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Anu Krishna  |1170 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 13, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 09, 2024Hindi

Hi mam, My parents are very strict ones I tried to talk to them from last aug to November or December my father stoped talking to me and abused me with abusive words and my mother did not say anything she was in support to my parents, then I stopped some while , now parents are behaving normally like nothing happened and mother was asking is I forget about him i said no again and now I want to talk again about this issue but I don't how to start again I feel hesitation and i started panicking I feel so sad all the time I don't know what to do please help me . I love my parents and my partner very much , my partners parents were ready for us but now they are saying tell her to do talk to her parents fastly and ask if they are ready or not we will not wait for her , they are forcing him to marry someone else I'm so stressed all the time.

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
If you are an adult and my that I mean at an age where you can legally be married, then what is the confusion?
Also, is your partner is someone who values you and is also in a good financial position? (I say this only because many girls become blind in love without realizing that his income is the one that will support the family when you are ready to have a baby wherein there will be a small break in your career or you will have the flexibility to take a break).

What is the reason for your parents to say NO to this boy? I suggest that you address that concern otherwise no amount of talking is going to convince them. Request your partner to speak with his family so that can give you sometime to talk to your parents and sort things first. You are stressed all the time because instead of finding ways to solve the problem, you have been sitting with the problem and worrying about it.

Talk to your parents first, understand why don't like your partner and what must happen for them to start liking him. See where this talk leads you to...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jun 27, 2024 | Answered on Jul 04, 2024
Mam I'm 27 and my partner is 30 , yes he is in good financial position, his family becakground is like us normal middle class jatt family and we are from teaching background brahman family, I have talked to them again last week they are saying he is low caste then us that's why they can't do that and also my sister think he is not good choice for me because his family live in village kind off area but they live in Agra normal area not like proper villages and he is not even forcing me to live there he is saying we will going to live in city because I have to work also and he is working he is saving up for buying flat for both of us , he is very understanding, suddenly today I know my sister say so many bad things about he used to do in college, she is married and they know each other from college but they were not close at all . My sister think they are not wealthy enough and my parents don't know that, now my mother knows I don't know what to do now , im going to talk to my mom about this situation. Please suggest how to talk to them to change there mind about casteism
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
It is not easy to change anyone's mind about a firm belief like caste, religion etc.
As I have mentioned earlier, you both have a huge task ahead of addressing your parents' concerns. Obviously, your parents are worried about their financial status and living conditions...
Address these concerns/worries first rather than trying to convince them. The roots cause must be in focus...just do that first...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jul 24, 2024 | Answered on Jul 25, 2024
Mam my parents main concern is he is from lower caste that is the main question for them hoe could i choose someone from lower caste and we will not agree, i will talk to my parents day by day i hope they will agree. if you can gave me any ideas it will be really helpful . thank you mam
Ans: Dear anonymous,
I will say this again: Address whatever concerns they have whether it is about caste, religion, money...If it is about caste obviously it is a deep-rooted belief that cannot be changed easily. Don't fight it, but rather address it.
Maybe if over some time spend time with the boy and get to know him, they may change their opinion. But that may not happen, so be prepared for that as well.
It's only about making an attempt without really expecting the best outcome. Who knows it might turn out for the best...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Aug 11, 2024 | Answered on Aug 14, 2024
hey anu mam, you said that i could attempt my efforts for let them meet one and they already met him as my friend ones before i discuss about my love marriage opinion, now i am trying my best to ask them to meet him , they keep trying to change my mind regarding this, and i keep saying no. They also trying to find another guys from my caste for arrange marriage but they are not discussing with me , if they ask i will say no . thank you mam for your wise opinions .
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Let him meet your parents not as your friend but someone who cares for you and wants to marry you. You need to let your parents see him for who he is...
Love at times is a huge testing point. So, make all your efforts...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1170 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 19, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 02, 2023Hindi
Hi Ma’am, My parents are not agreeing for my marriage with an intercaste marriage and this is not the first intercaste marriage one of cousin tried convincing their parents for 5 yrs but eventually gave up and opted for court marriage today they are very happy even their parents has also accepted the marriage. In my case , my parents are mocking me for my feelings and emotionally abusing me and have crossed all their limits. They know my boyfriend from class 10th and their family too but the only issue is with then what others will say . My mother called my boyfriend and kept on saying leave me alone and in return my boyfriend said aunty I know this is the big thing we will not take any drastic step and without your approval we will not get married and I’m willing to wait for your daughter even if it is waiting for for 5-6 yrs . We both are doing pretty good in our career we both have been so focused with out life. But after this call she kept on saying he’s very manipulative as he did not disrespect my mother and as a result of this my mother and father kept on harassing me by saying ill and foul words to me. They are so lost in their ego that I am suffering from 104 degree fever and they are ignoring this fact kept on saying foul words to me. My mother day and night she’s entering my room is saying Every second I’m giving you baddua ( wishing something bad happen to me) . I put forth my point but they are not in state of listening and somewhere very unhappy that I’m not financially dependent on them so they are keep bashing my job. I have stopped talking to them regarding this topic and just having very minimal conversation with them and I’m not misbehaving with them for this also they are scolding me they want to act normally and come sit with them.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Inter-faith marriages are still unaccepted in many societies and the challenges that come with it are not just with family acceptance but adapting and adjusting to different cultures, tastes etc...
Yes, on the one hand, love does not have any boundaries BUT massive changes in society have still not taken place to accept inter-faith marriages and your parents also belong to that very same society that hinders more than supports.
It has come down to a choice for you now!
Family or your Love?
If you choose Family, all will be well except you and your boyfriend. It will be giving up what you dreamed of together.
If you choose Love, you can of course live life on your terms but your family may vow to never see you again (it seems evident from all the vibes at your home).
Since, you are financially independent, you are in a better position to decide BUT it is going to be a decision that will leave someone unhappy. Who that is going to be and whether you can harden yourself with it is the question!
Now, Family and Love can go hand in hand only when both integrate which means an uphill task for both sides to negotiate, navigate and live in harmony. If this can be achieved by some neutral person bringing both sides together, please attempt this first before making a final decision. But make the choice soon, so there is a resolution either way.

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |1170 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Apr 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 17, 2024Hindi
Mam i am in relationship for 9 years now..he became my boyfriend when i shifted in my new house he was my neighbour..i was in 10th when i got caught and since then my parents hate my boyfriend , i apologized to my parents then and said to have no contact with my boyfriend but 9 years down the lane ..we are totally connected and living a peaceful healthy relationship..my parents hate my boyfriend and his family to the core..my relationship with ny parents are.mixed someday they will be super nice to me , another day they will abuse me for evn small things..we have ups and down in our relationship but i love them a lott , i want to care of them in their old age..but at this point i want to talk to them about my boyfriend but seeinng that they hate him so much i am literally very very afraid that my parents will hate me to their core knowing about someone i want to marry whoom they hate soo much ..... i don't know how will they react .. i am been through physcial and verbal abuse earlier too but i don't know how much worse it can get this time..for them the girl who marry their parents choice is the best in the world..my boyfriend and i have no caste issue its just the ego issues with my parents they think karrying into that house they will never able to have good enough respect though my mother and his mother talk..but that too my mother bitch a lott about her mother for even nonsensical things..i am 24 now and preparing for government exam ...i am soo much stress knowing i have to choose between my love or my parents.....i think so even if i marry him with their superficail consent they will never be happy woth me..and can even cut contacts with me...i don't know what to do i have no elder in my house to make parents explain...mam plss show me some path
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
No where have you mentioned what your boyfriend does for a living? Could this be the reason that your parents refuse to acknowledge your relationship?
Parents want the best for their children but at times their own beliefs on love marriages etc can come in the way. Since you are an adult, it is time to actually start acting like one. My suggestion is to have a conversation with them and understand the reason for their refusal to accept your boyfriend. If it is one of society and family objection, then you know how to handle it BUT if their concern is more about his character or his job, you both need to make an effort to take away that concern so that they accept all this wholeheartedly.
Find the reason and things will become clearer as to how you must handle the situation.

All the best!

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Ravi Mittal  |325 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Sep 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 17, 2024Hindi
I was in a relationship for 10 years with my boyfriend since after my 12th standard. And when we asked at our homes for marriage, my parents didn't agree although theirs did agree. I have tried convincing for few months but they were so adamant because this relation is not in my best interest. And as I did not expect the situations to escalate this much, now I don't want to stress my parents and make them more sad than they are. So, I have asked for break-up with my boyfriend but he's very sad and is asking continuously for convincing my parents. I feel guilty but I don't think staying in the relationship still is a wrong choice when even I did not want to anymore.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I understand how challenging it is to let go of a long-term relationship because your parents are not agreeing to it. If we look at this situation from your partner's perspective, his feelings are valid. But, you choosing your parents over him can also not be challenged. After all, it's your life. The decision should be ultimately yours.

Your feelings matter too. You mentioned your unwillingness to continue the relationship. This is important because your happiness matters and it should come first to you. If you have started feeling that you have outgrown the relationship, it is okay to walk away. I know it hurts, both of you, but sometimes, it's better to leave than force yourself to stay together in a relationship that has no future.

Your partner feeling sad is natural and so is your guilt feeling. But that does not mean you must stay in this relationship. Ending a relationship that you are not fully committed to is much better than dragging it to its eventual and more bitter end. Let him know that you are sorry and that his feelings are valid. Your decision is hurting him and that's the least and the most you can do in this situation.

Remember guilt can cloud your judgment. While it is a necessary emotion, don't let it decide for you. The breakup doesn't have to be right or wrong at all times. Whether it aligns with your future is also important.

Your parents' opinions weigh heavily on you and it might be a good thing to consider why they are convinced that he isn't a good match for you. Do what makes you happy but do with while being kind to all the parties involved.

Best Wishes.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6462 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 30, 2024

Hi Sir I am 33 yr and want to start investing in SIP but have no knowledge. I can invest 50k per month. Please help me
Ans: A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly in mutual funds. This disciplined approach to investing helps you accumulate wealth over time while managing market volatility.

With Rs 50,000 to invest monthly, SIPs are an excellent way to get started, especially when you are 33 years old. By starting early, you give your investments enough time to grow and compound over the years. Let’s look at how you can structure your SIPs.

Assessing Your Financial Goals
Before diving into mutual fund investments, it’s crucial to have clear goals. Here are some common financial goals:

Retirement: Building a corpus for your life post-retirement.
Children’s Education: Saving for your children’s education, even if it seems far off now.
Buying a House or Major Purchase: Funds for future personal projects or major purchases.
Having clear goals will help align your investment strategy. For instance, longer-term goals, such as retirement, may allow you to take on more risk, while shorter-term goals will require more conservative investments.

Risk Profile
Knowing your risk tolerance is equally important. Since you are 33 years old, you likely have a higher risk appetite compared to someone closer to retirement. If you’re willing to take on more risk, you can allocate a larger portion to equity mutual funds, which have the potential for higher returns over time.

High Risk: You may invest more in small-cap and mid-cap equity funds. These funds can offer substantial returns but can also be volatile.

Moderate Risk: Large-cap equity funds and balanced funds would be suitable. These provide a balance of growth and stability.

Low Risk: Debt funds or liquid funds can be considered for goals with a shorter time frame or lower risk tolerance.

Diversification Strategy
Diversification is key to managing risk and maximizing returns. With Rs 50,000 to invest monthly, you should aim for a diversified portfolio across different fund categories:

Large-Cap Equity Funds: These are relatively stable and invest in large, well-established companies. They should form the core of your portfolio, offering steady returns.

Mid-Cap and Small-Cap Equity Funds: For higher growth potential, mid-cap and small-cap funds are good choices. They tend to be more volatile, but over time, they can deliver high returns.

Flexi Cap or Multicap Funds: These funds invest across market capitalizations (large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap), providing diversification within a single fund. These are good for long-term wealth creation.

Debt Funds: While equity funds are crucial for growth, you should also consider debt funds for stability. Debt funds provide relatively safer returns, especially useful for short-term financial goals or emergency funds.

Asset Allocation
Allocating your investments across different types of funds ensures that your portfolio is balanced. A suggested allocation could be:

60-70% in Equity Mutual Funds: This can be spread across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.

20-30% in Debt Funds: These offer stability and help cushion against market volatility.

5-10% in International or Sectoral Funds: If you want to explore global opportunities or specific sectors like technology, international funds can be considered.

Regular Monitoring and Review
It’s essential to review your SIP portfolio at least once a year. Financial goals or risk appetite may change over time, and your portfolio needs to reflect that. Regularly monitoring the performance of your funds ensures you are on track to meet your goals.

Why You Should Consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Before you proceed, consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can give you personalized advice based on your individual needs. A CFP can help you:

Tailor your portfolio: A professional will help you align your SIPs with your personal goals, risk profile, and future financial needs.

Avoid Common Pitfalls: Investing without proper planning can lead to poor returns or unnecessary risk. A CFP will guide you away from such mistakes.

Tax Optimization: A CFP can also assist in structuring your investments to be more tax-efficient, helping you maximize returns.

Final Insights
Start with Your Goals: Identify your short-term and long-term goals before selecting funds.

Diversify Smartly: Spread your Rs 50,000 monthly investment across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds, and don’t forget to include debt funds for stability.

Review Annually: Keep track of how your funds perform and adjust your portfolio as needed.

Seek Expert Guidance: Working with a CFP can help you stay on the right track and achieve your financial objectives efficiently.

Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6462 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 30, 2024

While revisiting new players in mutual fund and my portfolio(Mirae large cap, Nippon Multi asset & Parag flexi), I realised Mirae & Nippon's expense ratio is more than double(1.5%). I'm planning to sip in quant Infra, Invesco India focused, Mahindra Manulife smallcap & continue in Parag flexi. & Withdraw from Mirae & Nippon as expense ratio is very high and comparatively returns are low(18-20% against 25-30% by others)
Ans: Expense ratio plays a critical role in determining the net returns you earn from a mutual fund. Funds with higher expense ratios eat into your gains. You’ve noticed that Mirae and Nippon funds have an expense ratio of around 1.5%, which seems high compared to others. This can be significant over a long period, especially if the returns are lower than expected.

In your case, Mirae and Nippon are delivering 18-20% returns, which may feel underwhelming compared to other funds offering 25-30%. It’s understandable why you're considering withdrawing from these funds.

Review of Your New Portfolio Choices
You plan to invest in Quant Infrastructure, Invesco India Focused, Mahindra Manulife Small Cap, while continuing with Parag Flexi. Let’s evaluate these choices:

Quant Infrastructure Fund: Infrastructure sector funds can provide good returns during an economic upswing. However, sector funds tend to be riskier as they are focused on one sector. Diversification may be lower, and returns can fluctuate based on market conditions.

Invesco India Focused Fund: Focused funds typically invest in a concentrated number of stocks, which can offer higher returns but also come with higher risk. These funds can outperform in a bull market but can underperform when certain sectors or stocks face issues.

Mahindra Manulife Small Cap Fund: Small-cap funds have higher growth potential but come with higher risk. They can be volatile and may take longer to generate returns, but with your longer-term horizon, they could be a good fit.

Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund: This fund is well-diversified across market capitalizations and sectors. Flexi-cap funds give the fund manager the freedom to invest in any segment, which makes them more adaptive to changing market conditions.

High Expense Ratio and Fund Performance
While expense ratio is an important factor, it’s not the only one to consider. Funds with higher expense ratios can still deliver strong returns if the management is effective. Your decision to exit funds like Mirae and Nippon due to high expense ratios must be balanced against their long-term performance and consistency.

Important to Consider:

Compare not just the expense ratio but also the long-term returns, consistency, and risk profile of the funds.
A fund with a slightly higher expense ratio might still deliver better value if its risk-adjusted returns are superior over time.
Why You Should Consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Before making a decision to shift your portfolio, it is always wise to consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). A CFP can help you:

Evaluate your overall financial goals: Are your new fund choices aligned with your risk tolerance and time horizon?
Analyze Tax Implications: Exiting funds may trigger capital gains taxes. A CFP can help you minimize the tax impact.
Diversification Strategy: Ensure that your new portfolio is diversified enough to manage risks. Sector and small-cap funds can be riskier, and a CFP will help you balance this with more stable funds.
Revisit Investment Goals: A professional can review if your investment strategy matches your long-term financial objectives.
Final Thoughts
Review Before Switching: While lower expense ratios and better returns seem appealing, ensure you aren’t sacrificing diversification or taking on more risk than you’re comfortable with.
Keep a Balanced Portfolio: Your mix of funds should cover large, mid, small caps, and a combination of sectoral and diversified funds.
Seek Professional Advice: Speak to a CFP who can give you a comprehensive review of your portfolio and ensure that the switches you’re planning are aligned with your long-term goals.
Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Kanchan Rai  |349 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 04, 2024Hindi
Madam i am married for almost 7 years as of now and last year i have been blessed with a daughter. I have had a job which was sufficient to fulfill my expenses and i use to save a bit too and therefore can claim I wasn’t dependent on my husband. After the birth of my child , my work has been affected which has also put an impact on my earnings. My husband doesn’t support me and my daughter financial needs and i am now feeling the burnout of raising me and my child and managing our day to day expenses single handedly. I have communicated this to my husband but he pays no heed to it. Please advice.
Ans: It sounds like you're going through an incredibly tough time, managing the responsibilities of raising your daughter and handling the financial burden on your own. After the birth of a child, it's normal for work and earnings to be affected, but the fact that your husband isn't supporting you financially—especially when it comes to your child’s needs—must be very frustrating.

The first step is to have a clear, calm conversation with him again. Sometimes, financial issues become a matter of miscommunication or a lack of understanding about the situation's seriousness. Make it clear how much pressure this is putting on you, both emotionally and financially. He needs to understand that raising a child is a joint responsibility, and financial support is a big part of that.

If direct communication doesn’t help, you may need to consider seeking outside support. Whether that’s through family, counseling, or legal advice, it’s important to know that you don’t have to bear all this weight alone. In some places, the law ensures that both parents are responsible for a child’s welfare, including financially. It might help to consult a family lawyer to understand your rights in this situation.

In the meantime, try to reach out to supportive friends or family members who might offer temporary emotional or financial help. You deserve to feel supported, and it’s not fair for everything to fall on your shoulders. Don’t hesitate to explore different avenues to get the help you need for both you and your daughter.

Remember, it's not just about your financial health, but also your emotional well-being and your daughter's future.

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Kanchan Rai  |349 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 06, 2024Hindi
Hi mam I'm 25F I was forced to marry a uncle who's age is 36 it has been only two weeks since the marriage over I don't want this relationship to continue is it possible to divorce him and I don't want to anything bad happen to my family what should I do
Ans: In many places, divorce is a legal option, even if the marriage is recent. The first step would be to consult with a lawyer who specializes in family law in your area. They can provide you with information on the legal process for divorce and what you need to do to protect yourself. It’s important to understand your rights and the implications of a divorce, especially in terms of any potential impact on your family.

Communicating your feelings to your family can also be crucial, but it’s important to approach this sensitively. Express your emotions honestly, letting them know how you feel about the marriage and your concerns about your happiness and future. They may not fully understand your perspective at first, but try to convey that this is about your well-being and not just a rejection of their choices.

If you feel safe doing so, consider having a conversation with your husband about your feelings. It may be challenging, but if he is understanding, it could lead to a mutual decision to part ways amicably.

Remember, it's important to prioritize your mental and emotional health. If you feel anxious or scared, reaching out to friends or a counselor can help you navigate these feelings and find support. You deserve a life where you feel empowered and in control of your choices, and taking these steps can help you move towards that goal.

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Kanchan Rai  |349 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 27, 2024Hindi
Hello Mam, My concern is about my love marriage. My parents are not ok with my inter caste marraige but I love the person since 9yrs. My partner is living near our house so all my family knows him well. Though he was not so rich at that time and he was working in his uncle's shop so my parents have a negative perspective regarding that. But now he is settled down he owe his house too. But still my parents are not ok with him. While asking to my parents there answer is he is not your type. My mother has a concern about my future that I will not be able to live happily with him. My mother use to tell me that he is having affairs with other gurls in past and if he does the same in future and torture or harass you then there will be nobody standing beside you as you have done love marriage. I am pretty much sure that he is not having any drastic past that my mother perhaps heard from anyone. But I don't understand how to convince and make her realise that. Simultaneously my partner has a worst habit of anger which is a big sign of disrespectful for which I am in a dilemma what to do. Kindly help me out that how can I make my partner understand and simultaneously my parents.
Ans: First, it’s important to acknowledge your parents' fears, as they often stem from a place of love and concern for your well-being. When discussing your relationship with them, try to have an open and honest conversation. Share your feelings and the strong bond you have with your partner. Highlight the positive changes he has made in his life and how committed he is to your future together. If you can, invite them to see your partner in a different light by arranging casual meetings or family gatherings. This may help alleviate some of their worries, as they can see firsthand the person you love.

However, you also need to reflect on the concerns your mother has raised regarding your partner’s past and anger issues. These are serious points that shouldn't be overlooked. It’s crucial to have a candid discussion with your partner about his temper. Express your feelings about how his anger affects you and your relationship. Ask him to be open about his past and to reassure you about his commitment to a healthy, respectful relationship moving forward. If he truly values your relationship, he should be willing to address this aspect of himself and work on it.

Consider suggesting couples counseling or anger management if he struggles to manage his emotions. This shows that you care about the relationship and want to build a future together. It’s important to feel secure in your relationship, especially when facing external pressures.

Balancing your parents’ concerns and your love for your partner can be challenging, but clear communication with both parties is key. Be honest with your parents about your feelings and be proactive in addressing their concerns with your partner. Ultimately, you deserve a partner who respects you and your family while being committed to your happiness. If you can find a way to navigate these conversations, it will help you build a stronger foundation for your future together.

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Kanchan Rai  |349 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 20, 2024Hindi
Hii mam, i am Dipankar I am in a relationship. But problem is my girlfriend's parents scold her for our relationship. But another problem is that his father wants to say that he is not reading and listening and abuses him. Because of this he is very angry now how can I calm him down??
Ans: First, it’s important to create a safe space for your girlfriend to express her feelings. Encourage her to talk about her frustrations and fears regarding her parents’ reactions to your relationship. Just listening to her and validating her feelings can provide some comfort. Let her know that it’s okay to feel upset and that you’re there to support her.

You might also want to discuss strategies for addressing her parents' concerns. It can be helpful for her to communicate openly with them about her feelings and the importance of your relationship in her life. She could try to express her emotions calmly and respectfully, explaining how their reactions affect her. If she feels comfortable, suggesting a calm family discussion could also be beneficial.

In terms of her father’s anger, it’s crucial to approach him with empathy. If he’s angry and upset, he may feel a sense of loss or fear regarding his daughter’s choices. Encouraging your girlfriend to understand her father's perspective might help her communicate with him more effectively. Suggest that she acknowledge his feelings and explain why her relationship is meaningful to her.

Additionally, if the situation escalates or becomes hostile, it might be worth considering involving a neutral party, such as a trusted family member or friend, who can mediate the conversation and help calm tensions.

Ultimately, patience and understanding are key. Relationships often face challenges, especially when parents disapprove. Supporting each other through this process will strengthen your bond and help you both navigate these difficult emotions together. Remember to prioritize each other’s well-being, and take care of yourselves during this challenging time.

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