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Vivek Lala  |280 Answers  |Ask -

Tax, MF Expert - Answered on Aug 11, 2024

Vivek Lala has been working as a tax planner since 2018. His expertise lies in making personalised tax budgets and tax forecasts for individuals. As a tax advisor, he takes pride in simplifying tax complications for his clients using simple, easy-to-understand language.
Lala cleared his chartered accountancy exam in 2018 and completed his articleship with Chaturvedi and Shah. ... more
NARESH Question by NARESH on Jul 11, 2024Hindi

I have taken loan from relative and will be paying interest to him at bank rates. Can I claim this as expense in ITR?

Ans: Interest can be taken as expense if you are having business income
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Nitin Narkhede  |6 Answers  |Ask -

MF, PF Guru - Answered on Sep 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 26, 2024Hindi
Hi Mr. Vivek, i would like to seek ur advice regarding the central government announcement relating to the pension scheme. Which among the 2 pension schemes is more beneficial NPS or UPS. I am eagerly waiting for your financial advice on the above matter.
Ans: Dear Vivek,
Thank you for your query regarding the recent pension scheme announcement. Let’s understand the key differences between the National Pension System (NPS) and the newly introduced Universal Pension Scheme (UPS) and find out which might be more beneficial for you.
National Pension System (NPS) NPS is a government-backed retirement savings scheme where you contribute regularly during your working years, and the funds are invested in a mix of equity, corporate debt, and government bonds. Upon retirement, you receive a portion of the accumulated corpus as a lump sum, and the rest is used to purchase an annuity that provides a regular pension. Let’s see what are Tax Benefits Contributions to NPS are tax-deductible up to Rs 1.5 lakh under Section 80C and an additional Rs 50,000 under Section 80CCD(1B), making it attractive for tax-saving purposes. The returns on NPS depend on market performance, as it invests in equity and debt instruments. Historically, the average return has been between 8-10%, making it a relatively high-return pension option. If you see 2023 the returns are between 16 to 20%. There is Flexibility to choose your own asset allocation (equity vs. debt) or opt for auto-allocation based on your age and risk profile. For Withdrawals At the age of 60, you can withdraw 60% of the corpus tax-free, while 40% is used to purchase an annuity, which provides a regular pension. For premature exit is only possible after 5 Years after registration. you can withdraw entire amount if corpus is below 2.5 Lakh. If corpus is beyond 2.5 lakh then you can only withdraw 20% and balance 80 % to be invested to buy annuity.
In case of Universal Pension Scheme (UPS) it is a recently introduced pension scheme aimed at providing retirement benefits to all citizens, including those in informal sectors who may not have access to other retirement schemes. It is designed to ensure that every citizen has a basic income after retirement. For Contribution: UPS is likely to have lower contribution requirements compared to NPS, making it more accessible to those with lower incomes or irregular earnings. The scheme promises universal coverage, meaning it is open to all citizens, regardless of their employment status. UPS may offer fixed or modest returns, more similar to a traditional pension plan, and less focused on market-linked investments like NPS. The scheme is likely to be simpler to manage, with fewer choices regarding asset allocation and investment decisions. Under the UPS, the assured pension will be the average basic salary + DA drawn in the previous 12 months before superannuation. This would mean that government employees, at retirement, will get 50% of the average of the last 12 months' salary + DA.
Which One Is More Beneficial?
If You’re Seeking Higher Returns and Flexibility then NPS would be a better option as it allows for market-linked returns (higher than most traditional pension schemes) and gives you control over your investment choices. It’s ideal for those who want to accumulate a larger retirement corpus.
If You Want Simplicity and Universal Access then UPS could be a good choice for individuals looking for an easy-to-understand, universally available pension scheme with a stable income. It is designed to cater to a broader section of the population, especially those in informal jobs or without regular retirement savings.
For Tax Benefits: NPS offers significant tax benefits under Section 80C and 80CCD, which may make it more attractive if you’re in a higher tax bracket.
For Lower-Income Individuals: UPS may be more beneficial due to its accessibility and potentially lower contribution requirements.
It’s important to assess your long-term goals, income, and risk tolerance before making a decision. If you need further clarification or help choosing the best scheme for you, feel free to reach out.
Best regards,
Nitin Narkhede
Founder & MD, Prosperity Lifestyle Hub https://Nitinnarkhede.com
Free Webinar https://bit.ly/PLH-Webinar

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6269 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Sep 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 11, 2024Hindi
Hello Sir, I currently have ?7 lacs idle in my savings account and I'm exploring the best way to manage this, considering my financial situation and future needs. My financial overview includes: monthly investments in equity mutual funds with a long-term perspective, comprehensive health and term insurance, an emergency fund covering 6 months expenses, and an additional ?50k saved each month after all expenditures and SIP contributions. Additionally, I hold ?4.75 lacs in another account for immediate needs. I aim to categorize my investments into non-withdrawal mutual funds for long-term compounding benefits and withdraw-able mutual funds for safer, more liquid options that beat inflation. I seek advice on managing these funds and specific mutual fund recommendations, as I might need access to this money (or not need) within 2-5 years. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Ans: Firstly, it’s commendable that you already have a robust financial framework in place. Your systematic investments in equity mutual funds, comprehensive health and term insurance, and an emergency fund that covers six months of expenses indicate a well-thought-out financial strategy. These elements are crucial for financial stability, as they ensure you’re protected against unforeseen circumstances while continuing to grow your wealth.

In addition to your Rs. 7 lakhs of idle savings and Rs. 4.75 lakhs set aside for immediate needs, you also have an impressive Rs. 50,000 in monthly savings after all expenses and investments. This presents a strong base for further wealth creation, and managing these funds effectively will help you meet your short-term and long-term goals. Let’s explore how you can maximize the potential of your idle funds, taking into account both liquidity needs and long-term compounding.

Categorizing Funds: Long-Term and Short-Term Investments
Your decision to divide your investments into two categories—non-withdrawable mutual funds for long-term growth and withdrawable mutual funds for short-term liquidity—is a sound approach. This division allows you to meet both your immediate financial needs while simultaneously growing your wealth over the long term.

Long-Term Investment: Non-Withdrawal Funds (2-5 Years and Beyond)
For long-term compounding, equity mutual funds are an ideal vehicle. You’re already investing in these funds with a long-term perspective, which is excellent, as equity tends to outperform other asset classes like debt or fixed deposits over time.

Here’s how you can further optimize your long-term investment strategy:

Continue SIPs in Equity Mutual Funds: Regular investments through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) allow you to benefit from rupee cost averaging. This means you buy more units when markets are down and fewer units when markets are up, thus averaging your cost over time. Given that you already have SIPs in place, it’s advisable to continue with these contributions. Over the long term, equity markets tend to grow despite short-term volatility, and consistent investments will help you capitalize on this growth.

Lump Sum Allocation from Idle Funds: Since you have Rs. 7 lakhs sitting idle in your savings account, which is currently not earning much interest, it’s prudent to put a portion of this amount into equity mutual funds. You could allocate Rs. 4-5 lakhs of this sum towards equity mutual funds to boost your long-term growth. This will allow the funds to compound over time, helping you accumulate wealth more effectively.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds Over Index Funds: While index funds track a specific index like the Nifty 50, they are often less flexible and cannot adjust to changing market conditions. On the other hand, actively managed funds, overseen by professional fund managers, have the ability to change their asset allocation based on market trends, thus potentially offering higher returns. Although index funds may have lower fees, they may not always outperform actively managed funds, especially in a volatile or uneven market.

Avoid Direct Funds for Better Portfolio Management: Direct mutual funds, although they come with a lower expense ratio, require constant tracking and decision-making. This can be cumbersome for someone who may not have the time or expertise to monitor the markets closely. Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) who has a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) credential will allow you to benefit from expert advice and portfolio management. A CFP can help optimize your portfolio by selecting the right mix of funds based on your risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions. Additionally, the long-term relationship with an MFD/CFP can ensure timely adjustments to your portfolio.

Short-Term Investment: Withdrawable Funds (2-5 Years)
For the portion of your savings that you may need within the next 2-5 years, you need safer and more liquid investment options. While equity mutual funds are great for long-term growth, they can be volatile in the short term, which makes them less suitable for funds you might need soon. Here’s how you can structure your short-term investments:

Hybrid Funds: These funds offer a balanced approach by investing in both equities and debt instruments. The equity portion provides the opportunity for growth, while the debt portion offers stability and reduces volatility. Hybrid funds are less risky than pure equity funds and provide a good option for investors looking to beat inflation while keeping the investment relatively safe.

Short-Term Debt Funds: Debt mutual funds invest in government securities, corporate bonds, and other fixed-income instruments. These funds are less volatile than equity mutual funds, making them ideal for short-term investments. By investing in debt funds with shorter maturity periods, you can achieve relatively higher returns than a savings account while ensuring that the risk is low. Debt funds can also provide liquidity, allowing you to withdraw your money when needed.

Liquid Funds: For funds that you need to access quickly, liquid mutual funds are a good option. These funds invest in short-term, low-risk instruments and offer better returns than a regular savings account. Importantly, liquid funds allow you to withdraw money with minimal hassle, often within 24 hours. Since you might need access to your savings for immediate or unexpected expenses, liquid funds are an ideal choice to park part of your Rs. 7 lakhs.

Avoid Index Funds for Short-Term Goals: Index funds, though popular for their simplicity and low costs, may not be suitable for short-term investments. They follow the market and cannot adapt quickly to changing economic conditions. If the market experiences a downturn during the period when you need your funds, you might be forced to withdraw at a loss. Therefore, for short-term investments, it’s better to focus on debt or hybrid funds that offer stability.

Strategic Allocation of Rs. 7 Lakhs
Given your financial goals and the possibility that you may need access to some of your savings within the next 2-5 years, here’s how you can strategically allocate your Rs. 7 lakhs:

Rs. 4-5 Lakhs for Long-Term Growth: Allocate a significant portion of your idle Rs. 7 lakhs into long-term equity mutual funds. This will allow you to take advantage of market compounding and generate wealth over time. Equity funds, despite short-term volatility, tend to offer the highest returns over periods of 5 years or more.

Rs. 2-3 Lakhs for Short-Term Flexibility: Park the remainder of your Rs. 7 lakhs into safer, more liquid investments such as hybrid or debt funds. These funds provide a good balance between safety and returns, allowing your money to grow while being accessible when needed. If you find that you don’t need these funds in 2-3 years, you can always move them into more aggressive investments later.

Managing the Rs. 4.75 Lakhs for Immediate Needs
You’ve wisely set aside Rs. 4.75 lakhs in another account for immediate needs. Since this money may be required at any time, it’s essential to keep it in a highly liquid and low-risk option.

Liquid Mutual Funds: As mentioned earlier, liquid funds are an excellent choice for immediate needs. They offer liquidity similar to a savings account but with the potential to earn higher returns. Liquid funds invest in short-term instruments and typically allow you to access your money within a day, making them ideal for emergency funds or immediate expenses.

High-Interest Savings Account: Alternatively, you can keep this money in a high-interest savings account. This option provides both safety and liquidity, though the returns may not beat inflation over the long term. However, since the primary goal for this Rs. 4.75 lakhs is to maintain accessibility, a high-interest savings account could be a good secondary option.

Utilizing Rs. 50,000 in Monthly Savings
Your ability to save Rs. 50,000 per month after all expenses and investments is a strong indicator of financial discipline. This surplus can be put to excellent use for both short-term flexibility and long-term wealth creation.

Increase Equity SIP Contributions: You could allocate a portion of your Rs. 50,000 monthly savings to increase your SIP contributions in equity mutual funds. This will allow you to compound your wealth even faster. Since equity markets can experience ups and downs, adding more to your SIPs during market downturns will help you purchase more units at a lower cost, thus improving long-term returns.

Allocate to Short-Term SIPs: You can also consider starting or increasing your SIPs in short-term hybrid or debt mutual funds. These funds provide stability and liquidity while offering better returns than traditional savings instruments. By allocating part of your monthly savings to these funds, you create a pool of investments that can be tapped into for medium-term goals or unexpected needs.

Final Insights
In conclusion, you are on the right track with your investments and financial planning. To enhance your financial portfolio and ensure both long-term growth and short-term liquidity, consider the following strategies:

Allocate Rs. 4-5 Lakhs from your idle Rs. 7 lakhs into long-term equity mutual funds for compounding benefits over the next 5 years and beyond. Equity mutual funds are ideal for wealth creation and will help you meet your future financial goals.

Invest Rs. 2-3 Lakhs in short-term debt or hybrid mutual funds. These funds offer a balance between safety and returns, ensuring your funds are accessible when needed while also beating inflation.

Keep the Rs. 4.75 lakhs set aside for immediate needs in liquid mutual funds. Liquid funds will give you quick access to your money, while also providing higher returns than a savings account.

Use your Rs. 50,000 in monthly savings to increase your SIP contributions. By boosting your long-term equity investments and adding to short-term hybrid or debt funds, you can ensure that your financial plan remains flexible while growing your wealth steadily.

By following these recommendations, you will not only optimize your current investments but also lay a strong foundation for future financial security. The balance between long-term growth and short-term flexibility is key to meeting your financial goals, and with consistent efforts, you will continue to strengthen your financial portfolio.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Milind Vadjikar  |99 Answers  |Ask -

Insurance, Stocks, MF, PF Expert - Answered on Sep 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 10, 2024Hindi
Hello Sir, I currently have ?5 lacs sitting idle in my savings account and I'm looking for the best way to manage this money considering my financial situation and future needs. Here's a breakdown of my financial state: - Investments: Already invests in equity mutual funds monthly with a long-term horizon. - Insurance: Covered with both health and term insurance. - Emergency Fund: Have 6 months' worth of expenses saved. - Monthly Savings: After all expenses and SIP contributions, I save an additional ?30k each month. - I have an additional ?4 lacs in another bank account for immediate expenses if needed. Personally would like to categorise investments in two categories: - Non-redeemable Mutual Funds: Invest & forget. For a 10-15 year investment horizon. Let compounding do the magic in long term. - Redeemable Mutual Funds: Low to moderate risk. Safer options that offer better returns than FDs, ensuring at least the buying power of the money doesn't decrease / beats inflation. Goals for the Idle Money + additional ?30k savings each month: I might need to access this money in the next 2-5 years, or I might not. I'm considering placing it in redeemable mutual funds category (mentioned above), so I can withdraw if necessary for future expenses. Given this scenario, I’m looking for recommendations on specific types of mutual funds that meet these criteria. Any advice on managing these funds effectively would be greatly appreciated!
Ans: You may consider investing in Equity Savings mutual fund to match your expectations

You can do lumpsum for the idle money and SIP for the monthly saving

They are tax efficient because taxation is like an equity fund although they invest almost equal amount in equity, bonds and arbitrage

Relatively less riskier then the equity funds

*Investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme related documents carefully before investing

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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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