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Sanjeev Govila  |458 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Mar 28, 2024

Colonel Sanjeev Govila (retd) is the founder of Hum Fauji Initiatives, a financial planning company dedicated to the armed forces personnel and their families.
He has over 12 years of experience in financial planning and is a SEBI certified registered investment advisor; he is also accredited with AMFI and IRDA.... more
Kumar Question by Kumar on Mar 13, 2024Hindi

Sir My age is 53. My PF contribution from salary is (20K PF+ 20K VPF + 5K PPF) per month , NPS 50K/per year and Insurance premium of 30K/per year. Invested 20Lakh in 2400 sq ft land. Rest all contribution as of now is Rs 60 Lakh(PF and Insurance). My son is in 6th Standard. My take home after deduction is 1.5 lakh. Don't have any home and staying in rented house. Total expense per month around 40K including sons education. I have not shared in any share market or mutual fund as of now. Is it right age for me to invest in share or mutual fund. What else I can invest so that I can construct a house after retirement and sons education. Thank you

Ans: Upon reviewing your financial status, it's evident that you've made prudent choices in utilizing EPF, VPF, PPF, NPS for retirement savings, alongside owning land assets. However, your investment portfolio is heavily skewed towards debt instruments, lacking significant exposure to equity for potential long-term growth.

It's advisable to assess your risk tolerance with a financial advisor to ensure an appropriate asset allocation. Additionally, consider diversifying into gold or other asset classes depending on risk appetite. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your financial resilience and pursue long-term wealth accumulation effectively.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 25, 2024

I am 36 years old, married. I am investing 45k per month on SIP ( 22k Nifty 50 UTI, 10K parag parekh, 8k SBI small cap, 5k Mid cap) , 10k in PPF, 7k NPS, 5k on stocks as investment. I have EPF as well 16k per month. I am planning to buy a house and I also I pay rent of 16k currently. I have a small flat of home loan 14k. Sir plz do let me know if my investment choice is fine or not. Also I want to have a pension of 70k-1 lac when I retire in my home town.
Ans: It's commendable to see your commitment towards saving and investing at such a young age. Let's delve into your current investment strategy and future goals.

Your SIP investments across different categories indicate a diversified approach, which is good. However, it's essential to review the performance of these funds periodically and ensure they align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

The allocation towards PPF and NPS reflects a mix of long-term savings and retirement planning, which is a prudent move.

Considering your plan to buy a house and current home loan, it's crucial to balance your investments with your liabilities. Also, with rent and EPF contributions, ensuring sufficient liquidity for short-term needs and emergencies is vital.

For your retirement goal of having a pension of 70k-1 lac, you might want to consider increasing your NPS contributions or exploring other pension-oriented investment avenues.

A Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized advice tailored to your financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance. They can help you optimize your investment portfolio, guide you on balancing investments with your future home purchase, and align your retirement savings with your desired pension.

Remember, financial planning is a dynamic process, and it's essential to review and adjust periodically to stay on track towards your goals. Best wishes for your financial journey ahead!

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 31, 2024Hindi
I am 48 yrs old. My take home salary is 195000 p/m. I have a PPF corpus of 20 lakhs maturing in 2026(I make minimum contribution of Rs500/year). The present valuation of my mutual fund kitty is 53 lakhs(23.5 lakhs original investment). I am continuing with monthly SIP of 50k. I have one house worth 1.2cr for which 8 lakh more is reqd which I have kept aside. The house that I live in is worth 2.5cr for which I am paying an EMI of 93k. 14 yrs of loan repayment is left with outstanding of 89lakhs. I have been making min 50k investment in NPS since it's inception. My EPF contribution is 8.5k/month with 3 lakhs in kitty. I have 24 lakhs of health insurance and 1.5cr term insurance. Apart from that I have 3 LIC policies out which I will be getting around 15lakhs between 2029 n 2034. I have a son 16yrs old whose education and marriage is to be taken care yet apart from my retirement. Am I on right path of investment?
Ans: Your current financial position reflects thoughtful planning and prudent investment strategies. At 48, you have a solid income, diversified investments, and significant insurance coverage. Let's analyze your financial status in detail and assess if you are on the right path to achieving your goals, including your son's education and marriage, and your retirement.

Income and Savings Overview
Your take-home salary of Rs 1,95,000 per month provides a strong foundation for your financial planning. Your current savings and investments demonstrate a clear commitment to securing your financial future.

PPF Corpus
Your PPF corpus of Rs 20 lakhs maturing in 2026 is a great safety net. The minimum annual contribution of Rs 500 helps keep the account active and continues to earn tax-free interest. Upon maturity, you can use this amount for your son's education or other significant expenses.

Mutual Fund Investments
Your mutual fund investments have grown from an original investment of Rs 23.5 lakhs to Rs 53 lakhs. Continuing with a monthly SIP of Rs 50,000 shows disciplined investing. This strategy helps average out the cost and benefit from market fluctuations over time.

Real Estate Investments
You own a house worth Rs 1.2 crore, for which you have kept aside Rs 8 lakh to complete the payment. Additionally, the house you live in is valued at Rs 2.5 crore, with an EMI of Rs 93,000 and an outstanding loan of Rs 89 lakhs over 14 years. These assets provide significant equity and stability.

Insurance and Retirement Savings
Health and Term Insurance
Your health insurance coverage of Rs 24 lakhs and term insurance of Rs 1.5 crore are prudent measures. These policies ensure financial protection for your family in case of unforeseen events.

NPS Contributions
Your monthly contribution of Rs 50,000 to the NPS since its inception indicates a strong focus on retirement savings. The NPS offers tax benefits and a structured retirement income.

EPF Contributions
Your EPF contributions of Rs 8,500 per month, with a current kitty of Rs 3 lakhs, add another layer of retirement security. The EPF provides a guaranteed return and is a reliable long-term savings option.

LIC Policies
You have three LIC policies, which will yield around Rs 15 lakhs between 2029 and 2034. These policies offer both insurance and savings benefits, providing additional financial support in the future.

Assessing Financial Goals
Son's Education and Marriage
Your son's education and marriage are significant financial milestones. Given his current age of 16, education expenses are imminent. The maturity of your PPF in 2026 and the continued growth of your mutual funds can help cover these costs. For marriage expenses, your disciplined savings in mutual funds and LIC policies will be beneficial.

Retirement Planning
You are on a solid path towards a comfortable retirement. Your investments in NPS, EPF, and mutual funds, along with the real estate assets, create a diversified portfolio. This diversity reduces risk and ensures steady growth.

Evaluating Investment Choices
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
The PPF is a safe and tax-efficient investment. Its long lock-in period ensures disciplined saving. The tax-free interest makes it an attractive option for long-term goals.

Mutual Funds
Your mutual fund investments have performed well, doubling from the original investment. Continuing with monthly SIPs helps in rupee cost averaging and leveraging market volatility. Actively managed funds offer potential for higher returns compared to index funds, which passively track the market. Your approach with actively managed funds, guided by a certified financial planner, is sound.

Real Estate
Your real estate investments provide significant value and stability. The owned house worth Rs 1.2 crore and the residence valued at Rs 2.5 crore are substantial assets. Real estate can offer good returns, but it also requires maintenance and can be less liquid than other investments.

National Pension System (NPS)
The NPS is an excellent retirement savings vehicle, offering market-linked returns and tax benefits. Your consistent contributions show a strong commitment to building a retirement corpus. The structured withdrawal and annuity options at retirement provide a steady income.

Employees' Provident Fund (EPF)
The EPF is a reliable source of retirement savings with guaranteed returns. Your monthly contributions ensure a growing corpus, supplemented by employer contributions. The EPF is also tax-efficient, offering tax-free interest and withdrawal benefits.

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) Policies
Your LIC policies provide insurance coverage and savings benefits. The guaranteed returns, though modest, offer financial security. The maturity proceeds between 2029 and 2034 will help fund future expenses.

Debt Management
Your EMI of Rs 93,000 for the home loan with an outstanding amount of Rs 89 lakhs needs careful monitoring. Ensure timely payments to maintain a good credit score. Prepayment options should be considered if surplus funds are available, to reduce the loan tenure and interest burden.

Risk Management
Your health and term insurance policies offer substantial coverage. Review these policies periodically to ensure they meet your current needs. Adequate insurance coverage protects your family from financial distress in case of emergencies.

Recommendations for Improvement
Review and Rebalance Portfolio
Periodically review your investment portfolio to ensure it aligns with your financial goals. Rebalancing helps maintain the desired asset allocation and manage risk.

Increase EPF Contributions
Consider increasing your EPF contributions if possible. The EPF offers a secure and tax-efficient way to build your retirement corpus.

Education Planning
Start planning for your son's higher education expenses. Estimate the costs and align your investments accordingly. Consider education loans if necessary, as they can be a low-cost borrowing option.

Marriage Fund
Create a dedicated investment plan for your son's marriage. Mutual funds, especially actively managed ones, can offer good returns over the long term. Regularly invest a portion of your income towards this goal.

Emergency Fund
Ensure you have an adequate emergency fund. It should cover at least six months of expenses. This fund should be easily accessible and kept in a liquid form, such as a savings account or liquid mutual fund.

Long-Term Investment Strategy
Maintain a diversified investment portfolio. Diversification reduces risk and enhances potential returns. Spread investments across different asset classes like equities, debt, and real estate.

Actively Managed Funds vs. Index Funds
Actively managed funds, guided by skilled fund managers, aim to outperform the market. They offer higher return potential compared to index funds, which merely track market indices. Actively managed funds are preferable for achieving higher returns, despite their higher expense ratios.

Direct Funds vs. Regular Funds
Investing in direct funds requires significant market knowledge and time. Regular funds, managed through a certified financial planner, offer professional expertise and personalized advice. This approach can help in making informed decisions and achieving better returns.

You are on a commendable path with your current investments and financial planning. Your disciplined approach to savings, investments, and insurance coverage shows a clear commitment to financial security and growth. Regularly review your financial plan, adapt to changes, and consult with a certified financial planner to ensure you stay on track. Your diversified portfolio, combined with prudent financial management, will help you achieve your goals and secure a comfortable future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 31, 2024Hindi
Dear sir, I am running 43. My current investment portfolio is 27 Lakh in PPF, 3 Lakh in Mutual Funds with investment in 8 mutual fund with 1000 sip every month for each funds. Approx 10 lakh of gold, 5 lakhs in savings and 8 lakhs in stocks. I am yet to start a family and intend to have 2 kids if not atleast 1 as of now. My current salary is approx 80,000 a month. Kindly help me in guidance if my investment portfolio is right and what are other options where I can invest now on. I have my own house and EMI is 8000 every month. I also intend to buy new home worth 1 Cr approx. I have no fix plans to retire at 60 but would like to have monthly interest income of 1 lakh per month in next 18 years. So kindly guide me. Thank you,
Ans: Congratulations on maintaining a well-rounded investment portfolio at 43. Your diverse investments in PPF, mutual funds, gold, savings, and stocks are commendable. Your steady salary, owning a home, and planning for the future show a solid foundation for financial stability. Let’s analyze your current portfolio, identify potential improvements, and suggest strategies to achieve your financial goals.

Assessing Your Current Investment Portfolio
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Your PPF investment of Rs 27 lakhs is a strong, secure component of your portfolio. PPF offers tax-free returns and safety, making it a reliable long-term investment. Continue contributing to maximize the benefits of compound interest and tax advantages.

Mutual Funds
You have Rs 3 lakhs in mutual funds, investing Rs 1,000 per month in each of 8 different funds. Diversification is good, but having too many funds with small SIP amounts may dilute returns. Consider consolidating into fewer, well-performing funds to optimize growth. Actively managed funds can provide better returns compared to index funds.

Actively Managed Funds vs. Index Funds

Actively managed funds are overseen by professional managers aiming to outperform the market. Despite higher fees, they often yield better long-term returns. Index funds, on the other hand, replicate market indices and offer average returns. For your goals, actively managed funds are more suitable.

Regular Funds vs. Direct Funds

Investing through regular funds involves a commission for mutual fund distributors (MFDs). The expertise of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) ensures better fund selection and management. Direct funds save on commission but lack professional oversight. Regular funds offer better-managed investments, making them a wise choice.

Your gold investment of Rs 10 lakhs is a good hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. Gold provides stability and can be a safe store of value. Consider allocating a portion of your investment to sovereign gold bonds or gold ETFs for better returns and safety.

Having Rs 5 lakhs in savings provides liquidity and security. Ensure this fund is easily accessible for emergencies. Consider moving a portion to a high-interest savings account or liquid mutual funds for better returns while maintaining liquidity.

An Rs 8 lakh investment in stocks indicates a willingness to take higher risks for higher returns. Continue monitoring your stock portfolio and consider diversifying across sectors to manage risk better. Avoid excessive concentration in a single stock or sector.

Financial Goals and Future Planning
Monthly Interest Income Goal
You aim to have a monthly interest income of Rs 1 lakh in 18 years. This translates to Rs 12 lakhs annually. To achieve this, you need a well-diversified portfolio generating sufficient returns while preserving capital.

Strategies for Achieving Financial Goals
Increase Mutual Fund SIPs
Increase your SIP contributions in mutual funds. Focus on a mix of equity and debt funds to balance risk and return. Equity funds provide growth potential, while debt funds offer stability.

Review and Consolidate Mutual Funds

Review your current mutual funds and consolidate them into fewer, high-performing funds. This ensures better management and potential for higher returns. Actively managed funds can be a good choice for achieving higher growth.

National Pension System (NPS)
Consider investing in the National Pension System (NPS). It offers tax benefits and a mix of equity, debt, and government securities. NPS can provide a steady income post-retirement, complementing your other investments.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
Set up a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) from mutual funds to generate regular income. SWPs provide flexibility and potential for capital appreciation. This can be an effective way to achieve your monthly income goal in retirement.

Diversification for Stability and Growth
Debt Mutual Funds

Include debt mutual funds in your portfolio. They provide stability and regular income with lower risk compared to equity funds. Debt funds suit medium-term goals and act as a buffer against market volatility.

Equity Mutual Funds

Allocate a significant portion of your portfolio to equity mutual funds. They offer high growth potential, crucial for building a retirement corpus. Focus on funds with a good track record and consistent performance.

Insurance: Protection First
Life Insurance
Ensure you have adequate life insurance coverage to protect your family's financial future. Avoid investment-cum-insurance policies like ULIPs, LIC endowment plans, as they offer lower returns and inadequate insurance cover. Consider surrendering such policies and reinvesting the proceeds in mutual funds.

Health Insurance
Adequate health insurance is crucial. Review your existing health coverage and consider increasing it if necessary. Medical expenses can be substantial, and comprehensive health insurance will protect your savings.

Emergency Fund: The Safety Net
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This fund should be easily accessible and kept in a high-interest savings account or liquid mutual fund. An emergency fund provides financial security against unforeseen expenses.

Saving for a New Home
You plan to buy a new home worth Rs 1 crore. Estimate the down payment and loan amount. Save for the down payment through a mix of fixed deposits, debt funds, and balanced funds. Ensure your EMI is manageable within your monthly budget.

Tax Planning
Efficient tax planning maximizes your disposable income. Utilize available deductions under Section 80C, 80D, and others. Your contributions to PPF, NPS, and mutual funds (ELSS) help in tax savings while building your corpus.

Reviewing and Rebalancing Your Portfolio
Regularly review your portfolio’s performance. Market conditions and personal goals change over time. Rebalance your investments to maintain the desired asset allocation. A CFP can provide valuable insights and adjustments.

Financial Discipline and Continuous Learning
Maintaining financial discipline is key to achieving your goals. Automate your investments to ensure consistency. Stay informed about financial markets and new investment opportunities. Financial literacy empowers better decision-making.

Seeking Professional Guidance
A CFP provides personalized advice aligned with your goals. Their expertise in financial planning ensures optimal investment strategies, tax efficiency, and risk management. Regular consultations help in adapting to changing circumstances and market conditions.

Your current investment portfolio is strong, but there are areas for improvement. Diversify your investments, increase SIP contributions, and focus on achieving your long-term goals. With careful planning and disciplined investing, you can achieve a secure financial future.

Invest wisely, stay disciplined, and enjoy a secure financial future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Krishna Kumar  |358 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Jul 26, 2024

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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