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Should I redeem my LIC Jeevan Anand policy after premium paying term?


Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6287 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Aug 27, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
VK Question by VK on Aug 24, 2024Hindi

Hi Sir..I'm holding LIC Jeevan Anand Policy. Policy Premium Paying term is 16 Years (2029). Maturity is showing as 2024. Can I redeem after Policy Premium paying term completes (2029) without any deductions or wait till maturity to get all benefits?? Please help

Ans: Your LIC Jeevan Anand policy is a traditional endowment plan with a unique benefit structure. It combines both insurance and investment. The policy provides coverage during the premium-paying term and continues to offer life cover even after the term ends. This is one of the key features that differentiates Jeevan Anand from other endowment plans. You are paying premiums for 16 years, with the policy maturing in 2024, while the premium-paying term extends to 2029.

Maturity vs. Premium Paying Term

It's important to distinguish between maturity and premium-paying term. Maturity refers to the point when the policy reaches its end date, and you become eligible to receive the maturity benefits. In your case, this is set for 2024. The premium paying term is the period during which you need to pay premiums, which is until 2029.

Redeeming After Premium Paying Term

You mentioned that the maturity date is in 2024, while premiums are payable until 2029. If you choose to redeem the policy after the premium-paying term ends in 2029, you should receive the maturity benefits without any deductions. The full benefits include the sum assured, bonuses, and any loyalty additions applicable.

Waiting Until Maturity

Waiting until the policy matures in 2024 to redeem it might seem logical. However, since you are required to pay premiums until 2029, it’s advisable to continue with the policy. Redeeming after 2029 ensures you receive the maximum benefits. This approach also means you avoid any potential penalties or deductions that could apply if you redeem before the premium-paying term ends.

Impact of Early Redemption

If you consider redeeming the policy before the premium-paying term ends, there could be deductions or penalties. Early redemption might lead to a reduction in the final payout, and you could lose out on potential bonuses. Additionally, the policy's life cover will cease if you redeem early, which may not be advisable depending on your current insurance needs.

Assessing Your Current Financial Situation

Before deciding, assess your current financial situation. If you can comfortably continue paying the premiums until 2029, it is generally better to do so. This will allow you to maximize your benefits and avoid any unnecessary deductions. Also, consider your overall financial goals. If this policy fits into your long-term plan, continuing until the end of the premium-paying term is prudent.

Evaluating Alternative Investment Options

If you feel that this policy is not yielding the returns you desire, you may want to explore other investment options. However, surrendering the policy before the premium-paying term ends is usually not recommended due to potential financial losses. Consider alternative options only if you have thoroughly assessed the potential benefits versus the cost of early redemption.

Importance of Life Insurance Coverage

Jeevan Anand provides life coverage even after the policy matures. This is a crucial benefit to consider. If you redeem the policy early, you will lose this coverage. It’s important to ensure you have adequate life insurance coverage in place before making any decisions about early redemption.

Final Insights

Continuing with your LIC Jeevan Anand policy until the end of the premium-paying term in 2029 is advisable. This approach will maximize your benefits, including maturity value and life coverage. Redeeming the policy after 2029 ensures you receive the full sum assured, bonuses, and any loyalty additions without deductions. Assess your financial situation and insurance needs before making any decisions. Consider alternative investments only if they align better with your financial goals, but be mindful of potential losses from early redemption.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6287 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 09, 2024

Hello Sir, on 28/09/2003., I have purchased Jeevan Asha - II (Plan-131) with sum assured of Rs. 500000 (five lakh) for Half-Yearly Premium of ? 16,917.00 (annual premium of ? 33834). I had paid all the instalments and policy matured on 28/09/2023. lic paid me maturity amount with deduction of Tax (TDS-194DA) of ? 16,180 on (? 3,23,600 a part of maturity amount) on 8/09/2023. The calculation of maturity amount by LIC was as follows: 1. Basic amount ?400000 2. Bonus ?700000. 3. Any other RCT. ? 251800. 4. Total ? 1351800. 5. Income tax ? 16180 on ? 3,23,600. Paid in my bank account ? 1345620. Sir, Why LIC have deducted TDS? (the annual premium was less than 20% of Sum assured and the policy commenced in September 2003 and there is no tax on maturity on these policies). Sir, how to calculate my tax liability considering me in higher bracket of 30%. Thanking you.
Ans: You're right, there seems to be a misunderstanding regarding the TDS deduction on your Jeevan Asha-II policy maturity amount. Here's a breakdown:

TDS on Maturity: Generally, for pre-2014 ULIPs and traditional endowment plans like Jeevan Asha-II, maturity proceeds are exempt from tax if the annual premium doesn't exceed 20% of the sum assured. In your case, the premium amount seems to be well below the 20% limit.

Possible Reasons for TDS: There could be a few reasons for the TDS deduction:

Technical Error: An error in LIC's system might have triggered the TDS deduction.
Change in Rules: While the rule generally applies to pre-2014 policies, there might have been a specific clarification or change applicable to your policy.

Contact LIC: Get in touch with LIC's customer care or your agent. Explain the situation and the relevant tax rule. Request clarification on the reason for TDS deduction and explore the possibility of a refund if it was an error.
Tax Return Filing: While filing your Income Tax Return (ITR), you can mention the maturity amount received, the TDS deducted (Rs. 16,180), and the exemption clause applicable to your policy (premiums below 20% of sum assured). This will help you claim the deducted TDS amount if it wasn't justified.
Calculating Your Tax Liability:

Since the maturity amount is likely exempt from tax, you don't need to calculate any additional tax liability on it (assuming you haven't received any taxable bonuses). However, your total income for the year will determine your tax bracket (30% in your case) and the tax applicable to your other income sources.

Remember: For specific advice on your situation and the possibility of an LIC error or rule change, consulting a tax advisor familiar with LIC policies and tax rules for pre-2014 plans might be helpful.

Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6287 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

I am having LIC of a 14 lakhs policy of Jeevan Anand paying premium of 71000. It's going to mature or complete it's 21years term. How much should I expect the maturity amount? Will I be be life covered post maturity amount withdrawal? Where should I invest this maturity amount?
Ans: Assessing Your LIC Jeevan Anand Policy
Understanding Maturity Amount
Your LIC Jeevan Anand policy is nearing the end of its 21-year term. Given a policy sum assured of ?14 lakhs and an annual premium of ?71,000, the maturity amount will include the sum assured along with any applicable bonuses. However, without specific bonus rates, an exact figure is challenging to determine. Generally, LIC policies like Jeevan Anand accrue bonuses over the years, which can significantly enhance the maturity amount.

Life Coverage Post Maturity
One key feature of the LIC Jeevan Anand policy is the continuation of life cover even after the maturity amount is paid out. This means you will still have a life cover equal to the sum assured (?14 lakhs) after the policy matures, providing continued financial security for your beneficiaries.

Investment Recommendations for Maturity Amount
Risk Assessment and Goals
Before deciding where to invest the maturity amount, consider your risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment horizon. Since the maturity amount is likely to be substantial, diversifying across various investment options is prudent.

Investment Options
1. Mutual Funds
Equity Mutual Funds: If you have a high-risk tolerance and a long-term investment horizon, consider equity mutual funds. They offer high growth potential but come with higher volatility.

Balanced or Hybrid Funds: For a moderate risk appetite, balanced funds invest in a mix of equities and debt, providing a balance of growth and stability.

Debt Mutual Funds: If you prefer low risk, debt funds are safer and provide regular income, suitable for short to medium-term goals.

2. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Consider investing a portion of the maturity amount in mutual funds through SIPs. This helps in averaging the purchase cost and reduces the impact of market volatility.

3. Public Provident Fund (PPF)
For long-term, risk-free investments, PPF is a good option. It offers attractive tax-free returns and has a lock-in period of 15 years, making it suitable for retirement planning.

4. National Pension System (NPS)
NPS is another long-term investment option, especially beneficial for retirement planning. It offers a mix of equity, corporate bonds, and government securities with tax benefits.

5. Fixed Deposits (FD)
If you seek safety and assured returns, consider investing a portion in fixed deposits. Although returns are lower compared to equity, FDs provide guaranteed income.

6. Gold
Investing in gold through Gold ETFs or Sovereign Gold Bonds can provide a hedge against inflation and add stability to your portfolio.

Diversified Portfolio Approach
High-Risk Investments: Allocate around 40-50% in equity mutual funds or direct stocks for high growth potential.

Moderate-Risk Investments: Allocate 20-30% in balanced funds or hybrid funds for balanced growth and stability.

Low-Risk Investments: Allocate 20-30% in debt funds, PPF, or FDs for assured returns and safety.

Alternative Investments: Allocate a small portion, around 5-10%, in gold or other alternative assets for diversification.

Upon maturity of your LIC Jeevan Anand policy, you will receive a significant lump sum. Continue benefiting from life coverage even after maturity. To optimize this maturity amount, diversify your investments across equity, debt, and alternative options based on your risk profile and financial goals. Regularly review and adjust your portfolio to stay aligned with your objectives.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6287 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Aug 02, 2024

Hello. I have an LIC Policy - Jeevan Asha II that was started in 2003. I have been paying yearly premiums, and it matured in 2023. The premiums were ~30k yearly paid till 2022(i.e 20 years), and the Table & Term was 131 - 20. Now in 2023 I have received maturity amount of ~12lc and LIC deducted TDS of ~45k. Does this mean the interest income added to my income from this would be 4.5Lc? Or are there any tax rebates for LIC policies that were started that long ago?
Ans: Policy Overview

Your LIC policy matured in 2023.
You received a maturity amount of around Rs. 12 lakhs.
LIC deducted a TDS of Rs. 45,000.
Interest Income and Tax Implications
TDS indicates interest income is added to your income.
In this case, the interest income appears to be Rs. 4.5 lakhs.
Interest income from such policies is taxable.
Tax Rebates for Old LIC Policies
Policies started before 2012 might have different tax rules.
Check if your policy qualifies for any old tax exemptions.

Assessing the Financial Outcome
Your premiums were about Rs. 30,000 yearly.
You paid premiums for 20 years.
Evaluate if the maturity amount meets your financial goals.

Evaluating Investment Options
Consider reinvesting the maturity amount.
Actively managed funds can offer better returns.
Engage a Certified Financial Planner for personalized advice.
Avoiding Index Funds and Direct Funds
Index funds have limited potential in volatile markets.
Actively managed funds provide better risk management.
Regular funds through an MFD with CFP offer professional guidance.

Final Insights
Analyze your overall investment strategy.
Ensure your investments align with your financial goals.
Regularly review and adjust your portfolio for optimal performance.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Latest Questions

Moneywize   |149 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Sep 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 11, 2024Hindi
I am 24-year-old salaried person. Monthly salary is 80k. I want to diversify 40k every month in large, mid and small cap mutual funds. Which plans should I choose? Please help as I am new to mutual funds.
Ans: To diversify your monthly salary of 40k into large, mid, and small-cap mutual funds, here are some options you can consider:

Large-Cap Mutual Funds:

• HDFC Large Cap Fund: This fund invests in large-cap companies with a proven track record. It has a consistent performance and is suitable for investors seeking capital appreciation.
• Axis Long Term Equity Fund: This fund aims to generate long-term capital growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of large-cap companies. It has a good track record and is suitable for investors with a long-term investment horizon.

Mid-Cap Mutual Funds:

• Kotak Emerging Equity Fund: This fund invests in mid-cap companies with the potential to outperform the market. It has a strong investment team and a good track record.
• Mirae Asset Mid Cap Fund: This fund focuses on mid-cap companies with growth potential. It has a diversified portfolio and a good risk-adjusted return.

Small-Cap Mutual Funds:

• Franklin Templeton Small Cap Fund: This fund invests in small-cap companies with high growth potential. It has a good track record and is suitable for investors with a higher risk appetite.
• ICICI Prudential Small Cap Fund: This fund invests in small-cap companies with the potential to generate significant returns. It has a diversified portfolio and a good risk-adjusted return.


• Investment Horizon: Consider your investment horizon before choosing funds. Small-cap funds typically have higher volatility, so they may not be suitable for short-term investments.
• Risk Tolerance: Assess your risk tolerance before investing. Large-cap funds are generally less volatile than mid-cap and small-cap funds.
• Diversification: Diversifying your investments across different asset classes and fund houses can help reduce risk.
• Regular Review: Regularly review your investments and make necessary adjustments based on your financial goals and market conditions.

Additional Tips:

• Start SIP: Consider starting a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) to invest a fixed amount every month. This helps discipline your investments and average out the cost of purchase.
• Consult a Financial Advisor: If you are unsure about which funds to choose, consult a financial advisor who can provide personalized advice based on your financial goals and risk profile.

Remember, investing in mutual funds involves risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results. It's important to do thorough research or consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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Ravi Mittal  |296 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Sep 13, 2024

6monsth back I started talking to one of my colleague, he is attractive by his nature. Almost everyone likes him. he is intelligent, funny, etc.... In calls he used to tell me about his family, his friends, his thoughts, also about the girl (Aliya) whom he liked a lot for 6years (they belong to same village), but she rejected and told that he is her friend only. He told her that he may get feelings for her if they both remained as friends, so better stop talking. But she insisted that they both need to be friends and continue talking. I felt like may be she needed emotional support that's why she insisted. After coming to Jaipur, Aliya started talking to another man named Jitesh. But my colleague used to feel like a third wheel and started keeping distance. Then also she told that they are just friends and he need not distant himself. She always wanted him to give her the first priority. He also feared that she might get upset if he don't give her 1st priority. They used to talk a lot on phone and share everything. One day he brought her to our bay where we both used to sit and work. that day I really felt like I was a third wheel. I felt very bad.. cried for few days. And decided not to talk to him from then on because I didn't want to cry anymore. But he kept trying to have a talk with me. One day he almost cried because I was ignoring him. I couldn't see him like that and also I felt guilt about my behaviour(my intention was not to hurt him but to save my tears). I couldn't help but starting talking to him. He used to mention to me whenever he used to talk to her. and everytime I used to feel very bad. We started talking a lot after few weeks. Whenever I didn't receive proper response from him I used to become very anxious waiting for his reply and cried a lot. But when he starts talking again I used to feel normal. I never wanted to get into relationships, so everytime I used to tell him directly or indirectly about it. But still he continued to talk to me. One day he called me and said that Aliya is in love with Jitesh. He said being a friend he is very happy for her but after sometime he also said that if you also love someone I will stop talking with you also. I understand that he is little sad that he cannot talk to Aliya as he used to talk before because she is in love with someone else. We continued to talk and kept talking a lot. One day I felt like I am too much emotionally getting connected to him and felt like these long talks need to stop. So I asked him saying that I didn't get clarity. Then he opened up and proposed me. I thought for a day and I felt he is also a good person and said yes to him. Then on he became my world. Then on he started talking little less with other girls. One day Aliya called him saying that Jitesh had an incident where everyone thought he was drowned but he came back safely. She needed emotional support and asked him to come to office. She also said she that one of her colleagues didn't bring lunch and she don't have enough food to give her so she asked my colleague to prepare some food and bring it to office. At first my colleague said no thinking of me but Aliya convinced him emotionally saying that will you leave friends if you get a girlfriend and so he prepared lunch and took it to office. That day when he told me all these I felt devastated, I felt really insecured and cried a lot that is our first fight regarding her. He told me that if you say no I will stop talking to her. She again called and asked my colleague that what was my reaction for all these... he kept silent she guessed what might have happened and told that I understand how she might have felt and will not ask him to bring food to office anytime. Then on fights started increasing between us regarding her. whenever we three had a conversation i felt like thirdwheel and felt he is showing more attention towards her, more care towards her. again a fight. Like that fights started increasing. At first he used to listen to me, but after some days he started saying like my thinking is wrong. I even told him how much I cried but he didn't bothered. I never wanted to break their friendship so I never wanted to ask him to stop talking(even though he gave me that option). I only wanted him to give me my importance but I still feel he shows equal care to both of us. Then how am I different? Later on in our every fight, he started supporting her this gave me more pain. One day he said If I leave her for you, then I may leave you for someone else, that is not my character( this is contrary to what he said previously 'I will stop talking to her if i don't want to'). I cried a lot, I don't have much friends I couldn't share this with anyone.... every moment he is only coming to my thoughts and whenever fights happen due to Aliya, I get disturbed a lot... unable to concentrate on my work... not getting interest to do anything. One day out of anger I said just stop talking to her then his expressions totally changed he became hesistant , he became very sad and said I need sometime and don't know how much( his expression is contrary to what he said 'It doesn't bother me much If I don't talk to Aliya' ). He is that much emotionally connected to her. After 5mins I pinged him saying that I am feeling very guilt about the decision and ask him not to stop talking to her. I understood finally that he still thinks I am wrong and I am tired of fighting. One day when I was very emotional I told him that I will no more bring Aliya topic in our discussion and asked him to do whatever he wants. After this, Whenever Aliya calls him or he call her he used to tell me... sometimes I felt very bad... sometimes I tried to ignore as if it didn't bothered me but didn't start any argument with him. After few days he even stopped telling me if she called him or not also. When he was not telling about Aliya's conversations I thought he understood my feelings and reduced talking with her. but one time accidently my colleague's friend told about the small conversation that my colleague and Aliya had, that's how I came to know that they had a conversation but he didn't tell me. I felt very bad, really very bad... again unable to concentrate on work feel like crying all the time... I can't ask him to stop talking to her because I don't like to do so and also afraid of having negative impression on me in my colleague's mind. at the same time, I feel very very bad whenever they meet or have a call or does something together. I cannot discuss with him about this anymore. what shall i do, this is bothering me a lot and also having effect on my career, peace and life. please suggest. I am ready to correct myself if there is anything wrong from my end. And I can surely say that If i have a boy bestfriend then he would definitely not feel comfortable and will get upset.
Ans: Dear Jia,

When two people enter a relationship, both must try to make each other feel comfortable. If you are uncomfortable with your partner speaking to his friend, who is also his ex-crush, it is perfectly normal for you to voice it. And reading your question I understood that he has repeatedly mentioned that he had feelings for her, and even wanted to sever ties because staying in touch could only further ignite those feelings. I don't see how you are wrong in letting him know that you don't like their interactions. Plus, in a healthy relationship, the partner comes first. Not friends, especially not this kind of friendship.

Just understand that you are not wrong. Even if his intentions are pure and he looks at her like a friend, you have every right to express your feelings. You made no unreasonable demand. She wasn't "just" a friend; she was always more than that, and being insecure about something like that is not uncommon.

The only thing to do right now is to tell your boyfriend that you understand that the friendship is important but you deserve someone who can pick you over everything- obviously, reasonable things. See what he does. And please remember, you actually deserve someone who would pick you. This is not an ultimatum; it's the truth.

Best Wishes.

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