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Geeta Ratra  |140 Answers  |Ask -

Visas, Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Jun 14, 2024

Geeta Ratra has been an immigration expert for more than two decades and has strong knowledge of international immigration policies and procedures. She is vice president, operations, at Abhinav Immigration Services. Besides visa and immigration services, they also provide study abroad advice that includes application assistance, counselling and university shortlisting.... more
Priti Question by Priti on Jun 12, 2024Hindi

My daughter has passed 12 commerce this year and she is looking for BA in political science from India . Post that she intends to do international relations from USA . What are the top universities and scope of it in USA . And also courses available that she can do post completing her graduation.

Ans: Hi Priti,
For BA in Political Science in India followed by International Relations in the USA, top universities include Harvard, Stanford, and Johns Hopkins. The scope is vast, with careers in diplomacy, policy analysis, and international organizations. Post-graduation, she can pursue courses in Public Policy, Global Studies, or Law, enhancing her career prospects.

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Rohit Gupta  |52 Answers  |Ask -

Edtech/Online Education Expert - Answered on Feb 07, 2024

My daughter is appearing in CBSE Class XII Humanities stream Board exam 2024. She intends to study UG course in Political Science honors after after exam. Please suggest top 10 colleges in India with future prospects.
Ans: Considering your daughter's aspirations, I'd recommend focusing on top-tier colleges known for their political science programs. For a UG course in Political Science, here are ten top colleges in India known for their excellent programs:

1. Delhi University, Delhi
2. Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi
3. Amity University, Noida
4. University of Hyderabad (Hyderabad)
5. Presidency University, Kolkata
6. St. Xavier's College, Mumbai
7. Lady Shri Ram College for Women (LSR)—Delhi
8. Miranda House, Delhi
9. Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)—Mumbai
10. Christ University, Bangalore

These institutions offer quality education, renowned faculty, and opportunities for research and career advancement in political science. Encourage your daughter to research each college's curriculum, faculty, and campus culture to find the best fit for her academic and career goals. I also suggest exploring online UG programs approved by UGC as an additional option for your daughter's future. Many renowned universities offer online UG degrees in various disciplines, allowing flexibility and the opportunity to pursue another degree concurrently with her regular UG course in political science. This approach can give her a broader skill set, increased career prospects, and a competitive edge in the job market. It's worth considering as it offers the flexibility to balance academic pursuits while maximizing opportunities for her future endeavors.

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Maxim Emmanuel  |256 Answers  |Ask -

Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on Apr 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 24, 2024Hindi
Hello, I'm 18F just gave my board exams and is interested in international relations, international studies, cultural studies Which universities are offering these undergraduate /graduate courses in India?
Ans: Thank you for your queries...the 18F sounded like an algorithm..!

Sure you must have developed an interest in International relations, studies .Now you must develop research skills to find study opportunities.
The international environment is all about doing one's task,which is contrary to the spoon feed environment in and around here!

India is a subcontinent offering education opportunities across the Union of States, which I have no idea where you hail from.

However here are a few ...spoon feed!
Ha Ha!

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) is a public or government research university located in New Delhi, India. It was established in 1969 and named after ...Jawaharlal Nehru !

New Delhi: The School of International Studies at JNU offers a two year course in MA Politics (International Studies.

Centre for International Relations, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Jammu and Kashmir. Jadavpur University · Jawaharlal Nehru University, School .

Jamia Millia Islamia

University of Mumbai

Central University of Kerala

Noida International University

Christ University

Galgotias University

Jadavpur University

Jindal School of International Affairs

South Asian University

Symbiosis International University

Adamas University

Pondicherry University

Ashoka University

Chanakya University

Gujarat University

IILM University

Central University of Jharkhand

Delhi University

Faculty of Law, Integral University

Manipal Academy of Higher Education

RV University


Ajeenkya DY Patil University

This is just a synopsis, as there are many more,its not a recommendation , kindly do your research and select what's best and suits your budget!

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Dev Ashish  |45 Answers  |Ask -

MF Expert, Financial Planner - Answered on Jun 29, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 28, 2024Hindi
Sir I'm 25 years old and I want my dream car Mercedes cost 75 lakshs in 10 years my monthly salary is 2 lakhs
Ans: While I can try to give some 'gyan' about a luxury car being a depreciating asset and why you should instead focus on saving for buying real appreciating assets or investments, I will not do that here and instead, just try to answer your question mathematically. ;-)

A car that costs Rs 75 lakh today, will cost much higher due to inflation after 10 years. Assuming 6% average inflation over the next 10 years, the cost of the car you mentioned will increase to Rs 1.34 crore. To reach this corpus target, if you invest in an equity-oriented portfolio that generates about 11%, then you need to start investing Rs 46-47,000 monthly starting today and also increase this monthly investment by at least 7% each year (with your salary hikes).

With the current monthly take-home of Rs 2 lakh, this shouldn't be a problem with you.

That said, I would once again mention the fact that right now you are young and hence, you have this cool goal. My guess is that as years pass, you will understand the reason why spending too much on a depreciating asset like a car isn't advisable. :-)

We don't have information about your risk appetite. But assuming that it is at least moderately aggressive, then, you can start investing in a combination of largecap index funds, flexicap/large&midcap funds, midcap funds, etc.

Dev Ashish,
SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (Fee-Only RIA)
Founder, StableInvestor.com
Twitter (@Stableinvestor)

Note (Disclaimer) - As a SEBI RIA, I cannot comment on specific schemes/funds that are provided or asked for in the questions in the platform. And the views expressed above should not be considered professional investment advice or advertisement or otherwise. No specific product/service recommendations have been made and the answers here are for general educational purposes only. The readers are requested to take into consideration all the risk factors including their financial condition, suitability to risk-return profile and the like and take professional investment advice before investing.

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