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Dev Ashish  |45 Answers  |Ask -

MF Expert, Financial Planner - Answered on Jun 27, 2024

Dev Ashish is a fee-only SEBI-registered investment advisor with over 15 years of active experience in the stock market. In 2011, he founded StableInvestor, a platform for personal finance and financial planning.
He provides professional fee-only investment advisory services to small and high networth individuals in order to help them achieve their financial goals.
Ashish's views are regularly published in national business publications. He has an MBA degree from NMIMS, Mumbai and also holds an engineering degree.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 27, 2024Hindi

Hello, I am 45 and having 3 kid's with age 17 , 10 and 6 and earn 3lakhs per month n have 8 lakhs home loan. I would like to build a. Corpus of 2 cr plus in next 12 years.. please advise

Ans: Your goal is Rs 2 Cr in the next 12 years. At that point, you will be aged 57 and your kids will be 29, 22 and 18 years old. So from the life stage perspective, it seems that the goal is about saving for retirement and the youngest kid's higher education (aged 18 then). Saying this as, by then oldest and middle kid would have completed their education.

No details of the existing assets have been provided so we will assume that you need to save up Rs 2 Cr in 12 years from scratch.

For this, you will have to start investing at least Rs 52,000 per month starting today and increase the monthly investments by at least 7% each year for the next `12 years (assuming a similar increase in salary). This is assuming a 75:25 Equity:Debt allocation. The good part is that at a monthly income of Rs 3 lakh, doing Rs 52,000 monthly should be fairly comfortable if you arent already doing it.

We don't have information about your risk appetite. But assuming that it is at least moderately aggressive, then, you can start investing in a combination of largecap index funds, flexicap funds, midcap funds.

Dev Ashish,
SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (Fee-Only RIA)
Founder, StableInvestor.com
Twitter (@Stableinvestor)

Note (Disclaimer) - As a SEBI RIA, I cannot comment on specific schemes/funds that are provided or asked for in the questions in the platform. And the views expressed above should not be considered professional investment advice or advertisement or otherwise. No specific product/service recommendations have been made and the answers here are for general educational purposes only. The readers are requested to take into consideration all the risk factors including their financial condition, suitability to risk-return profile and the like and take professional investment advice before investing.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4098 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 26, 2024Hindi
Hello, I am 35 and having 2 kids with an age 4 and 7. I earn 1.3 per month with an home loan of 20 lakhs. I would like to build a corpus of 2 crores in the next 15 years. Please advise.
Ans: Let's break down your financial plan in a clear and structured way. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you build a corpus of Rs 2 crores in the next 15 years:

Current Financial Overview
You earn Rs 1.3 lakhs per month.

You have a home loan of Rs 20 lakhs.

You have two children, aged 4 and 7.

Your primary goal is to build a corpus of Rs 2 crores in 15 years.

Balancing between current expenses, loan repayment, and future goals is crucial.

Your current savings and investments will play a key role in achieving your goal.

Setting Clear Financial Goals
Setting specific financial goals helps in creating a focused plan.

Your primary goal is to accumulate Rs 2 crores in 15 years.

Secondary goals include your children's education and marriage expenses.

Break down your goals into short-term, medium-term, and long-term.

This will help in prioritizing and allocating funds effectively.

Monthly Savings and Investment Strategy
Your monthly income is Rs 1.3 lakhs.

It's essential to allocate a portion of this income towards savings and investments.

Aim to save and invest at least 30% of your income.

This amounts to Rs 39,000 per month.

Distribute these savings across various investment options.

Home Loan Repayment Strategy
You have a home loan of Rs 20 lakhs.

Review the interest rate and tenure of your home loan.

Consider prepaying a part of your loan if possible.

This will reduce your interest burden and loan tenure.

Allocate a part of your savings for loan prepayment.

Ensure it doesn't compromise your investment goals.

Diversified Investment Portfolio
Creating a diversified investment portfolio is crucial.

This reduces risk and maximizes returns.

Consider a mix of equity mutual funds, debt funds, and other options.

Equity mutual funds provide higher returns over the long term.

Debt funds offer stability and lower risk.

Equity Mutual Funds
Investing in equity mutual funds is essential for wealth creation.

They offer higher returns over the long term.

Choose funds with a good track record and performance.

Allocate a significant portion of your savings to equity mutual funds.

Review and rebalance your portfolio periodically.

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt mutual funds provide stability and lower risk.

They are suitable for short to medium-term goals.

Allocate a portion of your savings to debt funds.

This ensures a balanced portfolio.

It also provides liquidity and reduces overall risk.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
SIPs help in disciplined and regular investing.

Investing through SIPs in mutual funds is effective.

It averages out the cost and reduces market volatility impact.

Set up SIPs in both equity and debt mutual funds.

Ensure you invest a fixed amount regularly.

Children's Education and Marriage Fund
Your children’s education and marriage are significant expenses.

Start saving for these goals early.

Consider child plans and education savings plans.

Allocate a part of your savings towards these goals.

Review and adjust your investments as needed.

Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is crucial for unforeseen expenses.

Aim to save at least 6 months’ worth of expenses.

Keep this fund in a liquid and accessible form.

This ensures you don't dip into your investments during emergencies.

Tax Planning
Effective tax planning helps in maximizing your savings.

Invest in tax-saving instruments under Section 80C.

Consider options like PPF, ELSS, and NPS.

These provide tax benefits and help in long-term savings.

Regular Review and Rebalancing
Regularly review your financial plan and investments.

Market conditions and personal circumstances change.

Rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.

Seek advice from a Certified Financial Planner if needed.

Avoiding Common Investment Mistakes
Avoid high-risk and speculative investments.

Don’t chase past performance of funds.

Stay disciplined and stick to your financial plan.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Actively managed funds have professional fund managers.

They aim to outperform the market.

They offer better returns compared to index funds in many cases.

Disadvantages of Index Funds
Index funds simply replicate market indices.

They don't aim to outperform the market.

They may not provide optimal returns in the long term.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct funds require active management and monitoring.

They may not suit everyone, especially those with limited time and knowledge.

Investing through a CFP provides professional guidance and support.

Regular Funds and Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Investing through regular funds with a CFP adds value.

CFPs offer personalized advice and expertise.

They help in creating and managing a well-diversified portfolio.

Financial Discipline and Consistency
Financial discipline is key to achieving your goals.

Stick to your savings and investment plan.

Avoid unnecessary expenses and lifestyle inflation.

Consistency in investing will yield significant results over time.

Future Financial Security
Building a corpus of Rs 2 crores provides financial security.

It ensures a comfortable retirement and meets future expenses.

Stay focused and committed to your financial goals.

Monitoring Your Progress
Regularly monitor your investment performance.

Adjust your strategy if needed.

Stay informed about market trends and opportunities.

Leveraging Professional Advice
Seek professional advice from a Certified Financial Planner.

They provide valuable insights and expertise.

They help in creating a tailored financial plan.

Final Insights
Building a corpus of Rs 2 crores in 15 years is achievable.

It requires disciplined saving, investing, and planning.

Diversify your investments and seek professional advice.

Stay focused on your goals and review your progress regularly.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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