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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4183 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Jagannath Question by Jagannath on Jul 01, 2024Hindi

Hi sir I am a retired person aging 65 getting a pension of 55 k. I don't have retired money which I spent on my son and daughters. I can invest 25k per month. Please advise me to build a reasonable capital within 15 years

Ans: It’s wonderful that you’re thinking about building a reasonable capital at this stage. At 65, and receiving a pension of Rs. 55,000, you have a solid base. Being able to invest Rs. 25,000 per month is commendable. Let's explore how mutual funds can help you grow your wealth over the next 15 years.

Understanding Your Financial Situation
You’ve done a lot for your children, and that’s truly commendable. Now, it’s time to focus on securing your financial future. With your monthly pension and the ability to invest Rs. 25,000 per month, you’re in a good position to build a substantial corpus.

The Power of Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are an excellent way to grow your money. They offer diversification, professional management, and flexibility, making them a suitable option for your needs.

Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds
1. Diversification

Mutual funds spread your investments across different assets. This reduces risk as it’s unlikely all assets will perform poorly simultaneously.

2. Professional Management

Expert fund managers handle mutual funds. They use their knowledge and experience to make informed investment decisions.

3. Flexibility

There are various types of mutual funds to suit different goals. Whether you seek growth, income, or capital preservation, there’s a fund for you.

4. Liquidity

Mutual funds are easy to buy and sell. You can access your money when needed, providing flexibility and security.

Types of Mutual Funds
1. Equity Funds

These invest in stocks. They offer high returns but come with higher risk. Suitable for long-term growth if you can tolerate market fluctuations.

2. Debt Funds

These invest in bonds and other fixed-income securities. They provide regular income with lower risk, ideal for conservative investors.

3. Hybrid Funds

These invest in a mix of equity and debt. They balance risk and return, making them suitable for moderate risk-takers.

Building a Balanced Portfolio
A balanced portfolio is crucial to manage risk and ensure steady growth. Here’s a suggested approach:

1. Core Portfolio with Debt Funds

Allocate a significant portion to debt funds. They provide stability and regular income, reducing overall portfolio risk.

2. Growth Portfolio with Equity Funds

Invest a portion in equity funds for potential high returns. This helps in growing your wealth over time.

3. Balanced Portfolio with Hybrid Funds

Include hybrid funds to balance risk and return. They offer growth with some level of safety.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Investing through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is an effective way to build wealth over time. Here’s why:

1. Regular Investments

SIP ensures regular investments. It helps in averaging out market fluctuations, reducing the impact of volatility.

2. Discipline

SIP instills financial discipline. You invest a fixed amount regularly, which helps in building a substantial corpus over time.

3. Flexibility

SIP offers flexibility. You can start with a small amount and increase it as your financial situation improves.

Evaluating Your Risk Tolerance
At 65, it’s important to assess your risk tolerance. Here’s how different risk profiles align with mutual fund investments:

1. Conservative Investor

If you prefer low risk, focus on debt funds. They provide steady income with lower risk, ensuring capital preservation.

2. Balanced Investor

If you can tolerate moderate risk, hybrid funds are suitable. They balance growth and income, offering a mix of safety and returns.

3. Aggressive Investor

If you have a higher risk tolerance, consider equity funds. They offer substantial growth but come with higher risk.

Regular Monitoring and Review
Investing is not a one-time activity. Regular monitoring and periodic reviews are essential to ensure your investments are on track.

1. Performance Review

Track the performance of your funds regularly. Ensure they are meeting your expectations and financial goals.

2. Rebalancing

Rebalance your portfolio periodically. Adjust the allocation between equity and debt based on market conditions and your goals.

3. Stay Updated

Stay informed about market trends and economic changes. This helps in making informed decisions.

Benefits of Investing Through a CFP
1. Personalized Advice

A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) provides tailored advice based on your financial situation and goals. They help in choosing the right funds and strategies.

2. Ongoing Support

A CFP offers continuous support and advice. They help in monitoring your portfolio and making necessary adjustments.

3. Peace of Mind

With a CFP, you can be assured that your investments are in expert hands. This gives you peace of mind and reduces stress.

Disadvantages of Index Funds and Direct Funds
1. Index Funds

Index funds replicate the performance of a market index. They offer lower returns compared to actively managed funds. They lack flexibility in managing market changes.

2. Direct Funds

Direct funds bypass intermediaries but lack professional guidance. Without expert advice, you might miss out on optimal investment strategies.

Actively Managed Funds Through MFD with CFP
Actively managed funds aim to outperform the market. Fund managers make strategic decisions to maximize returns. Investing through an MFD with CFP credentials ensures you get professional advice and support.

Creating a Retirement Corpus
Building a retirement corpus is crucial. Here’s a simple approach:

1. Define Your Goals

Determine how much you need for retirement. Consider your lifestyle, healthcare, and other expenses.

2. Choose the Right Funds

Based on your risk tolerance, choose a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid funds. A CFP can help in selecting the right ones.

3. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Investing through SIPs ensures regular investments. It helps in averaging out market fluctuations and building a corpus over time.

Emergency Fund
Having an emergency fund is essential. It provides a financial cushion during unexpected events.

1. Debt Funds for Emergency Fund

Debt funds are ideal for an emergency fund. They provide liquidity and stability. You can access your money quickly when needed.

2. Regular Contributions

Contribute regularly to your emergency fund. Ensure it covers at least 6-12 months of your living expenses.

Tax Planning
Mutual funds can also help in tax planning. Here’s how:

1. Tax Saving Funds

Invest in tax-saving funds to avail benefits under Section 80C. They help in reducing your taxable income.

2. Capital Gains

Understand the tax implications of capital gains. Long-term and short-term gains are taxed differently.

3. Dividends

Dividends from mutual funds are taxable. Plan your investments considering the tax implications.

Estate Planning
Planning for the future is important. Ensure your investments are aligned with your estate planning goals.

1. Nomination

Nominate beneficiaries for your mutual funds. This ensures your loved ones receive the benefits smoothly.

2. Will

Include your mutual fund investments in your will. This ensures your assets are distributed as per your wishes.

Final Insights
Investing in mutual funds is a smart way to secure your financial future. They offer diversification, professional management, and flexibility. At 65, focusing on a balanced portfolio is crucial.

Choose funds based on your risk tolerance and financial goals. Regularly monitor and review your investments. A Certified Financial Planner can guide you through the process and provide personalized advice.

Remember, the key to successful investing is staying informed and making informed decisions. Best of luck with your investment journey!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

Asked on - Jul 01, 2024 | Answered on Jul 01, 2024
Sir thank you for your prompt unbiased reply
Ans: You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Best wishes on your financial journey!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4183 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 09, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 28, 2024Hindi
Hi ..I am 34 year old married..my monthly income is 80k now as I am in government service. I have invested already 2lakh in equity fund and sip of 2k in canara robocop bluechip MF..how to have a capital of atleast 5 CR when I will b 50
Ans: It's great that you're thinking about your financial future at such a young age. Building a corpus of 5 Crores by the time you turn 50 is an ambitious but achievable goal with careful planning and disciplined investing. Here's a plan to help you reach your target:

Increase Investment Amount: Since you're already investing in equity funds and SIPs, consider increasing your investment amount gradually as your income grows. Aim to maximize your contributions towards long-term wealth creation.
Diversify Your Portfolio: While equity funds offer the potential for high returns, diversifying your portfolio across different asset classes can help manage risk. Consider allocating a portion of your investments to debt funds, real estate, and other avenues based on your risk tolerance and financial goals.
Review and Rebalance: Regularly review your investment portfolio and rebalance it as needed to ensure it remains aligned with your financial objectives. Monitor the performance of your funds and make adjustments based on market conditions and changes in your personal circumstances.
Explore Other Investment Opportunities: Look for additional avenues to grow your wealth, such as investing in tax-saving instruments like ELSS funds, PPF, or NPS. These options offer tax benefits along with the potential for long-term capital appreciation.
Seek Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with a Certified Financial Planner who can provide personalized advice tailored to your specific financial situation and goals. They can help you create a comprehensive financial plan and guide you towards achieving your target of 5 Crores by the age of 50.
Remember, achieving your financial goals requires discipline, patience, and a long-term perspective. Stay focused on your objectives, and with the right investment strategy, you can work towards building a substantial corpus for your future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4183 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 16, 2024

Hello Sir, I am 37 yo and want to start Investing (Though i know it's bit late) approx 40k a month. Can u please suggest me a balanced approach by which I can create approx 15-20 crores in next 25 years (i.e. by the time I will be 62/63 yo). P.S. i am already investing 15k pm in one of the retirement plan (Market linked) of Tata AIA sice last one year. I am planning to invest additional 40k now. (I have 2 daughters [one is 7 yr and other one is 1 year old]) need to keep there future i view also. Request your guidance for better future please.
Ans: Given your age and investment horizon of 25 years, it's still possible to accumulate a substantial corpus. Here's a balanced approach:

Equity Mutual Funds: Allocate a significant portion to equity funds for growth potential. Diversify across large-cap, mid-cap, and multicap funds to balance risk and return.

Debt Mutual Funds: To balance the portfolio and reduce volatility, allocate a portion to debt funds or fixed income instruments.

Retirement Plans: Continue your current retirement plan and consider adding more market-linked plans or pension schemes for retirement income.

Children's Education and Future: Invest separately for your daughters' future needs, considering their education and other expenses.

Review and Rebalance: Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to align with your goals and risk tolerance.

Given your existing investment and additional 40k/month, a disciplined approach and regular review can help you achieve your target. Consult a financial advisor for a personalized investment plan tailored to your needs.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4183 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi
I am 55 years old working in a Pvt co. My PF accumulation is 51 Lacs, MF Market Value about 26 Lacs, FD Etc about 20 Lacs , LIC About 50 Lacs. No large loan liability. Big fund requirements daughter’s marriage and higher education may cos about 50 Lacs. I have another 5 to seven years of working life left. What will be Retirement kitty. My present TH salary is 1.60 lacs pm. Need at least 1 lacs Rs for subsistence after retirement.
Ans: I understand your situation and goals. Let's break it down and analyze each aspect to ensure a secure and comfortable retirement. Here's a detailed plan:

Current Financial Situation
You are 55 years old and working in a private company. You have accumulated various assets over your working life:

Provident Fund (PF): Rs. 51 lakhs

Mutual Funds (MF): Rs. 26 lakhs

Fixed Deposits (FD) and other instruments: Rs. 20 lakhs

LIC Policies: Rs. 50 lakhs

You have no large loan liabilities, which is excellent. Your primary financial goals are funding your daughter's marriage and higher education, costing about Rs. 50 lakhs. You also plan to retire in 5 to 7 years, needing at least Rs. 1 lakh per month for subsistence post-retirement.

Assessing Your Retirement Kitty
1. Provident Fund (PF)
Your PF is currently Rs. 51 lakhs. Over the next 5-7 years, this amount will continue to grow with ongoing contributions and accrued interest.

2. Mutual Funds (MF)
You have Rs. 26 lakhs in mutual funds. These funds are likely diversified across equity, debt, and hybrid schemes. Mutual funds are excellent for long-term growth due to their compounding effect and diversification benefits.

3. Fixed Deposits (FD) and Other Instruments
You have Rs. 20 lakhs in fixed deposits and other instruments. While these are safe investments, their returns are generally lower compared to other investment options.

4. LIC Policies
You have Rs. 50 lakhs in LIC policies. If these are traditional LIC policies or endowment plans, their returns might be lower than market-linked investments. It's essential to evaluate the surrender value and future benefits.

Retirement Planning Strategy
To ensure you meet your retirement goals and have a comfortable life post-retirement, consider the following strategies:

1. Maximize PF and EPF Contributions
Continue maximizing your PF and EPF contributions. These funds are critical for your retirement due to their tax benefits and relatively stable returns.

2. Review and Rebalance Your Mutual Fund Portfolio
Analyze the performance of your mutual funds. Ensure a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid funds to balance risk and returns. Equity funds are great for growth, but they come with higher risk. Debt funds offer stability but lower returns. Hybrid funds provide a balanced approach.

Mutual funds benefit from compounding, where returns generated are reinvested, generating more returns. This power of compounding is crucial for building a substantial retirement corpus.

3. Optimize Fixed Deposits and Other Instruments
Consider reinvesting maturing fixed deposits into higher-return instruments. Debt mutual funds or balanced advantage funds could be good alternatives, offering better returns with manageable risk.

4. Evaluate LIC Policies
Review your LIC policies. If they are not yielding competitive returns, consider surrendering or partially withdrawing them to reinvest in higher-return mutual funds. Ensure you understand any penalties or loss of benefits before making this decision.

5. Investment in Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWPs)
As you near retirement, transition some of your mutual fund investments to SWPs. This ensures a regular income post-retirement. SWPs allow you to withdraw a fixed amount regularly, providing stability.

Calculating Retirement Corpus
You need Rs. 1 lakh per month post-retirement, which amounts to Rs. 12 lakhs annually. Assuming you have a 20-25 year retirement period, your total requirement will be Rs. 2.4 crore to Rs. 3 crore.

Steps to Achieve the Desired Corpus
Estimate Future Value of Current Investments

Provident Fund: Rs. 51 lakhs growing at 8% annually for 5-7 years.

Mutual Funds: Rs. 26 lakhs growing at 10-12% annually.

Fixed Deposits and Others: Rs. 20 lakhs growing at 6-7% annually.

Additional Savings and Investments

Your monthly savings can be directed towards equity mutual funds for higher growth.

Balanced Portfolio

Ensure a balanced portfolio of equity, debt, and hybrid funds to mitigate risks.

Addressing Major Expenses: Daughter's Marriage and Education
You estimate the cost of your daughter's marriage and education to be Rs. 50 lakhs. This is a significant expense, and here’s how you can plan:

Create a Dedicated Fund: Set aside a part of your current investments for this purpose.

Short-term Debt Funds: Invest in short-term debt funds or liquid funds, which are less volatile and provide better returns than traditional savings.

Regular Savings: Continue saving monthly towards this goal, ensuring you have enough funds when needed.

Final Insights
To ensure a comfortable retirement and meet your financial goals, it's crucial to plan and invest wisely. Here’s a summary of what you should do:

Maximize Contributions: Continue maximizing your contributions to provident and retirement funds.

Diversify Investments: Maintain a diversified portfolio with a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds.

Regular Review and Rebalance: Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to align with your risk tolerance and goals.

Consider Professional Advice: Consulting a Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized advice and strategies tailored to your needs.

Focus on Long-term Growth: Aim for investments that offer long-term growth potential, leveraging the power of compounding.

Plan for Major Expenses: Create a dedicated fund for your daughter's marriage and education, ensuring you have sufficient resources when needed.

By following these strategies, you can build a substantial retirement corpus, ensuring financial security and a comfortable lifestyle post-retirement.

Additional Tips for Effective Financial Planning
Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund with at least 6-12 months' expenses. This ensures liquidity during unexpected situations.

Health Insurance: Ensure adequate health insurance coverage for yourself and your family to avoid high medical costs.

Tax Planning: Invest in tax-saving instruments to reduce your taxable income and increase savings.

Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor your investments and adjust based on market conditions and changing financial goals.

Stay Informed: Stay informed about financial markets and investment options to make educated decisions.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds over Index Funds
Actively managed funds are managed by professional fund managers who aim to outperform market indices. They have the following benefits over index funds:

Higher Returns: Potential for higher returns as fund managers actively select stocks and adjust the portfolio.

Risk Management: Fund managers can make adjustments based on market conditions, helping manage risks better.

Personalized Strategy: Actively managed funds can align with your specific financial goals and risk tolerance.

On the other hand, index funds merely replicate the performance of market indices, offering no active risk management or potential for outperformance.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct funds are purchased directly from the fund house, avoiding commission costs. However, they have certain disadvantages compared to regular funds:

Lack of Professional Guidance: Direct funds lack the professional guidance and personalized advice that a Certified Financial Planner provides.

Time and Effort: Managing direct funds requires more time and effort, as you need to track and rebalance your portfolio regularly.

Risk of Errors: Without expert advice, there's a higher risk of making investment errors, impacting your financial goals.

Advantages of Regular Funds
Regular funds, purchased through a Certified Financial Planner, offer several advantages:

Professional Guidance: Benefit from expert advice and personalized strategies tailored to your financial goals.

Convenience: Less time-consuming as the planner manages your portfolio, allowing you to focus on other aspects of life.

Holistic Planning: A planner can provide holistic financial planning, considering all aspects of your financial situation.

By focusing on these strategies and seeking professional advice, you can achieve your retirement goals and ensure a financially secure future for you and your family.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Dr Hemalata

Dr Hemalata Arora  |201 Answers  |Ask -

General Physician - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 31, 2024Hindi
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