My husband and I met through a matrimonial site in 2015. He send me request and called me over phone. At that time,I was doing as govt teacher job residing in an area which is 300 km away from my city. He met me at my rented house and proposed for marriage. He asked my age but I hesitated to tell my age as I was almost 40 years then. He told me that it would not matter if I would be older than him. He was also about to 4o then. I didnt tell my age age, as I wanted to get married, because I had my younger sister to marry. He was working in a different state that time. He sent his father to our home to fix marriage. His father asked my age but because of shame, I could not tell my real age. I told them Iwas 36. We were married in 2016 April. By that time my job was transferred to my ho.e city. So I was at my in laws home during 2016 and 2017. My inlaws i.e my father in law and my unmarried sister in law were never supportive to me. They always treated me as outsider. As my husband and me were livi g apart because of job we couldnot plan for baby. We both were pretty older to conceive naturally, so I contacted an ivf specialist. The doctor told that I have less chance to conceive naturally as my egg quality is not good. It was not impossible though. But since we were living apart, he suggested me to go for donor ivf. I was broken for a moment as I wont be able to give birth my own child. But I had to make my husband a father. So I went for do or egg ivf. In June 2018 a beautiful baby girl was born. I was very happy to get her. But pI noticed his father started to drink alot after her birth. He got tranfer of his job in 2019 and he took me from his ho.e to company quarter in home city in 2019 August. It was okay initially, but he drank a lot which I couldnot bear as l was from a totally non drinker family. He even said he could leave me but not drink. In 2020 hecame to know my real age from my matriculation certificate. He was seen upset, I apologise to him for not telling him my real age. I also told him about my and our family condition at that time. He cuddled me and said that he was not that kind of person. To be mentioned here, he is 6 month younger than me. But gradually his behaviour was changing, always treat badly at very very small things. In 2021 he again hot temporary transfer to a different place which is 500 km away from our homè. During this time he totally cut co tact with me. When I was having Corona and was hospitalized with my 3 years he didn't come to visit us. In 2022 January he was back home. He took my mother to stay with us. From March 2022 he started asking for mutual divorce. I was shocked. Since I didnot agree to that he filed a divorce case against me in 2023 August. Now It has been about one year, we are in concillation process. We are still living together. We are having physical also. Sometimes he becomes good but he always attend the concelling and says that he wants divorce for sure. I dont want divorce as my daughter loves him so much. I dont want to break the family, he is providing food, my daughter's school fees etc. I also do a job, so I dont need money from him. Only I wantvto stay as family.Is there any way to change his mind ? My job is contractual, so I dont have job security. He gets a handsome salary like 1.5 lacs per month with all medical and other facilities. Please suggest, how can I change his mindset or what may cause him to divorce me. I trust him. He also trusts me. He has mentioned only age criteria for divorce.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Any relationship that starts on a foundation of Lies is bound to go wrong. I am sure you had your reasons for hiding your real age.
Now, this has become a bone of contention between the two of you.
Also, staying apart has not really helped the two of you bond and the fact of not being able to go through the natural process of pregnancy which helps couple bond also eluded the two of you.
What does not make sense is why after the birth of the child, he has taken up to drinking. Did he see the whole process as a failure of marriage? Do go through the recommended number of counseling sessions and be sure to mention that you want the marriage.
But, its no use if your husband does not want the same. Allow the counselor to do their job and there's one thing that you can do. Genuinely apologize for hiding your real age. Maybe when he sees and feels your apology, he maybe willing to forget all about the lie. Genuine apology, please...
All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jul 12, 2024 | Answered on Jul 15, 2024
ListenIs age is so much important in marriage. Love, feelings nothing at all ? He wants to deprive his child from everything. I know which is bad for me that by daughter is not my biological daughter. He knows she is his biological daughter. Still he misbehaved with his daughter not me. My daughter is everything for me. She can leave her father but not me. She is very much attached to me. I have apologized to him from the very first time. But he takes the advantage of the situation. He wants to marry again so that he can have new family. There is no guarantee that he will treat the other wife nicely. Don't know what to do.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
No, Age is not so important in a marriage; but if it isn't, then why did you hide the fact of your real age? You have givem it that importance enough to hide it, yeah?
And any relationship based on lies or a hidden fact can cause damages...
The only way that I can see is work with the Counselor and appeal to your husband as well. Tell him that your child needs the love of both parents. Hear what he has to say...and yes, he is bound to bring up the age factor over and over again...it is something that he feels cheated with...so, respect it...Like I said, Apologize like you really mean it...
And oh, why are you so bothered about how he will treat other women in his life? Just focus on your life and your marriage...
All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jul 20, 2024 | Answered on Aug 14, 2024
ListenWhy should I wont bother about other woman, he treated me badly before he came to know my age. And I am only 6 months older than him remember. He is making it issue. You may be of same kind of mentality. I am a woman and I will always think for other woman. I can not allow a narcissist to ruin others life. People like you are so selfish that you say these phrase "focus on your own life." You are not in a position to suggest other. You are a selfish woman. Thank you for your useless suggestion.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I do understand the tone of anger that you hold, and empathize the situation that you are in.
But, if the questions to me were only to gain support for yourself and speak against your husband, sorry that did not happen for you.
This platform is not gender-biased and at no point will you find me favoring one gender over another. So, that disappointment is from your expectations alone. My job here on this platform is to offer perspectives and simply guide a person who can then make a decision. How I am in real life and what I do, is something only I know. What people choose to see in that may or may not be the same as me. And that's perfectly fine!
Thank you for responding and actually making me yet again realize how my I love what I do and that I am on the right path of guiding people to see how life can be beautiful when we rid ourselves of anger, sadness, disappointments and more. Be well and I truly hope that you can find your peace :)
All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/