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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3763 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 27, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Munna Question by Munna on May 27, 2024Hindi

Sir, I am 34 years govt job employees. My salary is 45k/m. I am under debt of 30L. 15L PL+15L on relatives. I have no any assets. I have two child they are 8 &4years. My emi goes to 60k/m. I am unable to manage it. I loose all my money into the share mkt in2020-2023. What I do

Ans: Evaluating Your Financial Situation
You are currently facing significant financial challenges. With a salary of Rs 45,000 per month and debts totaling Rs 30 lakhs, your situation is stressful. Your monthly EMI payments amount to Rs 60,000, which is more than your monthly income. This indicates a serious cash flow problem that needs immediate attention.

Understanding Your Debt
You have Rs 15 lakhs in personal loans and another Rs 15 lakhs owed to relatives. Both these debts need to be managed effectively. Personal loans often come with high interest rates, which can exacerbate your financial stress.

Immediate Steps to Manage Debt
Your primary goal should be to reduce your monthly EMI burden. Here are some steps you can consider:

Debt Consolidation: Look into consolidating your debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate. This can reduce your overall EMI.

Loan Restructuring: Contact your bank to discuss the possibility of restructuring your loan. This might involve extending the loan tenure to reduce monthly payments.

Negotiating with Creditors: Talk to your relatives about possibly renegotiating the repayment terms. They might be willing to extend the repayment period or reduce the interest.

Expense Management
Cutting down on unnecessary expenses is crucial. Here are some ways to manage your expenses better:

Create a Budget: Track your income and expenses meticulously. Identify areas where you can cut costs.

Reduce Discretionary Spending: Limit spending on non-essential items and focus on basic necessities.

Seek Support: Government employees often have access to support systems and financial counseling. Utilize these resources.

Generating Additional Income
Finding ways to supplement your income can provide relief. Consider the following:

Part-time Work: Look for part-time or freelance work that you can manage alongside your job.

Utilize Skills: Use any skills or hobbies to generate additional income. For instance, tutoring, freelancing, or consulting.

Building a Financial Safety Net
Once you stabilize your debt situation, focus on building a small emergency fund. This will provide a cushion against future financial shocks. Start with a small amount and gradually increase it as your situation improves.

Investing Cautiously
Given your past experience with the stock market, it is important to approach investments cautiously:

Avoid High-Risk Investments: Stay away from high-risk investments like direct stock market trading for now.

Consider Safe Options: Look into safer investment options such as fixed deposits or recurring deposits, which provide stability.

Actively Managed Funds: If you decide to invest in mutual funds, consider actively managed funds. These are managed by professionals who can help navigate market volatility.

The Importance of Financial Planning
A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can help you create a structured financial plan. They can provide tailored advice based on your current financial situation and long-term goals.

Benefits of Professional Guidance
Working with a CFP can offer several advantages:

Personalized Advice: Receive investment advice tailored to your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Strategic Planning: Benefit from a structured plan that balances debt repayment with savings and investments.

Regular Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and adjustment of your financial plan to stay on track.

Creating a Sustainable Financial Plan
A comprehensive financial plan should address:

Debt Management: Prioritize debt repayment and create a clear plan to eliminate debt.

Emergency Fund: Build an emergency fund to cover 3-6 months of living expenses.

Education Planning: Start small savings for your children’s education to avoid large financial burdens later.

Retirement Planning: Begin saving for retirement, even with small contributions, to ensure long-term security.

Your financial situation is challenging, but with a structured approach, it can be managed. Focus on reducing debt, managing expenses, and slowly building a financial safety net. Consider professional guidance to create a balanced and sustainable financial plan. With patience and discipline, you can improve your financial health.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3763 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 05, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 13, 2023Hindi
Hi, i m a breadwinner to my family of 4 (Myself 44yrs, wife 42, one daughter 7yrs n son 4 yrs). I am salaried engineering professional in private firm with 13L/annum. To have financial gain, i invested in shares, gained a little but now in loss of Rs 3L with total investment of 8L. Its been 2yrs but it seems it will be waste of time further as it is unpredictable when those shares will recover? n if not any profit when can i get the principal amount? Somebody suggested me to withdraw all from shares n with those Rs 5L, invest in MF not only to recover 3L but also gain profit in Long term. My investment goals are obviously as below; 01) Lumpsum amount for child education after 10 n 15 yrs from now. 02) For their marriage. After 20yrs from now. 03) Have sufficient funds as lumpsum or monthly post retirement. 15yrs from now. As an asset, I have got only flat amounting 80L now in Noida. A principal home loan outstanding 14L on that property, 24K as EMI. I m staying in rented accommodation in Panvel - Mumbai where i am doing Job. My monthly saving of now is almost NIL after all expenses, but can somehow manage to invest around 5~6k. Plz suggest, with given conditions what should be my next step to achieve above 3 goals?
Ans: Given your current situation, it's essential to reassess your investment strategy and prioritize long-term financial goals. Here's a suggested plan:

Immediate Action on Shares: Consider selling the shares to minimize further losses and reinvest the remaining amount in more stable investment avenues like mutual funds.

Mutual Fund Investment: With the proceeds from the shares (5L), consider investing in mutual funds. Given your long-term goals, opt for diversified equity funds or balanced funds that offer growth potential with comparatively lower risk.

Emergency Fund: Since your monthly savings are limited, focus on building an emergency fund equivalent to at least 6-12 months of your expenses. Keep this fund in a liquid or low-risk investment option like a savings account or short-term debt fund.

Child Education and Marriage: For your children's education and marriage goals, consider starting SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) in equity mutual funds. Allocate funds based on the respective time horizons and risk appetite.

Retirement Planning: Since you have a flat as an asset, ensure that you continue to pay off the home loan EMIs regularly. Additionally, allocate a portion of your monthly savings towards retirement planning through SIPs in retirement-focused mutual funds or NPS (National Pension Scheme).

Regular Review: Regularly review your investment portfolio's performance and make necessary adjustments based on changing market conditions, financial goals, and risk tolerance.

Seek Professional Advice: Consider consulting a financial advisor who can provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific financial situation and goals.

By following these steps and staying disciplined in your investment approach, you can work towards achieving your financial goals and securing your family's future.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3763 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 16, 2024

hi, i am 46 year old central government employee in Pune, I had several bad financial decision in my life. i have two daughters aged 11 and 17 i have no saving left, i have a flat in pune with liability of 38lac on home loan and 10 lac on personal society loan at 9% interest i have a ancestral property of 50 lac in Tamil nadu where my mom lives per month iam paying 550000 as home loan and personal loan EMI, My income is around 86000 how can I come out of this EMI burden and improve financial stability
Ans: Understanding Your Financial Situation
First, let me commend you for reaching out for guidance. It's never too late to improve your financial situation. You have two daughters to support and considerable loan burdens, which makes it essential to adopt a well-structured plan to regain financial stability.

Current Income and Expenses
Your current income is Rs. 86,000 per month. However, a significant portion of this income goes towards EMI payments. You are paying Rs. 5,50,000 annually towards home loan and personal loan EMIs, which is a heavy burden. This leaves limited room for savings and other expenses.

Loan Burden Analysis
The home loan liability is Rs. 38 lakh, and the personal society loan stands at Rs. 10 lakh. The home loan EMI is likely a major part of your monthly expense. Given the 9% interest rate on the personal loan, it is essential to address this first due to its higher interest rate compared to many other debt forms.

Asset Overview
You have an ancestral property worth Rs. 50 lakh in Tamil Nadu, where your mother lives. While this property holds significant value, it is tied to emotional and familial considerations.

Steps to Improve Financial Stability
Reassess and Prioritise Debts
Prioritise High-Interest Debts: Focus on reducing high-interest debts first. The personal loan at 9% interest is more expensive than typical home loans. Prioritising its repayment can save you significant interest over time.

Consider Debt Consolidation: Look into consolidating your personal and home loans. Consolidating at a lower interest rate can reduce the overall EMI burden. Discuss with your bank for possible consolidation or refinancing options.

Utilising Assets
Evaluate Ancestral Property: While the ancestral property is valuable, it might be worth considering its role in your financial recovery. You might explore options like renting out a portion of the property for additional income.

Downsize or Rent: If possible, you might consider downsizing your living space in Pune or renting out a portion of your flat to generate extra income. These steps can help manage EMIs more comfortably.

Budgeting and Expense Management
Create a Detailed Budget: Track all your income and expenses meticulously. Identify areas where you can cut down unnecessary costs. Budgeting helps in allocating resources more efficiently and finding ways to save money.

Emergency Fund: Establish a small emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. Even a modest fund can prevent you from taking on more debt during emergencies.

Increasing Income Streams
Leveraging Skills and Opportunities
Freelancing or Part-Time Work: Explore opportunities to leverage your skills through freelancing or part-time work. Additional income from side gigs can significantly help in managing loan repayments.

Utilise Government Benefits: As a central government employee, explore any available benefits, allowances, or grants that might assist in your financial situation.

Investments and Savings
Start Small Investments: Begin with small, regular investments in safe, growth-oriented funds. Consult a Certified Financial Planner to select funds that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Employer-Provided Benefits: Maximise contributions to government-provided savings schemes and benefits. These can provide tax advantages and enhance your financial security.

Reviewing and Adjusting Insurance
Insurance Policies
Evaluate Existing Policies: If you have LIC, ULIP, or investment-cum-insurance policies, consider their current value and benefits. These policies might not be the most efficient use of your funds.

Surrendering Underperforming Policies: If your policies are underperforming, you might consider surrendering them and redirecting those funds into more effective investments, such as mutual funds managed by certified professionals.

Adequate Coverage
Health Insurance: Ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage. Medical emergencies can drain savings and push you further into debt.

Life Insurance: Maintain sufficient life insurance to protect your family’s financial future in case of unforeseen events.

Planning for Children's Education
Education Fund
Separate Fund for Education: Create a separate education fund for your daughters. Even small, regular contributions can grow significantly over time.

Scholarships and Grants: Research scholarships, grants, and educational loans that can help fund your daughters' education without straining your finances.

Long-Term Education Planning
Invest in Education Plans: Consider education-specific investment plans. These can offer returns aligned with the timeframes of your daughters' educational needs.

Consult a CFP: A Certified Financial Planner can help tailor an education savings plan that suits your financial situation and goals.

Building a Sustainable Financial Plan
Setting Financial Goals
Short-Term Goals: Focus on immediate goals like reducing debt and creating an emergency fund. These are crucial for stabilising your financial situation.

Long-Term Goals: Set long-term goals for retirement, children's education, and eventual financial independence. A CFP can help you set realistic and achievable goals.

Monitoring and Reviewing
Regular Financial Check-Ups: Conduct regular reviews of your financial situation. Adjust your plans as needed to stay on track towards your goals.

Professional Guidance: Regular consultations with a Certified Financial Planner can provide ongoing support and adjustments to your financial strategy.

Final Insights
Improving your financial situation requires a multi-faceted approach. Prioritise paying off high-interest debts and consider refinancing options to reduce your EMI burden. Utilise your assets effectively, and explore additional income opportunities. Establish a disciplined budgeting and savings strategy to build financial stability.

Consider the future needs of your family, particularly your daughters' education, by creating dedicated funds and exploring scholarships. Regularly review your financial plan and adjust as necessary to stay on track. Engaging a Certified Financial Planner can provide personalised advice and support throughout your financial journey.

Your determination and willingness to improve your financial situation are commendable. By taking these steps, you can work towards a more stable and secure financial future for yourself and your family.
Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Latest Questions
Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |417 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Dear sir Your answer was very helpful We are residing in Chennai and he is only son ...could you suggest few entrance exams for upper middle class Bits pilani how much it would cost He aims for computer science engineering
Ans: Priya Madam, I hope your son has joined Coaching Center for his JEE. As you prefer to have back-ups apart from JEE (NITs, IITS, GFTI & IIITs), here are some other suggested Entrance Exams along with JEE: (1) State Entrance Exams and / or Top-3 Private Colleges' Entrance Exams in your / nearby States (2) COMEDK (of Karnataka) is another better option as it is open to Students all over India. (3) IAT Exam for admission into IISER / IISc / IIT, if your son is interested in Research (4) PESSAT (of PES University) in Bengaluru (4) CUET for Central Universities all over India. (5) BITS. Please note, if you / your son prefer BITS-Computer Science, he should score minimum 330 / 360 for Pilani Campus, 295 / 360 for Goa Campus. 290/360 for Goa Campus. (6) It is advisable for him to appear in, minimum 5-Entrance Exams (instead of relying only on BITS). This will enable your son to have a lot of options to choose the best & most suitable College along with the Stream she prefers. Give importance to Location of the College Also. And, please AVOID forcing him to join the College / Stream which you prefer. His utmost importance to his interests. All The BEST for Son's Daughter's Bright Future, Madam. To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs | Resume Writing | Profile Building | Salary Negotiation Skills | Building Professional LinkedIn Profile | Choosing Right School Board (State | Matriculation | CBSE | ICSE |International Board) | Student Psychological Counselling | Exam Preparation Techniques (Board | Entrance & Competitive)| Strategies to Attempt Exams | Job Interview Skills | Skill Upgrading | Parenting & Child Upbringing Skills | Career Transition | Abroad Education | Education Loan (India | Abroad) | Scholarship (India | Abroad) | SOP Writing Tips’, please FOLLOW me in RediffGURU here.

Nayagam PP |
EduJob360 |
CERTIFIED Career Coach |

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |417 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Hello sir My son is in 12th class this year and preparing for JEE exam. Kindly suggest in addition to JEE any other entrance exam for engineering
Ans: Virendra Sir. I hope your son has joined Coaching Center for his JEE. As you prefer to have back-ups apart from JEE (NITs, IITS, GFTI & IIITs), here are some other suggested Entrance Exams along with JEE: (1) State Entrance Exams and / or Top-3 Private Colleges' Entrance Exams in your / nearby States (2) If you prefer to apply in South also, COMEDK (of Karnataka) is another better option as it is open to Students all over India. (3) IAT Exam for admission into IISER if your daughter is interested in Research (4) PESSAT (of PES University) in Bengaluru (4) CUET for Central Universities all over India. It is advisable for her to appear in, minimum 5-Entrance Exams. This will enable your daughter to have a lot of options to choose the best & most suitable College along with the Stream she prefers. Give importance to Location of the College Also. And, please AVOID forcing her to join the College / Stream which you prefer. All The BEST for your Daughter's Bright Future, Sir. To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs | Resume Writing | Profile Building | Salary Negotiation Skills | Building Professional LinkedIn Profile | Choosing Right School Board (State | Matriculation | CBSE | ICSE |International Board) | Student Psychological Counselling | Exam Preparation Techniques (Board | Entrance & Competitive)| Strategies to Attempt Exams | Job Interview Skills | Skill Upgrading | Parenting & Child Upbringing Skills | Career Transition | Abroad Education | Education Loan (India | Abroad) | Scholarship (India | Abroad) | SOP Writing Tips’, please FOLLOW me in RediffGURU here.

Nayagam PP |
EduJob360 |
CERTIFIED Career Coach |

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3763 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Is it safe to invest in gold through Gullak app
Ans: While Gullak offers a seemingly convenient way to invest in gold, there are some potential risks to consider:

Unregulated "Gold+" Program: The "Gold+" program's guaranteed 5% extra gold is a unique feature, but it's not entirely clear how Gullak achieves this. Since this program is unregulated, there's less oversight compared to SEBI-regulated mutual funds.
Counterparty Risk: Gullak mentions a 100% bank guarantee on your gold investment. However, the details of this guarantee and the specific bank involved are crucial. In case of any issue with the bank, there's a chance your investment might be impacted.
Limited Transparency: Compared to mutual funds, Gullak might not be as transparent about their fees and overall investment structure. This can make it difficult to fully understand the associated costs and risks.
Potential Hidden Costs: While Gullak might advertise low fees, there could be hidden costs associated with storage, insurance, or selling your gold holdings. Make sure you understand all the fees involved before investing.

Mutual Fund Gold:

Safety: Mutual funds are regulated by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) which adds a layer of security. Your investment represents units in the fund, not physical gold, but the underlying gold is typically stored in secure vaults.
Returns: Gold Mutual Funds invest in physical gold, reflecting the market price. You won't get a guaranteed bonus like with Gullak Gold+, but your returns are tied directly to the gold price's performance.
Liquidity: Gold Mutual Funds are generally quite liquid, allowing you to redeem your units on exchange platforms.
Here's why Mutual Fund Gold might be a better choice:

Transparency: Mutual Funds are more transparent in their holdings and fees compared to Gullak's "Gold+" program.
Flexibility: Mutual Funds offer various gold investment options with different expense ratios. You can choose a fund that suits your investment horizon and risk tolerance.
Market Exposure: Mutual Funds can offer exposure to gold along with diversification within the gold sector (e.g., international gold).

Why Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is Wise:
A CFP is a financial professional who can provide personalized advice based on your specific financial situation and goals. Here's why consulting a CFP can be beneficial:

Risk Assessment: A CFP can help you assess your risk tolerance and determine if Gullak or Mutual Fund Gold is a suitable investment for you.
Portfolio Diversification: A CFP can advise you on how to incorporate gold into a diversified portfolio to manage risk and meet your long-term goals.
Understanding Gullak's "Gold+" Program: A CFP can help you analyze the details and potential risks associated with Gullak's "Gold+" program.
Comparison with Mutual Funds: A CFP can compare Gullak with various gold mutual fund options, considering factors like fees, expense ratios, and historical performance.
Remember: Financial planning is personal. Consulting a CFP can empower you to make informed investment decisions aligned with your unique circumstances.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |417 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Sir I have taken admission in a private college with branch cse ..pls could you guide me what to do from 1st year..
Ans: Neel, Congratulations! Some important tips for you (1) Try to maintain a decent CGPA (preferably above 8.5) without any backlogs / arrears (2) Join co-curricular activities club, related to your domain & 2 extra curricular activities you are interested in (3) Keep getting advice from the Faculties for your Career Development (4) Start upgrading your skills on your / allied domains through NPTEL, Internshala, LinkedIn, Coursera etc. (5) Create a Professional Linked Profile & keep updating them every 3-months. (6) Connect to Professionals related to your domain, but avoid asking for any favour or jobs when you are in 4th year (7) Put job alerts in LinkedIn Profile, related to your domain, to keep knowing about the Job Description given by the companies & job market conditions (8) Have good friends around you who will help you always for your career growth and, in turn, you also help them (9) Never get demotivated by academic pressure (which is bound to happen in almost all Engineering Colleges) (10) Manage your time propery (11) Do Yoga or Meditation or any other Physical Exercises you are comfortable with, for 25-30 minutes daily (12) Above all, do relax sometimes. All The BEST for your Bright Future Neel. To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs | Resume Writing | Profile Building | Salary Negotiation Skills | Building Professional LinkedIn Profile | Choosing Right School Board (State | Matriculation | CBSE | ICSE |International Board) | Student Psychological Counselling | Exam Preparation Techniques (Board | Entrance & Competitive)| Strategies to Attempt Exams | Job Interview Skills | Skill Upgrading | Parenting & Child Upbringing Skills | Career Transition | Abroad Education | Education Loan (India | Abroad) | Scholarship (India | Abroad) | SOP Writing Tips’, please FOLLOW me in RediffGURU here.

Nayagam PP |
EduJob360 |
CERTIFIED Career Coach |

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |417 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Hi Sir, My daughter got 3058 Rank in Comedk 2024 and 8954 Rank in Telangana Eamcet. Getting CSC and it's associated branches is little difficult in Telangana top colleges,we may get VNR/CBIT for ECE. She may get CSE in Dayanand Sagar College of engineering, Bangalore and Bangalore Institute of Technology. Are they good colleges? Can we prefer these two colleges for CSE or chose ECE in MSRIT/BMSCE or VNR/CBIT colleges. She is interested in both CSE and ECE branches. Should we choose Hyd/Banglore? We are from Hyd Please help
Ans: Manikanth Sir. Please prefer MSRIT / BMSCE for ECE over other Colleges which you have mentioned. However, please note, some software companies prefer even ECE students during Campus Recruitment. Compared to CSE, less number of Core Companies visit Campus for ECE. Your daughter should keep upgrading her skills (on her domain & Software) from 1st year itself till 4th year to be competent among other students / streams during Campus Recruitment. All The BEST for your Daughter's Bright Future, Sir. To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs | Resume Writing | Profile Building | Salary Negotiation Skills | Building Professional LinkedIn Profile | Choosing Right School Board (State | Matriculation | CBSE | ICSE |International Board) | Student Psychological Counselling | Exam Preparation Techniques (Board | Entrance & Competitive)| Job Interview Skills | Skill Upgrading | Parenting & Child Upbringing Skills | Career Transition | Abroad Education | Education Loan (India | Abroad) | Scholarship (India | Abroad)’, please FOLLOW me in RediffGURU here.

Nayagam PP |
EduJob360 |
CERTIFIED Career Coach

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