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Seeking Advice: Torn Between Boyfriend and His Best Friend


Ravi Mittal  |298 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Sep 13, 2024

Ravi Mittal is an expert on dating and relationships.
He founded QuackQuack, an online dating platform, in 2010 with just two people. Today, it has over 20 million users in India.... more
Jia Question by Jia on Sep 11, 2024Hindi

6monsth back I started talking to one of my colleague, he is attractive by his nature. Almost everyone likes him. he is intelligent, funny, etc.... In calls he used to tell me about his family, his friends, his thoughts, also about the girl (Aliya) whom he liked a lot for 6years (they belong to same village), but she rejected and told that he is her friend only. He told her that he may get feelings for her if they both remained as friends, so better stop talking. But she insisted that they both need to be friends and continue talking. I felt like may be she needed emotional support that's why she insisted. After coming to Jaipur, Aliya started talking to another man named Jitesh. But my colleague used to feel like a third wheel and started keeping distance. Then also she told that they are just friends and he need not distant himself. She always wanted him to give her the first priority. He also feared that she might get upset if he don't give her 1st priority. They used to talk a lot on phone and share everything. One day he brought her to our bay where we both used to sit and work. that day I really felt like I was a third wheel. I felt very bad.. cried for few days. And decided not to talk to him from then on because I didn't want to cry anymore. But he kept trying to have a talk with me. One day he almost cried because I was ignoring him. I couldn't see him like that and also I felt guilt about my behaviour(my intention was not to hurt him but to save my tears). I couldn't help but starting talking to him. He used to mention to me whenever he used to talk to her. and everytime I used to feel very bad. We started talking a lot after few weeks. Whenever I didn't receive proper response from him I used to become very anxious waiting for his reply and cried a lot. But when he starts talking again I used to feel normal. I never wanted to get into relationships, so everytime I used to tell him directly or indirectly about it. But still he continued to talk to me. One day he called me and said that Aliya is in love with Jitesh. He said being a friend he is very happy for her but after sometime he also said that if you also love someone I will stop talking with you also. I understand that he is little sad that he cannot talk to Aliya as he used to talk before because she is in love with someone else. We continued to talk and kept talking a lot. One day I felt like I am too much emotionally getting connected to him and felt like these long talks need to stop. So I asked him saying that I didn't get clarity. Then he opened up and proposed me. I thought for a day and I felt he is also a good person and said yes to him. Then on he became my world. Then on he started talking little less with other girls. One day Aliya called him saying that Jitesh had an incident where everyone thought he was drowned but he came back safely. She needed emotional support and asked him to come to office. She also said she that one of her colleagues didn't bring lunch and she don't have enough food to give her so she asked my colleague to prepare some food and bring it to office. At first my colleague said no thinking of me but Aliya convinced him emotionally saying that will you leave friends if you get a girlfriend and so he prepared lunch and took it to office. That day when he told me all these I felt devastated, I felt really insecured and cried a lot that is our first fight regarding her. He told me that if you say no I will stop talking to her. She again called and asked my colleague that what was my reaction for all these... he kept silent she guessed what might have happened and told that I understand how she might have felt and will not ask him to bring food to office anytime. Then on fights started increasing between us regarding her. whenever we three had a conversation i felt like thirdwheel and felt he is showing more attention towards her, more care towards her. again a fight. Like that fights started increasing. At first he used to listen to me, but after some days he started saying like my thinking is wrong. I even told him how much I cried but he didn't bothered. I never wanted to break their friendship so I never wanted to ask him to stop talking(even though he gave me that option). I only wanted him to give me my importance but I still feel he shows equal care to both of us. Then how am I different? Later on in our every fight, he started supporting her this gave me more pain. One day he said If I leave her for you, then I may leave you for someone else, that is not my character( this is contrary to what he said previously 'I will stop talking to her if i don't want to'). I cried a lot, I don't have much friends I couldn't share this with anyone.... every moment he is only coming to my thoughts and whenever fights happen due to Aliya, I get disturbed a lot... unable to concentrate on my work... not getting interest to do anything. One day out of anger I said just stop talking to her then his expressions totally changed he became hesistant , he became very sad and said I need sometime and don't know how much( his expression is contrary to what he said 'It doesn't bother me much If I don't talk to Aliya' ). He is that much emotionally connected to her. After 5mins I pinged him saying that I am feeling very guilt about the decision and ask him not to stop talking to her. I understood finally that he still thinks I am wrong and I am tired of fighting. One day when I was very emotional I told him that I will no more bring Aliya topic in our discussion and asked him to do whatever he wants. After this, Whenever Aliya calls him or he call her he used to tell me... sometimes I felt very bad... sometimes I tried to ignore as if it didn't bothered me but didn't start any argument with him. After few days he even stopped telling me if she called him or not also. When he was not telling about Aliya's conversations I thought he understood my feelings and reduced talking with her. but one time accidently my colleague's friend told about the small conversation that my colleague and Aliya had, that's how I came to know that they had a conversation but he didn't tell me. I felt very bad, really very bad... again unable to concentrate on work feel like crying all the time... I can't ask him to stop talking to her because I don't like to do so and also afraid of having negative impression on me in my colleague's mind. at the same time, I feel very very bad whenever they meet or have a call or does something together. I cannot discuss with him about this anymore. what shall i do, this is bothering me a lot and also having effect on my career, peace and life. please suggest. I am ready to correct myself if there is anything wrong from my end. And I can surely say that If i have a boy bestfriend then he would definitely not feel comfortable and will get upset.

Ans: Dear Jia,

When two people enter a relationship, both must try to make each other feel comfortable. If you are uncomfortable with your partner speaking to his friend, who is also his ex-crush, it is perfectly normal for you to voice it. And reading your question I understood that he has repeatedly mentioned that he had feelings for her, and even wanted to sever ties because staying in touch could only further ignite those feelings. I don't see how you are wrong in letting him know that you don't like their interactions. Plus, in a healthy relationship, the partner comes first. Not friends, especially not this kind of friendship.

Just understand that you are not wrong. Even if his intentions are pure and he looks at her like a friend, you have every right to express your feelings. You made no unreasonable demand. She wasn't "just" a friend; she was always more than that, and being insecure about something like that is not uncommon.

The only thing to do right now is to tell your boyfriend that you understand that the friendship is important but you deserve someone who can pick you over everything- obviously, reasonable things. See what he does. And please remember, you actually deserve someone who would pick you. This is not an ultimatum; it's the truth.

Best Wishes.

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Ravi Mittal  |298 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jun 15, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 15, 2023Hindi
Hi I need some clarity. I have a colleague at work. We started off as good friends. Daily chats spending free time as much as possible. It was all good. Healthy flirting,friendly banters and being there for each other. He held my hand a little longer while shaking hands.A week ago,during one evening stroll, we shared a passionate kiss which i sort of visualized.and the next day after work,we got intimate. We spent a lot of time at his place. He took care of me a lot. That every thing was fine. I was also aware of the fact that he will get engrossed in his work since a review meeting of his department is next in line.I respect his work and wait for him for one text. No use. Its always me who is initiating the conversation. I know men feel different after sex. I understand. So i was waiting for him. But yesterday he did something,which made me burst into tears. He came in my department to meet our manager. While waiting,he complimented another female colleague for her lipstick colour. That to in front of me!Is it my overreacting or something else. Because it hurt me a lot! I was like "You are saying that you don't have time for me ,you are too busy in your work. But you got the time to notice the lip colour!" So i wanted to see further,i didn't call or text him,and as predicted he did not call or text me at all. I had hopes from him,he will be by my side. A good friend .a solace. I feel betrayed and i need some clarity for the next steps. I don’t know what to do next?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I understand you are feeling hurt and confused. Let me start by telling you something that you must already know- a relationship, be it any kind of relationship, is a two-way street. You cannot be the one initiating every conversation in a relationship. Second, any relationship that makes you feel unwanted and keeps you wondering what's going to happen next is not worth your time or effort. Free yourself of such unnecessary burdens.

You two were not exclusive or did not define your relationship at any point in time. At least that's what I understood from your question. Given this, technically he can flirt with others and he can stop wanting to spend time with you. But morally, should he be doing so? No. I'd suggest you spend less time thinking about him and more time taking care of yourself. You deserve better than being treated as discarded. If he decides to come back, you can be civil with him, but being friendly or flirty no longer seems like an ideal option, given how he is treating you now.

Best Wishes!

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Kanchan Rai  |331 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 04, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 04, 2023Hindi
Hi! I want to declutter my mind . Please help me. I am a working married women. One of married collegue in office started appreciating me and i took notice of him. Initially I felt it awkward but later I started enjoying the attention. It went in and I started feeling good. I started to give more time to myself to look good. Then that person is very handsome, and uses slangs that are not appropriate in office. I overlooked everything as he became my favorite. I even overlooked his mistakes. He started coming late , going early also. He helped me in my office work a lot. I felt very comfortable in his company. He was like work spouse for me. He became a habit for me. Than one day there came a situation, one should take responsibility for the wrong decision in office.it was his call and he could have avoided it being reported to my seniors as I helped him previously for same situation but he reported. I still had feelings for him. Now I felt bad. But it was ok. Than one or two times he accidentally touched me , It was not acceptable to me as if I am being taken for granted.i even don't know if it was intentional ... Some other junior also tried to outsmart me. Than I went to my senior and asked the solution for smooth Functioning in office and asked office to sensitize employees for appropriate behaviour. Now that person has for whom I still have crush , took it personally and stopped talking to me properly. Where was I wrong , also I took this step as reminder of sexual harrasment to avoid any further advancement of touching and all . The problem is I still like him and it's a void I am feeling and I feel I miss that happy vibe in office. Things are not normal. I am stressed ...I know I did nothing wrong. How to calm myself and stop longing for him when I see him everyday. I feel like I should talk to him to behave normally but can not do that. What should I do. I am ok when I don't see him but I feel bad when he is talking with others normally . he used to be coordinating with me for all office things but now he does not do that.he does with other. He used to wish me on festival.he stopped doing that too. I really feel bad. Please help me with my thought process.
Ans: It seems like you've been through a challenging situation at work, and it's completely normal to have mixed feelings and experience stress in such circumstances. It's important to address your feelings and find a way to navigate this situation in a healthy manner. Here are some steps you can consider:

Reflect on the situation: Take some time to reflect on your feelings and the events that have transpired. Consider why you started to enjoy the attention and what it meant to you. Understand that it's natural to develop feelings for someone when you spend a lot of time together.
Maintain professional boundaries: It's crucial to maintain professional boundaries at the workplace. While it's okay to have friendly relationships with colleagues, it's important not to cross the line into unprofessional behavior. Recognize the importance of professionalism and how it can impact your work environment.
Focus on self-improvement: Instead of seeking validation or attention from your coworker, channel your energy into self-improvement. Continue taking care of yourself and striving for personal and professional growth.
Seek support: Talk to a trusted friend or family member about your feelings and concerns. They can provide emotional support and an outside perspective on the situation. Venting to someone you trust can help relieve some of your stress.
Speak to a manager or HR: It's commendable that you took the step to approach your senior about the need for sensitivity in the workplace. Continue to communicate your concerns about inappropriate behavior, whether it's from your coworker or anyone else in the office, to your HR department or a higher-up. They should be able to address these issues appropriately.
Accept that people change: It's possible that your coworker's behavior changed after you raised the issue with your senior. People's actions can be influenced by various factors, and it's essential to accept that he might have his reasons for acting differently.
Create a support network: Build strong relationships with other colleagues who share your values and provide a positive work environment. This can help reduce the impact of missing the interactions with your previous work spouse.
Manage your expectations: Understand that things might not go back to the way they were before. Colleagues change, and your coworker may have chosen to distance himself for personal or professional reasons.
Focus on your well-being: Prioritize self-care, both physically and mentally. Engage in activities that make you happy and help reduce stress. A healthy work-life balance can greatly improve your overall mood and well-being.
Seek professional help if necessary: If your stress and emotional struggles persist, consider talking to a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and support for your emotional well-being.
Remember, it's important to prioritize your mental and emotional health. It may take time to adjust to the changes in your workplace dynamics, but with the right approach and support, you can find a way to navigate this situation and move forward positively.

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Milind Vadjikar  |150 Answers  |Ask -

Insurance, Stocks, MF, PF Expert - Answered on Sep 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 10, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 56 with a take home salary of about 5L per month and expect to retire in 4 years. I have about 1.2 cr in PF+PPF and 4 properties worth 2.5Cr. Cash in hand 40L and equity worth 25L. From Jan24, investing about 2L per month in MF + Shares + others and wish to continue to next 4 years. Daughter is working and likely to get married in next 2 years (anticipate a spend of 35L). Son will join MBBS in 2 years with expected fee of 30L per year. Have no loans and well covered for mediclaim and term insurance. Am i covered for the expenses? Please suggest ...
Ans: Hello;

Your PF+PPF balance you can keep untouched so it may grow into a corpus of 1.6 Cr(7.5% growth rate assumed) + regular contributions over 4 years, at the end of your work life.

At your age I recommend you to resist temptation of dealing in direct stocks or even pure equity mutual funds due to the very high risk of volatility.

I propose you to put 30 L(6 month pay coverage) as emergency fund in ICICI Pru Liquid fund(Best returns on 6M criteria)+ facility of instant redemption upto 50K & balance T+1 working day.

10 L balance from cash in hand + 25 L of stock holdings could be invested in Tata money market debt fund(best returns on 1 year criteria). Both these funds have moderate & low to moderate risk profile respectively. This will serve as your corpus for daughter's marriage and grow for 2 years in the meanwhile.

The 2L investment per month which you have began from Jan-24 is expected to go into MF sip+ direct stocks+ other.

For the other investment you are the best judge but here again I would humbly appeal to you to avoid equity MFs and direct stocks considering your age and high risks associated with these asset type direct exposure.

I propose you to invest in equity savings fund instead which are less riskier then pure equity funds and can yield decent return too. I recommend two funds in this category with best returns on 5 yr criteria & AUM above 1K Cr. Mirae Asset equity savings fund and Kotak equity savings fund.

A 2 L sip into these two funds for 4 years will yield a corpus of 1.16 Cr (Modest return of 9% considered). This will fully cover the cost of education for your son.

The best aspect of your financial planning which I admire and respect is No loans, well covered for mediclaim, term insurance and investment in real estate.

I have given my opinion, ultimately you are the best judge.

Feel free to revert in case of any query.

You may follow us on X at @mars_invest for updates

*Investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme related documents carefully before investing

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Dr Dipankar

Dr Dipankar Dutta  |609 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Sep 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 17, 2024Hindi
Sir I am btech - industrial biotechnology (4 years ) student. Now I'm in 3 rd year . My family financial situations didn't ain't me study msc or mtech or going abroad. So.. I'm planning to work hard for an year to get government job in my biotech field. However, biotech in india is just in it's initial stages . I didn't find good jobs in biotech industry for graduates and I even google many times about this concern. Could you please guide me ? What are best rated - government and private jobs in biotechnology field for biotech graduates ? I want each of jobs list If not any other alternatives ? What are the entrance exams I can appear for mtech pursuing at free of cost in India ? Is there any entrance exams to get a govt job in biotech field for graduates ? I'm bothered with many quests???????? I'm so... Worried about my career . Hope I'll get my answers from your team as soon as possible Thank you ????
Ans: Biotechnology graduates can apply for various positions in government organizations, research institutes, and labs. Below are some of the key government organizations where biotechnology graduates can find jobs:

Government Organizations:
Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
National Institute of Immunology (NII)
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL)
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) as technical assistants or lab technicians
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO)
Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
Public sector units (PSUs) like Bharat Immunologicals and Biologicals Corporation Limited (BIBCOL)

Key Entrance Exams:
GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering): Scores in the Biotechnology paper can help you get into prestigious institutes like IITs and NITs for M.Tech with scholarships.
DBT JRF BET: Provides a fellowship to pursue a PhD in biotechnology.
ICMR JRF: For research fellowship and PhD positions.
CSIR UGC NET: For lectureships and research in biotechnology.
JNU CEEB: For postgraduate programs in biotechnology across many universities in India.

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