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Advait Arora  |1263 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Aug 28, 2023

Advait Arora has over 20 years of experience in direct investing in stock markets in India and overseas.
He holds a masters in IT management from the University Of Wollongong, Australia, and an MBA in marketing from Charles Strut University, NewCastle, Australia.
Advait is a firm believer in the power of compounding to help his clients grow their wealth.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Feb 25, 2023Hindi

What is the status of shares of Sintex Industries ? It was re-listed sometime back but its trading has been suspended since 11th Feb 23

Ans: zero value ! all money is gone !
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Ravi Mittal  |215 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 31, 2024Hindi
I am in 6 years relationship with my girlfriend. Recently I don't feel the vibes with my girlfriend. She judges me a lot in each aspect, I can adjust upto certain limits, but she other 3-4 days finds a reason to get upset about me. We patch up only if I win her over , this has happened a couple of 100 times. Please suggest, I am getting this feeling that I must chase something better. I have talked with her , that if she doesn't like me then marry other guy. She says, it's my decision, you don't teach me anything. After few days she becomes normal. What should I do , I m confused.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry that you are facing these problems. First of all, the spark fizzling out in a relationship is very normal, especially in a long-term relationship. You have two options-

One- tell her about your concerns. The fact that the constant quarrels bother you should be expressed in words. You can't assume that your partner will get it by herself. After having a clear discussion about the same, both of you can put equal effort into bringing back the initial spark. Try spending more quality time, pursue some shared hobbies, learn to problem-solve without getting into a heated fight, and more.

Two- you can reconsider this relationship. Once you have tried everything from your end to make things better and tried to reason with your partner but she is still keeping up the same temperament or you are still facing the same issues, you are allowed to rethink your choice to be with her. It's okay to put yourself first once in a while. It is a relationship today; tomorrow it will be a marriage and if things are still not going great, both of you might end up regretting it.

But before going to the second option, try the first.

Best Wishes.

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Ravi Mittal  |215 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 01, 2024Hindi
Hi. I am female. I got attracted to this male. But it is not that much enough to fall in love. My friends thought that we will make a good pair. They kinda told me that he was in love with me for past one year. Due to the workplace he didnt reciprocate and to the close dates of my resignation due to my friends i told him that we can talk like a friends and we have to go with the flow. As of now we are talking and he is good. But still i am in dilemma. Due to my fear i told him that we wont work out and i stopped the conversation. But after some days he iniated the conversation and started to develop like a general talk. Later i told him that i liked him partially but not fully. He said that he will wait till i become comfortable. I dont have the oppurtunity to go out with him we are completely in chatting only. Sometimes i feel happy to chat with him but sometimes i dont feel anything i just feel numb. This is the first time for me in all the stuff. I told about this to my brother he didnt liked him. He know about my msgs and everything. But sometimes i think that i need better person than him but sometimes i need him. So what should i do?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

Seems like you are not quite in love with this person. Not everyone experiences love at first sight. Some love stories grow over time. You can try spending some more time with him and see where it goes. But if you are not satisfied with how strongly you feel for him or if you continue to feel that you deserve better, I strongly recommend giving it a thought. You don't want to settle for less out of peer pressure. And it would not be right to drag him and give him hope, especially since he has feelings for you.

There is no need to rush. Take your time. Think about it with a clear mind and make a choice.

Best Wishes.

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Anu Krishna  |926 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 20, 2024Hindi
I got married to my husband six months ago. I come from a liberal family. We dated for five months before getting married, during which he often got jealous of my male friends, leading to petty arguments. After marriage, everything was fine for the first two months, but then he began doubting my character, accusing me of infidelity, and verbally abusing my family and upbringing. During a particularly bad fight, he grabbed me by the throat. I shouted at him and pushed him away, and he later apologized, blaming his anger. Despite my efforts to prove his allegations wrong and maintain the marriage, I now feel that he will not change, making it difficult to stay with him in the long run. The ongoing issues at home are affecting my professional life. I want a divorce as I have no feelings left for him, but I fear he will make a big issue out of it and try to persuade me to stay. I feel trapped in this marriage. Please guide me.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Physical abuse is a NO NO...he does has his 'anger' issues which might need to be dealt with by a professional. Have the two of you sought professional help? Are you willing to do that? Will your husband also agree to that?
But it also seems apparent that you want 'OUT' of this marriage.
BUT what is not clear to me is: Why the fear that he will persuade you to stay? If you have decided, why would you find it hard to stick to your decision OR there is a part of you that is still unsure.
Then it's better to be sure and for that try going to an expert. At least you know that you left no stone unturned before taking that major decision.
And who knows, if things actually start to get better, it might be wonderful, yeah?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |926 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 26, 2024Hindi
Hi, I married 1 year ago my wife told me she was forced to do a marriage against her concern and she didn't want the marriage life and wanted to live as strangers, also she refused to take wife responsibilities at home i have waited trusting she would change but she never changed. She is alone daughter to her parents borned after 16 years to their parents and she used to live outside around 17 year for her studies. After marriage whenever her parents come she used to ignore me, also she work in private sector and not share even single rupee to home. However all house hold work i do being boy, also she is not at all interested in intercource as well. After marriage 2 week she stayed in PG stating that my close friend will go to native allow me to spend time with her reast all i will be with you like. I agreed. Later 6 Month she used to give reasons for intercource i got periods, rashes, not feeling good, tiered, no mood, etc this happen till 6 month. After this we had 4 times in 2 month with protection that too just for 1 or 2 min as she mentioned lot of pain, after that she started avoiding, since i was not fulfilled by sex desire i started making extra marital affairs in facebook and turned to whatsapp only text, one fine day she saw all msgs i did with extra marital affair and she took photos of that and went to PG without informing any one. Later both families elder sat and asked she used to show the msgs that i did with extra marital affairs and she wanted seperate now from me. Though i accepted the extra marital affairs only interms of msgs and since you not willing to do sex i choose this way i mentioned. But she dont like to come back now. Her father took 2 month of time that he will change her mind set but i dont think she can. As her mother is also not good women, suporting her daughter and making such big issues and she also not interested in this marriage itself.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Sometimes people are just not ready for marriage and here your wife certainly came along with a huge baggage of unresolved issues behind her.
Marriage requires both partners to be responsible not just towards one another but take an active interest in their roles. This calls for maturity from both partners here.
Now, this was never a possibility with your spouse as she felt the marriage was a forced one. That is enough to destroy any chances of the marriage falling in place. You are also in a soup now that she has found her 'proof' that gives her a ticket out of this marriage.
The question here is: Do you want this marriage? If YES, then you will have to start down the part of proving your innocence and what led to what and how and when...If NO, then since your spouse has found her ticket to freedom, the only thing you might have to do is clearly state and not explain anything as to how things went downhill right from the beginning. Her parents may believe you or not, but that's what your decision needs. They may try to malign you in the family, just stick to your version of what happened and move on.
So, you are at that point where you need to make a decision. What is it going to be?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3460 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Hi sir, One of FD is maturing next week(32lac). Please advise whether this to be invested in FD or mutual funds. If mutual funds then advise the mutual funds to invest. My age is 60yrs. Please advise. Ashok
Ans: Dear Ashok,

Congratulations on reaching this milestone. You have Rs 32 lakhs from a maturing Fixed Deposit (FD). At the age of 60, it’s vital to balance safety, liquidity, and growth in your investments.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Before diving into investment options, let's understand your financial goals. Do you need regular income, preservation of capital, or growth? Your age suggests a need for a conservative approach, but with some exposure to growth for inflation protection.

Fixed Deposit: Safety and Predictability
Fixed Deposits (FDs) are safe and predictable. They offer guaranteed returns, making them suitable for risk-averse investors.

Safety: Capital is protected.
Guaranteed Returns: Interest rates are fixed.
Liquidity: Can be broken with a penalty if needed.
Low Returns: Typically lower than inflation.
Taxable Interest: Interest is fully taxable.
Mutual Funds: Growth and Diversification
Mutual Funds offer diversification and potentially higher returns. Given your age, a balanced approach focusing on low to moderate risk is ideal.

Higher Returns: Potentially higher than FDs.
Diversification: Spread across various assets.
Tax Efficiency: Long-term capital gains are taxed favorably.
Market Risk: Returns are not guaranteed.
Complexity: Requires understanding fund types.
Conservative Mutual Funds
Given your need for safety and some growth, consider conservative mutual funds. These include debt funds, hybrid funds, and balanced advantage funds.

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt funds invest in fixed-income instruments like government bonds and corporate debt. They are less risky than equity funds.

Benefits: Stable returns, low risk.
Suitable For: Capital preservation and modest growth.
Hybrid Mutual Funds
Hybrid funds invest in both equity and debt. They offer a balance between risk and return.

Benefits: Diversified risk, balanced returns.
Suitable For: Moderate risk appetite and inflation protection.
Balanced Advantage Funds
Balanced advantage funds dynamically adjust between equity and debt based on market conditions.

Benefits: Automated balance between risk and return.
Suitable For: Those who want professional management of asset allocation.
Evaluating FD vs. Mutual Funds
Safety and Returns
FD: Offers safety and predictable, but lower returns.
Mutual Funds: Potential for higher returns, but with market risks.
Tax Efficiency
FD: Interest is fully taxable.
Mutual Funds: Long-term capital gains are taxed favorably.
FD: Liquidity comes with penalties.
Mutual Funds: Generally more liquid, with easy withdrawal options.
Personalized Investment Strategy
Given your age and need for a balanced approach, here’s a suggested strategy:

1. Split the Investment
Divide Rs 32 lakhs into two parts: 50% in FDs for safety and 50% in mutual funds for growth.

2. Choose Suitable Mutual Funds
Select conservative funds to balance risk and return. Here are some categories:

Debt Funds: Invest Rs 10 lakhs for stability.
Hybrid Funds: Invest Rs 6 lakhs for balanced growth.
Balanced Advantage Funds: Invest Rs 6 lakhs for dynamic management.
3. Regular Review
Regularly review your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your goals and market conditions.

Practical Steps for Implementation
Consult a Certified Financial Planner: Get personalized advice to align investments with your financial goals.

Research Funds: Look for funds with a good track record, low expense ratio, and suitable risk profile.

Diversify: Spread investments across different types of funds to reduce risk.

Monitor and Rebalance: Keep track of your investments and rebalance as needed to maintain the desired asset allocation.

Final Thoughts
Balancing safety and growth is essential at this stage of life. By diversifying your Rs 32 lakhs between Fixed Deposits and conservative mutual funds, you can achieve stability and growth. Regular monitoring and adjustments will ensure your portfolio remains aligned with your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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