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Sushil Sukhwani  |417 Answers  |Ask -

Study Abroad Expert - Answered on Jun 12, 2024

Sushil Sukhwani is the founding director of the overseas education consultant firm, Edwise International. He has 31 years of experience in counselling students who have opted to study abroad in various countries, including the UK, USA, Canada and Australia. He is part of the board of directors at the American International Recruitment Council and an honorary committee member of the Australian Alumni Association. Sukhwani is an MBA graduate from Bond University, Australia. ... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 04, 2024Hindi

my daughter has got an opportunity to do MS in Aerospace enginerring form ASU, whihc is tier1 university i think. we were trying in Purdue and california too but did not get response as yet and there fore decide to go ahead with ASU fulton engineering college. can you advice on her career forward and what opportunities she has for placement after completion of 2 yrs. or she needs to do research further so she gets a a good job. also what specialisation better like aerodynamics or design or propulsion etc. can she opt in secod year to get admission in another top university like Purdue etc. what procedure to follow.

Ans: Hello. First and foremost, thank you for connecting with us. Congratulations to your daughter for pursuing an MS in aerospace engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). In terms of career opportunities, the aerospace industry is a highly developed field, with reputed companies like Boeing, Honeywell Aerospace, and Raytheon Technologies having a presence in Arizona and actively recruiting from ASU. It is advised that you encourage your doctor to seek internships during studies to enhance employability. Furthermore, if your daughter wishes to go for further studies, she can go for a doctoral program. Give your daughter’s background in aerodynamics or interest in propulsion, design, and software; specialisations like spacecraft design, performance optimisation, and testing are the best explanations available. If your daughter wishes to transfer to a top university like Purdue or the University of California after her first year, make sure she has maintained a high academic record during her first year at ASU. Maintaining a strong profile is essential. Whether she continues at ASU or transfers, her dedication and proactive approach would be the keys to a better future.

For any further queries, please get in touch with us. We have a team of expert counselors who can guide you through any concerns or questions you may have.

Website- https://www.edwiseinternational.com/

You can follow us on our Instagram page, @edwiseint.

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |511 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jun 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 23, 2024Hindi
Hello All, My daughter has just cleared her 12th Science stream boards with 71 percentage. Earlier her JEE score was 75. Till her childhood she is interested in Aerospace Engg. In 12th she got 54 in physics and 52 in maths. This is annoying me. Shall i still try for Aerospace engg? If not what will be the ideal field for her. She is very good in drawings.
Ans: Read your question for your daughter.

To join any stream of Engineering & to be successful in it, one should be above average in Maths / Logical / Analytical Thinking Skills.

Also, Aerospace Engineering needs ‘Spatial Skills’. Based on her Score in JEE (Main), it is very difficult to get admission into Aerospace Engineering even in Tier 2 Engineering Colleges. And, it is not that easy to complete an Engineering Course for the reasons mentioned above.

She is curious about Aerospace Engineering without knowing the difficulties involved in it. Please make her UNDERSTAND the above factors. She will.


As she is good at drawings which you have mentioned, a Bachelor of Design / Bachelor of Architecture is the BEST option for her. She will be successful. You can try.

Madam, Hope I have clarified your doubts for your daughter.

If you need any other clarifications for your daughter or have questions for anyone, post your questions (in detail) to me and/or follow me here in RediffGURU to know more on ‘Careers / Education / Jobs’.

All The BEST for your daughter’s Bright Future from RediffGURU.

Nayagam PP
CERTIFIED Career Coach | Career Guru

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Vivek Lala  |243 Answers  |Ask -

Tax, MF Expert - Answered on Jun 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 18, 2024Hindi
Hello sir, I am 23 years old, just graduated and starting my first job next week. I will be earning around 90k per month and I live at our own house (so no rent). I am planning on investing in MF but don't know where to start or how much to invest. Our monthly expense is roughly 20k and I also have an education loan which I have to start paying soon. I have a goal of saving 1 cr before 30. Kindly let me know where to invest and how much to invest.
Ans: Hello, glad to know that you are interested about investments at such a young age
Assuming 90K is your pre tax income , you will get around 80K in hand post taxes and post EPF
If your house expenses and education loan is 20K + 20K ( assuming ) = 40K , you have an investable surplus of 40K
You can follow the below strategy that I often use for young investors :
Mid cap - 30%
Small cap - 30%
Multi cap - 20%
Emergency Fund ( Payment of term insurance premiums , medical insurance premium and travel fund ) - 20%

If you keep doing this for the next 7yrs and utilise the entire emergency fund on the way, you shall accumulate Rs.44L by the age of 30yrs at 13% XIRR.

Please note that these suggestions are based on your stated goals and the information you provided. It is always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor in person to better understand your risk tolerance, time horizon, and specific financial goals.

Do let me know your thoughts on the same

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Vivek Lala  |243 Answers  |Ask -

Tax, MF Expert - Answered on Jun 19, 2024

I am 44 years and having SIP investment corpus of around Rs. 15 lakhs...I am investing Rs. 82500 in SIP on a monthly basis. The SIPs in which I am investing include Small Caps - Quant, Axis, HDFC and Canara Robeco; Mid Caps - HDFC Opportunities, Kotak Emerging Equity, Mirae Asset; Large Caps - Axis Bluechip, Mirae Asset; Flexi Caps - Kotak & Parag Parikh; Multi Caps - Kotak & Nippon; Multi Asset - Aditya Birla Sun Life; Tax Saver - Quant ELSS; Technology - Tata Digital India & ICICI Prudential. I want to know if the strategy of investing in so many funds and in different types of schemes correct or do I need to modify my allocation. Apart from these SIPs in Mutual Funds, I am also contributing Rs. 2000 thru monthly SIP in PPF and around 15000 per month in NPS.
Ans: Hello, according to the data given by you , i shall share my thoughts as to how would i construct a portfolio which has a time horizon of 7yrs plus with no emergency fund ( emergency fund is seperate from all this )
Amount that is invested per month = 82500 + 2000 + 15000 = 99500
Mid cap - 30% = 30K ( split in 2 funds )
Small cap - 30% = 30K ( split in 2 funds )
Multicap - 20% = 20K ( split in 2 funds )
Thematic funds - 10% = 10K ( one fund )
PPF - 1K
NPS - 5K
3K remains which can be added in any fund of your choice

Please note that these suggestions are based on your stated goals and the information you provided. It is always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor in person to better understand your risk tolerance, time horizon, and specific financial goals.

Write to me on my LinkedIn profile for further clarifications if any :

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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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