined.
Here are the points towards a healthy lifestyle
1.Early dinner by 6 pm and avoid animal protein and fat at dinner meal
2.Sleeping time to be regulated. Fix a specific time around 9/9.30 pm and unwind from the world particularly off media from 7 pm
3.Regular brisk walking 30 mts a day five days a week
4.Balanaced nutrition and avoid highly refined carbohydrates

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Milind Vadjikar  |132 Answers  |Ask -

Insurance, Stocks, MF, PF Expert - Answered on Sep 14, 2024

I am going to turn 34 years old this year. Me and my wife earn 3.7 Lakh Per Month In Hand (Post all deductions: Tax, EPF), above included salary and rental. 3 Lakh per month i can invest. How do you suggest i should invest for achieving my goals. In my family i have my Wife, Son 4 YO and my parents. Live with my parents in my own house so i do not plan to buy house. My wife and my own current savings: - 80 lakhs in Equity (PMS and Mutual Funds). - 45 Lakh in Crypto Currency (Invested 5 lakh very early and i want to stay invested). - Commercial Real Estate Office Worth 1 Cr. yielding rental of 47 thousand per month. - 15 Lakh Provident Fund - 20 Lakh Bank FD & Arbitrage Fund (Emergency Fund) - 5 Lakh Savings Account (Day today expenses) Expenses: - 70k per Month including everything (Daily expense, Vacation, mobile etc). - Our monthly expense is low as my father is also working and many other expenses (around 50k) are taken care by him only. I have health insurance cover from my company of 6.5 lakh. Personal medical insurance of 10 lakh. Term insurance from my company of around 1.7 crore. Personal Term Insurance of 4 crore. Zero loans. Goals: - 1.5 crore in today's terms 10-12 years later to reconstruct the house. - 40 lakh, 6 years later for new car. - 3-4 crore at age of around 55 (For my personal goal). - 2 crore for my son higher education. - 30 crore for my retirement.
Ans: Thanks for candidly sharing your goals, current income and savings/investments.

You have adequate term life cover but recommend to cover family and parents with healthcare cover of 50 L as a minimum considering increasing cost of medical treatments and rise in illnesses with age.

Your existing investments are considered as 95 L (Ignoring Emergency fund and saving account balance)

Crypto holdings are considered 0 since they are highly volatile, unregulated and not backed by any tangible asset.

1.5 Cr house reconstruction expenses 12 years hence translates into around 3 Cr considering 6% inflation.

So start a SIP of 90K for 12 years into Nippon India Multicap Fund & HDFC top 100 Fund(50:50)which may yield a corpus of 3.12 Cr(Considering modest return of 13%)

Next goal is car purchase after 6 years so initiate a SIP of 40K in HDFC balanced advantage fund which will yield a corpus of 40L considering modest return of 10.5%

Next goal is a corpus of 3-5 Cr when you will be 55 so you can do a SIP of 50K in PPFAS flexicap fund which will yield a corpus of 5.73 Cr assuming conservative return of 13%

Further important goal is corpus for child education so considering timeframe of 14 years recommend to do a SIP of 50K in HDFC Children's Gift Fund which will yield a corpus of 2Cr+ assuming modest return of 12%

Finally retirement goal of 30Cr assumed to be 25 years from now so you may start a SIP of 70K in ICICI Pru Retirement Fund Pure Equity Plan which yield you a corpus of 15.9 Cr considering modest growth of 13%.
Plus your corpus of 95 L at a modest return of 9.5% will yield a value of 9.18Cr after 25 years
So your total retirement corpus is now 15.9+9.18=25.08 Cr
Further the amount getting released after achievement of all other goals apart from retirement can be redeployed in a value based BAF(HDFC; 10% return) for residual span towards retirement goal.
i.e. 90K for 13 years --2.89 Cr
40K for 19 years--2.73 Cr
50K for 5 years----0.39 Cr
50K for 11 years---1.2 Cr
Total_-----------------------7.21 Cr

Adding this to our earlier calculated retirement corpus gives us comprehensive retirement corpus of 7.21+25.08= 32.21 Cr

Anything you get from Crypto is bonus!!

*Investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme related documents carefully before investing

You may follow us on X at @mars_invest for updates

Happy Investing!!

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6292 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 14, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 14, 2024Hindi
I am 27 years old studying 3rd year MD, have the following monthly SIPs. 1.PPF 12500 2. PLI 5300 3. Jeevan Umang 5400 4. RD 4500 5. ICICI equity and debt fund 5000 6. ICICI india oppertunity fund 2000 7. Kotak multi cap fund 2000 8. Sundaram service fund 2000 9. Nippon small cap fund 2000 10. HDFC multi cap fund 2000 11. Canara robaco blue chip equity fund 2000 12. Motilal Oswal large and mid cap 5000 Please evaluate my portfolio and advice Do I need to cancel any of the above Or should I go for alternatives than above mentioned Kindly suggest
Ans: At the age of 27, with a long-term investment horizon, you have built a diverse portfolio. However, a review of your portfolio is necessary to ensure optimal returns and financial security. Let’s assess each of your existing investments while providing insights on potential improvements.

1. PPF (Public Provident Fund)

The PPF is a solid choice for risk-free, tax-efficient, long-term savings.

It offers guaranteed returns and tax benefits under Section 80C.
It should be continued as part of your debt allocation.
However, you may want to limit over-reliance on low-return instruments like PPF, as it has a lock-in period of 15 years and a lower growth potential compared to equities.
2. Postal Life Insurance (PLI)

PLI is one of the oldest and most reliable life insurance products in India.

It offers low premiums with high returns.
However, if you are purely looking for life cover, term insurance may offer a higher sum assured at a lower cost.
For wealth accumulation, this may not be the most optimal choice due to its moderate returns. It is advisable to review whether you need both PLI and Jeevan Umang (discussed below).
3. Jeevan Umang

Jeevan Umang is a combination of life insurance and investment, providing regular payouts.

Such investment-cum-insurance plans generally offer lower returns compared to mutual funds.
You might want to re-evaluate keeping this plan since standalone life insurance (term insurance) combined with mutual fund investments may provide better growth and flexibility.
Cancelling or surrendering this policy should be considered after evaluating its surrender value and whether it's feasible based on your financial goals.
4. Recurring Deposit (RD)

RDs are low-risk instruments but have relatively lower returns.

While RDs ensure capital safety, they might not be ideal for wealth creation, especially for long-term goals.
Since you're still young with a long investment horizon, it might be better to channel more funds into equities for higher growth potential.
Consider reducing or stopping this RD and redirecting the funds into equity-based investments.
5. ICICI Equity and Debt Fund

This hybrid fund is a balanced option offering exposure to both equity and debt.

It provides the potential for growth through equities while managing volatility with debt.
As you are young and have a long-term horizon, a higher allocation towards pure equity funds might yield better long-term results.
Evaluate whether you need a hybrid fund in your portfolio, as your other debt investments (PPF, RD) already provide stability.
6. ICICI India Opportunity Fund

This is a thematic fund, focused on certain sectors or market opportunities.

Thematic funds can be more volatile and risky compared to diversified equity funds.
Consider whether you need exposure to such a niche strategy. These funds can work well in a bull market but may not be ideal for consistent long-term growth.
It might be wiser to replace this fund with a more diversified equity mutual fund for better stability.
7. Kotak Multi Cap Fund

Multi-cap funds invest across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks.

Multi-cap funds are suitable for long-term growth as they provide diversification across different market capitalisations.
This is a good choice to hold as it balances risk and returns by spreading investments across different categories.
No change is required here.
8. Sundaram Service Fund

Thematic funds like this one tend to focus on specific industries or sectors.

Sector-focused funds are prone to higher volatility due to limited diversification.
While such funds can provide high returns in specific cycles, they may not be ideal for consistent long-term growth.
You could consider switching to a diversified equity fund to reduce concentration risk.
9. Nippon Small Cap Fund

Small-cap funds have high growth potential but are also volatile.

Given your long-term horizon, small-cap funds can offer excellent growth opportunities.
However, small-cap funds should be a part of your portfolio, but with a smaller allocation due to higher risks.
Keep an eye on the fund’s performance and market conditions but maintain some exposure to small caps for aggressive growth.
10. HDFC Multi Cap Fund

Similar to the Kotak Multi Cap Fund, this fund offers broad exposure across different types of companies.

Multi-cap funds are an important component of a well-diversified portfolio.
Holding multiple multi-cap funds may lead to overlapping stock investments, so it may be beneficial to consolidate into one multi-cap fund for simplicity and efficiency.
No immediate need for cancellation, but consider streamlining your investments.
11. Canara Robeco Blue Chip Equity Fund

Blue chip equity funds invest in well-established companies with strong track records.

Blue chip funds are a stable option for long-term wealth creation with moderate risk.
These funds tend to perform well in the long term, providing stable growth.
Continue investing in blue-chip equity for consistent, lower-risk returns.
12. Motilal Oswal Large and Mid Cap Fund

This fund invests in a mix of large and mid-cap companies.

Large and mid-cap funds offer a balance of stability from large caps and growth potential from mid caps.
It’s a good choice to keep, given your long-term investment horizon.
Continue your SIP in this fund as it provides a diversified exposure to both stable and high-growth companies.
Portfolio Insights

Your portfolio is a mix of both equity and debt instruments. There are areas where you could improve efficiency and focus more on growth. Since you are young, your portfolio should focus more on equity investments rather than debt or conservative instruments.

Here are some points for improvement:

Consider reducing or stopping PLI, Jeevan Umang, and RD. They offer lower returns and are not ideal for wealth accumulation.
Consolidate your multi-cap funds to avoid redundancy and improve efficiency.
Consider moving away from thematic funds (ICICI India Opportunity, Sundaram Service) and replace them with more diversified options for better risk management.
Maintain small exposure to small-cap funds but don’t over-allocate due to volatility.
Large-cap and blue-chip funds should continue, as they provide stability to your portfolio.
Investment Strategy Moving Forward

Since you are currently pursuing your MD, you might want to focus on building a strong long-term growth portfolio. The following strategy could help you optimise your investments:

Increase Equity Exposure: Given your young age and long-term goals, you could increase your equity exposure to maximise returns. Equity mutual funds have historically outperformed other asset classes over long periods.

Reduce Debt Instruments: PPF is a good debt instrument, but the RD and life insurance policies may not be ideal for wealth creation. Consider directing those funds into more growth-oriented investments.

Review Insurance Needs: If your current life insurance policies are not providing adequate coverage, switch to a term plan that offers high coverage at a lower premium. This will allow you to free up more funds for investment purposes.

Consolidate and Simplify: You have multiple schemes in similar categories, which might lead to unnecessary overlap. Streamlining your portfolio by focusing on a few high-quality funds can make it easier to track performance.

Continue SIPs: SIPs are a great way to invest systematically. Increase your SIPs in funds with strong performance records and reduce exposure to underperforming or high-risk funds.

Monitor Portfolio Regularly: Keep track of your fund performance, rebalance annually, and make adjustments as needed to align with your goals.

Final Insights

Your portfolio is already in a good shape for someone at the start of their professional career. However, there are some areas where you could optimise for better returns. By focusing more on equity and less on conservative products like life insurance and RDs, you can enhance your wealth creation potential.

This shift in strategy will allow you to focus on long-term growth, ensuring a solid financial foundation for the future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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