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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6444 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 10, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 27, 2024Hindi

For the last 1 1/2 years I have a tenant. Though he was regularly paying rent but he was very secretive person. He never talked much with us. Everyday he leaves the flat at 6 am and returns after 11 pm. He told us that he has a warehouse of a reputed company and for that he remains very busy. Last year he showed immense interest to buy our flat. We were also ready to sale it. He assured us that he will surely buy the property so we have not entertained any other buyer. But for the last 4 months he was behaving suspiciously. Everytime we asked him about the tentative date when he is ready to take possession, he unnecessarily avoided the question saying that his lawyer is very busy. When we contacted his lawyer, he said that he has no connection with that person for the last 4-5 months. When we crossed him, he behaved very rudely and told that he will not purchase it and from that night he has not returned in his flat. Now we want to send him an eviction notice as per our agreement as we are in urgent need of selling the property as my father is seriously ill and need to do some costly medical procedure. We do not have any duplicate key of the flat so now it is not possible also to show the flat to someone. Also he is not picking up the phone. Please help. Our agreement will end on 9th October, 2024.

Ans: I'm sorry to hear about the difficult situation you're facing. Dealing with a tenant who is uncooperative and has disappeared can be quite challenging, especially when urgent medical needs are involved. Here's a step-by-step approach to handle the situation effectively:

Understanding Your Agreement
Firstly, review your rental agreement thoroughly. Pay special attention to clauses related to eviction, notice periods, and tenant obligations. This will guide your actions and ensure you remain within legal boundaries.

Sending an Eviction Notice
Given the tenant's behavior and your urgent need, issuing an eviction notice is the right step. Here’s how to proceed:

Draft the Notice: The eviction notice should be clear and precise. Include the following details:

Tenant’s name and address
Reason for eviction (e.g., non-payment of rent, breach of contract)
The date by which the tenant should vacate the property
Reference to the specific clauses of the agreement being violated
Signature and date
Legal Considerations: In India, a minimum notice period is usually stipulated in the rental agreement. If not specified, a 30-day notice is typically considered reasonable. However, consult with a lawyer to ensure compliance with local laws.

Serving the Notice
Personal Delivery: If possible, deliver the notice personally. Ensure you have a witness present during delivery. This could be a neighbor or a friend.

Registered Post: If personal delivery is not possible, send the notice via registered post with acknowledgment due. This ensures there is a record of delivery.

Legal Recourse
If the tenant does not vacate after the notice period, you may need to initiate legal proceedings. Here’s what you can do:

Consult a Lawyer: Engage a lawyer who specializes in rental disputes. They can guide you through the process of filing an eviction suit.

File a Case: The lawyer will help you file an eviction suit in the appropriate court. This process can take time, so it’s essential to act promptly.

Court Order: If the court rules in your favor, they will issue an eviction order. The police can then assist in evicting the tenant if necessary.

Handling the Locked Flat
Given that you don’t have a duplicate key and the tenant is unreachable, you may need to take additional steps:

Legal Permission: Before attempting to access the flat, get legal permission. Unauthorized entry can lead to legal complications.

Police Assistance: If you have a court order, the police can assist in gaining access to the flat. They can also help ensure that the process is smooth and without conflict.

Addressing Urgent Medical Needs
Since your father’s medical needs are urgent, consider alternative financial arrangements while the eviction process is underway:

Loans: Explore options for a personal loan or a medical loan. Many banks offer these with quick disbursement.

Family Support: Seek financial support from family or friends temporarily until the property is sold.

Insurance: If you have any health insurance policies, check if they cover the medical procedures required.

Future Precautions
To avoid similar situations in the future, consider these precautions:

Tenant Screening: Conduct thorough background checks on prospective tenants. Verify their employment, check references, and ensure their credibility.

Clear Agreements: Ensure your rental agreements are clear and legally sound. Include clauses for regular inspections and maintenance visits.

Duplicate Keys: Always keep a duplicate key for the flat. This ensures you have access if the tenant becomes uncooperative.

Genuine Compliments and Empathy
Your proactive approach to solving this issue is commendable. It’s not easy to handle such stressful situations, especially with urgent medical needs. Your concern for your father’s health shows your dedication and love.

Final Insights
Handling a difficult tenant requires patience and legal guidance. Issue an eviction notice, consult a lawyer, and follow legal procedures to regain possession of your flat. Simultaneously, explore financial options for your father’s medical needs. Being proactive and seeking professional help will ensure a smoother resolution.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6444 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 17, 2024

Our big residential complex Mathurdas Colony in Kalina Mumbai was embroiled in legal disputes for decades as the landlord had died intestate and his relatives were all fighting for a piece of the pie. We tenants were all paying rent to the court receiver. After the court order, we paid rent to the deceased landlord's relatives as per court order, who eventually sold to Hindva Builders. Hindva / Jaavi Infra notified us to vacate in September 2017, and we complied on 15-Sep-17. Mummy and I moved to Goa. We have a court registered agreement that included compensation for rent, moving, and a month's rent as brokerage, all of which we received for year 1, 16-Sep-17 to 15-Sep-18. After persistent reminders we got the rent compensation for year 2. Since then, nothing. Some tenants paid the tenants association reportedly 40,000 for a court case. We learned they all got rent after winning the case. I was abroad, mummy was aged and alone in Goa, I was in touch with Hindva, and was advised to not join the case, with repeated verbal assurances that we would get the rent. I have since begged, pleaded, to no avail. Mostly Hindva ignores my phone calls, SMS, email, prmises to revert and fails to, evert time for five years. When he replied, it was only to sweet-talk us into gullibly believing that we would get the rent. We lost hope of seeing the new permanent alternate accommodation in our lifetime as no construction has began until now, other than demolition of all buildings and some chawls. We were even considering selling. When we last spoke to Hindva, he denied that anyone was given rent. He said rent would begin as of 1-Jul-24 and we would receive by 10-Jul-24, but till now nothing. Hindva has since acquired a financial partner MS Realty. Our blood relative in Bombay went to meet Hindva, but it was actually the office of MS Realty. They advised her to meet Hindva, which she managed to do only after MS Realty apparently asked Hindva why our rent payment was still outstanding. Hindva seems determined to not pay us the rent, despite MS Realty wanting them to. On asking about sale, we learned that 40 tenants had already sold. Would truly appreciate your valued advice as to what to do to get our rent arrears from 16-Sep-19, and how to ensure fair compensation for our 641 area of we decide to sell. Mum is now 91 and I am 67.
Ans: Your situation is quite complex and involves multiple legal and personal factors. Here are the key issues you are facing:

Non-receipt of rent compensation from Hindva Builders since September 2019.
Hindva's reluctance to pay rent arrears despite assurances.
Possibility of selling your entitlement for fair compensation.
The involvement of MS Realty as a financial partner.
Steps to Address Non-Receipt of Rent
Document All Communications
Keep a detailed record of all communications with Hindva and MS Realty.
Note dates, times, and content of calls, emails, and meetings.
Legal Consultation
Consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or a legal expert specializing in real estate and tenancy issues.
They can provide tailored advice and help draft legal notices.
Issue a Legal Notice
Send a formal legal notice to Hindva Builders and MS Realty.
Clearly state the non-payment of rent arrears from 16-Sep-19.
Mention the repeated verbal assurances and the financial and emotional distress caused.
Engage with a Tenants’ Association
Join or collaborate with the tenants’ association if possible.
Collective action can strengthen your position.
Pursuing Fair Compensation for Sale
Property Valuation
Obtain an independent valuation of your 641 area from a certified property valuer.
Ensure the valuation reflects current market conditions in Kalina, Mumbai.
Legal Advice on Sale Agreement
Seek legal advice to review any sale agreement proposed by Hindva or MS Realty.
Ensure the agreement includes fair compensation and clear terms for payment.
Use the independent valuation to negotiate with Hindva and MS Realty.
Aim for a transparent and fair settlement.
Additional Steps for Assurance
Verify Other Tenants’ Experiences
Confirm with other tenants who have sold or received compensation.
Understand the process they followed and the terms they agreed to.
Advocate Support
Consider engaging a local tenants’ rights advocate or NGO.
They can offer support and additional resources.
Final Insights
Your patience and perseverance in dealing with this situation are commendable. Given the complexity, professional legal and financial advice is essential. Act promptly to safeguard your rights and ensure fair compensation.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6444 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 15, 2024Hindi
Dear Sir We had booked a flat in one of the projects in Karnataka ( 15 + years back) but when the project is about to complete the land owner of that apartment filed the case against the builder because the builder had constructed few flats illegally in that project.. The land owner had demanded few crores from the builder for illegally constructing the flat...During that time we were in abroad and 3 flats werent registered in this project one is ours and 2 more flat owners were in abroad too..Thats out of 35 flats... Hence the builder had registered three flats in their name for the safety..But till now we havent got registered of that flat in our name becos there is case in the court. Hence there is no completion certificate issued for that project..etc.... and no flat owner can sell their flat due to the court case. However the builder had given us a power of attorney for the flat for rent it out or stay... And we have rented the flat and are getting the rent... we have been regularly followed up with the builder, he everytime promises today tomorrow....like this 15+ years passed...last year we asked for a replacement flat in one of their new project and he agreed to give us a replacement flat provided we pay some extra bucks as per the rate...We agreed for that and got the agreement signed and also got the sale deed of the land etc.. we have paid the payment in cheques.Its a huge project and completion of the project is bit slow and got delayed.... Recently, the builder had sent an email to all flat owners to register their flats but when we consulted for registration the builder said he had to transfer the payment done by us from the previous project to this new project...hence it would take time (by the way thats their internal issue) everytime we consulted for registration he says it would take one months time and his legal team is working on it...Sometime he says the court case should get over of the other project and then only he can help to register the the present flat..(though the previous flat is in their name itself) we have nothing to do with case (as the Case is between land owner and builder) also the previous flat registration al in their name..we have only agreement and receipts.of payment done...hence so far the flat is not registered...most of the flats got registered in the new project...The project is not completed yet it would take one more year... My question is why the builder is delaying the registration process of our flat and why is he not doing the internal issues solved and help us to register our flat in our name... Should we register the flat ourselves provided we get required documents from the builder? Or consult a lawyer in this regard...Pls guide...
Ans: You booked a flat 15+ years ago in Karnataka. The project faced legal issues due to illegal construction. You haven’t been able to register the flat in your name.

Builder’s Delay
The builder registered three flats, including yours, in their name. You have a power of attorney to rent it out. The builder promised a replacement flat in a new project, but the registration is still delayed.

Key Questions
Why is the builder delaying registration?
Should you register the flat yourself?
Should you consult a lawyer?
Builder's Delay Analysis
Internal Issues
Fund Transfer: The builder needs to transfer payments from the previous project to the new one. This seems to be causing delays.

Legal Complications: The builder indicates that the ongoing court case may affect the registration process. However, you have no involvement in this case.

Project Completion
Project Delay: The new project is not yet complete. This might also contribute to the registration delay.
Consult a Lawyer
Legal Advice: Consult a lawyer to understand your legal standing and options.

Documentation: Ensure all your documents are in order. The lawyer can help review and prepare necessary paperwork.

Registration Process
Self-Registration: With the required documents from the builder, you might register the flat yourself. This requires legal guidance.

Follow-Up: Continue to follow up with the builder regularly. Ensure all communication is documented.

Legal Action
Notice to Builder: Your lawyer may suggest sending a legal notice to the builder for delaying registration.

Court Case: If the builder doesn’t cooperate, consider filing a case against them. This might expedite the process.

Insightful Evaluation
Assessing Risks
Builder's Reliability: Evaluate the builder’s past projects and their completion rates. This helps in assessing the likelihood of further delays.

Legal Risks: Understand the legal risks associated with the ongoing court case. Your lawyer can provide a detailed assessment.

Future Steps
Replacement Flat: If the builder provides a replacement flat, ensure all legal aspects are clear before agreeing.

Backup Plan: Have a backup plan in case the registration process faces more delays. This might include exploring other housing options.

Transparent Dialogue: Maintain open and transparent communication with the builder. Document all discussions and agreements.

Legal Assistance: Have your lawyer involved in all major communications with the builder. This ensures legal backing.

Final Insights
Proactive Steps
Consulting a lawyer is crucial. They can guide you through the legal complexities and help expedite the registration process.

Keep all your documents organized. This will be helpful during any legal procedures.

Regularly follow up with the builder. Ensure you have written records of all communications.

Evaluate the reliability of the builder and the legal implications of the ongoing court case. This helps in making informed decisions.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Milind Vadjikar  |239 Answers  |Ask -

Insurance, Stocks, MF, PF Expert - Answered on Sep 28, 2024

First of all I want to thank you sir for sharing your advice to the persons in need.I am Shiva and I am 28 years old. My father took a home loan of 35 lakhs in January 2019 .My father's current salary is 87000 rupees after deductions .My father is paying monthly installment of 33500 rupees for home loan.My father doesn't have pension and will retire in 2years. My salary is 50000 rupees after my deductions and I have term life insurance of 1.8 cr. my brother's salary is 1 lakh after deductions and both of us are married .After retirement of my father ,he will lumpsum of 40 lakhs and we do not want to use that to pay our home loan as there was no pension for my parents. How can we pay our home loan without affecting our children education and how can we manage my expenses for my parents and also for ourselves.I and my brother are interested in investing in mutual funds .My brother has health insurance of 10 lakhs which includes my parents .please suggest a way to manage our home loan , children education expenses and we want to become debt free as soon as possible and want to build our wealth. Please give your valuable advice sir.I will be eagerly waiting for that. Thanking you, Shiva
Ans: Hello;

You are most welcome for seeking probable answers to your queries.

After the retirement of your father he may buy immediate annuity from a life insurance company. Considering annuity rate of 6% he can expect to receive a monthly payout of 20 K immediately from next month. (You can try to shop around and negotiate for a better annuity rate).

Out of the monthly payout of 20 K your parents may keep 10 K for own expenses and balance 10 K may be earmarked towards loan emi.

Since home loan emi is 33.5 K, I suggest yourself and your brother can share the balance amount(23.5 K) in equal proportion(11750 per person, per month).

As rightly pointed out your family should focus on early repayment of this home loan by pre paying the principal as much as possible.

If the loan repayment tenure is more than 10 years then yourself and brother may be added as co-owners of the property alongwith your father.

This can then enable yourself and your brother to seek income tax deductions on account of home loan repayment.

This will involve stamp duty, registration and legal expenses so it will make sense only if loan repayment term is more then 10 years.

It would be better if you seek advice from a CA to pursue this option.

Despite the monthly payout of 11750, you and your brother will have surplus funds to invest for other goals.

Good to know that your parents are covered under healthcare insurance.

Your parents may not have left a huge fortune for you both but they have ensured best education for you by virtue of which you are decently settled in life. Keep that in mind.

Happy Investing!!

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6444 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 28, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 28, 2024Hindi
Sir I am age of 50 , present I am having own 2 house of buit up area 30 x40 , and gold 30 lakhs and fd of 10 lakhs and lic will come in next year around 40 lakhs , I have to kids one is studying in B.E 2nd yr, and one more 8th std , I have only 10 yrs in my hand I will get retired, presently I started 25000 sip and one ppf of 5k ,is it enough fr my next retirement life....
Ans: You have 10 years until retirement and are keen on assessing your current financial situation. With two kids, one in college and the other in school, it’s important to ensure that your retirement and their future are secure. Let’s analyze your financial position and evaluate whether your current plan is enough for a comfortable retirement.

Current Financial Position
Let’s take a quick look at your assets and existing savings:

Two Houses: You own two houses with a 30x40 built-up area. While real estate adds to your net worth, they may not provide immediate liquidity for retirement. We will focus on financial assets for now.

Gold Worth Rs 30 Lakh: Gold is a good long-term investment. It acts as a hedge against inflation, but it shouldn’t be the sole focus for retirement planning.

Fixed Deposit of Rs 10 Lakh: This is a stable, low-risk investment. However, fixed deposits generally offer lower returns, which might not be sufficient in the long run.

LIC Maturity Next Year: You expect Rs 40 lakh from your LIC maturity next year. This can be a good lump sum amount to invest further for your retirement.

Current SIPs: You’ve started a Rs 25,000 monthly SIP. This is a great step towards building your retirement corpus, especially in equity mutual funds.

PPF Contribution: You are contributing Rs 5,000 per month to PPF. This provides a safe and guaranteed return, ideal for retirement stability.

Assessing Your Retirement Goals
To determine if your current investments are enough, let’s break down some key factors:

1. Retirement Corpus Requirement
Based on your current lifestyle, you will need a retirement corpus that can generate enough income to cover your post-retirement expenses. Assuming your expenses continue to grow with inflation, you will need to account for this in your savings plan.

At retirement, you will need:

Monthly Income for Living Expenses: Estimate your monthly expenses post-retirement. This includes your daily living costs, medical expenses, and any other regular commitments. Typically, you should plan for at least 70-80% of your current monthly expenses, adjusted for inflation.

Inflation: Consider an inflation rate of 6-7% over the next 10 years. This will erode the value of money, meaning you’ll need a higher corpus to maintain the same standard of living.

2. Education Expenses for Your Kids
Your children’s education will likely require significant funding. With one child in BE 2nd year and another in 8th standard, you must plan for both higher education expenses. Factor this into your savings to avoid dipping into your retirement corpus later.

Allocate a portion of your investments for their education costs. Higher education can be expensive, so it’s important to set aside a separate fund for this purpose.
3. Health and Medical Emergencies
Medical costs tend to rise with age. Ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage for you and your spouse. This can safeguard your savings against unforeseen medical expenses.

If you haven’t already, consider increasing your health insurance coverage to Rs 20-25 lakh to cover any medical emergencies.

Evaluating Your Current Investments
Now, let’s assess whether your current investments are aligned with your retirement goals.

1. SIP Contributions
A monthly SIP of Rs 25,000 is a good start. Over the next 10 years, this can grow significantly, thanks to the power of compounding. Continue this investment in equity mutual funds to benefit from long-term market growth. You can expect a higher return from equity funds compared to traditional investments.

Consider increasing your SIP contributions annually. As your salary or income grows, increase your SIP by 10-15% each year. This “step-up” approach will ensure your investments keep pace with your growing needs.
2. Public Provident Fund (PPF)
You are contributing Rs 5,000 per month to PPF. This is a safe and tax-efficient investment that provides guaranteed returns. The current interest rate for PPF is around 7-7.5%. While this is stable, it might not be sufficient on its own to meet your retirement goals. However, it provides a good balance against your riskier equity investments.

Continue your PPF contributions, but rely on it as the stable portion of your retirement corpus. It will act as a safety net in your portfolio.
3. Fixed Deposits (FD)
You have Rs 10 lakh in fixed deposits. While this is a low-risk option, fixed deposits typically offer lower returns. Over time, inflation will erode the purchasing power of these funds.

Consider moving a portion of your FD into better-performing instruments like debt mutual funds, which offer slightly higher returns and are still relatively safe.
4. LIC Maturity
You expect Rs 40 lakh from LIC next year. This is a significant amount, and how you invest it will be crucial for your retirement. Lump-sum investments in mutual funds, balanced between equity and debt, can help grow this corpus efficiently.

Equity Mutual Funds: Consider investing a portion of the Rs 40 lakh into equity mutual funds. This will give you market-linked growth, essential for building a larger retirement corpus.

Debt Mutual Funds: For the more conservative part of your portfolio, invest in debt mutual funds. These are less risky and provide stable returns, balancing your overall investment.

5. Gold as a Backup
You have Rs 30 lakh in gold. While gold is a good hedge against inflation, it’s not a liquid asset that can easily fund regular retirement expenses. You can keep it as a backup or sell it during emergencies if needed. Avoid depending solely on gold for your retirement.

Recommendations for a Secure Retirement
Here are some key actions you should consider:

1. Increase Your SIP Contributions
As mentioned earlier, consider increasing your SIP contributions each year. A gradual increase will help grow your retirement corpus significantly. You might also want to explore investing in a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and hybrid mutual funds for diversification.

2. Diversify with Debt Mutual Funds
Debt mutual funds are a safer option for the conservative portion of your portfolio. As you approach retirement, you’ll need to gradually shift your equity investments towards debt to reduce risk. Start with a 10-20% allocation in debt funds now, increasing it as you near retirement.

3. Create a Separate Fund for Children’s Education
Ensure you have separate investments for your children’s education. You can start a dedicated SIP for this purpose, or invest a portion of your LIC maturity and FD towards their higher education needs.

4. Health Insurance
Increase your health insurance coverage if it is insufficient. Medical expenses tend to rise with age, and a higher health insurance cover will prevent you from dipping into your retirement funds.

5. Emergency Fund
Keep at least 6 months of your living expenses in an emergency fund. This fund should be easily accessible and should cover any unexpected expenses, such as job loss or medical emergencies.

6. Avoid Real Estate Investments
As you already own two houses, you should avoid putting more money into real estate. Real estate is not very liquid, and it may not generate the regular income you need during retirement. Focus on financial assets like mutual funds for liquidity and growth.

7. Regularly Review Your Plan
Review your investment portfolio every year. Rebalance it to ensure that your equity-to-debt ratio remains appropriate for your risk appetite and changing goals. As you get closer to retirement, shift more towards conservative investments.

Final Insights
Your current investments are a great starting point, but there is room for improvement. By increasing your SIP contributions, diversifying into debt funds, and planning for your children’s education separately, you will be on track to meet your retirement goals. Ensure that you have enough health insurance and keep a portion of your assets in safe investments like PPF and debt funds. Regularly review and adjust your portfolio to ensure that your investments are aligned with your goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6444 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 28, 2024

Dear Experts, I am 33 years old now my salary is 35000 per month, i haven't made any investments as of now, I have 1 year girl baby now i wanted to invest now please suggest how i will get 2 to 3 crore while i get retired and my daughter future plan
Ans: You are 33 years old, earning Rs 35,000 per month. Your goal is to accumulate Rs 2 to 3 crore for retirement while also planning for your daughter’s future. Let's break down the process to help you achieve these goals, keeping in mind both your long-term financial security and your daughter's education and other expenses.

Retirement Planning: Building a Rs 2 to 3 Crore Corpus
A time horizon of 25-30 years for retirement gives you an opportunity to build significant wealth. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Start with Equity Mutual Funds
Equity mutual funds are ideal for long-term wealth creation. Since you have a long investment horizon, equities can deliver inflation-beating returns. A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in diversified equity funds can help you build your retirement corpus.

Make sure to invest a percentage of your monthly income towards equity mutual funds. Start with at least 20-30% of your salary (Rs 7,000 to Rs 10,000 per month). You can increase this amount as your income grows.

Invest in funds that focus on:

Large-cap and mid-cap stocks to balance risk and reward.

Diversified portfolios with exposure to different sectors.

Equity mutual funds offer compounding benefits over time. The longer you stay invested, the greater your potential returns.

2. Increase Your SIP Annually
As your salary increases, increase the amount you invest. Even a 10% increase in your SIP annually will have a significant impact over 25-30 years. This is called the step-up SIP approach.

3. Tax-Saving Investments
You can also consider investing in Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) under Section 80C for tax benefits. ELSS has a lock-in period of 3 years and offers equity-like returns. The tax-saving aspect makes it an attractive option as you build your retirement corpus.

4. Keep Debt Funds for Stability
Although equity funds offer higher returns, it’s good to have some portion of your investment in debt mutual funds for stability. This will help balance market volatility. Start with 10-20% in debt funds. You can increase this allocation as you approach retirement.

Planning for Your Daughter's Future
1. Education Planning
Your daughter’s higher education will likely require a substantial sum when she turns 18. You need to start early to accumulate this amount without putting pressure on your finances.

Equity Mutual Funds for Long-Term Education Planning
A separate SIP for your daughter’s education can be started in equity mutual funds. Education inflation is quite high, and equity investments will help you stay ahead of rising costs. A monthly SIP of Rs 5,000 to Rs 7,000 could be a good start.

Consider Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)
You are already contributing to Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY), which is a great scheme for your daughter. Continue contributing the maximum possible each year (Rs 1.5 lakh per annum), as this offers a guaranteed return and tax benefits. SSY can form the low-risk component of your daughter’s education plan.

2. Insurance for Protection
Ensure that you have adequate term insurance coverage. You are the primary breadwinner, and your daughter’s future is dependent on your income. A term insurance cover of at least 10 times your annual salary is essential to secure your family’s financial future. Term plans are affordable and should be a priority.

3. Health Insurance for the Family
In addition to life insurance, comprehensive health insurance for your family is essential. Medical emergencies can deplete your savings, so it's better to be prepared. Family floater plans can provide coverage for you, your spouse, your daughter, and your mother. Opt for a policy that covers critical illnesses as well.

Regular Monitoring and Adjustment
1. Review Your Investments Annually
It’s important to track your investments and adjust as needed. Equity funds may need rebalancing based on market performance and your changing risk profile. As you approach retirement, you should gradually shift your portfolio to more stable debt funds.

2. Emergency Fund
Keep at least 6 months’ worth of expenses in an emergency fund. This will provide a financial cushion during unexpected situations. This fund should be liquid and easily accessible, such as in a liquid mutual fund or savings account.

3. Avoid Unnecessary Loans
Try to minimize or avoid unnecessary loans, especially for lifestyle expenses. Paying high-interest loans can drain your resources and slow down your wealth-building process.

4. Stay Disciplined with Long-Term Goals
Discipline is key to achieving long-term financial goals. Avoid the temptation to redeem your investments prematurely. Equity markets can be volatile in the short term but tend to deliver robust returns over the long term.

Final Insights
You are at the perfect stage to start investing for both retirement and your daughter's future. By allocating your resources wisely, you can meet your long-term goals of accumulating Rs 2 to 3 crore and securing your daughter’s education and future.

Start with equity mutual funds through SIPs for long-term wealth creation.

Consider Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana for your daughter’s secure future.

Balance your portfolio with some debt investments for stability.

Ensure you have sufficient insurance coverage to protect your family.

Regularly review and increase your SIP contributions as your salary grows.

With disciplined savings and strategic investments, you can achieve both your retirement goal and secure your daughter’s future. Remember, the earlier you start, the better your chances of reaching your targets.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Milind Vadjikar  |239 Answers  |Ask -

Insurance, Stocks, MF, PF Expert - Answered on Sep 28, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 26, 2024Hindi
I am a doctor currently practicing in my home town with my wife.I have three financial goals 1. To accumulate atleast 1.5 to 2cr in 5 years - to establish a health centre 2. 15 cr in 15 years - for my kids education 3.25 cr in 30 years for our retirement Can you suggest us how to go about it?
Ans: Hello;

1. First target is to accumulate 1.5-2 Cr for establishing health centre. For the achievement of this target either you can do a flat monthly sip of 1.8 L for 5 years
You may begin with a monthly sip of 1.25 L and top-up each year by 20% upto 5 years.

Both routes will yield you a corpus of 1.5 Cr for health centre as desired.

2. Second target is 15 Cr target for kid's education to be achieved in 15 years. For the achievement of this target either you can do a flat monthly sip of 2.7 L for 15 years.
You may begin with a monthly sip of 1.2 L and top-up each year by 15% minimum upto 15 years.

Both options will led you to a corpus of 15 Cr for child education as desired.

3. Third and important target of retirement corpus of 25 Cr to be achieved in 30 years.
For the achievement of this target either you can do a flat monthly sip of 57 K for 30 years.
You may begin with a monthly sip of 24 K and top-up each year by 10% minimum upto 30 years.

Either ways you will achieve your targeted retirement corpus of 25 Cr.

A modest return of 13% assumed for investments in pure equity mutual funds for all workings.

You may follow us on X at @mars_invest for updates.

Happy Investing!!

*Investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme related documents carefully before investing.

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