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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4139 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 30, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi

Dear sir, I am 52 yrs old working in private organization . Due to work pressure and stress , I wish retire now. Having following saving/ investment. LIC - 25L, MF and equity- 20 lacs, real estate- 1 Cr. No EMI. Monthly expenses - 30K. Is it rt decision to retire now? Thank in advance...

Ans: Shiva, I understand that you're considering retiring early due to work pressure and stress. It’s important to ensure your financial stability before making such a big decision. Let's take a closer look at your financial situation and how you can optimize it to make your retirement plan more feasible and comfortable.

Current Financial Overview
Your current assets include:

LIC Policies: Rs. 25 lakhs
Mutual Funds and Equity: Rs. 20 lakhs
Real Estate: Rs. 1 crore
You have no EMIs, and your monthly expenses are Rs. 30,000. This gives you a strong foundation, but there’s room for optimization.

Monthly Expenses and Future Projections
Your monthly expenses are Rs. 30,000, which amounts to Rs. 3.6 lakhs annually. Considering an average inflation rate of 6%, your expenses will increase over time. It’s important to plan for this gradual increase to ensure your savings last throughout your retirement.

Assessing Your Investments
LIC Policies
Surrendering LIC Policies

LIC policies provide security, but they may not offer the best returns compared to other investment options like mutual funds.

Consider surrendering your LIC policies and reinvesting the proceeds in mutual funds. This can provide better growth and more flexibility.

Mutual Funds and Equity
1. Benefits of Mutual Funds

Mutual funds offer diversification, professional management, and the potential for higher returns. Here’s why mutual funds can be a better option:

Diversification: Spread your investments across different sectors and companies, reducing risk.
Professional Management: Fund managers make informed decisions on where to invest your money.
Compounding: Over time, your investments can grow significantly due to the power of compounding.
2. Types of Mutual Funds to Consider

Invest in a mix of mutual funds to balance risk and returns:

Equity Mutual Funds: These invest in stocks and have the potential for high returns. Suitable for long-term growth.
Debt Mutual Funds: These invest in bonds and are less volatile. They provide stability and regular income.
Balanced or Hybrid Funds: These invest in both equities and debt, providing a balance between growth and stability.
3. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

A SIP allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly in mutual funds. This instills discipline and benefits from rupee cost averaging, reducing the impact of market volatility.

4. Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)

An SWP provides regular income by withdrawing a fixed amount from your mutual fund investments. This can be a reliable source of income in retirement.

Implementing a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
1. How SWP Works

In an SWP, you invest a lump sum in a mutual fund and withdraw a fixed amount periodically. This provides you with regular income while your remaining investment continues to grow.

2. Setting Up an SWP

Choose the Right Fund: Opt for a balanced or debt mutual fund to ensure stability.
Determine the Withdrawal Amount: Calculate your monthly expenses and set your withdrawal amount accordingly. Ensure it’s sustainable over the long term.
Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your SWP to ensure it meets your income needs and adjust if necessary.
Managing Real Estate
1. Rental Income

If your real estate can generate rental income, this can be a steady source of funds. Ensure the rental income covers a substantial part of your monthly expenses.

2. Liquidity Considerations

Real estate is not very liquid. If you need cash quickly, selling property might take time. Hence, it’s crucial to have other liquid investments.

Healthcare and Insurance
1. Adequate Health Insurance

Ensure you have sufficient health insurance coverage. Medical emergencies can deplete your savings quickly. Consider enhancing your existing policy if necessary.

2. Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. This should be easily accessible and cover at least 6-12 months of living expenses.

Inflation Protection
1. Growth-Oriented Investments

Keep a portion of your portfolio in growth-oriented investments like equity mutual funds. This helps in beating inflation and maintaining your purchasing power.

2. Regular Review

Regularly review and adjust your investments to ensure they are aligned with your financial goals and inflation rate.

Retirement Withdrawal Strategy
1. 4% Rule

A commonly recommended strategy is the 4% rule. Withdraw 4% of your retirement portfolio annually, adjusted for inflation. This strategy helps balance income needs and preserve capital.

2. Diversify Withdrawals

Diversify your withdrawal sources. Combine income from SWPs, rental income, and other investments to ensure stability and sustainability.

Detailed Mutual Fund Strategy
1. Equity Mutual Funds

Invest in large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds for growth. Large-cap funds offer stability, while mid-cap and small-cap funds provide higher growth potential.

2. Debt Mutual Funds

Invest in short-term and long-term debt funds for stability. These funds provide regular income with lower volatility.

3. Hybrid Funds

Hybrid funds, which invest in both equity and debt, offer a balanced approach. They provide growth and income stability.

Benefits of Regular Mutual Funds
1. Professional Management

Regular funds are managed by professionals. They make informed investment decisions, helping you achieve better returns.

2. Convenience

Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with CFP credentials offers convenience. They handle paperwork and provide regular updates.

3. Diversification

Mutual funds offer diversification, spreading investments across different assets, reducing risk.

Avoiding Direct Funds
1. Lack of Guidance

Direct funds require you to choose and manage your investments. This can be challenging without proper knowledge and experience.

2. Time-Consuming

Managing direct funds requires regular monitoring and adjustments. This can be time-consuming and stressful.

Final Insights
Shiva, your decision to retire is significant, and with careful planning, it’s achievable. Here’s a summary to guide you:

Surrender LIC Policies: Reinvest the proceeds in mutual funds for better growth.
Diversify Mutual Fund Investments: Balance between equity, debt, and hybrid funds.
Set Up an SWP: Ensure a regular income stream while keeping your investments growing.
Generate Rental Income: If possible, use rental income to support your expenses.
Maintain Health Insurance and Emergency Fund: Ensure you are covered for unforeseen expenses.
Regular Review and Adjustments: Periodically review your investments and make necessary adjustments.
By following these steps, you can retire comfortably and confidently, knowing that your financial future is secure.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4139 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 09, 2024

I am 47 years old with 2 sons 19 and 13. One Collage 2nd year other in 8th standard. My net take home is 2.70 per month. Planning to quit in Sep 2024. No liability for me. I have house valued at 2.4cr, MF and share market value 48!lakhs, PF worth 58 lakhs, NPS 7lakhs, Insurance maturity value at 13lakhs @2025. Jewels worth 38lakhs, FD worth 15 lakhs. Please suggest me whether i can retire early?
Ans: Assessing Your Financial Readiness for Early Retirement
Thank you for sharing your detailed financial situation. It's commendable that you've planned ahead and considered the various aspects of your financial health. Let's analyze whether you can retire early based on your current assets and expected expenses.

Current Financial Position
Assets Overview
House: Rs 2.4 crore
Mutual Funds and Shares: Rs 48 lakhs
Provident Fund (PF): Rs 58 lakhs
National Pension System (NPS): Rs 7 lakhs
Insurance Maturity Value (2025): Rs 13 lakhs
Jewels: Rs 38 lakhs
Fixed Deposit (FD): Rs 15 lakhs
Your total assets amount to Rs 4.19 crore. These are substantial assets, but let's break down their liquidity and utility for retirement planning.

You mentioned you have no liabilities, which is excellent. Being debt-free is a strong foundation for retirement planning.

Future Financial Requirements
Household Expenses
Estimate your monthly expenses post-retirement. Considering a conservative estimate:

Monthly Expenses: Rs 1 lakh (to cover all living costs, including healthcare and leisure)
Children's Education
Your elder son is in college, and the younger one is in 8th standard. Let's allocate funds for their remaining education:

Elder Son's Education: Assuming Rs 10 lakhs for the remaining college years.
Younger Son's Education: Assuming Rs 15 lakhs for school and Rs 20 lakhs for college.
Total estimated education costs: Rs 45 lakhs.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund covering 12 months of expenses:

Emergency Fund: Rs 12 lakhs
Calculating Required Corpus
To determine if you can retire early, we need to calculate the corpus required to sustain your lifestyle and meet your goals.

Monthly Expenses and Inflation
Assume an annual inflation rate of 6% and a life expectancy of 85 years. You plan to retire at 48, so we need to cover 37 years.

Using a simplified approach, the future value of monthly expenses considering inflation over 37 years is:

Future Value = Present Value * (1 + inflation rate)^(number of years)

Annual Expenses: Rs 12 lakhs

Future Annual Expenses = Rs 12 lakhs * (1.06)^37 = Rs 1.12 crore (approx.)

Now, calculating the corpus needed to generate this income annually, assuming a conservative return of 7% post-retirement:

Required Corpus = Future Annual Expenses / Withdrawal Rate

Withdrawal Rate = 4% (a common safe withdrawal rate for retirement planning)

Required Corpus = Rs 1.12 crore / 0.04 = Rs 28 crore

Evaluating Your Assets
Liquid Assets
Mutual Funds and Shares: Rs 48 lakhs
Provident Fund (PF): Rs 58 lakhs
National Pension System (NPS): Rs 7 lakhs
Fixed Deposit (FD): Rs 15 lakhs
Insurance Maturity Value (2025): Rs 13 lakhs
Total Liquid Assets: Rs 1.41 crore

Non-Liquid Assets
House: Rs 2.4 crore (Can generate rental income if not sold)
Jewels: Rs 38 lakhs
Total Non-Liquid Assets: Rs 2.78 crore

Rental Income from Property
Assuming you rent out your house, which can generate a conservative rental yield of 3%:

Annual Rental Income = Rs 2.4 crore * 0.03 = Rs 7.2 lakhs

Creating an Income Stream
Investment Strategy
To ensure a stable income, diversify your investments across different asset classes. Here's a suggested allocation:

Equity Mutual Funds: Continue investing for growth.
Debt Funds/FDs: Provide stability and regular income.
NPS: Offers regular annuity post-retirement.
Rental Income: Adds a steady income stream.
Income Generation
Rental Income: Rs 7.2 lakhs per year
Equity and Debt Investments: Generate around 7% return
Total Annual Income Required: Rs 12 lakhs (adjusted for inflation over the years)

Managing Investments and Withdrawals
Regular Monitoring
Regularly monitor and adjust your investments to ensure they align with your goals and market conditions.

Withdrawal Strategy
Follow a systematic withdrawal strategy to ensure your corpus lasts throughout your retirement. A mix of fixed deposits and mutual funds can provide both liquidity and growth.

Importance of a Certified Financial Planner
While the above analysis provides a general guideline, consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is crucial. A CFP can offer tailored advice based on your specific situation, goals, and risk tolerance. They can help you optimize your investment strategy, manage risks, and ensure a smooth transition into retirement.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
A Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) can be an effective way to manage your retirement funds. It allows you to withdraw a fixed amount regularly from your mutual fund investments. This provides a steady income stream and helps in managing cash flow efficiently.

Benefits of SWP
Regular Income: Ensures a steady flow of funds to meet your monthly expenses.
Tax Efficiency: Only the capital gains part of the withdrawal is taxable, making it more tax-efficient than other forms of income.
Capital Preservation: Helps in preserving the capital while providing regular income.
Flexibility: You can adjust the withdrawal amount as per your changing needs.
Implementing SWP
To implement SWP, identify the mutual funds that align with your risk profile and financial goals. Work with your CFP to set up a withdrawal schedule that ensures your corpus lasts throughout your retirement.

Healthcare and Insurance
Ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage. Healthcare costs can be significant, and having comprehensive insurance will protect your corpus.

Contingency Planning
Life can be unpredictable. Having a robust contingency plan ensures that unforeseen expenses do not derail your financial stability. This includes:

Emergency Fund: Rs 12 lakhs
Contingency Plans for Healthcare: Adequate insurance coverage and an additional healthcare fund.
Final Insights
Based on your current financial position and careful planning, retiring early in September 2024 seems feasible. With a strategic approach to managing and investing your assets, you can ensure a stable and comfortable retirement. Focus on generating steady income through diversified investments, rental income, and systematic withdrawals.

Your disciplined financial planning has provided a solid foundation. Regularly review your financial plan and adjust it as needed to stay on track. Consulting a Certified Financial Planner will provide you with the professional guidance needed to navigate the complexities of retirement planning.

Enjoy your retirement with peace of mind, knowing you've planned well for your future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Kanchan Rai  |267 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 02, 2024Hindi
i am 50 and my wife is 43. We are living two different countries to help our children to pursue their interests. We are pretty good in financially and i go to my home (where my wife and younger son live) at least 2 to 3 times a year and spend 2 to 3 weeks per trip. We married for the last 22 years and we both of us seen ups and lows of our relationship. Most of the time, we are happy and we did the right things not only for us but also for our children and both are willing to take sacrifices for the sake of children and we wholeheartedly agree on this. However, i see few concerns especially after living separately. 1. really don't see my wife shows much interest about me. She also mentioned that if i come to my home where she lives, she doesn't feel really excited and just normal for her. However, i will be happy to see her and spend time with her. Inspite I come to our home, she really didn't care much about my interests like what food makes me happy. In-fact, she doesn't need to cook and we have cook who does most of the stuff. 2. In-terms of intimacy, she doesn't show much interest and i stopped asking her unless if she initiates and I didn't want to initiate as I start getting rejection from her for the last few years. Overall, if I ask to fulfill my interest (showing love and affection), she says that she cannot do as she is too busy. However, she does other works like taking care of children, spending time with her friends or her own interests she does take care. however, any thing specific to me, she thinks it is not a high priority. I askied clearly to her that why my needs of lower prioirty. Her answer is very vague and she does say that she loves me and she needs me. I am getting a picture that I am there to take care of them financially like building assets, taking care of the children and wife but I am not getting any return from her, I vent my frustration to my wife and asker her to open up and share any concerns. She really don't share any point that could really help me to understand her mind. At this point, I am kind of confused. I am just 50 and she is 43 and i see that there is really not much love. i was thinking when i turn 60 , it would be far worse than today in terms of love and affection. I really don't want to divorce at least for the next 10 years as my kids are growing and i really don't have a compelling reason to do now as I still love my wife and if she is feel bad on any reason , I don't care of these problems and i still be with her to address any problem she has. I support even today for her wants and desires and I do wholeheartedly. Also, She is not a person who cheats me My concern is that I cannot change her much. I would like your advice on How should I change so that i still live happily (regardless of whether i get love from my wife or not) without getting frustations on relathinship issues. Should I accept that this what I would expet from wife and be content.
Ans: Navigating the dynamics of a long-term marriage, especially one complicated by physical distance, is indeed challenging. Your situation is layered with decades of shared history, responsibilities, and deep commitments.
First and foremost, it’s crucial to try to understand your wife's perspective. Living apart can create emotional and physical distance that’s hard to bridge during occasional visits. When she says she’s not particularly excited about your visits, it may not necessarily reflect a lack of love or care. Instead, she might be grappling with the routine and demands of her daily life, which can often dull the excitement of reunions. The responsibilities of managing a household, even with help, combined with the constant care for your children, can be incredibly taxing. This often leaves little room for nurturing the romantic and intimate aspects of a relationship.

It’s also possible that she has grown used to the independence that comes with your living arrangement. Over time, people can adapt to new rhythms and find comfort in their routines, even if those routines don’t include their partner as prominently as before. This doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of love; rather, it’s a shift in how she’s accustomed to living day-to-day.

For your part, consider what you’re seeking from your relationship and what you’re currently receiving. You’ve mentioned feeling like a provider rather than a partner, which can be deeply unsatisfying. Reflect on whether your expectations align with the reality of your relationship. Are you hoping for expressions of affection and excitement that your wife may not be able to provide right now due to her own emotional or practical constraints?

Your frustration and sense of being undervalued are entirely valid. It’s important to acknowledge these feelings and not dismiss them. However, the key is to approach this situation without letting these feelings drive a wedge between you and your wife. Instead of focusing on what’s missing, try to identify what’s still present in your relationship. Your shared commitment to your children and the mutual sacrifices you've made are significant bonds that can still be honored and celebrated.

In terms of intimacy, it’s understandable to feel hesitant about initiating when past attempts have led to rejection. This aspect of your relationship might require open, honest, and non-confrontational dialogue. Let your wife know that you miss the closeness and that it’s important to you, not just physically but emotionally. It’s possible she might not fully realize the impact her disinterest has had on you.

While it’s clear you’re committed to staying in the marriage for at least the next decade, it’s also important to focus on your own happiness. Invest in self-care and activities that bring you joy outside of the relationship. This could be pursuing hobbies, spending time with friends, or even exploring new interests that fulfill you personally. Building a satisfying life for yourself can alleviate some of the pressure on your marriage to meet all your emotional needs.

Acceptance can be a powerful tool in finding contentment. Accepting that your wife may not be able to give you what you once had or what you currently desire doesn’t mean giving up on the relationship. Instead, it’s about finding peace with the current reality while still cherishing and nurturing the aspects of your relationship that are strong and positive.

Remember, relationships are dynamic, and people change over time. What’s crucial is finding a balance that allows you to feel fulfilled and connected, even if it means adjusting your expectations and finding joy in different ways. Continue to express your love and support for your wife and children, but also give yourself permission to seek happiness and fulfillment in ways that are within your control.

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Anu Krishna  |1003 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 01, 2024Hindi
I m 35 years old woman I married twice but my marriage not success first marriage in religion and second is interfaith marriage which I have two kid one son he is 16 year old and one daughter she is 8 year old I married my second one husband in 2009 he is in relationship with other women he have 1 kids with her then also I accepted because of my of my dad woh is poor and I have no family no house infact I have nobody support I stay with mother in laws in 2016 my daughter was born after that 6 months my inlaws is expired and after that my husband who sold the house my 2 kids and me on road nobody is helping me out he left me with kids. How I manage to register a dv case in 2020 but the case will go on an on in 2022 the order is pass for maintenance which he is not pay single money till know to me after this he is in jail for a month. my kids and I leaving alone on rent house . I am not working because of my health issues I m bagging for my kids to feed both .
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
This is so unfair and I do feel for you...
What I suggest is approach a family member who can support you for a while. During this time, contact a local NGO that helps women facing domestic issues. They will be able to put you in touch with a lawyer who in turn will work out on how the maintenance money can come to you.
So, at this point in time, you need to find someone to guide you with legal matters. Please act quickly; having children with you in this situation is no joke at all.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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