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Rakesh Kaul  | Answer  |Ask -

Answered on Jan 18, 2022

Karuna Question by Karuna on Jan 18, 2022Hindi

My Health insurance policy waiting period 36 months. I declared pre-existing disease BP and Sugar. Now doctor suggested Aortic Valve replacement for heart which involves substantial amount. If I go for it whether my claim will be considered for settlement or it will be rejected because I have pre-existing BP and Sugar. Please advise me.

Ans:  Coverage pertaining to Aortic Valve Replacement for the Heart will depend on the nature and duration of the illness. Your insurance company will ideally seek clarification on the cause and duration of the illness. Basis the medical documents you submit at the time of claim, if it is observed that your medical condition is not a pre-existing one, nor an effect of Hypertension, then your claim should be considered.

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Sanjib Jha  | Answer  |Ask -

Insurance Expert - Answered on Jun 21, 2022

Dear Sir, Greetings of the day. I have got a health insurance of family floater type from Tata AIG for a sum of four lakhs. Recently, I got hospitalised and full four lakhs was paid by Tata Aig. But my hospital bill was six lakhs and sixty two thousand. So there was a shortfall of two lakhs sixty-two thousands. I have an Aditya Birla health Policy of family floater type for 45 lakhs. But it will come in to effect after 5 lakhs expenditure. So I myself paid one lakh from my pocket. And for rest one lakh sixty two thousand only I applied for cashless to Aditya Birla .But they denied it. Finally I paid that amount myself and came home. Afterwards I kept continuous follow up with them. Reconsideration and reminder letter was sent by TPA and Treating doctor. But again it was rejected. Now Aditya Birla employee is saying apply for reimbursement. When Tata Aig is clearing full amount, how come Aditya Birla is denying it? And how can I bridge the gap one lakh between two policies? Tata Aig says you have taken full claim so we cannot make your limit from four to five lakhs this year. Pls advise suitably. Best Wishes
Ans: Hi Mr. Tripathi, greetings to you. To answer your first question as to why Aditya Birla won’t provide you with cashless claim as opposed to TATA AIG is because the policy you bought from Aditya Birla is a ‘Super top up plan’ which basically means it is an addition to your base policy which in your case is your TATA AIG policy.

Super top up policies do not offer cashless claims but only provide reimbursements.

The one lakh gap, unfortunately, cannot be filled at this point. However, while renewing your policy you can opt for increased sum insured with TATA AIG. The insurer will ask you a set of questions and schedule medicals to analyse your risk profile. Post that based on your reports, the insurer will take a decision on increasing the limit.   

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 12, 2024Hindi
iam holding a health insurance policy from bajaj for 15 lakhs. iam told that one has to disclose ailments if any, while taking policy. i was suffering from high bp when i took policy, but do not remember whether the same had been dic sclosed or not at the time of taking policy. the policy is more than 3 years old, and no claim has been made under this. will in the future my claim for any heart related ailements that i might suffer , gets rejecte by company on grounds that bp was not disclosed while taking policy. 12.03.2024
Ans: It's essential to be transparent about pre-existing conditions like high blood pressure (BP) when applying for a health insurance policy. While I can't provide a definitive answer without reviewing your policy documents and the specific terms and conditions, here's some guidance:

Review Policy Documents: Take some time to carefully review your health insurance policy documents. Look for any clauses related to non-disclosure of pre-existing conditions at the time of policy issuance.

Contact the Insurer: If you're unsure whether you disclosed your high BP when taking the policy, consider reaching out to the insurance company directly. They can provide clarity on the information provided during the application process.

Grace Period: Since your policy is more than 3 years old and you haven't made any claims, it's possible that any non-disclosure issues may be considered lapsed due to the grace period typically provided by insurers.

Future Claims: In the event that you develop heart-related ailments in the future, the insurance company may investigate whether the non-disclosure of high BP was intentional or unintentional. If it's determined that the non-disclosure didn't affect the underwriting decision or the terms of the policy, your claim may still be honored.

Seek Professional Advice: If you're concerned about the potential impact of non-disclosure on future claims, consider consulting with a legal or insurance expert who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation and policy terms.

Ultimately, it's crucial to maintain transparency with your insurer and ensure that all relevant information, including pre-existing conditions, is disclosed at the time of policy application to avoid any complications during claim processing.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Hi team, I have a health insurance since 2011. No claims as of now. I don't have BP or Diabetes as of now. the insurance company is NIA. What if in due course of time i develop some lifestyle ailment like BP or diabetes and it goes unchecked. will it affect my claims after that?
Ans: That's a great question! It's fantastic that you've been proactive with your health and maintained good health so far. Let's break down how pre-existing conditions and health insurance claims work:

No Claims and Pre-existing Conditions:

Good news! Having no claims history generally looks good to insurance companies. It shows you've been responsible with your health.
Pre-existing conditions are medical conditions you have before buying health insurance. These might affect your coverage or premiums in the future.
Lifestyle Ailments and Claims:

Lifestyle diseases like BP and diabetes can develop over time. If they go unchecked, they might become pre-existing conditions.
The impact on claims depends on your specific policy and when the condition developed. Some plans have waiting periods for pre-existing conditions. This means you might have to wait a certain time before coverage kicks in for those conditions.
Here's what you can do:

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: This is key! Keep up the good work by eating healthy, exercising, and getting regular checkups.
Review your Policy Wording: Look at the section on pre-existing conditions and waiting periods. If unsure, call your NIA customer service for clarification.
Talk to a CFP Professional: A Certified Financial Planner can help you review your health insurance coverage and see if it aligns with your future health needs.
Remember: Early detection and management of lifestyle diseases can make a big difference. Taking care of your health now can benefit you in the long run, both physically and financially.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 24, 2024Hindi
Hello sir, my age is 40 yrs currently unmarried. Recently, I had to undergo a renal transplant surgery since I was suffering from AKD (Acute Kidney Disorder) in Bangalore. I was on dialysis for last one and half yrs and moved to bangalore just for the surgery. It went well and now I am on the road to recovery.We had a health insurance policy by manipal cigna company (medi-assist) which ensured that every expenses was met through reimbursement like dialysis expenses, OPD chgs, pharmacy bills etc. We were satisfied with the services of the health insurance provider. My question here is that can I take any more health insurance policy now (may be from a different company) for my future medical expenses which might occur in future (considering I am pretty young right now and single too). What premium do I need to pay for that? Will it be increased premium or the same normal premium. I might not use the health cover for my renal disease now but as a safeguard for the future diseases which may come up.(considering I will get married and have a family too in future). Will my kidney surgery have any impact on the future health cover or not? Kindly advise.
Ans: I'm glad to hear your surgery went well, and you're on the road to recovery. Considering your situation, it’s important to secure your health insurance needs for the future. Let’s break down your questions and concerns regarding taking an additional health insurance policy.

Can You Take Another Health Insurance Policy?
Yes, you can take another health insurance policy from a different company. However, your recent medical history, including the renal transplant surgery, will impact your new policy's terms and premiums.

Impact of Renal Transplant on New Policy
Pre-Existing Conditions: Your kidney surgery will be considered a pre-existing condition. Most insurers have a waiting period for covering pre-existing conditions, ranging from two to four years. It’s crucial to check the specifics with any new insurer.

Medical Underwriting: Given your recent medical history, the insurer may require detailed medical underwriting. They may request your medical records and possibly a medical examination to assess your current health status.

Premium Considerations
Increased Premiums: Due to your pre-existing condition, new health insurance policies are likely to come with increased premiums. The exact amount will depend on the insurer's assessment of your health risk.

Loading Charges: Some insurers might add a loading charge to your premium, which is an additional cost to cover the higher risk associated with your medical history.

Types of Policies to Consider
Individual Health Plans: These provide coverage for a single person. Given your situation, ensure the plan offers extensive coverage, including post-operative care and critical illness coverage.

Family Floater Plans: These plans cover multiple family members under a single sum insured. They might be a good option if you plan to get married and start a family in the near future.

Critical Illness Plans: These plans provide a lump sum amount upon diagnosis of specified critical illnesses, including kidney-related issues. It can be a supplementary policy to your primary health insurance.

Steps to Take
Research and Compare: Compare policies from different insurers. Look for policies with comprehensive coverage and a reasonable waiting period for pre-existing conditions.

Consult Insurers: Speak directly with insurance representatives. Explain your medical history and get clear information on how it will affect your premiums and coverage.

Read Policy Documents: Carefully read the policy documents, especially the sections on pre-existing conditions, waiting periods, exclusions, and premium loading.

Consider Riders: Look for riders or add-ons that can enhance your coverage, such as critical illness riders, hospital cash, and personal accident covers.

Consulting a Certified Financial Planner
Given the complexities of your medical history and future health needs, consulting with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can be very beneficial. A CFP can help you understand the nuances of different policies, assess your long-term financial needs, and recommend the best health insurance options tailored to your situation.

You’ve shown great foresight in considering additional health insurance despite your recent surgery. Ensuring your future medical needs are covered demonstrates a strong commitment to your long-term well-being. Your proactive approach to securing your health is commendable and shows a responsible attitude towards managing potential future risks.

Final Insights
Securing an additional health insurance policy is a wise move, especially considering your recent medical history and future plans. While premiums might be higher due to your pre-existing condition, thorough research and consulting with professionals can help you find the best policy for your needs. Remember to compare different plans, understand the terms, and choose a policy that offers comprehensive coverage and aligns with your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Krishna Kumar  |358 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Jul 26, 2024

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