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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4357 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 06, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Aashish Question by Aashish on Jun 02, 2024Hindi

I started investing in Mutual Fund from 2017 with an amount of ?20,000 (Nippon Small Cap - 5000, SBI Small Cap - 5000, Axis Bluechip Fund - 5000, Axis Ling Term Equity - 5000. I added Rs 20,000 from 2023 - (Quant Small Cap - 5000, Quant Infra Fund - 5000, Aditya Birla PSU - 5000, Quant Mid Cap - 5000). My plan duration for investment is next 15 years. Am I on right track for accumulating a big corpus by 2038. Currently I am 41 years of age.

Ans: Investing in mutual funds is a commendable step towards securing your financial future. Given your current age of 41, you have a significant time horizon to build a substantial corpus by 2038. Let's analyze your investment strategy in detail and provide insights into whether you are on the right track.

Understanding Your Investment Portfolio
You began investing in mutual funds in 2017 with Rs 20,000, distributed among small cap, bluechip, and long-term equity funds. In 2023, you added another Rs 20,000 to your investment, focusing on small cap, infrastructure, PSU, and mid cap funds. Your total monthly investment now stands at Rs 40,000.

Investments from 2017
Rs 5,000 in a small cap fund
Rs 5,000 in another small cap fund
Rs 5,000 in a bluechip fund
Rs 5,000 in a long-term equity fund
Investments from 2023
Rs 5,000 in a small cap fund
Rs 5,000 in an infrastructure fund
Rs 5,000 in a PSU fund
Rs 5,000 in a mid cap fund
Your investment horizon is 15 years, aiming to build a significant corpus by 2038. Let's evaluate your portfolio.

Portfolio Diversification and Risk
Small Cap Funds
You have significant exposure to small cap funds, which can yield high returns but come with higher risk. Small cap funds are more volatile but can outperform large cap funds in a bull market. Diversifying within this category helps manage risk, but it's essential to balance this with more stable investments.

Bluechip Funds
Investing in bluechip funds provides stability. These funds invest in large, well-established companies with a track record of steady performance. Bluechip funds are less volatile and provide consistent returns, balancing the high risk of small cap funds.

Long-term Equity Funds
Long-term equity funds, often linked to tax-saving instruments like ELSS, have a lock-in period but offer tax benefits. These funds can also deliver substantial returns over a long period, complementing your investment strategy.

Infrastructure and PSU Funds
Adding infrastructure and PSU funds diversifies your portfolio across different sectors. Infrastructure funds invest in companies involved in infrastructure projects, which can benefit from economic growth and government spending. PSU funds invest in public sector undertakings, offering potential for steady returns and dividends.

Mid Cap Funds
Mid cap funds invest in medium-sized companies, offering a balance between the high growth potential of small caps and the stability of large caps. These funds can provide robust returns with moderate risk.

Evaluating Your Investment Strategy
Time Horizon
With a 15-year investment horizon, you have the advantage of compounding returns. Long-term investments in equity funds can outperform other asset classes. Staying invested for the long term helps ride out market volatility and maximize returns.

Your portfolio is well-diversified across different types of funds and sectors. This diversification helps manage risk and captures growth opportunities across various segments of the market. However, consider the overall risk level due to the high exposure to small cap funds.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Investing through SIPs helps in averaging out the purchase cost over time, reducing the impact of market volatility. SIPs also instill disciplined investing, ensuring regular investments without market timing.

Assessing Portfolio Performance
Historical Returns
Evaluate the historical performance of your funds. Compare their returns with benchmark indices and peers. Consistently performing funds are likely to continue delivering good returns. However, past performance is not indicative of future results, so consider other factors as well.

Fund Management
The experience and track record of fund managers play a crucial role in the performance of mutual funds. Funds managed by experienced managers with a proven track record are more likely to perform well.

Expense Ratio
The expense ratio impacts your returns. Lower expense ratios mean higher returns for investors. Compare the expense ratios of your funds with industry standards.

Future Strategy and Adjustments
Regular Review
Regularly review your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your financial goals. Market conditions and fund performance can change, requiring adjustments to your strategy.

Rebalance your portfolio periodically to maintain the desired asset allocation. If one type of fund performs exceptionally well, it might skew your allocation, increasing risk. Rebalancing ensures your portfolio remains aligned with your risk tolerance and goals.

Adding More Funds
Consider adding more funds to diversify further. Explore funds in other categories like balanced funds, international funds, or sector-specific funds. This can enhance diversification and capture opportunities in different market segments.

Understanding Risks and Mitigation
Market Risk
Equity investments are subject to market risk. Diversification helps manage this risk, but market downturns can impact your returns. Staying invested for the long term helps mitigate this risk.

Liquidity Risk
Certain funds, especially those in niche sectors or with a smaller asset base, can have liquidity issues. Ensure a part of your portfolio remains in highly liquid funds.

Credit Risk
Debt components of funds, if any, carry credit risk. Ensure the funds invest in high-quality securities to minimize this risk.

Inflation Risk
Over the long term, inflation can erode the value of your returns. Equity investments generally outpace inflation, making them suitable for long-term goals.

Tax Efficiency
Tax Benefits
Long-term equity investments enjoy favorable tax treatment. Long-term capital gains (LTCG) from equity funds are taxed at a lower rate compared to other asset classes.

Tax-saving Instruments
If you are investing in tax-saving mutual funds (ELSS), you get additional tax benefits under Section 80C. This reduces your taxable income and enhances post-tax returns.

Building a Corpus for 2038
Projecting Returns
Assuming an average annual return of 12%, your investment of Rs 40,000 per month could grow substantially over 15 years. Compounding plays a crucial role in building a large corpus.

Setting Goals
Define your financial goals clearly. Whether it's retirement, children's education, or buying a home, having clear goals helps tailor your investment strategy.

Monitoring Progress
Track the progress of your investments towards your goals. Regular monitoring ensures you stay on track and make necessary adjustments.

Seeking Professional Advice
Certified Financial Planner
A Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized advice based on your financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. Professional guidance ensures your investment strategy remains robust and aligned with your objectives.

You are on a promising path towards accumulating a significant corpus by 2038. Your diversified portfolio, long-term investment horizon, and disciplined investing approach through SIPs set a strong foundation. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio, consider adding more funds for further diversification, and stay informed about market trends and fund performance.

By maintaining a strategic approach and seeking professional advice when needed, you can achieve your financial goals and secure a prosperous future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Omkeshwar Singh  | Answer  |Ask -

Head, Rank MF - Answered on Sep 15, 2022

I am 38 years old; I need your advice on how much corpus can be made with the following investments after 20 years; also please advise whether I need to stop/switch/step up any of the following mutual fund investments for next 20 years, below is my investment portfolio: 1. PPF every month 12500 (started on Apr 2017) 2. Sukankya Samriddhi Yojana every month 12500 (started on May 2018 but for FY 2018-19 only Rs 20000 was deposited, after that from Apr 2019 onwards, Rs 12500 is deposited every month)...this is for my 4 year old daughter 3. Mutual funds (Started in Nov 2019): Rs 20000 SIP monthly, following 10 funds: Rs 2000 each 3.1 Axis Bluechip Fund -Regular Plan - Growth, total amount invested so far RS 29000 3.2 Canara Robeco Blue Chip Equity Fund, total amount invested so far RS 29000 3.3 MIRAE ASSET EMERGING BLUECHIP REGULAR GROWTH, total amount invested so far RS 24000 3.4 HDFC Multi Cap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option, total amount invested so far RS 24000 3.5 HDFC Developed World Indexes Fund of Funds - Regular Plan - Growth Option, total amount invested so far RS 24000 3.6 ICICI Prudential NASDAQ 100 Index Fund - Growth, total amount invested so far RS 24000 3.7 L&T INFRASTRUCTURE FUND, total amount invested so far RS 29000 3.8 PARAG PARIKH FLEXI CAP FUND -REGULAR PLAN, total amount invested so far RS 29000 3.9 UTI NIFTY 50 INDEX FUND-REGULAR PLAN-GROWTH, total amount invested so far RS 24000 3.10 TATA DIGITAL INDIA FUND-REGULAR PLAN-GROWTH, total amount invested so far RS 24000 4. HDFC Life click 2 wealth Investment Rs 5000 monthly with discovery fund for 10 years (started in Nov 2019), total amount invested so far RS 45000
Ans: There sufficient diversification as far as asset allocation is considered.

In mutual funds the schemes are also fine, but too many!

The corpus that will get created by mutual funds in 20 years with monthly Investment of Rs 20000 is Rs 2.6 crore.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4357 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 24, 2024Hindi
I have a corpus of 57 Lakhs till now and invest Rs 30000 per month in Mutual Funds which are basically mid cap funds and over a period of 5 years how much can I expect to accumulate and do I need to do any course correction
Ans: With your current corpus of 57 Lakhs and a monthly investment of Rs 30,000 in mid-cap mutual funds, let's explore your potential accumulation over the next 5 years and whether any course corrections are necessary:

Expected Accumulation in 5 Years:
Given your monthly investment of Rs 30,000 and assuming an average annual return of X%, your corpus after 5 years can be estimated.
The final amount will depend on various factors including the performance of the mid-cap funds, market conditions, and your investment strategy.
Course Correction Analysis:
Assess the performance of your mid-cap funds over the past few years to determine if they have met your expectations and investment objectives.
Consider factors such as fund performance relative to benchmarks, consistency, volatility, and expense ratios.
Evaluate your risk tolerance and investment horizon to ensure alignment with your chosen mid-cap funds.
Review the diversification of your mutual fund portfolio to mitigate risk and optimize returns.
Explore the possibility of rebalancing your portfolio or exploring other investment options based on changes in your financial goals, market conditions, or personal circumstances.
Professional Guidance:
Consult with a certified financial planner or investment advisor to conduct a comprehensive review of your investment portfolio.
Seek personalized advice tailored to your financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance.
Consider enrolling in financial literacy courses or workshops to enhance your knowledge and skills in investment management and financial planning.
Regular Monitoring:
Stay proactive in monitoring the performance of your mutual fund investments and staying abreast of market trends and developments.
Review your investment strategy periodically and make adjustments as needed to stay on track towards your financial goals.
By evaluating your current investment approach, seeking professional guidance, and staying informed about market dynamics, you can make informed decisions and optimize your wealth accumulation over the next 5 years.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4357 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 16, 2024

Hello I am currently investing of around 13500 in mutual fund through sips 2500 in quant small cap, 2300 in Nippon India small cap , 1500 in kotak fof, 4200 in ICICI all seasons bond fund and 3000 in parag Parikh flexi too. My age is 24 i started last year in April and have accumulated a corpus of 180000, am I on the right path ?
Ans: Assessment of Your Investment Portfolio at 24

Congratulations on kickstarting your investment journey at such a young age! It's impressive that you've already built up a corpus of ?180,000 within just over a year. Let's delve into an evaluation of your current investment portfolio to ensure you're on the right path.

Diversification Evaluation

Diversification is like having a variety of dishes at a buffet, ensuring you have options even if one dish doesn't taste as good. Your portfolio seems to encompass a mix of equity and debt funds, which is a good start towards diversification.

Starting your investment journey at 24 reflects your proactive approach towards securing your financial future. Kudos to your financial prudence at such a young age!

It's commendable that you're seeking guidance to ensure your investments align with your long-term financial goals. It's perfectly normal to have doubts, especially when you're relatively new to investing.

Risk Assessment

At 24, you have time on your side, which means you can afford to take on more risk for potentially higher returns. Small-cap funds like Quant Small Cap and Nippon India Small Cap tend to be more volatile but offer the potential for significant growth over the long term.

Evaluation: While these funds can be rewarding, they also come with higher volatility and risk. It's crucial to ensure that your risk appetite aligns with the volatility of these investments.

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is like baking a cake - you need the right ingredients in the right proportions for the perfect outcome. Your allocation seems skewed towards equity with only one debt fund, ICICI All Seasons Bond Fund.

Assessment: Since you're young, a higher allocation to equity is generally recommended for wealth accumulation over the long term. However, it's essential to periodically rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.

Regular Monitoring

Just like watering a plant, regular monitoring and adjustments are necessary for your investment portfolio to thrive. Keep track of market trends, fund performance, and your financial goals to make informed decisions.

Evaluation: As you progress in your career and your financial goals evolve, consider reviewing and adjusting your investment strategy accordingly. Regular reviews with a Certified Financial Planner can provide valuable insights and ensure your investments stay aligned with your objectives.

Final Verdict

Overall, you've made a commendable start to your investment journey. However, to ensure you're on the right path, consider the following:

Regularly assess your risk tolerance and adjust your portfolio accordingly.
Keep an eye on the performance of your funds and make changes if necessary.
Continuously educate yourself about investing to make informed decisions.
Consider seeking professional advice from a Certified Financial Planner for personalized guidance.
Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Latest Questions

Dev Ashish  |48 Answers  |Ask -

MF Expert, Financial Planner - Answered on Jul 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 08, 2024Hindi
I am 28 years old unmarried currently holding salary of 64000 & investing 2000 in less & 500 in small cap fund..How much more investment required to secure future and generate a corpus of 4cr till 2044
Ans: For a target of Rs 4 Crore in the next 20 years, you need to invest about Rs 30-38,000 monthly assuming average returns of 10-12% per annum and that you will be able to increase your monthly investments by at least 5% each year in line with income/salary growth.

So given that you are investing about Rs 2500 in mutual funds each month right now, you will have to significantly increase this monthly contribution amount if you want to reach your target corpus.

We don't have information about your risk appetite. But assuming that it is at least moderately aggressive, then, you can start investing in a combination of largecap index funds, flexicap/large&midcap funds, midcap funds, etc.

Dev Ashish,
SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (Fee-Only RIA)
Founder, StableInvestor.com
Twitter (@Stableinvestor)

Note (Disclaimer) - As a SEBI RIA, I cannot comment on specific schemes/funds that are provided or asked for in the questions in the platform. The views expressed above should not be considered professional investment advice or advertisement or otherwise. No specific product/service recommendations have been made and the answers here are for general educational purposes only. The readers are requested to take into consideration all the risk factors including their financial condition, suitability to risk-return profile and the like and take professional investment advice before investing.

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Dev Ashish  |48 Answers  |Ask -

MF Expert, Financial Planner - Answered on Jul 08, 2024

Hello Sir, My aim to generate 25L in next 5 years thru Mutual funds and have started 5 SIP of 3000 each in these fund , 1. 1. Axis Bluechip Fund (Direct Growth), 2. Nippon India Large Cap (Direct Growth), 3. HDFC Small Cap (Direct Growth), 4. Parag Parikh Flexi Cap (Direct Growth), 5. Canara Robecco ELSS tax saver (Direct Growth). Please advise whether this funds are enough to generate the required corpes or I need to invest more.
Ans: For a target of Rs 25 lakh in the next 5 years, you need to invest about Rs 25-31,000 monthly assuming average returns of 10-12% per annum.

Right now you are doing Rs 15,000 monthly across 5 funds (with 3K SIP). So unless the returns generated by your funds are a lot more than that, it will be difficult to reach the target amount.

So you should try and invest as close as possible to the calculated amount of Rs 25-31,000 monthly. And assuming a reasonable salary growth and controlled expenses, you should try to increase the monthly investments each year in line with your income growth.

Dev Ashish,
SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (Fee-Only RIA)
Founder, StableInvestor.com
Twitter (@Stableinvestor)

Note (Disclaimer) - As a SEBI RIA, I cannot comment on specific schemes/funds that are provided or asked for in the questions in the platform. The views expressed above should not be considered professional investment advice or advertisement or otherwise. No specific product/service recommendations have been made and the answers here are for general educational purposes only. The readers are requested to take into consideration all the risk factors including their financial condition, suitability to risk-return profile and the like and take professional investment advice before investing.

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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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