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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4075 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 23, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi

I am 45 years old, have a income of 2.5 lacs with variable pay every month after tax deduction. My total CTC is 65 lakhs/annum with stock. I have 2 flats worth 1.8 crores, one land worth 9 lakhs, one ancestral land worth 45 lakhs, have company stocks worth 20 to 30 lakhs. PPF current is 30 lakhs for 20 years of experience. My liabilities are home loan worth 80 lakhs, personal loan of 2 lakhs concluding in 3 months. My monthly expenses including EMI is 2lakhs. My kid education cost 2-3 lakh per year in Bangalore and she is 12 years in grade 7. Can you help me, how much I need to save every month, so I can have 5 crores in liquid money in 8 years and how much have for retirement plan by 65.

Ans: Absolutely understand your concerns. You have a good income and valuable assets, but you also have significant financial goals. Let's plan to achieve Rs. 5 crores in 8 years and ensure a comfortable retirement by 65.

Evaluating Current Financial Position
Firstly, let's assess your current financial position. Your monthly income is Rs. 2.5 lakhs with variable pay. Your CTC is Rs. 65 lakhs per annum, including company stocks. You own two flats worth Rs. 1.8 crores, one land worth Rs. 9 lakhs, and ancestral land worth Rs. 45 lakhs. Your company stocks are worth Rs. 20 to 30 lakhs. You have a PPF balance of Rs. 30 lakhs.

Your liabilities include an Rs. 80 lakh home loan and an Rs. 2 lakh personal loan, which will conclude in three months. Your monthly expenses, including EMIs, are Rs. 2 lakhs. Your child’s education costs Rs. 2-3 lakhs per year.

Setting Financial Goals
Your primary goals are:

Accumulating Rs. 5 crores in liquid money in 8 years.
Planning for retirement by age 65.
Assessing Income and Expenses
Your monthly income after tax is Rs. 2.5 lakhs. Monthly expenses are Rs. 2 lakhs, leaving you with Rs. 50,000 for savings and investments. Once the personal loan concludes in three months, you will have an additional Rs. 2 lakhs monthly for savings and investments.

Debt Management
First, prioritize managing your home loan. The personal loan will conclude soon, which is good. Continue paying your home loan EMIs on time. Consider prepaying part of the home loan if you receive bonuses or variable pay. This will reduce your interest burden.

Savings and Investments
To achieve your goals, you need a disciplined approach to savings and investments. Here's how you can plan:

Short-term Goal: Accumulating Rs. 5 Crores in 8 Years
Monthly Savings Required:

You need to save and invest a significant amount monthly.
With your additional Rs. 2 lakhs available after the personal loan conclusion, start saving Rs. 2.5 lakhs monthly.
Consider investing in mutual funds. Actively managed funds through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can provide better returns than direct funds.
SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) are a good way to invest consistently.
Investment Options:

Mutual Funds: Diversified equity funds, balanced funds, and debt funds can provide a balanced portfolio.
PPF: Continue investing in PPF. It offers tax benefits and secure returns.
Stocks: Continue holding company stocks. Monitor their performance and consult your CFP for advice.
Long-term Goal: Retirement Planning
Evaluate Retirement Needs:

Estimate your post-retirement expenses considering inflation.
Consider healthcare, lifestyle, and any other retirement goals.
Current Assets and Investments:

Your flats, land, and ancestral property are valuable assets.
Ensure they are well-maintained and consider rental income from flats if not already done.
Retirement Corpus:

Aim to build a retirement corpus that supports your post-retirement lifestyle.
Consult your CFP to estimate the required corpus.
Invest in Mutual Funds:

Long-term investments in mutual funds can help grow your retirement corpus.
Focus on equity funds for higher returns over a long period.
PPF and EPF:

Continue contributing to PPF.
If you have an EPF (Employees’ Provident Fund), continue your contributions.
Child's Education Planning
Your child’s education costs Rs. 2-3 lakhs per year. Consider creating a dedicated education fund.

Education Savings:

Allocate a part of your monthly savings towards this fund.
Consider child education plans or mutual funds specifically designed for education savings.
Invest in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY):

If you have a daughter, SSY offers attractive returns and tax benefits.
This can be a part of your education savings strategy.
Diversifying Investments
Diversification is key to managing risk and maximizing returns. Here's how you can diversify your portfolio:

Mutual Funds:

Invest in a mix of equity, debt, and balanced funds.
Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio with your CFP.
PPF and EPF:

Continue contributions for secure, long-term growth.
Company Stocks:

Hold and monitor their performance.
Consider selling a part if they appreciate significantly and reinvest in diversified funds.
Real Estate:

Your flats and land are valuable assets.
Consider rental income and long-term appreciation.
Building an Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is crucial for financial security. Allocate a part of your savings to build a fund covering 6-12 months of expenses. This fund will help manage unexpected expenses without disturbing your investment goals.

Insurance Coverage
Ensure you have adequate insurance coverage. Here's what to consider:

Life Insurance:

Adequate coverage to support your family in your absence.
Term insurance is recommended for higher coverage at lower premiums.
Health Insurance:

Comprehensive health insurance for your family.
Consider a top-up plan for additional coverage.
Critical Illness and Disability Insurance:

Coverage for critical illnesses and disability.
This ensures financial support in case of severe health issues.
Monitoring and Reviewing Your Plan
Regularly monitor and review your financial plan. Here's how:

Quarterly Reviews:

Review your investments, expenses, and savings every quarter.
Make adjustments as needed.
Annual Reviews:

Conduct a detailed annual review with your CFP.
Assess your progress towards goals and make necessary changes.
Adjusting for Life Changes:

Adjust your plan for any major life changes, like job change, additional income, or change in expenses.
Maintaining Financial Discipline
Financial discipline is key to achieving your goals. Stick to your budget, avoid unnecessary expenses, and focus on your savings and investment plan. Here are some tips:

Automate Savings:

Automate your savings and investments.
This ensures consistency and reduces the temptation to spend.

Maintain a monthly budget.
Track your expenses and identify areas to cut back.
Avoid Debt:

Avoid taking on new debt.
Focus on repaying existing loans and maintaining a debt-free lifestyle.
Final Insights
You have a solid foundation with a good income, valuable assets, and a disciplined approach to savings. Achieving Rs. 5 crores in liquid money in 8 years and planning for a comfortable retirement is possible with strategic planning and disciplined execution. Focus on prioritizing debt repayment, diversifying investments, and maintaining financial discipline. Regularly review and adjust your plan to stay on track towards your financial goals.

Start implementing these steps immediately. Track your progress, adjust your plan as needed, and stay committed. Financial freedom is achievable with determination and smart planning.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Samraat Jadhav  |1828 Answers  |Ask -

Stock Market Expert - Answered on May 02, 2024

Hi. I am currently 32 years old male working in a government sector. My take home salary is 1 lakh monthly and it will increase approx. 5% every year (basic 3%, da twice increase min. 4,4%). My NPS (employee and employer) deductions at present is around 25000 every month and will increase when basic increases every year (assuming basic increases by 3% pa without considering future promotions for now). Apart from this I am investing 10k every month in the mutual funds (small, mid and large cap), 5k every month in sukanya sammridhi yojana for my daughters educational needs. Parked 2 lakh in stock market and current value is 4 lakh, 6 lakh in PF (current value inc. interest earned so far), have LIC policy paying rs. 7300 quarterly, have term insurance (increasing sum assured, upto 1 CR for 15 years) and seperate health insurance to cover my family health expenses apart from govt. CGHS. I am repaying some loans (worth 20000 per month) took in the past and all loans will be cleared by 2030 December. Now I want to plan for my retirement (my current household expenses 40 to 45k per month=grocery, clothing, house rent, other misc. Needs), my child education (child current age is 2), her weeding expenses (consider marriage at 25 age), planning to have one more child in a year. I have privilege to join my kids in Kendriya Vidyalaya, so till 12th education expenses you can consider min. I also want to buy a home at the age between 50 to 55 near to Bangalore to old Mysore road (consider approx. Amount for 2 bhk apartment not in city little outskirts like kengeri or little farther). Now please suggest me. How to plan for my retirement, child marriage and education, construction of home
Ans: I would suggest you to visit a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor and seek advice from them. The following link will help you to find the nearest Adviser for you.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4075 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 07, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 02, 2024Hindi
I am 45 working with 15lakh in hand pacakge I hvae property worth 2 crore in which I am living . Family of 3 (me my wife and daughter 8 ) no loan Assest inveatment of 1.2 crore as property. Sip of total 5000 in index funds Epf worth 15lakh Fd 10lakh Helath hdfc 10 lkah and 20lakh with company and term insurance (1 crore ) How much corpse required for retirement and child education .
Ans: It's commendable that you're thinking ahead about your retirement and your child's education. Let's assess your financial situation and estimate the corpus required for your retirement and your daughter's education:

Retirement Corpus:
Consider factors such as your desired retirement age, expected lifespan, estimated post-retirement expenses, and inflation.
Determine your retirement income needs, including living expenses, healthcare costs, and leisure activities.
Calculate the corpus required to generate the desired income using conservative withdrawal rates and factoring in inflation.
Child's Education Corpus:
Estimate the cost of your daughter's education, including tuition fees, accommodation, and other related expenses.
Consider the inflation rate for education expenses and the duration until your daughter enters college.
Calculate the corpus required to fund her education using a combination of savings, investments, and education loans if necessary.
Additional Considerations:
Take into account any other financial goals or obligations, such as buying a car or funding vacations.
Review your existing investments and savings to determine how much additional corpus you need to accumulate to meet your goals.
Developing a Financial Plan:
As a Certified Financial Planner, I recommend developing a comprehensive financial plan that addresses your retirement and education funding needs.
Consider various investment options, asset allocation strategies, and risk management techniques to achieve your goals.
Regularly review and adjust your financial plan as your circumstances change, such as salary increases, changes in expenses, or market fluctuations.
Seeking Professional Advice:
Consult with a financial advisor to analyze your current financial situation, set realistic goals, and create a customized financial plan.
A professional can provide personalized guidance and recommend strategies to help you achieve your retirement and education funding objectives.
By proactively planning for your retirement and your daughter's education, you can ensure a financially secure future for yourself and your family. Remember to stay disciplined in your savings and investment approach, and seek professional advice whenever needed. With careful planning and prudent financial management, you can achieve your goals and enjoy peace of mind.

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Anu Krishna  |986 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 28, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 25, 2024Hindi
Me and my wife are happily married for 10 years and having a twins 4 years before. This incident happened 8 years ago, when my wife and her cousin visited the home town for a temple function they reconnected with this guy who is their old friend ( a distinct relative also), this person had an interest on my wife before marriage and my wife rejected. Now this person is married and having one kid. when they reconnected my wife's cousin used to do conference calls along with this person and my wife. My wife asked me is it ok to talk. i said yes it is fine but just maintain a boundary. So she wont attend all the calls from them. Attended some conference calls for 5 to 15 min and drop the call saying my husband don't like me in phone too much. this happens weekly once or twice for 2 month. they also had a watsapp group, in that they had friendly chat between them, mostly between wife's cousin and that person. My wife reply was very less. but when i was going through the messages they are not flirty messages, there i saw my wife saying very positive about our relationship and her cousin also agreed to that saying they are the best couples. but that person has addressed my wife's cousin and my wife occasionally as honey and dear. but both of them ignored and not asked them to stop calling like that. when i checked this with my wife she said that person calls everyone as honey/dear even her sisters and other cousin.it is habitual for him so she found no meaning in that and she is not bothered to correct that. thats why she ignored. i asked her to stop talking to him. My wife told she already stopped talking with him as he tried to make personal calls as she did not like it. that time the wats group also not active so she exited from the group and blocked his number. Recently we came to know that one of the relative girl got into affair with this person and this person got divorced due to that 1. Does words like honey can be used in friendly way. i have many freinds in other gender i never used honey even though i used 'dear' occassionaly. As he used this word with my wife, Does this make my wife less pure than other women's. is this cheating ? 2. I cant come in to terms with the fact my wife talked to a person who is a womanizer. does this affect my wife's reputation in the society. they never met in person other than this temple function reconnect.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
What is cheating and what is not is purely based on the Book of Rules that each of us have within us; it comes from the way we have been raised on a diet of 'right' and 'wrong' AND from our own experiences.
While validating whether a particular rule works well or not, just put in into context and see it.
- Does that rule keep you away from actually seeing things more openly?
- Does that rule keep you occupied with small things that hold no value?

I guess, you must think of it: is this really cheating? When your wife says that she has stopped talking to him, what makes you still obsess over it?
Also, her rule book says that 'honey' and 'dear' might not be a big thing...Plus, how can she control what another person says...yes, she could have objected and she didn't but not that she played on it.

See, the second doubts have crept in, the mind goes all over the place...even if there are no flirty messages, you will still find something problematic to confirm that what you were thinking in the first place.
So, maybe you need to look within to understand if there are jealousies and insecurities within you and that is what is occupying your mind. If Yes, then address this; speak with your wife and it's fine to tell her that you feel hurt and that you don't like it. When you are frank, a lot of things get sorted out...she may very well understand your point of view...and on your part, as you have said: she used to reply less and not respond much to him...
Do you want unnecessary thoughts drive a wedge in your marriage? Speak it out and things fall in place...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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