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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4265 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi

Im 33 yers old earning 1.9L per month I have 5L in MF 3.5L in PPF 2L in NPS n 4L in stock market making a sip of 20k in MF ,PPF10k, NPS 5k ,gold 12k every month and having a home loan of 60L paying EMI currently 60K. Please help me are my investment planning is good where I should investment my goal to achieve good corpus for my daughter education and marriage now she is 5 months old.

Ans: First, congratulations on being proactive about your financial planning at a young age. At 33, you have a stable income of Rs. 1.9 lakhs per month and a diversified portfolio. Your investments include Rs. 5 lakhs in mutual funds, Rs. 3.5 lakhs in PPF, Rs. 2 lakhs in NPS, and Rs. 4 lakhs in the stock market. You are also making a SIP of Rs. 20,000 in mutual funds, Rs. 10,000 in PPF, Rs. 5,000 in NPS, and Rs. 12,000 in gold every month. Additionally, you have a home loan of Rs. 60 lakhs with an EMI of Rs. 60,000.

Evaluating Your Investment Strategy
Your investment strategy shows a balanced approach with exposure to various asset classes. However, let's analyze and optimize your investments to ensure you achieve your goals for your daughter's education and marriage.

Diversifying Your Portfolio
Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are a great way to grow your wealth. You have Rs. 5 lakhs invested in mutual funds and are contributing Rs. 20,000 monthly through SIPs. Ensure you are investing in a mix of equity and debt funds to balance risk and returns. Equity funds can provide high growth over the long term, while debt funds offer stability.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
PPF is a safe investment with tax benefits and guaranteed returns. Your Rs. 3.5 lakhs investment in PPF is good for long-term goals due to its 15-year lock-in period. Your monthly contribution of Rs. 10,000 is also beneficial.

National Pension System (NPS)
NPS is a good option for retirement planning with tax benefits. Your Rs. 2 lakhs investment in NPS and Rs. 5,000 monthly contribution are helping you build a retirement corpus.

Stock Market
Direct stock investments can provide high returns but come with higher risk. Your Rs. 4 lakhs investment in the stock market adds an aggressive growth component to your portfolio. Regularly review and manage your stock investments to mitigate risks.

Gold is a good hedge against inflation and market volatility. Your monthly investment of Rs. 12,000 in gold is a prudent strategy for diversification.

Managing Your Home Loan
Your Rs. 60 lakhs home loan with an EMI of Rs. 60,000 is a significant commitment. Ensure you maintain an emergency fund to cover at least 6-12 months of EMIs to safeguard against financial uncertainties.

Optimizing Your Investments for Your Goals
Goal 1: Daughter’s Education
Assuming your daughter will need funds for higher education in 18 years, you should focus on long-term growth investments.

Increase SIP in Equity Mutual Funds: Equity mutual funds can offer high returns over the long term. Consider increasing your SIP contributions in equity funds to build a substantial corpus for her education.

Child Education Plan: Consider investing in child-specific mutual fund schemes designed to meet education expenses. These funds often come with a lock-in period, ensuring the money is saved for the intended purpose.

Goal 2: Daughter’s Marriage
Assuming your daughter’s marriage in 25-30 years, you need to plan for a significant corpus.

Balanced Mutual Funds: Invest in balanced or hybrid mutual funds which provide a mix of equity and debt exposure. They offer growth with stability and are suitable for long-term goals.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): Continue with your SIPs in mutual funds and consider increasing the amount gradually as your income grows. This disciplined approach will help in accumulating the required funds.

Advantages of Mutual Funds
Professional Management

Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers who have the expertise to make investment decisions.


Mutual funds invest in a diverse range of securities, which helps spread risk and reduce volatility.


Mutual funds offer high liquidity, allowing you to redeem units as per your financial needs.

Tax Efficiency

Certain mutual funds provide tax benefits under Section 80C, which can help in tax planning.

Power of Compounding

The returns from mutual funds, when reinvested, can grow exponentially over time, helping in wealth accumulation.

Disadvantages of Real Estate as an Investment

Real estate investments are not easily converted to cash, making them less liquid than other investments.

Entry and Exit Costs

Buying and selling real estate involves significant costs, including stamp duty, registration fees, and brokerage.

No Partial Withdrawals

Unlike mutual funds, you cannot partially withdraw from a real estate investment. It is an all-or-nothing situation.

White Transactions

Real estate transactions often involve a mix of white and black money, complicating the process and reducing transparency.

Risk Management

Diversify your investments across various asset classes to reduce risk. Avoid concentrating too much in one area.

Regular Review

Periodically review your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your goals. Adjust your investments based on performance and market conditions.

Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund to cover at least 6-12 months of expenses. This fund should be easily accessible and invested in safe, liquid instruments.


Ensure you have adequate life and health insurance to protect your family against unforeseen events.

Power of Compounding
The power of compounding is a key factor in growing your wealth. By reinvesting the returns from your investments, you earn returns on both the initial principal and the accumulated returns. This exponential growth can significantly enhance your corpus over time.

Seeking Professional Guidance
While you have a solid understanding of investments, consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can provide you with personalized advice and strategies. A CFP can help you navigate complex financial decisions and ensure your investments are aligned with your goals.

Final Insights
You have made commendable progress in your financial journey at 33 years old. Your diversified investments and disciplined approach are commendable. Here’s a summary of the key steps to enhance your financial plan:

Increase SIPs in Equity Mutual Funds: Boost your contributions to equity mutual funds to build a substantial corpus for your daughter's education and marriage.
Maintain Diversification: Continue diversifying across mutual funds, PPF, NPS, gold, and stocks to balance risk and returns.
Review and Adjust: Regularly review your portfolio and make adjustments as needed to stay on track with your goals.
Consult a CFP: Seek guidance from a Certified Financial Planner to refine your investment strategy and achieve your financial objectives.
Your commitment to financial planning and investing for your daughter's future is admirable. With a well-structured plan and disciplined execution, you can achieve your goals and secure a bright future for your family.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4265 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 20, 2024Hindi
I am 36 year old earning 1.9 lacs per month and my investment is 33.5 lacs in FD, 12.5 lacs in savings account, 6 lacs equity, 6 lacs bonds, 1 lacs in mutual fund, 24 lacs in PPF account,4 lacs in NPS,11 lacs in EPF, 9 lacs in SSY in my daughter's name for her education,16 lacs in PPF account of my wife. I have one daughter studying in ukg. Please suggest investment plan for my daughter's education and my retirement and we want to purchase home in 5 years.
Ans: You have done an impressive job building a diverse investment portfolio. Your current financial situation reflects careful planning and disciplined saving habits. Given your goal to secure your daughter's education, your retirement, and purchasing a home in five years, let’s evaluate and create a comprehensive plan.

Current Financial Snapshot
Monthly Income: Rs 1.9 lacs
Fixed Deposits (FD): Rs 33.5 lacs
Savings Account: Rs 12.5 lacs
Equity: Rs 6 lacs
Bonds: Rs 6 lacs
Mutual Fund: Rs 1 lac
Public Provident Fund (PPF): Rs 24 lacs
National Pension System (NPS): Rs 4 lacs
Employees' Provident Fund (EPF): Rs 11 lacs
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY): Rs 9 lacs
Wife’s PPF: Rs 16 lacs
You have a healthy mix of traditional and market-linked investments. Now, let’s focus on your objectives.

Daughter’s Education Planning
Education costs are rising significantly. Given your daughter is in UKG, you have around 12 years before she enters college. Planning for this well in advance will ease the financial burden later.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY):

This is an excellent start. Continue contributing to SSY as it offers attractive returns and tax benefits.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP):

Start an SIP in equity mutual funds. SIPs help in rupee cost averaging and mitigate market volatility. Equity funds tend to offer higher returns over the long term.

Child Education Plans:

Consider investing in child education mutual funds. These are tailored to accumulate funds for your child's higher education. They come with a lock-in period which ensures the fund remains untouched until required.

Recurring Deposits (RD):

You can open a recurring deposit to systematically save a fixed amount every month. This will add to your education corpus.

Retirement Planning
A well-planned retirement strategy ensures a comfortable and financially independent retirement life. Here’s how you can enhance your retirement corpus.

Public Provident Fund (PPF):

PPF is a long-term investment with tax benefits and decent returns. Continue contributing to your and your wife's PPF accounts regularly.

National Pension System (NPS):

NPS provides a good retirement income solution. Increase your contribution to NPS as it offers market-linked returns with a mix of equity, corporate bonds, and government securities.

Equity Mutual Funds:

Continue investing in equity mutual funds via SIP. Equity has the potential to offer high returns over a long investment horizon. This will help build a substantial corpus for retirement.

Balanced Funds:

Consider balanced or hybrid mutual funds. These funds invest in a mix of equity and debt, providing moderate returns with relatively lower risk.

Employees' Provident Fund (EPF):

EPF is a significant component of retirement savings. Ensure you and your employer continue contributing to EPF regularly.

Home Purchase Planning
Purchasing a home is a major financial goal. Since you plan to buy a home in five years, let’s ensure you accumulate enough for a substantial down payment.

Fixed Deposits (FD):

Your current FD amount is significant. While FDs are safe, the returns are relatively lower. However, they are suitable for short-term goals like a home purchase.

Debt Mutual Funds:

Invest in short-term debt mutual funds. These funds offer better returns than savings accounts and FDs and are less volatile compared to equity funds.

Recurring Deposits (RD):

Set up an RD specifically for your home purchase goal. This will help in systematically accumulating funds over the next five years.

Liquid Funds:

Consider liquid mutual funds for better liquidity and slightly higher returns than savings accounts. These funds are suitable for parking funds temporarily.

Reallocation and Optimization
To optimize your portfolio for better returns and align with your goals, consider the following reallocations:

Reduce Savings Account Holdings:

Rs 12.5 lacs in a savings account is underutilized. Transfer a portion to short-term debt funds or RDs for better returns.

Re-evaluate Fixed Deposits:

While FDs are safe, diversify into debt funds for potentially higher returns without significantly increasing risk.

Increase Equity Exposure:

Given your long-term goals, slightly increasing your equity exposure could enhance overall portfolio returns. Balance this with your risk tolerance.

Regular Monitoring and Adjustments
Investments need regular monitoring. Periodically review your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your goals. Make adjustments based on market conditions and personal financial changes.

Tax Planning
Effective tax planning can enhance your net returns. Ensure you maximize tax-saving investments under Section 80C, 80D, and other relevant sections. Utilize the benefits of tax-efficient investment options.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This fund should be easily accessible, kept in liquid funds or a savings account. It acts as a financial safety net for unforeseen circumstances.

Insurance Planning
Adequate insurance coverage is crucial. Ensure you have sufficient life and health insurance. Avoid investment-cum-insurance plans as they often provide lower returns. Opt for term insurance and separate investments.

Final Insights
You've built a solid foundation for your financial future. With systematic planning and disciplined investing, you can achieve your goals. Regularly review your investments and adjust them as needed to stay on track.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 04, 2024Hindi
Sir, My son studies in VIT Vellore in CSE specializing in AI and Machine Learning. He just finished his first year semester with 8.56 CGPA. Can you please guide how to go further maintaining CGPA and what else to do extra apart from studies to get good placement in companies. He is keen to work in Google. Thank you.
Ans: Some important tips for your Son here to follow: (1) To maintain the same and / or try to increase his CGPA (2) He should start upgrading his skills through NPTEL, Coursera, Internshala, LinkedIn etc. and / or from any other online platforms, recommended by his College Faculties (3) Maintaining a good student-faculty relationship till 4th year (4) Giving more importance to Class Notes and the Reference Books recommended by his Faculties (5) Involving in co-curricular (related to his domain) & extra curricular activities which can be / should be reflected in his Resume (6) Improving his soft skills / communication / presentation skills during the next 3-years which also can be shown in his Resume during his Campus Recruitment Drive (7) Should have a Professional LinkedIn Profile & keep updating them every 3-months (8) Connecting with Professionals of his domain (should not ask for jobs). Not advisable. (9) Put Job Alerts, (related to his domain), in LinkedIn Itself to get notifications to know the Current / Future Job Market Trends and how to upgrade himself accordingly. (10) He also should start RESEARCHING from now, about the Recruiters who visited the Campus during the last 2-3 years, related to his domain, company's Profile, Manpower Strength, Nature of Business / Services Provided etc. This will help him to be more CONFIDENT at the time of Interview in 4th year. I hope I have answered to your question with value additions. All the BEST for Your Son's Bright Future.

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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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