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Should I stay with my home loan at ICICI HFC or switch to a personal loan?


Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6333 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Aug 13, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Anonymous Question by Anonymous on Jul 29, 2024Hindi

Dear Sir, i had taken a loan of 26 Lakhs from ICICI HFC, the current rate of interest is 13.45 %, the current Principial balance is 17 Lakhs and recently checked whether they can reduce the interest to 10.35 % and which they are checking, I was also thinking to get a personal loan and close this and personal loan rate of interest is 10.75%. Request you to kindly whether i should stay with ICICI and reduce the tenure of loan by reducing the interest or should go for Personal loan so that I can have my land documents back with me.

Ans: It's better to stay with ICICI and negotiate the interest rate down to 10.35% rather than taking a personal loan. The reduced rate will lower your EMI and interest costs without the added burden of a new personal loan. Additionally, this approach helps you keep your land documents as collateral, which is typically safer than unsecured personal loans.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6333 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 27, 2024

Hello Sir, I have taken a home loan from HDFC. Now only 27 EMI are to be paid. My current rate of interest is 8.55%. Yesterday, I received an email from HDFC saying that I can opt for a fixed rate of interest for the remaining tenure. They have not given that fixed rate of interest in the email. My question is that should I opt for the offer? Can you please suggest if it would be beneficial for me or not? Thanks in advance for your advice. - Satish
Ans: Satish, it's great that you're considering your options carefully when it comes to your home loan. Opting for a fixed interest rate can offer stability and predictability in your monthly payments, which can be comforting, especially as you near the end of your loan tenure.

However, before making a decision, it's important to weigh the pros and cons. Consider factors such as the current interest rate environment, your financial situation, and any potential future changes in interest rates. While a fixed rate can shield you from fluctuations in interest rates, it may also mean missing out on potential savings if interest rates decrease in the future.

As a Certified Financial Planner would advise, evaluate the terms of the fixed interest rate offer from HDFC, including the rate itself and any associated fees or conditions. Compare it with your current variable interest rate to determine if the switch would be beneficial for you in the long run. Remember, every financial decision is unique, so take your time to make an informed choice that aligns with your goals and circumstances.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6333 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 12, 2024

Hello Sir, I have taken a home loan from HDFC. Now only 27 EMI are to be paid. My current rate of interest is 8.55%. Yesterday, I received an email from HDFC saying that I can opt for a fixed rate of interest for the remaining tenure. They have not given that fixed rate of interest in the email. My question is that should I opt for the offer? Can you please suggest if it would be beneficial for me or not? Thanks in advance for your advice. - Satish
Ans: Hello Satish,

It's great that you're considering your options regarding your home loan. Opting for a fixed interest rate can provide stability and predictability to your monthly payments, but it's essential to evaluate whether it's the right choice for you. Here are some factors to consider:

Fixed vs. Floating Rate: Compare the current floating rate of interest (8.55%) with the fixed rate offered by HDFC. If the fixed rate is lower than your current floating rate, it could potentially save you money over the remaining tenure of your loan.

Future Interest Rate Trends: Assess the prevailing economic conditions and interest rate outlook. If there's a possibility of interest rates rising in the future, locking in a fixed rate now could protect you from potential increases in your monthly payments.

Your Financial Situation: Consider your financial stability and ability to afford potential fluctuations in your monthly payments. Fixed-rate loans offer certainty, but they may have slightly higher initial EMIs compared to floating-rate loans.

Loan Duration: Since you have only 27 EMIs remaining, the impact of interest rate fluctuations may be limited. Evaluate whether the potential savings from switching to a fixed rate justify any associated costs or changes in your monthly budget.

Terms and Conditions: Review the terms and conditions of the fixed-rate offer carefully. Understand any associated fees, penalties, or restrictions that may apply.

Ultimately, the decision to opt for a fixed interest rate depends on your individual preferences, risk tolerance, and financial goals. If you prioritize stability and prefer knowing exactly what your monthly payments will be, opting for a fixed rate may offer peace of mind.

Before making a decision, I recommend reaching out to HDFC to request the specific fixed interest rate offered and to clarify any doubts or concerns you may have. Additionally, consider consulting with a financial advisor or mortgage expert who can provide personalized advice based on your situation.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6333 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 13, 2024Hindi
My age is 30+. My salary is 28k, I have 2 lic premium of 1k and 4k p/m. I have bought a land worth total 8.5lac taking personal loan @13% for 6 years of 7.5lac and borrowing 1lac from a relative. I have also a loan of 80k loan giving interest 2% monthly. I give 1k to my father for pocket money. Now the situation is I have to let go either land or lic. What should I do??
Ans: I understand your situation, and it's essential to make wise decisions considering your financial well-being. At 30+, you're at a crucial stage in your life where financial planning is paramount.

Firstly, let's assess the options. Both the land investment and LIC premiums have financial implications. Given your current financial commitments and borrowing, it's crucial to prioritize.

Land investment can be lucrative in the long term, but it requires significant upfront investment and carries risk, especially with a personal loan at 13% interest. It's essential to evaluate whether the potential returns outweigh the loan burden and associated costs.

On the other hand, LIC premiums offer financial security and protection for you and your family. However, the combined monthly premiums of 5k might strain your budget, especially considering your salary and existing loans.

Considering your financial situation, it might be prudent to prioritize financial stability and reduce unnecessary financial burdens. Given the high-interest personal loan for the land purchase and the substantial LIC premiums, it might be advisable to let go of the land investment.

By focusing on repaying the personal loan and reducing LIC premiums, you can alleviate financial stress and work towards building a more stable financial foundation. Additionally, consider discussing your situation with a Certified Financial Planner for personalized advice tailored to your goals and circumstances.

Remember, financial decisions should align with your long-term financial goals and risk tolerance. Stay proactive in managing your finances and seek professional guidance when needed.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6333 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 12, 2024Hindi
Short term financial advise needed.. I have a under construction home loan of 1.2 cr with an emi of 71k but in coming 6 months it will go to 1 lakh .... I have 5 lakhs liquid cash with me right now... I have a personal loan of 20 lakhs with 1 yr completion and outstanding principal as 17 lakhs...emi years 4 years remained.. Monthly emi 42k deduced for personal loan.. I have gold loan of 6 lacs yearly am paying interest as 54k .. Next year around mid June I need 10 lacs for home loan registration amount.. My question is , Should I use 5 lacs to do part payment of personal loan or clear gold loan with interest of 6.5 lacs ? Gold loan I am current don't have 1.5 lacs with me to clear completely.. Personal loan part payment I have 25 percent 4.2 lacs ... Should I reduce the burden of monthly emi of 42k personal loan to 32k decreasing 10k per month.. My worry is that next year I need 10 lacs .. I have option to withdraw some amount from my stocks portifolia for 10 lacs if needed in worst case . But I don't want to disturb stocks untill stocks has huge profit then only I plan to withdraw it .. Please suggest me should I keep 5 lacs in some liquid debt fund or use that to clear personal loan or use that to reduce gold loan ? Am confused ?
Ans: Understanding Your Current Financial Situation
Let's break down your current financial scenario.

You have three main liabilities:

Under Construction Home Loan: Rs 1.2 crore with an EMI of Rs 71,000, which will increase to Rs 1 lakh in six months.

Personal Loan: Rs 20 lakhs outstanding, with a current balance of Rs 17 lakhs. EMI of Rs 42,000 for the next four years.

Gold Loan: Rs 6 lakhs, with an annual interest of Rs 54,000.

You have Rs 5 lakhs in liquid cash and will need Rs 10 lakhs for home loan registration next year.

Your main goal is to manage your liabilities effectively without disturbing your stock portfolio.

Evaluating Your Options
You have two primary options for using your Rs 5 lakhs:

Partial Payment of Personal Loan
Clearing Gold Loan
Let's evaluate both options.

Partial Payment of Personal Loan
Using Rs 5 lakhs to partially pay off your personal loan will reduce the outstanding principal. This can reduce your monthly EMI, easing your cash flow. Here are some benefits:

Reduced Monthly EMI: Lowering your EMI from Rs 42,000 to approximately Rs 32,000.
Lower Interest Burden: Reducing the overall interest you pay on the personal loan.
Improved Cash Flow: Freeing up Rs 10,000 monthly can help you manage other expenses better.
However, consider these points:

Less Immediate Impact on Total Debt: While your monthly EMI reduces, your overall debt doesn't significantly change.
Long-Term Commitment: You still need to service the personal loan for the remaining tenure.
Clearing Gold Loan
Clearing your gold loan requires Rs 6.5 lakhs, including interest. With Rs 5 lakhs, you can't fully clear it, but you can make a significant dent. Here are some benefits:

High-Interest Savings: Gold loans typically have high-interest rates. Clearing it saves substantial interest costs.
Freeing Up Collateral: Clearing the loan releases your gold, which can be used for future financial needs.
However, consider these points:

Insufficient Funds: You don't have enough to clear the gold loan fully right now.
Remaining Debt: Partially paying off the gold loan won't reduce your monthly interest significantly.
Liquid Debt Funds
Investing Rs 5 lakhs in a liquid debt fund is another option. Here are some benefits:

Liquidity: Easy access to funds when needed.
Potential Returns: Better returns than a savings account, though lower than equity.
Safety: Lower risk compared to equity investments.
However, consider

these points:

Short-Term Focus: Liquid debt funds are suitable for short-term needs, but they may not significantly reduce your debt burden.
Interest Accumulation: While you earn interest on your investment, your debt continues to accrue interest, potentially offsetting gains.
Analyzing Stock Portfolio
You mentioned your reluctance to disturb your stock portfolio unless there are substantial profits. This is a wise approach as stocks generally offer better long-term growth. However, it is essential to have a plan in case you need to liquidate for the Rs 10 lakhs home loan registration.

Here are some considerations:

Market Conditions: Monitor market trends and your portfolio's performance. Plan to sell when the market is favorable.
Partial Withdrawal: If needed, consider a partial withdrawal rather than liquidating the entire portfolio.
Tax Implications: Be aware of capital gains taxes when selling stocks.
Strategic Recommendations
Now, let's develop a strategy that considers all factors:

Partial Payment of Personal Loan: Use Rs 5 lakhs to make a partial payment on your personal loan. This will reduce your EMI, improving your monthly cash flow by Rs 10,000. This strategy gives immediate relief and helps manage other expenses.

Future Financial Planning:

Build an Emergency Fund: Aim to build an emergency fund equivalent to 3-6 months of your expenses. This provides a safety net for unexpected costs.
Home Loan Registration Fund: Since you need Rs 10 lakhs for registration, start saving specifically for this purpose. Consider using any surplus from your reduced EMI towards this goal.
Gold Loan Strategy:

Gradual Clearance: Plan to gradually clear the gold loan using monthly savings from your reduced EMI and any other additional income.
Interest Negotiation: Check if you can negotiate better terms or convert to a lower interest loan.
Investment in Liquid Debt Fund:

Surplus Savings: Once you've allocated funds for immediate needs and debt reduction, consider parking any surplus in a liquid debt fund. This ensures liquidity while earning reasonable returns.
Short-Term Goal Alignment: Use liquid funds for short-term goals like the home loan registration amount.
Stock Portfolio Management:

Regular Review: Keep an eye on your stock portfolio and market conditions. Plan your withdrawals strategically to minimize losses and tax implications.
Balanced Approach: Maintain a balance between equity and debt investments. This diversifies risk and ensures stability.
Implementing the Strategy
To implement this strategy effectively:

Budgeting: Create a detailed budget considering your reduced EMI and other monthly expenses. Ensure you allocate funds towards debt repayment and savings.

Debt Repayment Plan: Set up a systematic debt repayment plan. Focus on high-interest loans first, like your gold loan.

Savings and Investments: Regularly review your savings and investments. Adjust based on changing financial goals and market conditions.

Financial Discipline: Maintain financial discipline by avoiding unnecessary expenses. Focus on essential expenses and savings.

Addressing Future Financial Needs
Your immediate priority is managing your current liabilities and saving for the home loan registration. However, planning for future financial needs is also essential. Here are some tips:

Long-Term Goals: Identify and prioritize long-term financial goals like retirement, children's education, and other significant life events.

Regular Investments: Continue regular investments in diversified portfolios, balancing between equity and debt. This ensures steady growth and risk management.

Insurance: Ensure you have adequate insurance coverage for health, life, and critical illness. This protects your financial stability in emergencies.

Final Insights
Your current financial situation requires a strategic and balanced approach. By using Rs 5 lakhs to partially pay off your personal loan, you immediately reduce your monthly EMI, improving cash flow. This step allows you to manage your expenses better and focus on future savings.

At the same time, gradually clearing your gold loan with the savings from reduced EMIs and additional income is a prudent move. Investing in liquid debt funds for short-term goals ensures liquidity and reasonable returns.

Monitor your stock portfolio and plan withdrawals strategically to meet the Rs 10 lakhs home loan registration requirement. Regularly review and adjust your financial plan to align with changing goals and market conditions.

Maintain financial discipline and focus on building an emergency fund and savings for future needs. With careful planning and disciplined execution, you can manage your liabilities effectively while preparing for future financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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