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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4182 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 14, 2024Hindi

Hi, I have total asset of 1.83 Lakhs , Equity MF 1.20, Stocks 20, Ppf 25, PF 15 , Gold 3 lakhs , Equity Xirr 17% as on date , I am 40 want to retire immediately, my monthly expenses including all is 1.35 lakhs pm + LIC premium 1.50 Lakhs per anum , if i consider Inflation 7% and span of life 82 -84 years , I have no kids, have dependant aged parents, wife is not working, house wife , i have my parents house ,what's your input regarding current corpus ? Can i retire now? How can i survive till 82 - 84 years based on swp and without doing any job or source of income , Pls advice

Ans: it's a great step that you’re considering your retirement seriously. Given your current financial position, let's analyze whether retiring now is feasible and how you can sustain yourself till the age of 82-84.

Understanding Your Current Financial Position
First, let’s summarize your current assets and liabilities:

Total Assets: Rs 1.83 Lakhs
Equity Mutual Funds: Rs 1.20 Lakhs
Stocks: Rs 20 Lakhs
PPF: Rs 25 Lakhs
PF: Rs 15 Lakhs
Gold: Rs 3 Lakhs
Equity XIRR: 17%
Monthly Expenses: Rs 1.35 Lakhs

LIC Premium: Rs 1.50 Lakhs per annum

Analyzing the Feasibility of Immediate Retirement
Your Current Corpus:

Equity Mutual Funds: Rs 1.20 Lakhs
Stocks: Rs 20 Lakhs
PPF: Rs 25 Lakhs
PF: Rs 15 Lakhs
Gold: Rs 3 Lakhs
Total: Rs 64.20 Lakhs

Your monthly expenses of Rs 1.35 Lakhs translate to Rs 16.20 Lakhs annually. Adding the LIC premium, your total annual requirement is Rs 17.70 Lakhs.

Inflation Impact
Considering a 7% inflation rate, your expenses will increase significantly over time. For instance, if your current annual expenses are Rs 17.70 Lakhs, in 20 years, it will be around Rs 69.23 Lakhs annually due to inflation.

Assessing the Current Corpus
Given your current corpus, it seems challenging to sustain your lifestyle with the given expenses and inflation over the next 40-44 years without additional income.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
To manage your expenses, you can consider an SWP from your equity mutual funds and stocks. However, considering market volatility, relying solely on SWP may not be safe.

Creating a Balanced Portfolio
1. Diversify Investments:

Continue investing in equity mutual funds but also include some debt mutual funds for stability.
Increase investments in fixed-income securities like PPF, NSC, and other government-backed schemes.
2. Increase Fixed Income Investments:

Increase your investment in PPF as it offers stable returns and is tax-free.
Consider Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) when you reach the eligible age.
3. Gold Investments:

Consider Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB) for additional interest income on gold investments.
Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund that covers at least 6-12 months of your living expenses. This ensures you have a buffer for unexpected expenses without disrupting your investment strategy.

Health and Life Insurance
Ensure you have adequate health and life insurance. This protects your financial plan from unexpected medical expenses and ensures your family’s security.

Health Insurance:

Comprehensive coverage is necessary.
Family floater plans to cover your parents and spouse.
Life Insurance:

Ensure your term insurance covers your family’s needs.
Consider increasing your coverage if necessary.
Reviewing and Rebalancing
Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to stay aligned with your financial goals. Ensure your investments match your risk tolerance and financial needs.

Professional Financial Advice
Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can provide personalized advice. A CFP can help create a tailored retirement plan and offer regular monitoring and adjustments.

Income Generation Ideas
Given your high monthly expenses and the need for additional income, consider part-time work or freelance opportunities. This can supplement your income and reduce the pressure on your investments.

Final Insights
Retiring immediately with your current corpus seems challenging due to high monthly expenses and inflation impact. Diversify your investments, increase fixed-income securities, and consider generating additional income. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner for personalized advice is recommended.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

Asked on - Jun 23, 2024 | Answered on Jun 23, 2024
Thanks For your suggestions , but Equity MF is 1.20 Crores not lakhs , wrongly mentiones , so My total corpus is as on date is 1.83 Crores ,
Ans: Thank you for the correction. Let's reassess your situation with the accurate figures.

Updated Financial Position
Total Assets: Rs 1.83 Crores

Equity Mutual Funds: Rs 1.20 Crores
Stocks: Rs 20 Lakhs
PPF: Rs 25 Lakhs
PF: Rs 15 Lakhs
Gold: Rs 3 Lakhs
Monthly Expenses: Rs 1.35 Lakhs

Annual Expenses: Rs 16.20 Lakhs
LIC Premium: Rs 1.50 Lakhs per annum

Annual Financial Requirement
Total Annual Requirement: Rs 17.70 Lakhs (Expenses + LIC Premium)
Inflation Impact
Considering a 7% inflation rate, let's calculate how your expenses will grow over time:

Year 1: Rs 17.70 Lakhs
Year 10: Rs 34.80 Lakhs
Year 20: Rs 68.47 Lakhs
Year 30: Rs 134.83 Lakhs
Year 40: Rs 265.31 Lakhs
Retirement Feasibility
Current Corpus: Rs 1.83 Crores

Given your current expenses and inflation, sustaining your lifestyle for the next 42-44 years would require careful planning and investment strategy.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
To sustain your retirement, an SWP from your equity mutual funds and other investments can be an option. However, considering market volatility, you should not rely solely on this.

Strategy to Sustain Retirement
Diversify Investments:

Equity Mutual Funds: Continue investments, but rebalance periodically.
Debt Mutual Funds: Include for stability.
PPF: Stable returns, tax-free.
Gold: Consider Sovereign Gold Bonds for interest income.
Emergency Fund:

Maintain 6-12 months of living expenses.
Health and Life Insurance:

Health Insurance: Comprehensive coverage for you, your parents, and your spouse.
Life Insurance: Ensure adequate term insurance.
Review and Rebalance:

Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio.
Consult a CFP:

A Certified Financial Planner can help create a tailored retirement plan and offer regular monitoring and adjustments.
Additional Income Ideas
Given the high monthly expenses, consider generating additional income through:

Part-time work
Freelance opportunities
Final Insights
With a corpus of Rs 1.83 Crores, retiring immediately is feasible with careful financial planning and disciplined investment strategy. However, considering your high monthly expenses and the impact of inflation, it's essential to have a diversified portfolio, maintain an emergency fund, and possibly generate additional income.

Consulting a CFP for personalized advice and regular portfolio review is highly recommended to ensure your retirement plan stays on track.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4182 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 23, 2024Hindi
Hi I am 47 years old. Married but no kids . Me and my wife combined annual income is 70 lacs . We have our own house in gurgaon whose current value is aprox 6 cr . We dont have any kind of loan on us . Currently our savings are as follows 1.65 cr invested in lic jeevan shanti and jeevan akshay from which Currently we are earning 8 lacs / year and by 2028 it will increase to 14 lacs / year till whole life . We have invested in hdfc sanchay plus also , from their we will get 16 lacs / anum starting from 2029 till next 25 years . Joint Ppf corpus is currently 80 lacs , will continue to invest 3 lacs / year for next 15 years My wifes epf vpf current corpus is aprox 20 lacs , currently she is contributing 2.5 lacs / year in that and will continue to do so till next 10 years Emergency fund of 20 lacs in form of auto sweep fd in saving account Equity investment currently Nps tier 2 ( 100 % equity - 55lacs ) Miare asset small cap etf - 5 lacs Nippon nifty bees etf - 5 lacs Planning to invest 30 lacs / year for next 5- 7 years in above equity options . Our current yearly expenses are neary 18 / 20 lacs We have medical insurance cover of 30 lacs And a term insurance of 1.5 cr and 1 cr respectively Pls suggest that are we on right track for a comfortable retirement at around 55 years Considering life expectency of 80 years and inflation. What should be our SWP and from which investments ( as mentioned above ) and how much this withdrawal can be increased per year to adjust the inflation and maintain our current lifestyle. Also i would like to know that whether shifting all the corpus from tier 2 to tier 1 at the age of 59 will be a wise decision in my case as 60 % withdrawal at age 60 from tier 1 will be tax free which can be withdrawn thru swp . Balance 40 corpus amount will generate annuity which only will be taxable.
Ans: Comprehensive Retirement Planning Assessment

Analyzing Retirement Preparedness and Strategy

Your meticulous approach towards retirement planning is evident, with a diversified portfolio and a clear vision for the future. Let's delve into each aspect to ensure a comfortable retirement at around 55 years, considering life expectancy and inflation.

Assessing Current Financial Position

Your combined annual income of 70 lakhs, along with substantial investments and assets, positions you well for retirement. The absence of loans and a sizable emergency fund further strengthens your financial resilience.

Evaluating Investment Portfolio

Your investment portfolio comprises a mix of traditional and market-linked instruments, providing a balance between stability and growth potential. Additionally, your equity investments and continued contributions to PPF demonstrate a long-term wealth accumulation strategy.

Benefits of Regular Funds Investing through MFD with CFP Credential

Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) credential offers personalized guidance and comprehensive financial planning. An MFD can assist in optimizing your investment strategy and ensuring alignment with your retirement goals.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds

Direct funds require investors to conduct their own research and make investment decisions independently, which may not be suitable for all investors. Utilizing the expertise of an MFD with a CFP credential can help navigate market complexities and optimize returns.

SWP Strategy for Retirement Income

To ensure a comfortable retirement, calculate your desired annual expenses adjusted for inflation and determine the Sustainable Withdrawal Rate (SWR) from your investment corpus. Regularly review your portfolio performance and adjust SWP amounts accordingly.

Mitigating Tax Implications on Tier 1 Withdrawals

Shifting corpus from NPS Tier 2 to Tier 1 at age 59 can be a prudent decision, considering the tax benefits associated with Tier 1 withdrawals. Withdrawals up to 60% at age 60 are tax-free, while the remaining amount can generate taxable annuities.

Planning for Future Expenses and Contingencies

Anticipate future expenses such as healthcare costs and lifestyle enhancements in retirement planning. Ensure adequate medical insurance coverage and periodically reassess your insurance needs to mitigate unforeseen risks.


Your comprehensive retirement planning approach, coupled with disciplined savings and investments, positions you well for a comfortable retirement at around 55 years. Continuously monitor your portfolio performance, reassess your financial goals, and seek guidance from a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to navigate evolving financial landscapes effectively.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4182 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 07, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 24, 2024Hindi
Hi I am 47 years old. Married but no kids . Me and my wife combined annual income is 70 lacs . We have our own house in gurgaon whose current value is aprox 6 cr . We dont have any kind of loan on us . Currently our savings are as follows 1.65 cr invested in lic jeevan shanti and jeevan akshay from which Currently we are earning 8 lacs / year and by 2028 it will increase to 14 lacs / year till whole life . We have invested in hdfc sanchay plus also , from their we will get 16 lacs / anum starting from 2029 till next 25 years . Joint Ppf corpus is currently 80 lacs , will continue to invest 3 lacs / year for next 15 years My wifes epf vpf current corpus is aprox 20 lacs , currently she is contributing 2.5 lacs / year in that and will continue to do so till next 10 years Emergency fund of 20 lacs in form of auto sweep fd in saving account Equity investment currently Nps tier 2 ( 100 % equity - 55lacs ) Miare asset small cap etf - 5 lacs Nippon nifty bees etf - 5 lacs Planning to invest 30 lacs / year for next 5- 7 years in above equity options . Our current yearly expenses are neary 18 / 20 lacs We have medical insurance cover of 30 lacs And a term insurance of 1.5 cr and 1 cr respectively Pls suggest that are we on right track for a comfortable retirement at around 55 years Considering life expectency of 80 years and inflation. What should be our SWP and from which investments ( as mentioned above ) and how much this withdrawal can be increased per year to adjust the inflation and maintain our current lifestyle. Also i would like to know that whether shifting all the corpus from tier 2 to tier 1 at the age of 59 will be a wise decision in my case as 60 % withdrawal at age 60 from tier 1 will be tax free which can be withdrawn thru swp . Balance 40 corpus amount will generate annuity which only will be taxable.
Ans: It's evident that you've made significant strides towards securing a comfortable retirement, but let's delve deeper into your current financial position and future plans:
• Income and Assets: With a combined annual income of 70 lakhs and significant assets, including your house in Gurgaon and various investments, you're well-positioned for retirement.
• Investment Portfolio: Your investment portfolio appears diversified, with allocations to LIC policies, HDFC Sanchay Plus, PPF, EPF/VPF, equity investments, and plans for further equity investments.
• Retirement Planning: Based on your current savings, income, and investments, along with your planned contributions and expected returns, it seems you're on track for a comfortable retirement.
• SWP and Inflation Adjustments: To determine your SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan), consider factors such as your estimated lifespan, expected returns on investments, inflation rate, and desired annual income. Adjust your withdrawals annually to account for inflation and ensure your lifestyle is maintained.
• NPS Tier 2 to Tier 1 Transfer: Shifting your corpus from NPS Tier 2 to Tier 1 at age 59 could be beneficial, considering the tax benefits associated with withdrawals from Tier 1 after age 60. Assess the tax implications and consult with a financial advisor to make an informed decision.
• Insurance and Emergency Fund: Your medical insurance cover and term insurance policies provide essential protection. Ensure these coverages are periodically reviewed and adjusted as needed.
• Consult a Financial Advisor: Given the complexity of retirement planning and tax implications, consider consulting a Certified Financial Planner to optimize your retirement strategy, tax planning, and SWP calculations.
Overall, it appears that you've taken proactive steps towards a secure retirement. With careful monitoring, periodic adjustments, and professional guidance, you can continue on the path to achieving your retirement goals and maintaining your desired lifestyle.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4182 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 12, 2024Hindi
Hi, I have total asset of 4.75 crores including equity,ppf,pf,ssy,CIH,FD,gold, house (gold n house as pure investment), I am 48with 2 kids and want to retire immediately, my monthly expenses including all is 1 to 1.1 lacs pm, what's your input regarding current corpus it's already 35 times of yearly expenses Regards
Ans: Understanding Your Financial Position
At 48, you have built a substantial asset base of Rs 4.75 crores, which is commendable. Your assets include equity, PPF, PF, SSY, cash-in-hand (CIH), fixed deposits (FD), gold, and a house. Your monthly expenses range from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1.1 lakh, which is a manageable amount given your asset base. Let's assess whether your current corpus is sufficient for an immediate retirement and how you can ensure financial security for the long term.

Analyzing Your Current Corpus
Your corpus of Rs 4.75 crores is 35 times your yearly expenses, which is a strong position. This indicates a solid foundation for retirement. However, it's essential to break down your assets to understand their liquidity and growth potential.

Asset Allocation and Liquidity
Your assets are diversified, which is excellent. However, it's crucial to ensure you have enough liquidity for your monthly expenses and unexpected costs. Here's a closer look at your asset allocation:

Equity investments provide growth potential but come with market volatility. It's vital to have a portion in equity for long-term growth but balance it with stable investments.

Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Provident Fund (PF)
PPF and PF are stable, long-term investments with tax benefits. They offer steady returns but lack liquidity until maturity.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)
SSY is a great investment for your daughters' future needs. It offers good returns but is locked in until maturity.

Cash-in-Hand (CIH)
Keeping some cash-in-hand is necessary for immediate expenses. Ensure it's a small portion to avoid idle funds.

Fixed Deposits (FD)
FDs provide safety and regular interest income. However, they may not keep pace with inflation.

Gold is a good hedge against inflation. It offers liquidity and can be used as a safety net during financial downturns.

Real estate can appreciate over time but lacks liquidity. It's a long-term investment that shouldn't be relied on for immediate expenses.

Evaluating Your Monthly Expenses
Your monthly expenses of Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1.1 lakh are reasonable given your asset base. However, it's essential to plan for inflation, which will increase your expenses over time. Let's consider an average inflation rate of 5-6% per year and how it impacts your future financial needs.

Inflation Impact
Inflation reduces the purchasing power of your money. Over the next 20-30 years, your expenses will significantly increase. Planning for inflation ensures your corpus can sustain your lifestyle throughout retirement.

Creating a Sustainable Income Stream
Generating a steady income stream from your assets is crucial. Here's a strategy to ensure you have sufficient income to cover your expenses:

Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWP)
Setting up an SWP in mutual funds can provide regular income. It allows you to withdraw a fixed amount monthly while letting the remaining investment grow.

Dividend-Paying Stocks
Investing in dividend-paying stocks provides regular income along with the potential for capital appreciation. It helps balance growth and income needs.

Debt Instruments
Investing in debt instruments like bonds provides stable returns. They offer regular interest income and are less volatile than equity.

Maintaining an Emergency Fund
An emergency fund equivalent to at least six months of expenses is essential. It ensures you can cover unexpected costs without disrupting your investment strategy.

Tax Planning
Efficient tax planning enhances your returns. Utilize tax-efficient investment options like PPF, PF, and certain mutual funds. Understanding tax implications on your income sources helps optimize your returns.

Health Insurance and Life Insurance
Adequate health insurance is crucial to cover medical expenses. Ensure your policy offers comprehensive coverage for you and your family. Additionally, having life insurance provides financial security for your dependents.

Education and Marriage Planning for Your Children
Planning for your children's education and marriage is vital. Allocating specific investments for these goals ensures you can meet these expenses without impacting your retirement corpus.

Education Planning
Consider the rising cost of education. Investing in dedicated funds for your children's education ensures you have sufficient funds when needed.

Marriage Planning
Marriage expenses can be significant. Planning and investing early for these goals helps spread the cost over time and reduces financial strain.

Reviewing and Rebalancing Your Portfolio
Regularly reviewing and rebalancing your portfolio is essential. It ensures your investments align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Here's a step-by-step approach:

Annual Review
Conduct an annual review of your portfolio. Assess the performance of your investments and make adjustments as needed.

Rebalancing involves adjusting your asset allocation to maintain your desired risk level. It helps optimize returns and manage risk.

Long-Term Investment Strategy
A long-term investment strategy focuses on growth and stability. Here's a suggested approach:

Equity for Growth
Allocate a portion of your portfolio to equity for growth. It helps combat inflation and increases your corpus over time.

Debt for Stability
Invest in debt instruments for stability and regular income. It balances the volatility of equity investments.

Gold for Security
Keep a small portion in gold as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. It provides liquidity and safety.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Avoid common investment pitfalls to ensure financial security:

Over-Reliance on One Asset Class
Diversify your investments across different asset classes. It reduces risk and enhances returns.

Neglecting Inflation
Always factor in inflation when planning for the future. It ensures your investments can sustain your lifestyle.

Lack of Liquidity
Maintain sufficient liquidity to cover immediate expenses and emergencies. It prevents the need to liquidate long-term investments.

The Importance of Professional Guidance
Consulting a Certified Financial Planner provides valuable insights. Their expertise helps navigate complex financial decisions and optimize your investment strategy. Regular consultations ensure your financial plan remains on track.

Stress Management and Mental Wellbeing
Quitting your job due to work pressure highlights the need for stress management and mental wellbeing. Consider exploring ways to manage stress, such as taking a sabbatical, seeking professional help, or finding a less stressful job within your field.

Potential Alternative Income Sources
Exploring alternative income sources can provide additional financial security. Freelancing, consulting, or part-time work in your field can generate income while allowing for a better work-life balance. This reduces the pressure on your investments to cover all expenses.

Financial Independence and Early Retirement
Achieving financial independence and retiring early (FIRE) requires careful planning. Ensuring your investments can generate enough income to cover your expenses for 30 years is challenging but achievable with the right strategy. Regularly reassess your financial plan to adapt to changing circumstances.

Importance of Lifestyle Adjustments
Consider potential lifestyle adjustments to reduce expenses. Simple changes like cutting unnecessary costs and adopting a frugal lifestyle can significantly extend the longevity of your investments. Balancing enjoyment and financial prudence is key.

Family and Dependents
If you have family or dependents, their needs should be factored into your financial plan. Education, healthcare, and other expenses should be accounted for to ensure their well-being is not compromised.

Estate Planning
Estate planning is crucial for ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Creating a will, setting up trusts, and nominating beneficiaries for your investments are important steps. This provides peace of mind and clarity for your loved ones.

Final Insights
You have done an excellent job building a robust asset base. With careful planning and strategic investments, you can retire comfortably. Balancing equity, debt, and liquid assets ensures growth and stability. Regular reviews and professional guidance keep your plan on track. Your financial journey is impressive, and with these steps, you can enjoy a secure and fulfilling retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |1150 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Sree man ji hamara putr fittgee basant Kunj Delhi me coching le rha hai 2025 me jee mains exam hai October 2024 me fiitjee bale class band kar dete h uske bad wo kaise tayari kar sakte h abhi wo 300 me 210-15 number late ten me 98 percent number unka tha IIT Mumbai Delhi me cs branch lene k liye kya krna hoga margdarshan kre bari kripa hogi
Ans: Navin Sir, I have understood what you have asked in HINDI. Please ask your SON TO READ my this answer carefully. (1) He should change the Coaching Center Class from FITJEE to ALLEN Coaching Center. (1) Whenever you study at home, study for 45-minutes. Then take a break of 10-minutes when you can move away from your study table, walk, have some water & relax. If you continue studying beyond 45-minutes, your concentration power will go down, resulting to low output. Most students commit this mistake. (2) On daily basis (morning or evening whichever will be convenient to you), do yoga or meditation or physical exercises or play any games / sports for at least 30-45 minutes. This will further reduce your stress / distractions. (3) Study tough topics / tough subjects (applicable to you) early morning with your fresh mind. (4) Eat a lot of green vegetables / fruits which you can afford for & Avoid soft drinks (5) Every day night, before going to bed, revise whatever you have studied during the day. (6) Also, revise every week whatever you have covered till date (here your short-notes which you should prepare will be helpful). (7) Keep practising questions on topics which you have covered either offline or online (8) Give utmost importance to wrongly answered / difficult / complicated / tough questions and have a separate note-book specially for this for each subject (PCM) (8) You might be aware that JEE rank is allotted on the basis of highest score in Maths, followed by Physics & Chemistry. Practice more and more in Maths, till you reach Speed & Accuracy (9) By the end of 9th/10th/11th/12th standard (December-January), attempt fully syllabus online test series, evaluate and analyse your performance such as, (a) which topic / unit / concept you are weak which needs your revision and improvement as this will disturb you when you appear in actual JEE exam (b) abnormal time taken to attempt any question which you can come to know from Online Test Series which you should reduce (c) which questions you skipped and why? (10) Please AVOID studying under pressure that you should get admission only into IITs/ NITs. Never advisable. Any one can be successful, even if he / she studies in NON-IIT / NON-NIT Colleges also. (11) Have Plan B & Plan C for other Colleges Entrance Exams / Disciplines-Streams. (11) Avoid comparing yourself with other students. (12) Also, it is highly ideal to appear in / attempt minimum 5-Entrance Exams (for both Govt & Private Engineering Colleges). You will have a lot of options (easiest method) to choose the best and most suitable one, keeping in view a lot of factors such as, College | Location | Your Interest | Stream Preference | Placement Records | College Culture | Your Short & Long Term Goals | Pressure You Can Go Through | Your AIR & Job Market Condition when you apply for your BTech & Even after. I hope I have answered to your question with value additions. All the BEST for your Bright Future.

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