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Patrick Dsouza  |513 Answers  |Ask -

CAT, XAT, CMAT, CET Expert - Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Patrick Dsouza is the founder of Patrick100.
Along with his wife, Rochelle, he trains students for competitive management entrance exams such as the Common Admission Test, the Xavier Aptitude Test, Common Management Admission Test and the Common Entrance Test.
They also train students for group discussions and interviews.
Patrick has scored in the 100 percentile six times in CAT. He achieved the first rank in XAT twice, in CET thrice and once in the Narsee Monjee Management Aptitude Test.
Apart from coaching students for MBA exams, Patrick and Rochelle have trained aspirants from the IIMs, the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies and the S P Jain Institute of Management Studies and Research for campus placements.
Patrick has been a panellist on the group discussion and panel interview rounds for some of the top management colleges in Mumbai.
He has graduated in mechanical engineering from the Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad. He has completed his masters in management from the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 13, 2024Hindi

Hello, I am 21 years old bcom graduate. I got 82%in 10th and 83%in 12th(commerce) and 8.14 cgpi in bcom. I have taken a gap year to foxus on my CA INTER exams but I was not able to pass that exam. So instead I shifted my focus on CAT exams. And because of my CA exams i was not even ablt to do any extra activities of college club. I am currently not doing any job and i am also planning to give CAT in 2024. So is it possible for me to get into IIM ABC or should i shift my focus and do some extra things to improve my CV?

Ans: First step would be to get a call from IIM ABC. Improving your CV will not help you to get a call in this short period of time. The only way to get a call would be to do well in CAT. If improving CV does not affect your preparation for the exam then can devote your time for that purpose.

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