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Roopam Asthana  | Answer  |Ask -

Answered on Aug 03, 2021

Abdul Question by Abdul on Aug 03, 2021Hindi

I got a call from my bank AXIS to get Medical Insurance. Axis bank has tied with TATA AIG insurance they are providing low premium for the policy. They said this premium amount will be till my age 55. In this period i have to keep bank transactions with Axis bank. If not you can withdraw from policy or you can transfer the policy to TATA AIG. If i take the policy, what will happen to policy seniority? Can I take direct policy with the insurance company? I am confused help me.

Ans: It is advisable to take medical insurance from the insurance company directly as it offers lifelong renewal without any conditions relating to your banking relationship. It means once you have taken the policy, insurance company can’t deny the renewal unless there is any fraud or non-disclosure of relevant information.

A lifetime renewal surety gives an insurance shield & worry-free life against financial burden of medical expenses. However, you need to compare the covers provided and the premium charged before making any decision. To enjoy continuity benefits on applicable waiting periods in your bank provided health insurance policy, you have an option to port your policy directly with the insurance company if you wish to withdraw from the policy offered via your bank tie-up.

For more details you can get in touch with insurance company.

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Sanjib Jha  | Answer  |Ask -

Insurance Expert - Answered on Sep 23, 2022

I am 73 (DOB 10-07-1949). I had an open heart surgery in Sept., 1999. I am taking blood thinner otherwise ok. My wife is 66 (DOB 13-09-1956). She has no problems. I have a 5L Family Floater health insurance from Oriental Insurance - Bank Saathi Policy at an annual premium of about Rs. 35,000 for self and wife. Since in these days this is not sufficient, I want another policy for 5L or Top Up for 5 / 10 L for self and wife. Please advise an honest suitable minimum cost affordable policy since I have limited capacity to pay because my life time savings in Punjab & Maharashtra co-op Bank Ltd., Mumbai, has been looted by bank Management, Senior Employees, HDIL Construction Co. (Wadwhans), RBI, Politicians and Govt. Another point. Earlier I had policies with National Insurance, New India Insurance and Oriental Insurance from my Bank tie-up but one after the other they broke the tie up with Banks and offered their direct policy raising annual premium from 11,000 to 43,000 (National Insurance) and others also on same lines because they follow dishonest business policy and just want to loot the common man. How anybody can afford such increase after 8 years with Govt. co. insurance Policy? IRDA is also on their side being dishonest. Not only private but Govt. cos. are also dishonest, corrupt and want to kill the common man.
Ans: Hi Mr RN Mitra, sorry to hear about your condition, wish you good health and recovery.

As far as the top up plan is considered, given your age and pre-existing diseases, your risk profile is high and most insurers may not be able to offer Super top up plans.

The best option is to apply for a new base plan with a higher sum insured, however the premium will be on the higher side.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

I am having LIC of a 14 lakhs policy of Jeevan Anand paying premium of 71000. It's going to mature or complete it's 21years term. How much should I expect the maturity amount? Will I be be life covered post maturity amount withdrawal? Where should I invest this maturity amount?
Ans: Assessing Your LIC Jeevan Anand Policy
Understanding Maturity Amount
Your LIC Jeevan Anand policy is nearing the end of its 21-year term. Given a policy sum assured of ?14 lakhs and an annual premium of ?71,000, the maturity amount will include the sum assured along with any applicable bonuses. However, without specific bonus rates, an exact figure is challenging to determine. Generally, LIC policies like Jeevan Anand accrue bonuses over the years, which can significantly enhance the maturity amount.

Life Coverage Post Maturity
One key feature of the LIC Jeevan Anand policy is the continuation of life cover even after the maturity amount is paid out. This means you will still have a life cover equal to the sum assured (?14 lakhs) after the policy matures, providing continued financial security for your beneficiaries.

Investment Recommendations for Maturity Amount
Risk Assessment and Goals
Before deciding where to invest the maturity amount, consider your risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment horizon. Since the maturity amount is likely to be substantial, diversifying across various investment options is prudent.

Investment Options
1. Mutual Funds
Equity Mutual Funds: If you have a high-risk tolerance and a long-term investment horizon, consider equity mutual funds. They offer high growth potential but come with higher volatility.

Balanced or Hybrid Funds: For a moderate risk appetite, balanced funds invest in a mix of equities and debt, providing a balance of growth and stability.

Debt Mutual Funds: If you prefer low risk, debt funds are safer and provide regular income, suitable for short to medium-term goals.

2. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Consider investing a portion of the maturity amount in mutual funds through SIPs. This helps in averaging the purchase cost and reduces the impact of market volatility.

3. Public Provident Fund (PPF)
For long-term, risk-free investments, PPF is a good option. It offers attractive tax-free returns and has a lock-in period of 15 years, making it suitable for retirement planning.

4. National Pension System (NPS)
NPS is another long-term investment option, especially beneficial for retirement planning. It offers a mix of equity, corporate bonds, and government securities with tax benefits.

5. Fixed Deposits (FD)
If you seek safety and assured returns, consider investing a portion in fixed deposits. Although returns are lower compared to equity, FDs provide guaranteed income.

6. Gold
Investing in gold through Gold ETFs or Sovereign Gold Bonds can provide a hedge against inflation and add stability to your portfolio.

Diversified Portfolio Approach
High-Risk Investments: Allocate around 40-50% in equity mutual funds or direct stocks for high growth potential.

Moderate-Risk Investments: Allocate 20-30% in balanced funds or hybrid funds for balanced growth and stability.

Low-Risk Investments: Allocate 20-30% in debt funds, PPF, or FDs for assured returns and safety.

Alternative Investments: Allocate a small portion, around 5-10%, in gold or other alternative assets for diversification.

Upon maturity of your LIC Jeevan Anand policy, you will receive a significant lump sum. Continue benefiting from life coverage even after maturity. To optimize this maturity amount, diversify your investments across equity, debt, and alternative options based on your risk profile and financial goals. Regularly review and adjust your portfolio to stay aligned with your objectives.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 24, 2024Hindi
Hello sir, my age is 40 yrs currently unmarried. Recently, I had to undergo a renal transplant surgery since I was suffering from AKD (Acute Kidney Disorder) in Bangalore. I was on dialysis for last one and half yrs and moved to bangalore just for the surgery. It went well and now I am on the road to recovery.We had a health insurance policy by manipal cigna company (medi-assist) which ensured that every expenses was met through reimbursement like dialysis expenses, OPD chgs, pharmacy bills etc. We were satisfied with the services of the health insurance provider. My question here is that can I take any more health insurance policy now (may be from a different company) for my future medical expenses which might occur in future (considering I am pretty young right now and single too). What premium do I need to pay for that? Will it be increased premium or the same normal premium. I might not use the health cover for my renal disease now but as a safeguard for the future diseases which may come up.(considering I will get married and have a family too in future). Will my kidney surgery have any impact on the future health cover or not? Kindly advise.
Ans: I'm glad to hear your surgery went well, and you're on the road to recovery. Considering your situation, it’s important to secure your health insurance needs for the future. Let’s break down your questions and concerns regarding taking an additional health insurance policy.

Can You Take Another Health Insurance Policy?
Yes, you can take another health insurance policy from a different company. However, your recent medical history, including the renal transplant surgery, will impact your new policy's terms and premiums.

Impact of Renal Transplant on New Policy
Pre-Existing Conditions: Your kidney surgery will be considered a pre-existing condition. Most insurers have a waiting period for covering pre-existing conditions, ranging from two to four years. It’s crucial to check the specifics with any new insurer.

Medical Underwriting: Given your recent medical history, the insurer may require detailed medical underwriting. They may request your medical records and possibly a medical examination to assess your current health status.

Premium Considerations
Increased Premiums: Due to your pre-existing condition, new health insurance policies are likely to come with increased premiums. The exact amount will depend on the insurer's assessment of your health risk.

Loading Charges: Some insurers might add a loading charge to your premium, which is an additional cost to cover the higher risk associated with your medical history.

Types of Policies to Consider
Individual Health Plans: These provide coverage for a single person. Given your situation, ensure the plan offers extensive coverage, including post-operative care and critical illness coverage.

Family Floater Plans: These plans cover multiple family members under a single sum insured. They might be a good option if you plan to get married and start a family in the near future.

Critical Illness Plans: These plans provide a lump sum amount upon diagnosis of specified critical illnesses, including kidney-related issues. It can be a supplementary policy to your primary health insurance.

Steps to Take
Research and Compare: Compare policies from different insurers. Look for policies with comprehensive coverage and a reasonable waiting period for pre-existing conditions.

Consult Insurers: Speak directly with insurance representatives. Explain your medical history and get clear information on how it will affect your premiums and coverage.

Read Policy Documents: Carefully read the policy documents, especially the sections on pre-existing conditions, waiting periods, exclusions, and premium loading.

Consider Riders: Look for riders or add-ons that can enhance your coverage, such as critical illness riders, hospital cash, and personal accident covers.

Consulting a Certified Financial Planner
Given the complexities of your medical history and future health needs, consulting with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can be very beneficial. A CFP can help you understand the nuances of different policies, assess your long-term financial needs, and recommend the best health insurance options tailored to your situation.

You’ve shown great foresight in considering additional health insurance despite your recent surgery. Ensuring your future medical needs are covered demonstrates a strong commitment to your long-term well-being. Your proactive approach to securing your health is commendable and shows a responsible attitude towards managing potential future risks.

Final Insights
Securing an additional health insurance policy is a wise move, especially considering your recent medical history and future plans. While premiums might be higher due to your pre-existing condition, thorough research and consulting with professionals can help you find the best policy for your needs. Remember to compare different plans, understand the terms, and choose a policy that offers comprehensive coverage and aligns with your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 25, 2024

I am single and retired with no family or loan commitments. with my enough funds in dividend funds for my routine monthly expenses, I have taken a Health Insurance for Rs.10 lacs with Royal Sundaram and life insurance term plan for Rs.50 lacs and Traditional insurance plan from LIC for Rs. 25 lacs on various named policies out of which except yearly premium of Rs.50,000 all policy payment terms were over. (policies like Jeevan Tarang, Jeevan Amrut etc) To cover this Rs.50000 insurance premium, I am getting survival benefit from Jeevan Tarang policy every year; only the date will differ which I could manage with my credit card payment. Can you please advise me whether the health insurance cover is okay and Life cover is okay; or should I take extra cover. Though I do not require to leave a legacy, I may also surrender the policy, in case of need. please advise
Ans: Financial Overview
Current Status

You are single and retired.

No family or loan commitments.

Insurance Policies

Health insurance: Rs. 10 lakhs with Royal Sundaram.

Life insurance term plan: Rs. 50 lakhs.

Traditional insurance plans from LIC: Rs. 25 lakhs.

Annual insurance premium: Rs. 50,000.

Appreciating Your Efforts
You have a well-structured plan.

Health and life insurance cover your needs.

Insurance Review
Health Insurance

Your health insurance cover is Rs. 10 lakhs.

Consider increasing it to Rs. 20 lakhs.

This ensures better protection against rising medical costs.

Life Insurance

Your life cover is Rs. 50 lakhs.

Since you have no family commitments, this is sufficient.

Traditional Insurance Plans
Jeevan Tarang and Jeevan Amrut

These plans provide survival benefits.

Use these benefits to pay your annual premium.

Surrender Option

Consider surrendering these policies if needed.

The surrender value can be reinvested in mutual funds.

Investment Strategy
Mutual Funds

Actively managed funds can offer higher returns.

Consider SIPs in large-cap and balanced funds.


Continue with PPF and NPS investments.

They offer safety and tax benefits.

Disadvantages of Index Funds
Lower Returns

Index funds mimic the market.

They often yield lower returns compared to actively managed funds.

Lack of Flexibility

Index funds have less flexibility.

Actively managed funds adapt to market conditions.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Lack of Guidance

Direct funds lack professional advice.

Regular funds provide support through MFDs with CFP credentials.

Higher Risk

Direct funds can be riskier.

Professional guidance helps mitigate risks.

Emergency Fund
Maintain Liquidity

Keep an emergency fund.

Ensure it's equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses.

Liquid Mutual Funds

Consider liquid mutual funds for this purpose.

They offer better returns than savings accounts.

Action Plan
Increase Health Cover

Increase your health insurance to Rs. 20 lakhs.

Review Traditional Policies

Consider surrendering LIC policies.

Reinvest the proceeds in mutual funds.

Continue SIPs

Increase SIP contributions.

Focus on large-cap and balanced funds.

Maintain Emergency Fund

Keep a sufficient emergency fund.

Use liquid mutual funds for better returns.

Final Insights
Your current insurance and investment strategy is commendable.

Consider increasing your health cover for better protection.

Reevaluate traditional policies and focus on mutual funds.

Maintain an emergency fund for financial stability.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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