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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4207 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 30, 2024Hindi

Hi sir , iam 26 years unmarried having salary of around 1 lacs with expenses monthly with all emi,bills, groceries,parents health insurance and self ,term plan ,ppf,nps goes around 40k per month. So i have got to understand it's better to have an emergency fund like 6 times the expenses that goes like 2.4L so should I maintain this every year or should I keep it for a fixed period like RD investment. Please guide me sir

Ans: At 26, you’ve got a solid handle on your finances, which is impressive. Having an emergency fund is essential for financial security. This fund acts as a cushion during unexpected situations like medical emergencies, job loss, or urgent repairs. It's your financial safety net, allowing you to manage unforeseen expenses without disrupting your budget or taking on debt.

Determining the Size of Your Emergency Fund
You’ve correctly identified the need for an emergency fund covering six months of expenses. With your monthly expenses at Rs. 40,000, your target emergency fund is Rs. 2.4 lakhs. Here’s why this is a good benchmark:

Peace of Mind: Knowing you have funds set aside for emergencies reduces stress and anxiety about financial uncertainties.
Financial Stability: An emergency fund ensures you can handle unexpected costs without impacting your other financial goals.
Avoiding Debt: Having a fund prevents you from resorting to high-interest loans or credit cards in emergencies.
Maintaining the Emergency Fund
Lump Sum vs. Recurring Contributions
You can build your emergency fund through a lump sum or recurring contributions. Let’s explore both options:

Lump Sum: This involves saving a large amount at once until you reach your target. It provides immediate financial security but requires discipline to avoid using the fund for non-emergencies.

Pros: Quick way to reach your target, immediate availability of funds.
Cons: Requires significant savings initially, may tempt you to use it for other purposes.
Recurring Contributions: This method involves setting aside a portion of your monthly income until you reach the target. It’s easier to manage within your budget and builds the fund gradually.

Pros: Easier to budget, less financial strain, builds saving habit.
Cons: Takes longer to build the fund, requires consistent contributions.
Investment Options for Your Emergency Fund
Choosing the right place to keep your emergency fund is crucial. It should be easily accessible and low-risk. Here are some options:

Savings Account
A savings account is the most straightforward option for an emergency fund. It offers quick access to your money whenever you need it.

Pros: Highly liquid, low risk, no lock-in period.
Cons: Low-interest rates, minimal growth.
Fixed Deposits (FDs)
FDs offer higher interest rates than savings accounts. You can use a laddering strategy, which involves investing in multiple FDs with different maturity dates. This ensures liquidity while earning better returns.

Pros: Higher interest rates, predictable returns.
Cons: Lock-in period, penalties for early withdrawal.
Liquid Mutual Funds
Liquid mutual funds invest in short-term instruments, providing better returns than savings accounts with quick access to funds, typically within 24 hours.

Pros: Better returns, easy access to funds.
Cons: Some market risk, slight delay in accessing funds.
Fixed Period vs. Ongoing Maintenance
Fixed Period
Maintaining your emergency fund for a fixed period means setting aside Rs. 2.4 lakhs and reviewing it periodically. This method ensures you have a sufficient fund without actively contributing each month.

Pros: One-time effort, ensures immediate availability of funds.
Cons: May not grow with inflation, requires periodic review.
Ongoing Maintenance
Ongoing maintenance involves regular contributions to your emergency fund, adjusting for inflation and increased expenses. This approach keeps your fund up-to-date with your financial needs.

Pros: Grows with your needs, adjusts for inflation.
Cons: Requires continuous effort, may overlap with other savings goals.
Balancing Emergency Fund and Other Investments
Once your emergency fund is established, focus on other financial goals. Here’s how to balance your priorities:

Prioritizing Investments
Before investing in other goals, ensure your emergency fund is fully funded. It provides the foundation for your financial security. Only after that should you allocate resources to other investments.

Step 1: Fully fund the emergency fund.
Step 2: Allocate savings to long-term goals like retirement and education.
Diversifying Investments
Your emergency fund should be easily accessible. For other savings, diversify into mutual funds, PPF, NPS, and term plans. This diversification caters to different financial goals and risk levels.

Emergency Fund: Savings account, FDs, or liquid mutual funds.
Long-term Goals: Equity mutual funds, PPF, NPS.
Regular Review and Adjustment
Annual Review
Review your emergency fund annually. Assess changes in your expenses, inflation, and financial goals. Adjust the fund size to ensure it remains sufficient.

Expenses: Have your monthly expenses increased?
Inflation: Has the cost of living gone up?
Goals: Have your financial priorities changed?
Life Changes
Major life events like marriage, job change, or having children can impact your financial needs. Adjust your emergency fund accordingly to cover these new expenses.

Marriage: Plan for additional household expenses.
Job Change: Ensure you have enough buffer during transition periods.
Children: Increase the fund to cover potential child-related emergencies.
Role of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Personalized Guidance
A CFP offers tailored advice based on your unique financial situation and goals. They help in creating a comprehensive plan that includes emergency fund management and long-term investments.

Personalized Plans: Develop a plan that suits your lifestyle and financial goals.
Comprehensive Advice: Get guidance on all aspects of financial planning.
Investment Strategy
CFPs recommend diversified investment strategies that align with your risk tolerance and financial objectives, ensuring optimal growth and security.

Risk Assessment: Understand your risk tolerance and invest accordingly.
Strategy: Create a balanced portfolio for growth and security.
Tax Efficiency
A CFP helps you maximize tax benefits through strategic investments, ensuring you retain more of your earnings for future needs.

Tax Planning: Invest in tax-efficient instruments.
Maximize Returns: Ensure you retain more of your income.
Building a Robust Financial Plan
Short-term Goals
Ensure liquidity for immediate needs through savings accounts and liquid funds. This covers unforeseen expenses without impacting long-term investments.

Emergency Fund: Prioritize liquidity for immediate access.
Short-term Savings: Use low-risk, accessible instruments.
Medium-term Goals
For goals like buying a car or planning a wedding, use balanced funds and recurring deposits. These offer moderate returns with manageable risks.

Balanced Funds: Mix of equity and debt for moderate returns.
Recurring Deposits: Consistent savings for medium-term goals.
Long-term Goals
Invest in equity mutual funds, PPF, and NPS for long-term growth. These instruments help build a substantial corpus for retirement and other significant expenses.

Equity Mutual Funds: Higher returns for long-term growth.
PPF and NPS: Secure investments with tax benefits.
Health Insurance and Term Plans
Adequate Coverage
Ensure comprehensive health insurance for yourself and your parents. This covers medical emergencies without depleting your savings.

Personal Health Insurance: Adequate coverage for your needs.
Parents’ Health Insurance: Ensure they are covered for medical emergencies.
Term Insurance
A term plan provides financial security for your dependents. Ensure the coverage is sufficient to cover liabilities and provide for your family in your absence.

Term Plan: Adequate coverage to protect your dependents.
Liability Coverage: Ensure it covers your debts and obligations.
Managing Debt
EMI and Loans
Ensure your EMIs and loan repayments are within manageable limits. Avoid taking on additional debt that could strain your finances.

Debt Management: Keep EMIs within a comfortable range.
Avoid Over-borrowing: Prevent financial strain from excessive debt.
Debt Reduction
Focus on paying off high-interest debt first. This reduces financial burden and frees up funds for savings and investments.

Priority Repayment: Clear high-interest debt quickly.
Free Up Funds: Use savings for investments.
Final Insights
Your proactive approach to financial planning at 26 is commendable. Here’s a summary of the key steps to guide you:

Establish Emergency Fund: Build a Rs. 2.4 lakh emergency fund through either lump sum or recurring contributions. Ensure it's liquid and easily accessible through savings accounts, FDs, or liquid mutual funds.

Maintain and Adjust: Regularly review and adjust your emergency fund to keep pace with inflation and changes in your expenses. An annual review is essential to ensure your fund remains adequate.

Diversify Investments: After establishing your emergency fund, focus on long-term investments. Diversify your savings into mutual funds, PPF, NPS, and term plans to achieve balanced growth.

Health and Term Insurance: Ensure comprehensive health insurance for yourself and your parents, and maintain adequate term insurance coverage. This protects against medical emergencies and provides financial security for your dependents.

Debt Management: Keep EMIs within manageable limits and prioritize debt reduction. Avoid taking on new high-interest debt to maintain financial stability.

Seek Professional Advice: Consult a Certified Financial Planner for personalized guidance and a comprehensive plan that aligns with your financial goals. They can help optimize your investment strategy and maximize tax benefits.

By following these strategies, you can achieve financial stability, maintain a robust emergency fund, and build a secure future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4207 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 05, 2024Hindi
Hi, I currently earn 42k per month at the age of 25, no loans, I have 2 Lacs in mutual fund and around 80k in stocks. I also have a term insurance and health insurance is from company policy. I stay at parents house so no rent either, just 9-10k per month on an average on electric bill+ grocery that I pay. I invest 12k per month in stocks and mutual fund altogether. Am I having a right approach or should i make any emergency fund? And how and where to keep the money? I'm planning to get a health insurance for my mother and I next year.
Ans: It's commendable that you're already prioritizing investments at such a young age and have taken steps to secure insurance coverage. Your approach demonstrates financial responsibility and foresight.

Given your current financial situation, establishing an emergency fund is indeed a prudent step. An emergency fund acts as a financial safety net, providing liquidity to cover unexpected expenses like medical emergencies or job loss without disrupting your long-term investments.

As a Certified Financial Planner, I recommend setting aside at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund. Since your average monthly expenses are around 9-10k, aim to accumulate around 30k to 60k in your emergency fund.

You can keep your emergency fund in a high-yield savings account or a liquid mutual fund for easy accessibility and liquidity. These options offer stability and ensure your funds are readily available when needed.

Regarding health insurance for you and your mother, it's a wise decision to enhance your coverage. Evaluate various health insurance plans to find one that meets your specific needs and offers comprehensive coverage for medical expenses.

Continue with your disciplined approach towards investing in stocks and mutual funds. Allocating a portion of your monthly income towards investments ensures wealth accumulation over time. Regularly review your investment portfolio and make adjustments as needed to align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Overall, you're on the right track with your financial planning and investments. Keep up the good work and remain proactive in managing your finances for a secure and prosperous future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ravi Mittal  |241 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 02, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 26 years old. Doing job in an Mnc, earning decent enough for me and my family. I had a breakup in my early 20s with my long term girlfriend from my school days, since then I am single. Last year I met a girl at the office gym, she works in a different department. We both speak the same language so she approached me and my friend and gave her number. Then we became good friends, used to hangout everything. Even though she had a boyfriend she used to get jealous seeing me with other female friends. 3 months back, her bf married to some other girl of his cast and dumped her. She had physical relationship with her bf as she told but i never had physical with anyone. She used to come and cry in front of me and asked me once as well whether i loved her or not. I ignored as i knew she is just seeing me as an option. Nowadays she is avoiding me a lot giving excuses like she is busy and all and I feel she went into a relationship and just breadcrumbing me because of attention. I also stopped giving her free attention and barely call. But my heart still miss her. I know I don't love her and don't wanna be with her in future as she is very manipulative but being very lonely myself with no friends she used to fill a void in my life. I want her presence, attention, and maybe want to do physical with her casually as she is that type of girl who can get laid easily with someone she likes. What shall I do? I am unable to move on from this and it is affecting my career. Also I want a stable relationship with whom I can have a good future.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

The answer to your question is right there in the question. You do not want her; you want her attention which will feed your ego. It's not love and you know it. If you pursue a casual or serious relationship, chances are one or both of you will get hurt. Now, you mentioned that you want a stable relationship. You should start by focusing on that.

One more thing- it is not up to us to judge someone and call them names like "that type of girl." Wanting to hook up with her casually because you think she'll let you should then make you "that type of boy." These are baseless labels and it's best not to hurl these insults at people. Focus on yourself. Find a date- you can ask your friends to set you up, or family, or you can try out a dating app. Mention that you want a serious relationship; it can increase your chances of finding the right match.

Best Wishes.

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Ravi Mittal  |241 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 02, 2024Hindi
Before coming into our relationship I knew that my girlfriend had a past relationship of 3 years. I asked about it just to clarify if anything was there which will harm our upcoming relationship we gona Start. She mentioned that she did not liked her past relationship and other stuff and she mentioned she had not any physical relationship of any kind with her ex . But now after we came into relationship after 2 years. I found out that she had a physical relationship with her ex . But no intercourse but other stuff. I could not believe her words when she told all this and she been laying all the things I asked if it was your first time and other things. I had no such relationship as of myself and told her that I hate such types where u already experienced stuffs with others . What should I do . I like her too she too loves me . But the thing I found out haunts me and make me fill miserable
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry that you are hurting but her past truly should not matter to you in the present. Ideally, I am not in favor of pushing people to disclose their past experiences, especially if they are not comfortable with it. But I agree that she was wrong to get into a relationship with you when you specifically showed dislike towards the things you mentioned. I suppose she liked you too much and did not want to ruin her chances. I should also mention that judging a person by their past or because they had certain kinds of relations with their ex is not fair; you were not in the picture. Regardless of it, your pain is valid. It isn't easy to come to terms with new information about your partner's past.

Now hear me out, past is in the past. It can only hurt you if you let it. Think about it properly- did she do anything in the present to hurt you? NO. Can you or she change the past? NO. Should she apologize for having a past? NO. Should you move past this and work towards a better future? That's the only thing in your control. Chose wisely. If you think you will hold her accountable for this forever, then you both should reconsider this relationship. If you think this fight is meaningless, and want to move forward with your relationship, then great.

Best Wishes.

...Read more


Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4207 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 03, 2024Hindi
Hi, I'm 28 years old (unmarried) earning around 1.5 lac per month(after taxes). My Investments are- PPF 25 lacs, FDs & RD 17 lacs, Mutual Funds 7 lacs (Monthly SIP 30k in equity funds, 10k in debt fund). Additionally I have some PLIs and LIC policies ongoing. Can you guide me on if i should add / remove something and how to plan for future?
Ans: It's great to see that you have a solid financial foundation. Your diverse investments and consistent savings reflect good financial discipline. Let’s dive into a detailed review of your current portfolio and how you can plan for a prosperous future.

Current Financial Snapshot
Monthly Income and Investments
Monthly Income (after taxes): Rs 1.5 lakh
PPF: Rs 25 lakh
FDs & RDs: Rs 17 lakh
Mutual Funds: Rs 7 lakh
Monthly SIP in Equity Funds: Rs 30k
Monthly SIP in Debt Funds: Rs 10k
Insurance Policies
PLI and LIC Policies: Ongoing
Portfolio Review
Diversification: Your investments are spread across different asset classes, reducing risk.
Consistent Savings: Regular SIPs in equity and debt funds indicate disciplined investing.
Long-term Perspective: Investments in PPF and Mutual Funds show a focus on long-term growth.
Areas for Improvement
Liquidity Management: Ensure enough liquid funds for emergencies.
Portfolio Overlap: Check for overlapping investments in mutual funds.
Insurance Review: Assess if your current policies provide adequate coverage.
Detailed Analysis and Recommendations
Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is crucial. It should cover 6-12 months of expenses. Since you’re earning Rs 1.5 lakh per month, aim to set aside Rs 9-18 lakh in a high-yield savings account or a liquid mutual fund. This ensures you can handle unexpected expenses without disrupting your long-term investments.

Investment Strategy
Equity Funds
Equity funds are essential for long-term growth. They help combat inflation and offer higher returns. Your current SIP of Rs 30k in equity funds is a good start. Consider increasing this amount as your salary grows. Diversify your equity investments across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds to balance risk and return.

Debt Funds
Debt funds provide stability to your portfolio. Your Rs 10k monthly SIP in debt funds ensures a balanced approach. Debt funds are less volatile than equity funds, offering steady returns. They are suitable for short to medium-term goals.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
PPF is a secure investment with tax benefits. Your Rs 25 lakh investment is substantial. Continue investing the maximum allowed amount annually to benefit from compound interest and tax savings.

Fixed Deposits (FDs) and Recurring Deposits (RDs)
FDs and RDs provide safety but offer lower returns compared to equity and some debt funds. Your Rs 17 lakh in FDs and RDs is a good reserve. Ensure the interest rates are competitive. Consider diverting part of this amount to higher-yielding instruments if they align with your risk tolerance.

Insurance Policies
Life Insurance
Your ongoing LIC policies are traditional plans. Review their performance and coverage. Traditional plans often offer lower returns. If they are investment-cum-insurance policies, consider surrendering them if they don’t provide sufficient returns and switching to pure term insurance for adequate coverage at a lower cost.

Health Insurance
Ensure you have a comprehensive health insurance policy. This protects your savings from medical emergencies.

Future Financial Planning
Setting Financial Goals
Short-Term Goals (1-5 years)
Emergency Fund: Fully fund your emergency reserve.
Skill Development: Invest in courses to enhance your career prospects.
Travel and Leisure: Allocate funds for vacations and hobbies.
Medium-Term Goals (5-10 years)
Buy a House: If you plan to purchase property, start a dedicated savings plan.
Car Purchase: Plan for a car purchase if needed.
Long-Term Goals (10+ years)
Retirement Planning: Aim to accumulate a corpus that provides financial independence.
Children’s Education: If you plan to have children, start early for their education.
Investment Vehicles
Mutual Funds
Diversified Equity Funds: Continue with diversified equity funds for long-term growth.
Thematic/Sector Funds: Allocate a small percentage to thematic or sector-specific funds for higher returns.
Debt Funds: Increase your allocation to high-quality debt funds for stability and income generation.
National Pension System (NPS)
NPS is a great tool for retirement planning. It offers tax benefits and a disciplined approach to retirement savings. Consider starting or increasing contributions to NPS.

Regular Portfolio Review
Annual Review: Conduct an annual review of your investments.
Rebalance Portfolio: Rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.
Performance Tracking: Track the performance of your mutual funds and other investments. Replace underperforming funds.
Power of Compounding
How Compounding Works
Compounding is earning returns on your returns. The longer your money stays invested, the more it grows. Starting early and staying invested is crucial.

Investing Rs 30,000 monthly at an annual return of 12% can grow to approximately Rs 3.5 crore in 20 years. This demonstrates the power of regular, disciplined investing.

Benefits of Early Investing
Starting early gives your investments more time to grow. Even small amounts can accumulate significantly over time due to compounding.

Actively Managed Funds vs. Index Funds
Actively Managed Funds
Professional Management: Experts make investment decisions based on research.
Potential for Outperformance: These funds can outperform the market by selecting high-potential stocks.
Disadvantages of Index Funds
Lack of Flexibility: Index funds track a market index, offering no flexibility to capitalize on opportunities.
Average Returns: Index funds provide market-average returns, which may not meet your financial goals.
Why Choose Actively Managed Funds?
Actively managed funds offer potential for higher returns through expert stock selection and market timing. They provide a dynamic approach to investing.

Regular vs. Direct Funds
Regular Funds
Advisor Support: Investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) provides guidance and expertise.
Convenience: Regular funds offer ease of investment, portfolio reviews, and rebalancing.
Disadvantages of Direct Funds
No Advisory Support: Direct funds require you to make investment decisions without professional guidance.
Time-Consuming: Managing direct funds can be time-consuming, requiring regular monitoring and analysis.
Benefits of Investing Through CFP
A CFP helps you create a personalized investment plan, ensuring your portfolio aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. They provide valuable insights and adjustments as needed.

Final Insights
Stay Disciplined
Stick to your investment plan, regardless of market fluctuations. Regular investments and patience are crucial for long-term success.

Educate Yourself
Keep learning about different investment options and market trends. This helps you make informed decisions and optimize your portfolio.

Review Regularly
Regularly review and adjust your portfolio based on performance and changing financial goals. This ensures your investments remain aligned with your objectives.

Seek Professional Advice
Consult a Certified Financial Planner for personalized advice. They provide valuable guidance to optimize your investment strategy and achieve your goals.

By following these steps and staying committed to your financial plan, you’re well on your way to securing a prosperous future. Keep investing, stay informed, and watch your wealth grow!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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